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Research Methodology

This chapter covers the many approaches that were utilized in gathering data and
conducting studies that are important to the research. The methodology will cover topics
including the research environment, research design, research respondents, research
instruments, research procedures, data gathering method, and treatment of data.
Research Design
The descriptive research design used in this study is described as a research approach
that explains the characteristics of the population being studied. When data was
collected from respondents at a single moment in time, this technique was
implemented. This design is always more concerned with the what of the research topic
than with the why of the research topic (Babbie, 1990). This research uses quantitative
and qualitative research designs, because this study aims to observe, describe,
quantify, and document the aspects of Chachago Oakridge - Banilad Branch, Mandaue
City in the New Normal in terms of its implications customer’s loyalty.
Research Environment
The researchers have identified Banilad, Mandaue City as their research locale. The
reasoning behind this decision comes from the idea that the Chachago Oakridge branch
is located in this area. This area is considered a prominent place in Cebu, where many
business and malls are located. When there are businesses and malls means many
people. As a result, all necessary and relevant data can be obtained from this area.
Mandaue City is a first-class highly urbanized city in the Philippines’s Central Visayas
region, which has a number 364,116 people according to the 2020 census. Mandaue
City is situated on Cebu’s central eastern coast. Its southwest coast borders Mactan
Island, which is home to Lapu-Lapu City, and is linked to the island by two bridges: the
Mactan-Mandaue Bridge and the Marcelo Fernan Bridge. Mandaue City is bordered on
the north by Consolacion, on the east by Cammotes Sea, and on the west and south by
Cebu City.It’s is one of the three high urbanized cities on Cebu Island and is part of the
Cebu Metropolitan Area, as well as the Sixth District Cebu, which includes the
municipalities of Consolacion and Cordova. It is compromises of 27 barangays including
Banilad is a barangay in Mandaue City. The population was 18,386 according to the
202 census. This accounted for 5.05 percent of Mandaue’s total population. It is situated
at approximately 10.3385, 12.9216, in the island of Cebu. Elevation at these
coordinates is estimated at 17.8 meters or 58.4 feet above mean sea level. The word
“Banilad” comes from a story between a farmer and a Spanish explorer, where the
Spaniard explorer visited a place and asks the farmer for its name and the farmer who
was resting under the shade of a tree, not understanding the questions at all, thought
that it was about the tree’s name and answered the word “banilad”. It has been
speculated that the banilad tree was like a local tilad and chewed like a betel nut for
medical purposes. The endemic tree continues to remain alive and well today, and its
scientific name is Sterculia philippinensis.

Research Respondents

This study utilized random sampling technique, and in the determination of the sample
size, this study utilized online sample calculator. The number of respondents in this
study is 100. The respondents of the study are the customers of the Chachago
Oakridge - Banilad Branch in Mandaue City. This size of respondents is enough for the
study which the researchers may consider as sufficient to gather relevant data.

Research Instruments
The questionnaire used in this study was formulated by the researchers. The instrument
was validated with pilot testing with respondents of similar nature but not actual and the
same of the target respondent.

Research Procedures
Data Gathering

Primary Data – the primary data are gathered from the accomplished survey

questionnaires, interviews and observations.

Secondary Data – the secondary data are taken from existing literatures

(academic journals, researches, journals, dissertations, etc.

Treatment of Data

The data gathered from the respondents has been kept confidential as to

maintain the trust of the people that were involved with the research. This information

was not doctored to fit to the convenience of the researchers so that the results are

accurate. The data gathered from the surveys is summarized in the form of tables so

that the information is easier to understand. This research used descriptive statistics.

Based on the overall findings, the researchers were able to make recommendations

about ways in which the company could improve their green marketing strategies.

Scoring Procedure:


The service provided by

Chachago Oakridge -
Banilad Branch exceeds
the expectation of the
customers when using the

4 3.40 – 4.20 FAIRLY SATISFACTORY The service of the store is

just enough to meet the
expectations of the

The service provided was

done as promised but did
3 2.60 – 3.40 SATISFACTORY not exceed the
expectation of the

There is minor error in the

delivery of the service/s.

1 1.00 – 1.80 POORLY SATISFACTORY The service is BAD!

Weighted Mean Average

The weighted mean average formula is widely used in descriptive statistical analysis. It

is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “an average of the values of a set of items

to each of which is accorded a weight indicative of its frequency or relative importance.”

The formula for this equation is as follows:

Figure 1.: Weighted Mean Average Formula

Likert Scale
Likert scale uses answer choices that ranges from one extreme to another. This scale

will help determine degrees of opinion. This scale will aid in identifying the areas that

need improvement.
In this research, the Likert Scale was used to determine the customer’s satisfaction in

the use of shopee and Lazada m, particularly in their own personal experience of the

establishment. The researchers formulated questions that are answerable by a specific

number that stands for either an agreement or a disagreement of the said statement.

This was then evaluated by looking for the weighted mean of the answers to come up

with a substantial data that will support the research entirely. The researchers chose a

five level Likert scaling. The researches assigned values as follows: 1 = unsatisfactory;

2 =less satisfactory; 3 = satisfactory; 4 = fairly satisfactory; 5 = very satisfactory.

“Unsatisfactory” being that particular category as needing improvement, “Fair” being

that it isn’t doing so well, “satisfactory” being that it is ok or fine as it is, “fairly

satisfactory” being that it is doing well, and “very satisfactory” being that it is exceeding

expectations and is deserving of praise.

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