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Lesson Plan for H.O.P.

E 3

A. Content standard

The Learner Demonstrates an understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as a

requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity

B. Performance standard

Leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and in
influencing others positively

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Discusses the nature of the different dances PEH12FH-Ia-19
2. Explains how to optimize the energy systems for safe and improved performance
3. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes
most days of the week in a variety of settings In and out-of-school PEH12FH-Ia-t-8

D. Specific Objectives
I. Objectives:
1. Define and Identify the Different Genres of Dance.
2. Give the Importance and Differentiate each type of Genre.
3. Make and Perform Simple Dance Steps Combining the Genres of Dance.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Dance Genres
b. Reference:
c. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, and Videos
d. Strategy Used: 4a’s
III. Lesson Proper

Teachers Activity Students Activity

I. Preliminary Activity
● Prayer
- Does anyone want to lead - (Students will raise their hands) Me
the prayer? Ma’am!
- Okay, Miss Secretary - Dear Lord, Thank you for all the
Please proceed. blessings you’ve given to us, We
● Greetings and Checking of pray to you for our Safety and
attendance forgive us for our sins. In your holy
name lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
- Good Morning Class!, You - Good Morning Ma’am!
may take your seats. - Thank you, Ma’am.
- Ms. Secretary, How many - Yes Ma’am.
of your Classmates are
Absent today? If it’s okay
with you, Kindly list their
Names on ¼ sheet of paper
and pass it to me. Thank
you, Ms. Secretary.
II. Review of the past Lesson
● Class: What topic we’ve discussed - (Students raise their Hands) ABout
Last week? Elements of Dance Ma’am!

Okay, thank you for that Ms. - (Students will Answer)

Astorga, Please Call Another
Student who elaborates to us what
Elements of Dance are all about.

● Okay class, Thank you for all your

Answers. So let us Move on to our
new topic for Today.

III. Motivation
1. The Teacher will stick the
names of different genres of
2. The students were asked to
Identify where the pictures
belong to the names of
Genres stuck on the board. - (The Answer may Vary)

- (Students raise their Hands)

IV. ANALYSIS Different types of Dance Ma’am!
- Genres of Dance Ma’am!
3. The Students were asked,
“What do you think our
Lesson for Today?”
● “Very Good Class Yes, Your
answers are all correct!”

● Today we are going to discuss the
Different Types or Genres of Dance.
● But first, I want to ask if there are
Dancers here? For students who
love to dance, Can you please share
a little experience about it.
- Folk Dance is a Form of Dance
developed by a group of people that
So let’s proceed Mr. Pala kindly reflects the traditional life of the
please read the First Bullet. people of a certain country or

● Okay, Thank you for that Mr. Pala. - (Students will Answer)
Based on what Mr. Pala said, What
are your Insights and Ideas About
Folk Dance?

Very Good, your answers are all


Next is Modern and Contemporary

Dance. Modern Dance `is a style
completely devoid of all the
restrictions imposed by classical
ballet, the body moves with free
interpretations originating from the
inner emotions of the dancer.
Contemporary Dance is a genre of
concert dance dating back to the
20th century, it can be defined as an
evolution of modern dance and
ballet, the latter strictly non-
● (Teacher will provide a Sample
Video for Better Understanding)

● ballroom dancing was a recreational

activity that served as a social
boundary between higher and lower
● (Teacher will provide a Sample
Video for Better Understanding)

Hip-hop dance is very energetic,
expressive, improvisational, and
The street dance evolved from Hip
Hop dance as the term ‘street’
comes from the fact that the dance
style didn’t originate in dance
studios but on the streets and clubs
among groups of people
● (The teacher will provide a Sample
Video for Better Understanding)

Cheer Dance is the performance of

athletic skills, jumps, dance, and/or
chanting to gain a response from
spectators at an event
● (The teacher will provide a Sample
Video for Better Understanding)

Festival dance is a cultural dance

performed to the strong beats of
percussion instruments by a
community of people sharing the
same culture usually done in honor
of a Patron Saint or thanksgiving of
a bountiful harvest.
- (Students will Answer)
● Is there any Question Class?

VI. Generalization - (Students will raise their Hands)

● If you all Understand the Lesson - Ma’am, Folk Dance
we’ve discussed, Again What are - Modern and Contemporary Dance
the Different types or Genres of - Ballroom Dance
Dance? - Hip-Hop Dance
- Cheerdance and
- Festival Dance

- “Is a dance that developed of Group

● Okay Class, Very Good. Next of People that reflects the
Question. What is Folk Dance? Traditional life and Their Culture”

- (Students will raise their Hands)

Okay, That’s Very Good. Please - (Students will answer)
share what you have learned about
Festival Dance. Anyone?

Okay Thank you for your Answers,

It seems that you are all Understand
our Lesson for today.

● For our Group Activity, Kindly
Count One to Four.
All the same numbers will gather as
a group, All groups will make a
simple routine with the
Combination of Different types of
Dance. I will give you 15 Mins. and
After that you are all perform and
Share it to the Class.
VIII. Evaluation

● So class Please bring ¼ Sheet of

Paper. We will be having a short
quiz. Answers:
Identification Questions: - Modern Dance
1. is a style completely devoid of all
the restrictions imposed by classical
ballet - Festival Dance
2. Is a dance performed to the strong
beats of percussion instruments and
honor of a Patron Saint or
thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest.
3. A dance performance of athletic - Cheerdance
skills, jumps, dance, and/or chanting
4. Is a Dance that recreational activity
that served as a social boundary - Ballroom
between higher and lower classes.
5. A Dance developed by a group of
people that reflects the traditional - Folk Dance
life of the people of a certain
country or Region.

IV. Assignment
1. Advance reading About Folk Dance and Kindly Search the Following and write in a ½
crosswise sheet of paper.

What is Folk Dance?

Give Three (3) Examples of Local Folk Dance and Three (3) National Folk Dance.

Prepared By: Ma. Andrea C. Cabelin Cooperating Teacher: Romeo B. Catuday

Student Teacher H.O.P.E Instructor

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