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Basic Science Articles

Functional Analysis of NBC1 Mutants Associated with

Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis and Ocular Abnormalities
Shoko Horita,* Hideomi Yamada,* Jun Inatomi,† Nobuo Moriyama,‡ Takashi Sekine,†
Takashi Igarashi,† Yoko Endo,* Majed Dasouki,§ Mesiha Ekim,储 Lihadh Al-Gazali,¶
Mitsunobu Shimadzu,# George Seki,* and Toshiro Fujita*
Departments of *Internal Medicine and †Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan; ‡Department
of Experimental Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fukuoka Prefectural University, Fukuoka, Japan; §Genetics Department,
Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri; 储Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara University School of
Medicine, Ankara, Turkey; ¶Clinical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, United Arab Emirates
University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates; and #Department of Genetics, Mitsubishi Yuka Bio-Clinical Laboratories
Inc., Tokyo, Japan

Mutations in the Naⴙ-HCO3ⴚ co-transporter (NBC1) cause permanent proximal renal tubular acidosis (pRTA) with ocular
abnormalities. However, little has been known about the relationship between the degree of NBC1 inactivation and the
severity of pRTA. This study identified three new homozygous mutations (T485S, A799V, and R881C) in the common coding
regions of NBC1. Functional analysis of these new as well as the known mutants (R298S and R510H) in Xenopus oocytes
revealed a considerable variation in their electrogenic activities. Whereas the activities of R298S, A799V, and R881C were 15
to 40% of the wild-type (WT) activity, T485S and R510H, as a result of poor surface expression, showed almost no activities.
However, T485S, like R510H, had the transport activity corresponding to approximately 50% of the WT activity in ECV304
cells, indicating that surface expression of T485S and R510H varies between the different in vitro cell systems. Electrophysi-
ologic analysis showed that WT, R298S, and R881C all function with 2HCO3ⴚ to 1Naⴙ stoichiometry and have similar
extracellular Naⴙ affinity, indicating that reduction in Naⴙ affinity cannot explain the inactivation of R298S and R881C. These
results, together with the presence of nonfunctional mutants (Q29X and 2311‚A) in other patients, suggest that at least
approximately 50% reduction of NBC1 activity would be required to cause severe pRTA.
J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2004080667

he Na⫹-HCO3⫺ co-transporter (NBC1) has multiple

How effectively such compensatory mechanism works in hu-
functions (1,2). Whereas the kidney-type transporter man, however, is largely unknown. In addition, the effects of
(kNBC1) plays an essential role in bicarbonate absorp- individual mutations on the transport properties of NBC1 have
tion from renal proximal tubules, the pancreatic-type trans- not been investigated intensively. These issues would be im-
porter (pNBC1) is involved in bicarbonate secretion from pan- portant to clarify further the molecular mechanism of pRTA as
creatic duct cells (3– 6). We showed recently that mutations in well as the physiologic roles of NBC1. In our study, we iden-
NBC1 cause proximal renal tubular acidosis (pRTA) with ocu- tified three new missense mutations in kNBC1 from patients
lar abnormalities (7–9). Because NBC1 is widely expressed in with pRTA and ocular abnormalities. The functional analysis of
several ocular tissues (10), its inactivation may potentially ex- these new as well as the known mutants was performed in
plain the occurrence of ocular abnormalities. However, only a Xenopus oocytes and cultured cells.
limited number of NBC1 mutations have been identified so far
(7–9,11–13), and several important questions remain unan-
swered. For example, the exact relationship between the degree Materials and Methods
of NBC1 inactivation and the severity of pRTA has not been
Patient 1 (T485S) is a boy from consanguineous parents. He had a
established. A study in NHE3-deficient mice suggests that acid
history of failure to thrive and received a diagnosis of severe pRTA and
secretion from distal tubules is greatly enhanced in pRTA (14). band keratopathy at 2 yr of age. At 3 yr of age, his height (90 cm) and
weight (11.8 kg) both were less than the third percentile. BP was 79/49
mmHg. Bilateral corneas were cloudy, and a red reflex was bilaterally
Received August 13, 2004. Accepted April 28, 2005. absent, suggesting the presence of cataracts. Bone survey was normal
Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at with no evidence of rickets. While he was taking sodium bicarbonate
(9.75 g/d), serum analysis revealed Na⫹ 140 mEq/L, K⫹ 3.8 mEq/L,
Address correspondence to: Dr. George Seki, Department of Internal Medicine,
Cl⫺ 116 mEq/L, creatinine 0.5 mg/dl, and HCO3⫺ 13 mmol/L. He had
Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033,
Japan. Phone: ⫹81-3-3815-5411; Fax: ⫹81-3-5800-8806; E-mail: georgeseki-tky@ a thyroid function test that was initially suggestive of mild hypothy- roidism. However, during the follow-up, thyroid function tests were

Copyright © 2005 by the American Society of Nephrology ISSN: 1046-6673/1608-2270

J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005 NBC1 Mutations and pRTA 2271

within normal limits. Liver function tests and renal ultrasound were Electrophysiologic Analysis
normal. Generalized aminoaciduria was not detected, and serum amy- To determine the transport activity of NBC1, we analyzed at least
lase was not measured. three batches of oocytes from different Xenopus, and WT and mutants
Patient 2 (A799V) is a girl from consanguineous healthy parents, and were analyzed on the same days. Electrophysiologic studies were per-
her clinical symptoms were previously reported (15). In brief, she formed as described (9). In brief, an oocyte was placed in a perfusion
received a diagnosis of motor and mental retardation at the age of 4 yr. chamber and superfused with a solution at a rate of approximately 4
At the age of 14 yr, her height (130 cm) and weight (28 kg) both were ml/min. Nominally HCO3-free ND96 solution contained (in mM) 96
less than the third percentile. Bilateral band keratopathy, cataracts, and NaCl, 2 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 1.8 CaCl2, and 5 mM HEPES at a pH of 7.4.
glaucoma were observed in the eye examination. Biochemical investi- HCO3⫺-containing solution was prepared by replacing 30 mM NaCl
gation revealed the presence of severe pRTA. Rickets, osteosclerosis, with 30 mM NaHCO3 in ND96 and was equilibrated with 5% CO2 in
and nephrocalcinosis were not detected. Serum and blood gas analysis oxygen (pH 7.4). For Na⫹-free HCO3 solution, Na⫹ was substituted by
was as follows: Na⫹ 135 mEq/L, K⫹ 1.6 mEq/L, Cl⫺ 115 mEq/L, equimolar concentrations of either N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG⫹)
creatinine 0.6 mg/dl, magnesium 2.5 mg/dl, calcium 9.1 mg/dl, inor- or choline. Solutions with different concentrations of Na⫹ were pre-
ganic phosphorous 4.2 mg/dl, pH 7.143, HCO3⫺ 6.3 mmol/L, and pared by mixing HCO3⫺-containing solution and Na⫹-free HCO3⫺
pCO2 24 mmHg. Urinary protein, glucose, phosphate, and calcium solution. Solution that contained 15 mM NaHCO3 (pH 7.1, for half
levels were within normal limits, and aminoaciduria was not detected. reduction of HCO3⫺) was prepared by mixing ND96 solution and
Serum amylase was not measured. When the metabolic acidosis was HCO3⫺-containing solution. The membrane potential (Vm) was mea-
severe (pH 7.13, HCO3⫺ 3.6 mmol/L), the urine pH was 5.5. sured by a microelectrode, and a two-electrode voltage clamp method
Patient 3 (R881C) is a girl from consanguineous parents; their parents was used to measure the kNBC1-mediated current with a model CEZ-
are first-degree cousins. She was delivered after a normal pregnancy 1200 dual-electrode voltage clamp amplifier (Nihon Kohden, Tokyo,
but had developmental delay. At the age of 12 yr, her height (130 cm) Japan) and a Duo773 (WPI, Sarasota, FL) amplifier, controlled by the
was less than the third percentile. She was operated on for glaucoma Clampex module of pCLAMP software (Axon Instruments, Foster City,
and cataracts and had severe pRTA. Serum and blood gas analysis CA,). To monitor the NBC1 currents induced by solution changes from
revealed Na⫹ 141 mEq/L, K⫹ 2.55 mEq/L, Cl⫺ 108 mEq/L, creatinine ND96 to HCO3⫺-containing solution, we set a holding potential to ⫺25
0.6 mg/dl, pH 7.142, HCO3⫺ 10.6 mmol/L, and pCO2 25.7 mmHg. mV, because the baseline current was minimal at this voltage when
Serum amylase was significantly elevated to 355 IU/L (normal range 25 oocytes were bathed in ND96 solution.
to 125). There was no glucosuria, but aminoaciduria was not tested. To obtain the current/voltage (I/V) relationship of NBC1 currents,
we set a holding potential to ⫺60 mV. First, oocytes were bathed in
ND96, then solution was changed to HCO3⫺-containing solution. Dur-
Genetic Analysis of pRTA Patients ing the subsequent 4 to 5 min, two to three pulse trains were applied
After full informed consent was obtained, RNA was extracted from between Vm ⫽ ⫺160 and 60 mV (in steps of 20 mV) with a pulse
the peripheral blood cells of the patients and their parents, and se- duration of 100 ms, and the obtained data were averaged. Thereafter,
quence analysis of kNBC1 cDNA was performed as described previ- 0.4 mM 4, 4⬘-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2, 2⬘-disulphonic acid (DIDS;
ously (8). The sequence analysis of entire kNBC1 cDNA of the patients Sigma, St. Louis, MO) were applied, and the NBC1 currents were
revealed three different homozygous mutations as follows. In patient 1 determined from the difference between the I/V relationship in the
(T485S), A to T transversion at nucleotide 1602 was found, resulting in presence and absence of DIDS as described (16).
a change from tyrosine (T) to serine (S) at codon 485. In patient 2 For determining the apparent Na⫹ affinity, extracellular Na⫹ con-
(A799V), C to T transversion at nucleotide 2545 was found, resulting in centrations were sequentially reduced from 96 to 48, 24, 12, and 0 mM,
a change from alanine (A) to valine (V) at codon 799. In patient 3 while the NBC1 current was monitored continuously as reported (17).
(R881C), C to T transversion at nucleotide 2790 was found, resulting in The current at 0 mM Na⫹ was subtracted from the raw data to obtain
a change from arginine (R) to cysteine (C) at codon 881. Genomic DNA the corrected currents at the individual Na⫹ concentrations. Damping
sequencing, determined as described previously (8), confirmed that all Gauss Newton Method was used to fit data into the Michaelis-Menten
of the patients are homozygous and that the parents are heterozygous equation as described (18).
for their respective mutations. To determine the transport stoichiometries of electrogenic Na⫹-
HCO3⫺ co-transporter, we used membrane diffusion potentials in re-
sponse to sudden changes in Na⫹ or HCO3⫺ concentrations. As dis-
Mutagenesis and Oocyte Preparation cussed previously (19), zero-current membrane potentials (⌬V)I ⫽ 0 are
The wild-type (WT) human kNBC1-cDNA construct as well as R298S described as follows:
and R510H mutants were subcloned into an expression vector

pcDNA3.1 as described (9). The mutants A799V and T485S were pro- k
1 ti
duced by QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, La (⌬V)I ⫽ 0⫽⫺ ⌬␮i (1)
F Zi
Jolla, CA). The mutant R881C was produced by GeneEditor in vitro
Site-Directed Mutagenesis System (Promega, Madison, WI). Incorpora-
tion of these mutations was verified by DNA sequencing. Capped RNA where I is the applied current, ⌬␮i is the chemical potential differences
were synthesized using the linearized cDNA templates and the mMES- of ions i ⫽ 1, , , , , k across a membrane, and F and zi are Farady constant
SAGE mMACHINE high-yield Capped RNA Transcription kit (Am- and valence, and ti is the transference number defined as charge carried
bion, Austin, TX). Oocytes were removed from Xenopus laevis and with the net flux of ion i (Ji) in relation to total current (I):
dissociated with collagenase as described previously (9) and were

injected with 50 nl of the WT, each mutant kNBC1 cRNA (0.1 g/L each), k
or water. Electrophysiologic studies were performed 3 to 5 d after ti ⫽ with ti ⫽ 1 (2)
injection. t⫽1
2272 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005

We consider now that a membrane contains an obligatory flux coupling that contained (in mM) 144 Na⫹, 5 K⫹, 5 Ca2⫹, 1 Mg2⫹, 132 gluconate⫺,
mechanism for one univalent cation (⫹) and anion (⫺) with the stoi- 2 H2PO4⫺, 1 SO42⫺, 25 HCO3⫺, and 5.5 glucose equilibrated with 5%
chiometric ratio q: CO2 in oxygen (pH 7.4). Thereafter, pHi measurement was started with
a microscopic fluorescence photometry system (OSP-10). We used 10
J⫺ ␮M nigericin to acidify the cells. This method has been shown to induce
q ⫽ (3)
J⫹ a more stable and predictable acidification than the NH4Cl-pulse tech-
nique, especially in Cl⫺-free solution (6,7). Because Na⫹/H⫹ exchange
From equations (1), (2), and (3), we obtain
activity assayed by the nigericin acidification was identical to that
1 q assayed by the NH4Cl-pulse technique (6,7), the problem of proton leak
t⫹ ⫽ and t⫺ ⫽ (4)
1⫺q q⫺1 that might be caused by residual nigericin has been shown to be
minimal, if any, in our system. After cell acidification by nigericin, the
From these equations, we can predict that the negative ratio of the coverslip was superfused with Na⫹-free, Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution
transference numbers equals the stoichiometric ratio: without nigericin (Na⫹ was replaced with equimolar concentrations of
NMDG⫹). Thereafter, pHi recovery was induced by Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺
q ⫽ ⫺ (5) solution that contained 1 mM amiloride that completely inhibits an
endogenous Na⫹/H⫹ exchanger (6,7).
We computed HCO3⫺ fluxes as the product of rate of pHi recovery
Immunofluorescence Analysis and total intracellular buffer capacity (␤T). ␤T is the sum of the buffer
To examine the surface expression of WT and mutants, we performed capacity as a result of CO2/HCO3⫺ (␤HCO3⫺) and intrinsic buffer ca-
the immunofluorescence analysis as described previously (9). In brief, 3 pacity (␤I). We computed the theoretical ␤HCO3⫺ as 2.3 ⫻ [HCO3⫺]. To
to 4 d after injection of cRNA, the vitelline membranes were removed determine ␤I, we measured the pHi increase induced by increasing the
carefully, and oocytes were fixed with buffered 4% paraformaldehyde extracellular concentrations of the weak base NH3 as described (21). In
and incubated as a whole with the diluted (1:200) anti-kNBC1 antibody brief, the cells were superfused with HEPES-buffered standard solution
that was raised against the N-terminal region (amino acids 4 to 16) of that contained (in mM) 144 Na⫹, 5 K⫹, 5 Ca2⫹, 1 Mg2⫹, 137 Cl⫺, 2
kNBC1 (10). The oocytes subsequently were incubated with the mixture H2PO4⫺, 1 SO42⫺, 25 HCO3⫺, and 5.5 glucose. The cells were acid-
of Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H ⫹ L; Molecular Probes, loaded using a solution that contained 20 mM NH3/NH4⫹ (pH 7.4).
Eugene, OR) and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-conjugated Washout of NH3/NH4⫹ typically decreased pHi to approximately 6.4.
wheat germ agglutinin for labeling of the plasma membrane (EY Lab- Thereafter, the cells were exposed sequentially to solutions that con-
oratories Inc., San Mateo, CA). Five oocytes for each group then were tained 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 mM NH3/NH4⫹ in the presence of 1 mM
observed with a confocal laser scanning microscope (Radiance 2100/ amiloride. Because the dissociation constant (pKa) for NH4⫹ is approx-
K-2; Japan Bio-Rad Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan). imately 8.9 at 37°C, the calculated concentrations of NH3 of these
solutions are 31, 77, 153, and 307 ␮M, respectively.
Cell pH Measurement in Oocytes
Cell pH (pHi) in oocytes was measured with pH-sensitive dye Western Blot Analysis
bis(carboxyethyl)carboxyfluorescein (BCECF; Molecular Probes). Four Membrane-enriched fractions were collected from oocytes and
to 5 d after cRNA injection, oocytes were incubated with 20 ␮M ECV304 cells as described (6,9). After being dissolved in a sample-
acetoxymethylester form of BCECF for 20 to 30 min, then transferred to loading buffer that contained 2% SDS, the protein samples were sepa-
a perfusion chamber mounted on an inverted microscope (IMT-2; rated by SDS-PAGE on 7% acrylamide minigels and transferred to a
Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) and were superfused with ND96 solution at a nitrocellulose membrane. After incubation in a blocking buffer, the
rate of approximately 4 ml/min. pHi was measured with a microscopic membrane was treated with the diluted anti-NBC1 antibody that was
fluorescence photometry system (OSP-10; Olympus) at room tempera- raised against the C-terminal region (amino acids 928 to 1035) of
ture as described (10). The intracellular dye was alternatively exited at kNBC1 (Chemicon, Temecula, CA) or the anti-kNBC1 antibody (10)
two wavelengths (440 and 490 nm), and emission was measured at a and then with horseradish peroxidase– conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (Bio-
wavelength of 530 nm. Autofluorescence of oocytes was measured at Rad, Richmond, CA) as the secondary antibody. The signal was de-
the beginning of an experimental day, and these values were subtracted tected by an ECL Plus system (Amersham, Aylesbury, UK).
from the raw data. To obtain the calibration curve for pHi, we exposed
oocytes to HEPES-buffered solution that contained 90 mM K⫹ and 40 Statistical Analyses
␮M nigericin. Solution pH was adjusted at the different levels (from 6.4 The data were represented as mean ⫾ SEM. Significant differences
to 7.8) with 1 N NaOH, whereas Na⫹ concentration in solution was were determined by applying the paired or unpaired t test as appro-
kept at 10 mM. For measuring NBC1 activity, solution was switched priate.
from nominally HCO3-free ND96 solution to HCO3⫺-containing solu-
tion equilibrated with 5% CO2 in oxygen. NBC1 activity was measured
as the rate of pHi recovery from acidification as described (20).
Activities of WT and Mutants in Oocytes
We first performed the electrophysiologic analysis in oocytes.
Functional Analysis in ECV304 Cells
In addition to the three new mutants (T485S, A799V, and
Functional analysis of NBC1 activity in ECV304 cells was performed
R881C) identified in our study, we examined the known mu-
as described previously (6,7). In brief, cells were seeded onto coverslips
and transfected with WT or T485S using LipofectAMINE 2000 (Life tants (R298S and R510H), because their transport activities were
Technologies Inc., Grand Island, NY) according to the manufacturer’s previously analyzed in the cultured cell system (7). As shown
instruction. Two days after transfection, pHi measurement was per- in Figure 1, the addition of HCO3⫺/CO2 in oocytes that were
formed with BCECF at 37°C. The coverslip was superfused for 30 min injected with WT induced a large hyperpolarization, consistent
at approximately 5 ml/min with prewarmed Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution with the transport activity of NBC1 (9,17), but the hyperpolar-
J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005 NBC1 Mutations and pRTA 2273

Figure 1. Changes in membrane potential (Vm) in response to

solution change from ND96 to HCO3⫺-containing solution.
Typical traces are shown for an oocyte that was injected with
H2O (Cont), R298S mutant (R298S), or wild-type kNBC1 (WT).
Note that hyperpolarization is slightly smaller in R298S than in

ization in R298S was slightly less than that in WT. Most of the
mutants showed significant hyperpolarization in response to
HCO3⫺/CO2, and the average responses (n ⫽ 8 for each) were
⫺61.1 ⫾ 2.2 mV (R298S), ⫺24.4 ⫾ 2.4 mV (R510H), ⫺40.1 ⫾ 8.1 Figure 2. (A) NBC1-mediated currents of WT and mutants
mV (A799V), and ⫺59.5 ⫾ 4.1 mV (R881C). However, these (R298S, R510H, A799V, and R881C) in oocytes. Influxes of
anion charges into oocytes, induced by solution change from
changes were significantly (P ⬍ 0.05) smaller than that in WT
ND-96 to HCO3⫺-containing solution, were determined by the
(⫺88.1 ⫾ 4.7 mV; n ⫽ 10). By contrast, Vm change in T485S
two-electrode voltage clamp method at a holding potential of
(⫺3.8 ⫾ 0.8 mV; n ⫽ 8) was not statistically different from that ⫺25 mV. Numbers of observation were 10 for WT and eight for
in control oocytes that were injected with H2O (⫺3.9 ⫾ 0.7 mV; each mutant. *P ⬍ 0.01 versus WT. (B) Current/voltage (I/V)
n ⫽ 8). A small hyperpolarization in response to HCO3⫺/CO2, relationship of WT, R298S, R881C, and control (Cont). Step
observed in control oocytes in this series, was not constantly pulses between Vm ⫽ ⫺160 and 60 mV were applied in the
observed in other series of experiments and might reflect some presence and the absence of 4, 4⬘-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,
variations of oocytes conditions. 2⬘-disulphonic acid (DIDS; 0.4 mM). Numbers of observation
To determine the relative activities of mutants, we performed were six for WT and four for R298S, R881C, and Cont.
the two-electrode voltage clamp experiments. In WT but not in
control oocytes that were injected with H2O, the addition of
HCO3⫺/CO2 induced a large negative charge influx into oo- whereas T485S showed no currents at all in the entire voltage
cytes (0.40 ⫾ 0.06 ␮A; n ⫽ 10), which originates from NBC1 range (data not shown).
(9,17). As summarized in Figure 2A, the NBC1 currents, deter-
mined at a holding potential of ⫺25 mV, were significantly Surface Expression in Oocytes
reduced in all of the mutants. The relative activities of R298S, To examine the surface expression of NBC1, we performed
R510H, A799V, and R881C, calculated by the mean currents, immunofluorescence analysis. As shown in Figure 3, an intense
were 41 ⫾ 3, 4 ⫾ 0.4, 14 ⫾ 2, and 39 ⫾ 4% of the WT activity, surface labeling of NBC1 was detected in WT, R298S, A799V,
respectively. However, T485S showed no current (n ⫽ 8), con- and R881C. However, only a faint patchy labeling was detected
firming the results of Vm measurement. in T485S and R510H. To obtain a more quantitative estimate of
To compare further the activities of WT and mutants, we the protein expression, we performed Western blot analysis
determined the I/V relationship by applying step pulses be- using the membrane-enriched fractions. As shown in Figure 4,
tween Vm ⫽ ⫺160 and 60 mV. As shown in Figure 2B, the I/V a prominent band of approximately 135 kD, corresponding to
relationship of WT, determined as the difference between the the full-length NBC1 (9), was detected in WT. Although the
presence and the absence of DIDS, was linear within the tested intensity was somehow less than in WT, an intense band was
voltage range, and a reversal potential (Erev) was ⫺92 ⫾ 3 mV also detected in R298S, A799V, and R881C. However, only a
(n ⫽ 5). These properties of WT are similar to those reported in faint band was detectable in T485S and R510H, consistent with
the previous studies (13,17). Although R298S and R881C the results of immunofluorescence analysis.
showed significantly attenuated currents compared with WT,
the I/V relationship of these mutants was similar to that of WT pHi Measurement in Oocyte
as also shown in Figure 2B. In addition, Erev of R298S (⫺94.0 ⫾ The electrophysiologic analysis suggests that T485S, unlike
4 mV; n ⫽ 4) and R881C (⫺96 ⫾ 6 mV; n ⫽ 4) were statistically the other mutants, has no transport activity in oocytes. To
not different from that of WT. However, R510H and A799V confirm this view, we performed pHi measurement in oocytes.
showed only very low currents in the tested voltage range, As shown in Figure 5, the exposure to HCO3⫺/CO2 induced a
which were not sufficient to yield the reliable I/V relationship, large intracellular acidification as a result of CO2 influx. There-
2274 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005

Figure 5. Cell pH (pHi) measurement in oocytes that were

injected with WT, T485S, or H2O (Cont). Solution was changed
from ND96 to HCO3⫺-containing solution (HCO3⫺). Because
the latter solution was equilibrated with 5% CO2, the influx of
CO2 induced large intracellular acidification. Note that signif-
icant pHi recovery was evident only in WT. Note also that the
minimum pHi level was higher in WT than in T485S or Cont.

Figure 3. Surface expression of WT and mutants in oocytes. However, our previous analysis in ECV304 cells showed that
NBC1 was detected by the antibody against N-terminal region the transport activity of R510H was as much as approximately
of kNBC1 (shown as green), whereas the plasma membrane 50% of the WT activity (7). This prompted us to examine the
was detected by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA; shown as red). transport activity of T485S in ECV304 cells. The cells were
Merge images are shown only for WT and R298S. Note the acidified by nigericin in Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution and were
absence of NBC1 labeling in control oocytes (Cont). Bars ⫽ 100 subsequently superfused with Cl⫺-free, Na⫹-free HCO3⫺ solu-
␮m. tion as described previously (7). As shown in Figure 6, the
baseline pHi in Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution and the rate of acid-
ification by nigericin were very similar in WT, T485S, and
vector. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the
minimum pHi values before Na⫹ readdition: WT (6.72 ⫾ 0.05;
n ⫽ 9), T485S (6.70 ⫾ 0.05; n ⫽ 9), and vector (6.74 ⫾ 0.06; n ⫽
Figure 4. Western blot analysis of oocyte membrane-enriched
9). As also shown in Figure 6, the addition of Na⫹ induced a
fractions. NBC1 was detected by the antibody against the C-
prompt pHi recovery in WT, reflecting the NBC1 activity (6,7).
terminal region of NBC1. Approximately 30 ␮g of protein was
loaded for each lane. Lane 1, control (H2O); lane 2, WT; lane 3, A modest pHi recovery was also detected in T485S, whereas
R298S; lane 4, T485S; lane 5, R510H; lane 6, A799V; lane 7, pHi recovery was negligible in vector alone. In separate exper-
R881C. iments, we confirmed that pHi recovery in both WT and T485S
was completely inhibited by 0.3 mM DIDS (n ⫽ 5 for each). The

after, pHi in WT gradually recovered as a result of NBC1-

mediated HCO3⫺ influx (20). The average rate of pHi recovery
in WT was 0.030 ⫾ 0.007 pH unit/min (n ⫽ 7). However, the
rate of pHi recovery in T485S (0.003 ⫾ 0.001 pH unit/min; n ⫽
7) was negligible and not significantly different from that in
control oocytes that were injected with H2O (0.004 ⫾ 0.001 pH
unit/min; n ⫽ 7). As also shown in Figure 5, the exposure to
HCO3⫺/CO2 induced less acidification in WT. Thus, the base-
line pHi in ND96 was similar in WT (7.48 ⫾ 0.03), T485S (7.47 ⫾
0.02), and H2O (7.46 ⫾ 0.03). However, the minimal pHi after
the exposure to HCO3⫺/CO2 in WT (7.08 ⫾ 0.03) was signifi-
cantly (P ⬍ 0.05) higher than that in T485S (6.83 ⫾ 0.03) or H2O
Figure 6. pHi measurement in ECV304 cells that were trans-
(6.84 ⫾ 0.03), which could be due to the NBC1 activity operat-
fected with WT, T485S, or vector alone. The cells first were
ing only in WT. These results confirmed that T485S induced no superfused with Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution (Cl-free) for 30 min
measurable transport activity of NBC1 in oocytes. to reduce intracellular Cl⫺ (6). Nigericin (10 ␮M) was added to
induce acidification, then solution was changed to Na⫹-free
Functional Analysis of T485S in ECV304 Cells Cl⫺-free HCO3⫺ solution (Na-free Cl-free). Thereafter, acidified
The results thus far indicate that the poor surface expression cells were exposed to Na⫹-containing solution in the presence
of T485S and R510H precludes the reliable analysis in oocytes. of amiloride (Amil).
J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005 NBC1 Mutations and pRTA 2275

average rate of DIDS-sensitive pHi recovery was 0.102 ⫾ 0.009,

0.053 ⫾ 0.009, and 0.006 ⫾ 0.002 pH unit/min in WT, T485S,
and vector, respectively (n ⫽ 9 for each). The intrinsic buffer
capacity ␤I, determined at the pHi level of 6.70 to 6.75 as
described in the Materials and Methods section, was similar in
WT (16.1 ⫾ 2.4 mM/pH unit; n ⫽ 7), T485S (16.4 ⫾ 2.3 mM/pH
unit; n ⫽ 6), and vector (14.5 ⫾ 4.3 mM/pH unit; n ⫽ 6). The
total buffer capacity ␤T was also similar in WT (28.5 mM/pH
unit), T485S (27.9 mM/pH unit), and vector (27.3 mM/pH
unit). Accordingly, Na⫹-induced HCO3⫺ influxes, calculated
from the rate of pHi recovery and ␤T, were 2.9 ⫾ 0.3 mM/min
for WT, 1.5 ⫾ 0.3 mM/min for T485S, and 0.2 ⫾ 0.05 mM/min Figure 8. Changes in membrane potential to extracellular
for vector. Western blot analysis on the membrane-enriched HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ reduction. Oocytes were superfused with
fractions showed that the protein expression was comparable in HCO3⫺-containing solution, and HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ concentra-
WT and T485S (Figure 7). These results indicate that T485S, tions were repeatedly reduced by half as indicated by bars in
when analyzed in ECV304 cells, has the similar expression the absence and the presence of DIDS. Solution pH was
reduced from 7.4 to 7.1 in case of HCO3⫺ reduction. Note
efficiency as WT and displays approximately 50% transport
that depolarizing responses as a result of HCO3⫺ or Na⫹
activity of that of WT.
reduction were almost completely inhibited by DIDS. A rep-
resentative response in oocyte that was injected with WT is
Stoichiometry and Na⫹ Affinity shown.
We next tried to examine the effects of mutations on the
detailed transport properties of NBC1 in oocytes. For the mu-
tants, we selected only R298S and R881C, because the activities
of the other mutants were very low or absent and were unlikely Table 1. DIDS-sensitive changes in membrane potentials
to yield reliable results. The transport stoichiometry was deter- in response to HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ reductiona
mined by comparing the initial Vm changes in response to half
⌬Vm to 1/2 ⌬Vm to 1/2
reduction of extracellular HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ concentrations as HCO3⫺ Na⫹ Ratio
described (22,23). In oocytes expressing NBC1, the Vm changes (mV) (mV)
were shown to be fast enough compared with the changes in
intracellular ion concentrations (17), supporting the validity of WT 20.5 ⫾ 1.0 10.7 ⫾ 0.5 1.93 ⫾ 0.04
this approach (24). In addition, as shown in Figure 8, the R298S 13.4 ⫾ 2.0 6.9 ⫾ 1.2 2.00 ⫾ 0.11
depolarizing responses to HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ reduction were al- R881C 16.6 ⫾ 1.6 8.2 ⫾ 1.1 2.04 ⫾ 0.16
most completely inhibited by 0.4 mM DIDS. Furthermore, the a
Ratio was calculated by the individual membrane
depolarizing responses to HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ reduction were com- potential changes on the same oocytes. Numbers of
pletely absent in control oocytes. By comparing the DIDS- observation are six (WT), five (R298S), and five (R881C).
sensitive changes in membrane potential (⌬Vm) in response to DIDS, 4, 4⬘-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2, 2⬘-disulphonic acid;
Vm, change in membrane potentials.
HCO3⫺ or Na⫹ reduction, we obtained estimated values of the
stoichiometry as shown in Table 1. Our data indicate that R298S
and R881C, like WT (16,17), function with 2HCO3⫺ to 1Na⫹
stoichiometry in oocytes. ear regression analysis, we obtained an individual curve for
For determining the apparent Na⫹ affinity, the current was WT and the mutants as shown in Figure 9. The calculated Km
monitored continuously by the two-electrode voltage clamp values of R298S (29 mM) and R881C (26 mM) were not statis-
method, whereas extracellular Na⫹ concentrations were tically different from that of WT (29 mM).
changed sequentially from 96 mM to 48, 24, 12, and 0 mM. By
subtracting the current at 0 mM Na⫹ from raw data and fitting Discussion
these data into the Michaelis-Menten equation through nonlin- This study identified the three new homozygous muta-
tions (T485S, A799V, and R881C) in the common coding
regions of NBC1 from patients with pRTA and ocular abnor-
malities. Functional analysis of these new as well as the two
known mutants (R298S and R510H) suggests that at least
approximately 50% reduction in the transport activity of
NBC1 may be required to cause severe pRTA, which is
Figure 7. Western blot analysis of ECV304 cell membrane– defined as reduction of blood HCO3⫺ concentration to ⬍50%
enriched fractions. NBC1 was detected by the antibody against of the normal range (or less than approximately 13 mM). The
the C-terminal region of NBC1. Approximately 20 ␮g of protein relative activities of R298S, R510H, A799V, and R881C, as
was loaded for each lane. Lane 1, vector; lane 2, WT; lane 3, determined by the NBC1-mediated currents in Xenopus oo-
T485S. cytes, were 41, 4, 14, and 39% of the WT activity, respec-
2276 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 16: 2270 –2278, 2005

indicate that the reduction in extracellular Na⫹ affinity can-

not explain the inactivation of R298S and R881C.
Previously we reported two other kNBC1 mutations: Q29X
(8) and a single nucleotide deletion, 2311‚A (9), both of
which would result in nonfunctional proteins. However,
blood HCO3⫺ concentrations reported in the patients with
Q29X (9.4 mM) and 2311‚A (13.2 mM) are very similar to the
concentrations in the patients with functional mutants. We
do not known the exact reason for why there is no tight
relationship between the degree of NBC1 inactivation and
the severity of pRTA. Probably the differences in environ-
Figure 9. Apparent Na⫹ affinity for WT, R298S, and R881C. E, mental factors or the ability of distal nephron compensation
mean data at 12, 24, 48, and 96 mM Na⫹ with SEM. A holding
may be involved. Alternatively, some functional mutants,
potential was set at ⫺25 mV, and currents at 0 mM Na⫹ were
through the improper trafficking, may have additional dete-
subtracted from raw data to yield the individual data. Fitting
was performed as described in the text. Numbers of observa- riorating effects on the acid-base homeostasis as shown pre-
tions were six for WT and five for R298S and R881C. viously for AE1 (26).
Typically, patients with mutations in the common coding
regions of NBC1 have band keratopathy, cataracts, and glau-
coma (9,11). The new patients identified in this study also
tively. Whereas T485S showed no electrogenic activity in presented most of these ocular abnormalities, confirming the
oocytes, its transport activity was approximately 50% of the important roles of NBC1 in several ocular tissues (10,30).
WT activity in ECV304 cells. T485S, which lies at the inner Unlike the Q29X mutation that inactivates only kNBC1 (8),
surface of the third transmembrane domain (25), is of special mutations in the common coding regions of NBC1 will affect
interest because the corresponding codon in the electroneu- the functions of both kNBC1 and pNBC1 (6), which originate
tral anion exchangers (AEs1 to 3) is serine (2). However, the from the same SLC4A4 gene (31). Because pNBC1 may me-
results of pHi measurement confirmed that T485S induced diate bicarbonate uptake into pancreatic duct cells, its inac-
no measurable transport activity in oocytes. These results tivation could theoretically interfere with pancreatic secre-
together with our previous findings (7) indicate that the tion as discussed previously (6,32,33). In addition, NBC1 is
surface expression of T485S and R510H is very poor in known to be widely expressed in brain and may play critical
oocytes but well preserved in the cultured cells. The results roles during the later stages of brain development (34,35).
of immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis also sup- However, previous studies (7–9) as well as ours indicate that
ported this view. It has been known that trafficking behavior abnormal pancreatic function tests or mental retardation are
of mutant proteins varies between different in vitro cell sys- found only in some patients. In particular, a patient who had
tems (26). Future studies will be required to examine 2311‚A mutation did not present mental retardation, al-
whether the NBC1 mutants can be expressed in the proper though this mutation was thought to result in the complete
cell surface in renal epithelial cells. loss of function (9). For clarifying the molecular mechanism
By comparing membrane potentials to sudden reduction in of these rare phenotypes, more studies will be warranted to
Na⫹ or HCO3⫺ concentrations on the same oocytes, we investigate the physiologic roles of NBC1 in several tissues,
showed that WT, R298S, and R881C all functioned with such as pancreas and brain.
2HCO3⫺ to 1Na⫹ stoichiometry. The depolarizing responses
to Na⫹ or HCO3⫺ reduction, which were absent in control
oocytes, were completely inhibited by DIDS. We could not Acknowledgments
This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and
exclude a possibility that the Vm changes by HCO3⫺ reduc-
Culture of Japan (grants 14571013 and 16590779).
tion may have a small systematic error originating from the
We thank the patients and their families for participation, Dr. Masa-
reduction in extracellular pH. However, the similar Erev
nori Taira (Department of Biologic Sciences, Tokyo University) for
values of WT, R298S, and R881C, determined by the I/V providing a facility for Xenopus laevis, and Dr. Eberhard Frömter (Zen-
relationship, also supported our conclusion. Although trum der Physiology, JW Goethe University) for helpful discussion. The
kNBC1 is thought to function with 3HCO3⫺ to 1Na⫹ stoichi- anti-kNBC1 antibody was supplied by Kumamoto Immunochemical
ometry in renal proximal tubules in vivo (27), recent studies Laboratory Co. (Kumamoto, Japan).
indicate that the stoichiometry is not fixed but varies accord-
ing to cell conditions or cell types (19,23,28,29). In oocytes,
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