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Possible Activities with Tarsia Cards

Activity 1: finding the vocab (In pairs or groups of 3 or 4)

Students match-up the English Expressions to the corresponding French to produce the Tarsia Wheel.
Support: Dictionaries can be put on the desks for students to find the translation of unknown

Activity 2: correction and pronunciation (Whole class)

Picking one of the label as a starting point, ask a student to give the English word and Teacher gives
the French equivalent to show the correct answer and model pronunciation. Students repeat the
French word after the teacher before the next student gives the following English word.

Activity 3: Recognising vocab (whole class)

Ask your students to point at/ put their finger on the correct label when you give the French word (or
the correct French word when you give the English equivalent)

Activity 4: Vocab recall (in pairs or groups of 3 or 4)

Ask your students to turn a label face down every other label. They can then go through the wheel
again and try to recall either the French or the English equivalent, which is hidden. They can get up to
3 sneak-peaks.

Activity 5: Vocab recall and pronunciation practice (groups of 3 or 4)

Ask your students to mix all the labels again and then split the labels between them (8 each in groups
of 3 ; 6 in groups of 4). Tell them to have their labels spread out in front of them. Decide on a label as a
starting point. Whoever has that label will start the vocab chain by giving the English from the label.
Whoever has the French equivalent of that word will say it out loud, then give the English from that
same label. Students continue doing this until all the words have been said.

Activity 6: spacing (whole class)

The following lesson, do a vocab chain (same as above) but with all the students in your class. (This
activity only works if you have 24 students or less in your class).

Other possible activities depending on the cards:

Using the French side of the labels only:

• Categorise into groups: advantages Vs inconvenient/ Verbs Vs nouns Vs adjectives

• Rank: in order of importance / use

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