Offline The Incontestable Moral Value of Health - L

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Offline: The incontestable moral value of health

In March, 2020, chief science advisers from 12 countries, that should demand zero tolerance to any barrier limiting
including the US, the UK, and Germany, issued a call to access to healthcare and health information.
scholarly publishers “to voluntarily agree to make their
COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications, and the
available data supporting them, immediately accessible The philosopher Norman Daniels put forward a compelling
in PubMed Central and other appropriate public reposi­ case for the special moral importance of health in his 2008
tories.” That same month, over 30 publishers, including book, Just Health. The “fundamental question” he posed
The Lancet, signed up to this request. The call reflected was, “As a matter of justice, what do we owe each other to
the urgency of the pandemic and “the associated global promote and protect health in a population and to assist
health crisis.” We have made all of our coronavirus-related people when they are ill or disabled?” Part of his answer
content freely available through a COVID-19 Resource was to establish the obligations we have to promote and
Centre. But why stop with a pandemic? Are there not other secure health, obligations that do not apply to other goods.
global health crises that would benefit from immediate Daniels’ claim is that health is of special moral importance
access to new scientific findings? Where should one draw because protecting health—keeping people functioning
the line in deciding what scientific information is instantly normally by meeting their health needs—protects the
and freely available? And who should draw that line? opportunities open to us. By opportunities, Daniels means
“the array of life plans reasonable persons are likely to
develop for themselves.” Poor health diminishes those fair
The pandemic has accelerated massive change in scientific opportunities. Daniels based his argument on John Rawls’
publishing. Preprints of COVID-19-related research papers theory of justice. Rawls claimed there could be no justice
are now routinely posted. On balance, preprints have without fair opportunities for all. Justice demands the
been a positive step forward for science. Immediate access protection of those fair opportunities. If, therefore, fair

Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health

to new, although non-peer-reviewed, results has been opportunity is a crucial dimension of justice, and if those
helpful for policy makers, journalists, and a public eager to opportunities depend on health, then justice must give a
devour every new discovery. Occasionally, there has been special moral place to health. Daniels defines health needs
unscrupulous behaviour. Some institutions have issued as adequate nutrition; sanitary, safe, unpolluted living and
press releases publicising preprints in ways that have working conditions; healthy lifestyles; medical services;
given too much credence to provisional findings. But my social care; and “an appropriate distribution of other social
concern isn’t with preprints or even with this pandemic. determinants of health”. To these, I would add reliable
My unease lies with the arbitrary criteria for defining a health information, which provides the basis for any high-
“global health crisis” and so the capricious justifications quality health system. The post-COVID-19 challenge for
for denying immediate access to new research findings. scientific editors is to address the reasoned claims that
Isn’t AIDS an urgent global health crisis? Or any one of an health and health research are foundational components
array of non-communicable diseases ravaging socially of a just society, that health and health research occupy
excluded and poor communities? Debates about access to positions of special moral importance to that society, and
scientific research usually and quickly devolve into disputes that journal editors have a responsibility to advocate for
about the merits of open access mandates. Or the material the removal of all access barriers to the results of scientific
contributions society publishers make to the disciplines research. There is no logical or ethical basis for designating
they champion. Or the benefits commercial publishers COVID-19 a special case. The argument for immediate
bring to the wider economy. Sometimes, important access to new health research findings is a straightforward
principles are enunciated—publicly funded research must matter of justice, not expediency. It’s time for editors to
be publicly accessible. But none of these arguments cuts say so clearly and forcefully.
Steve Pyke/Getty Images

through to what I think is the crucial distinction this

pandemic has revealed—that health and health research Richard Horton
have a special moral importance to society, an importance Vol 399 January 15, 2022 223

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