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BI108 Centers and Regional Campuse Students


Activity Handout & Report Writing Guidelines for A ‘Garden Visit’ (10%cw)

By the end of this Garden Visit Activity, you should be able to:
1. to view animals in their natural environment.
2. to identify adaptive features of various animals.
3. to collect and sort animals into phyla, class etc
Alternatively you may visit nearby small crick or for outer island students visit your house
backyard or village park.

Activity: Compulsory for all students. Follow following steps for this activity
 Visit your home or village garden or home back yard or Emalus campus.
 If your classmate is close by, you can work together but make sure report to be submitted
 Look for the animals. If possible collect in small plastic bag. Do not get side tracked by
any large animal e.g. large crabs or snake
 Identify them into phylum, subphylum, class and write biological names
 You need to enter any five animals from different phyla (such as Annelida, Mollusca,
Arthropoda, Chordata etc).
 Construct a large table from the information shown below for this activity for submission.
o Construct a table (as shown below) showing the major type of adaptations to the
environment, with lists of associated animals. (This table is also posted on
Table Taxon Sketch and Abundance Microhabitat Notes
Phyla/Class / Description Rare / common E.g. behavioural
Family / / abundant adaptations

1 (Field Trip BI108)

Essay/report writing guidelines & submission:
Write your report with following sub-headings:
Student name: ID: center/campus:

A. Purpose of this visit

B. Site (location) & date including time of the day
C. Main text
Write in detail what exactly you did during this field visit. It should answer following
 How did you locate, identify animals?
 How many animals did you manage to observe & identify? What were they? Were you
able to classify into Phylum, Subphylum, Class etc? What were their natural habitats?
Indicate their behaviours such as feeding, movement.
 You may observe and write as many animals you can in your report write up but to
complete the given result sheet, collect only five animals from different phyla/classes.
 Any other aspect(s) you think observed and relevant during field visit. (read field trip
handout posted on Moodle)

D. Conclusion- Include ‘what did you learn from this activity?’ You could also mention about
difficulties/challenges faced during this activity.

 Your essay should be about 1000 words or maximum 2 pages (word processed, Times
Roman font, size 12, single side, 1.5 line spacing, A4, B/W print).
 In your write up double check for any error. Correct all grammatical and typographical
errors before submission.
 You may use different animal pictures taken during field visit. Do not include animal
pictures from web sites. Use original pictures snapped by you.
 Any attempt to plagiarize will be dealt with disciplinary action.

2 (Field Trip BI108)

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