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My Cell Organelles Booklet

Prepared by: Abdullah Jaber

1) Nucleus

• Description: Is the largest organelle inside

most eukaryotic cells.
• Function: It directs cell activites and contains
genetic information stored in DNA .
• Analogy: School Principal directs the teachers
in a school.
2) Mitochondrion

• Description: Is surrounded by two membranes

• Function: Cells process some energy in
specialized organelles
• Analogy: staaf
3) Chloroplasts
• Description: Membrane-bound organelles.
• Function: Uses light energy to make food - a suger cold
glucose – from water and carbon dioxide in a process
known as photosynthesis.
• Analogy: cafeteria
4)Golgi apparatus
• Description: Near the ER and
looks like a stack of pancakes.
• Function: It prepares proteins
for their specific jobs or
functions. Then it packages the
proteins into tiny, membrane-
bound, ball-like structers called
• Anology: School bus
Fill in the blanks ( /4)
Chloroplasts, Golgi appearates, nucleus, Mitochondrion

1) ______ is the part of a eukaryotic cell that directs cell

activites and contains genetic information stored in DNA.

2) Most eukaryotic cells contain hundreds of organelles ____

3) ________ are membrane bound organelles

4) Near the ER is an organelle that looks like a stack of

pancakes ______

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