The Moderating Role of Employee Well Being On The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance

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The moderating role of employee well being on the relationship

between job satisfaction and job performance

Article in Journal of Occupational Health Psychology · April 2007

DOI: 10.1037/1076-8998.12.2.93 · Source: PubMed

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3 authors, including:

Russell Cropanzano Douglas G. Bonett

University of Colorado Boulder University of California, Santa Cruz


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Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association
2007, Vol. 12, No. 2, 93–104 1076-8998/07/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1076-8998.12.2.93

The Moderating Role of Employee Positive Well Being on the

Relation Between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance
Thomas A. Wright Russell Cropanzano
University of Nevada, Reno University of Arizona

Douglas G. Bonett
Iowa State University

This research provides further clarification to the age-old quest to better understand the happy/
productive worker thesis. Using data from 109 managers employed by a large (over 5000
employees) customer services organization on the West Coast of the United States, both job
satisfaction (r ⫽ .36, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .18 to .52) and psychological well-being (PWB; r ⫽ .43,
p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .26 to .58) were associated with supervisory performance ratings. Using
Fredrickson’s (2001) broaden-and-build model as the theoretical base, the authors found that
PWB moderates the relation between job satisfaction and job performance. Consistent with
Fredrickson’s model, performance was highest when employees reported high scores on both
PWB and job satisfaction. This moderating effect of PWB may account for some of the
inconsistent results of previous studies.

Keywords: psychological well-being, job satisfaction, job performance, broaden-and-build model

of positive emotions

It would seem impossible to escape the fact that in the uncertainty was not unreasonable, given that empirical
long run, at least, [wo]men are more productive when research had yet to consistently demonstrate links
they are in a positive state than in a negative one.
(Hersey, 1932, 356 –357) among happiness—typically operationalized as job sat-
isfaction—and job performance ratings (cf., Wright,
As our quote from Rexford B. Hersey clearly sug- 2005).
gests, the happy/productive worker thesis has long been More recent research has provided greater support
a question of interest for organizational scientists and for the happy/productive worker thesis. Judge,
practitioners alike (cf., Hoppock, 1935; Pennock, 1930). Thoresen, Bono, and Patton (2001) conducted a well-
According to this “Holy Grail” of management re- constructed review of the job satisfaction–job perfor-
search, all things being equal, workers who are “happy” mance relation and concluded that job satisfaction
with their work— however defined—should have was an effective predictor of job performance. Of
higher job performance. In like fashion, those who are particular relevance to the present research, Judge et
less happy are assumed to be less productive (Hersey, al. (2001) suggested that the job satisfaction–job per-
1932; Spector, 1997). However, in sharp contrast to the formance relation is moderated by other variables
promising early work of Hersey (1932) and Kornhauser (their Model 5). From a somewhat different happy/
and Sharp (1932), subsequent efforts to test the happy/ productive worker perspective, Cropanzano and
productive worker thesis have often met skepticism (see Wright (2001) produced a qualitative review that
Cropanzano & Wright, 2001, for a further review). This explored the association between psychological well-
being (PWB) and job performance. These authors
found evidence of a positive correlation between
Thomas A. Wright, Managerial Sciences Department, PWB and performance ratings. This effect appears to
University of Nevada, Reno; Russell Cropanzano, Depart-
be consistent across quasi-experimental, cross-
ment of Management and Policy, Eller College of Business
and Public Administration, University of Arizona; Douglas sectional, and longitudinal designs, regardless of
G. Bonett, Departments of Statistics and Psychology, Iowa whether the criterion variables are measured objec-
State University. tively or subjectively (for additional evidence, see
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
Staw, Sutton, & Pelled, 1994; Wright & Staw, 1999).
dressed to Thomas A. Wright, Managerial Sciences Depart-
ment, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. E-mail: Coupled with the demonstrated consistent nature of the findings is the actual magnitude of the results,


with Wright and Staw (1999, Table 2) reporting all mance was based more on a practical than a theoret-
nine correlations ranging from .29 to .52. ical basis (e.g., Kornhauser & Sharp, 1932). In his
Contemporary scholars are confronted with an inter- classic article, “The nature and causes of job satis-
esting challenge. The possibility now exists that there faction,” Locke (1976) lamented the lack of a solid
are at least two happy/productive worker theses–with theoretical basis for proposing a job satisfaction to
job satisfaction and psychological well-being each serv- job performance relation, concluding that job satis-
ing as operationalizations of employee happiness. In the faction and job performance are best considered as
pages that follow, we will explore these ideas in greater separate outcomes. Twenty-five years later, in echo-
detail. In particular, for reasons to be elaborated below, ing Locke’s sentiments, Judge et al. (2001) noted that
the present research proposes that the relation between the theoretical basis for a job satisfaction–job perfor-
job satisfaction and job performance is moderated by mance relation was best considered as “implicitly
employee well-being. To that end, we first discuss the grounded in the broader attitudes literature in social
literature on job satisfaction. Afterward, we turn our psychology” (p. 378). According to a number of
attention to the more limited, but also important, litera- proponents (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993; Fishbein, 1973;
ture on PWB. Next, and based on Fredrickson’s (1998, Judge et al., 2001), the general “theoretical” premise
2001) broaden-and-build framework, we integrate is that attitudes have behavioral implications. More
the job satisfaction and PWB approaches to worker specifically, Eagly and Chaiken (1993) stated that
“happiness” by proposing that PWB acts as a mod- favorable attitudes about an object are linked to be-
erator to job satisfaction when considering job per- haviors that foster or support it, while unfavorable
formance. attitudes about an object are linked to behaviors that
do not support it. Following this logic, in summing
Job Satisfaction and Job Performance up this perspective, Judge et al. (2001) concluded
that, “attitudes toward the object should (italics
“Happiness” is a lay construct. Scholarly research, added) be related to behaviors on the job, the most
of course, demands additional precision in order to central of which is performance on the job” (p. 378).
operationalize workplace “happiness” adequately. As a result, widespread interest in the job satisfac-
Over the years, researchers have proposed a number tion/job performance relationship has continued to
of different approaches to operationalize happiness the present day, with the Judge et al. (2001) review
(see Cropanzano & Wright, 2001, for a review). providing strong evidence that there is a moderate,
Within the organization sciences, job satisfaction is but meaningful relationship between the two vari-
probably the most common and one of the oldest ables.
operationalizations of workplace “happiness.” Of Judge et al. (2001) suggested that prior research on
course, no one claims that satisfaction with a job is the job satisfaction - job performance relation can be
isomorphic with the happiness of life as a whole organized around seven models. These models can be
(Wright, 2005). By definition, because job satisfac- briefly summarized: job satisfaction causes job per-
tion is specific to one’s job, it excludes aspects of formance (Model 1); job satisfaction is caused by job
one’s life external to the job. This relatively narrow performance (Model 2); job satisfaction and job per-
scope stands in stark contrast to research on psycho- formance are reciprocally related (Model 3); job sat-
logical well-being (PWB), where the happiness com- isfaction is spuriously related to job performance
ponent is, by definition, operationalized as a broader (Model 4); the job satisfaction–job performance re-
construct than job satisfaction, one that refers to lation is moderated by other variables (Model 5); job
aspects of one’s life both on and off the job (Diener, satisfaction is not related to job performance (Model
1984; Wright & Cropanzano, 2000). This difference 6); and finally, that there are alternative conceptual-
in scope is evidenced by Wright and Cropanzano’s izations of job satisfaction/job performance (Model
(2000) finding that, while related, the correlations are 7). Results of their meta-analysis estimated the true
far from robust in magnitude (Study 1 correlation of mean correlation between overall job satisfaction and
.35; Study 2 correlation of .10). Finally, since job job performance to be .30, though they observed that
satisfaction is targeted specifically at work and/or the more traditionally based Models 1, 2, 3, and 4
working conditions, it has long seemed intuitively have typically provided results that are disappointing
plausible that satisfied workers would be higher per- to proponents of a job satisfaction–job performance
formers (Hersey, 1932). relation. As a consequence, recent research has in-
The early fascination with the possible role of job creasingly come to recognize the importance of pos-
satisfaction in the prediction of employee perfor- sible moderator variable influences (i.e., Model 5),

leading to a renewed optimism about the prospects of Lucas, & Smith, 1999), it has also been shown to be
finding meaningful relations between job satisfaction responsive to a number of therapeutic interventions
and performance (Cropanzano & Wright, 2001). To (e.g., Seligman, 2002).
that end, we propose that PWB moderates the relation A small but growing body of empirical research
between job satisfaction and job performance. has found support for a PWB/performance relation.
For example, in a quasi-experimental study, Staw and
PWB and Job Performance Barsade (1993) found that MBA students who were
high on PWB were more accurate decision-makers
Outside of the organizational sciences, it has been (r ⫽ .20, p ⬍ .05), showed more effective social
common for scholars to treat “happiness” as psycho- behaviors (r ⫽ .24, p ⬍ .05), and received higher
logical well-being (sometimes called personal well- overall performance ratings (r ⫽ .20, p ⬍ .05). In
being or subjective well-being, see Diener, 1984, another study, Staw et al. (1994) reanalyzed a longi-
1994; for a classical discussion, see Russell, 1930). tudinal data set to determine whether a single dimen-
PWB is typically defined in terms of the overall sion measure of well-being could predict changes in
effectiveness of an individual’s psychological func- performance outcomes. Staw et al. found support that
tioning (Wright, 2005). Unlike job satisfaction, their well-being measure predicted changes in salary
which has significant cognitive and affective compo- (␤ ⫽ .05, p ⬍ .05, one-tailed), performance evalua-
nents, PWB is primarily an affective or emotional tions (␤ ⫽ .31, p ⬍ .01, one-tailed), and supervisor
experience. More specifically, using the circumplex support (␤ ⫽ .25, p ⬍ .01, one-tailed). More recently,
model of emotion as the theoretical framework, PWB Wright, Cropanzano, Denney, and Moline (2002)
measures the hedonic or pleasantness dimension of found that self-reported psychological well-being
individual feelings (Cropanzano, Weiss, Hale, & predicted supervisory performance ratings assessed a
Reb, 2003; Wright & Cropanzano, 2000). Based full two years later (r ⫽ .45, p ⬍ .01). Moreover, this
upon this circumplex model, PWB can be contrasted relation remained significant even after controlling
with other conceptualizations measuring the level of for the effects of Time 1 performance ratings, dispo-
activation or “affect intensity” of emotional experi- sitional affectivity, and job satisfaction. Finally, field
ence (Wright, 2005). PWB is typically operational- studies by Cropanzano and Wright (1999) and
ized as capturing both positive and negative emo- Wright and Staw (1999) also demonstrated that PWB
tional states on a single axis (Bradburn & Caplovitz, can be correlated with job performance ratings, even
1965; Cropanzano et al., 2003; Wright & Staw, after including such demographic control variables as
1999). In other words, the high pole is anchored by employee age, gender, tenure with the organization,
such hedonic or pleasantness-based descriptors as and education level. Despite its value, this research
“joyous.” Alternatively, the low pole is anchored by literature is in need of conceptual development and
such descriptors as “sad” and “annoyed.” Thus, to be extension. In particular, as we shall discuss in the
high on well-being is to be simultaneously low on next section using Fredrickson’s (2001) broaden-and-
negative emotion and high on positive emotion. In build theory of positive emotions, and consistent with
fact, a number of prominent scholars have more or Judge et al.’s (2001) Model 5, there is reason to
less equated well-being with happiness (e.g., Diener, believe that PWB moderates the association between
1984; Seligman, 2002). job satisfaction and performance.
Generally speaking, definitions of PWB/happiness
have at least three characteristics. First, happiness is
a subjective experience (Cropanzano & Wright, Fredrickson’s Broaden-and-Build Theory
2001; Diener, 1994). People are happy to the extent (1998, 2001)
that they believe themselves to be happy (cf., Sekaran,
1985). Second, happiness includes both the relative Both job satisfaction and PWB have merit as op-
presence of positive emotions and the relative ab- erationalizations of worker happiness, with both
sence of negative emotions (Diener & Larsen, 1993). models possessing research support (Cropanzano &
Third, happiness is a global judgment. It refers to Wright, 2001; Judge et al., 2001; Wright, 2005).
one’s life as a whole (Diener, Sandvik, Seidlitz, & Despite such encouraging results, these two tradi-
Diener, 1993). Unlike job satisfaction, PWB is not tional approaches to operationalizing worker happi-
tied to any particular situation (Wright, 2005). In ness have seldom been considered concomitantly.
addition, while happiness/PWB exhibits some mea- Moreover, those rare investigations that simulta-
sure of temporal stability (Diener, 1994; Diener, Suh, neously examine job satisfaction and PWB usually

consider only main effects. For example, two field & Losada, 2005) broaden-and-build theory, a number
studies reported by Wright and Cropanzano (2000) of positive feelings, including the experience of
explored the effects of PWB beyond those of PWB, all share the capacity to “broaden” an individ-
job satisfaction on job performance. Wright and ual’s momentary thought-action repertories through
Cropanzano did not, however, consider the interac- expanding the obtainable array of potential thoughts
tion between the two. While main effect studies have and actions that come to mind (Fredrickson & Branigan,
their place, ignoring the moderating effect of PWB is 2001; Wright, 2005). In particular, using laboratory
limiting, since there are good conceptual reasons to experiments, Fredrickson and her colleagues
think that an interaction might take place. Before we (Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005; Fredrickson &
more closely examine the conceptual basis for an Losada, 2005) demonstrated that relative to neutral
interaction provided by Fredrickson’s model, it is states, positive feeling states broaden or expand upon
worthwhile to briefly contrast the burgeoning work individuals momentary thought-action repertories,
on positive feeling states, exemplified by Fredrickson while negative feeling states narrow these same
and others, with the more typical emphasis of prior mechanisms. For example, the positive emotion, in-
work on negative feeling states. terest, fosters the desire to explore, assimilate new
In the past, the prevailing theoretical models at- experiences, encounter new information, and grow.
tempted to illustrate the general form and function of In a like fashion, the positive emotion, joy, creates
emotions (Fredrickson, 1998). To that end, most the urge to play, to think outside the box, and be
models were devised around prototypic and negative creative. Similarly, psychologically well individuals
emotions like anger and fear (Fredrickson, 2003). tend to be more outgoing and extroverted, remember
The underlying theme of these traditional approaches favorable events better, and are less likely to encode
(cf., Frijda, 1986; Lazarus, 1991) was that emotions, an ambiguous event as threatening as compared to
by definition, are associated with specific action ten- their less psychologically well counterparts (Wright,
dencies. According to Fredrickson (2003), a specific 2005).
action tendency is best described “as the outcome of In addition, these benefits of broadened thought-
a psychological process that narrows a person’s mo- action repertories merge over time. As proposed by
mentary thought-action repertoire by calling to mind Fredrickson and Losada (2005), these “broadened
an urge to act in a particular way (e.g., escape, attack, mindsets carry indirect and long-term adaptive value
expel)” (p. 166). In other words, a specific action because broadenings. . .” (p. 679) assist in “building”
tendency is what helps to get our attention (Wright & the individual’s enduring personal resources, ranging
Cropanzano, 2004). For example, the negative emo- from physical, psychological, intellectual, and social
tion, fear, is associated with the urge to escape. The in nature (Wright, 2005). This capacity to experience
negative emotion, anger, is associated with the urge the positive is proposed to be crucial to one’s capac-
to attack, and so on (Fredrickson, 2003).It is impor- ity to thrive, mentally flourish, and psychologically
tant to note that the key to these traditional, negative- grow (Fredrickson, 2001, 2003). This sense of flour-
based models is that specific action tendencies are ishing appears to make psychologically well or happy
what made our [negative] emotions evolutionarily people more proactive (cf. Argyle, 1987) and less
adaptive. That is, such negative emotions as fear and prone to stress symptoms (Myers & Diener, 1995). In
anger helped narrow behavioral urges toward spe- other words, Fredrickson’s model suggests that pos-
cific, survival-based actions (e.g., flight or fight) that itive feeling states, such as PWB, may not only have
literally were life saving in nature for our ancestors a main effect relation with job performance, but also,
(Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). Alternatively, the and importantly, provides a theoretical framework for
specific action tendencies for positive-based feeling the moderating (e.g., broadening and building) effect
states are, by contrast, typically vague and under- of PWB. While this possibility of a moderating ef-
specified (Fredrickson, 2003; Wright, 2005). For ex- fect of various positive feelings, such as PWB, on the
ample, the positive feelings associated with content- job satisfaction - job performance relation has long
ment have been linked with inactivity (Frijda, 1986). been recognized in organizational research (e.g.,
Recognizing this incompatibility of positive feeling Kornhauser & Sharp, 1932; Pennock, 1930), the ac-
states with the basic premise of traditional models, tual theoretical basis for this type of interaction was
Fredrickson developed her broaden-and-build model always rather tentative and ambiguous (cf., Wright,
to help better capture the unique attributes and po- 2005).
tential contributions of positive feelings. The broaden-and-build model also provides
According to Fredrickson’s (1998, 2001; Fredrickson greater insight into the actual form and function of

this moderating effect. More specifically, the possi- & Wright, 2001; Hobfoll, 1998). Hobfoll (1998) in-
bly adaptive and moderating nature of PWB is po- troduced the concept of resource caravans, suggest-
tentially more robust for those employees who are ing that such demographic or “status” variables, such
both psychologically well and satisfied with their job as tenure with the organization, gender, education
than for those less psychologically well and/or satis- level, ethnicity, wealth, social skills, family member-
fied with their job. Through the impetus provided by ship, and marriage, provide a background net of
high levels of PWB (a positive circumstance), em- potential resources that help facilitate individual ad-
ployees who are also currently satisfied with their job aptation and coping. For instance, a number of liter-
(another positive circumstance) are proposed to be ature reviews have reported that level of expressed
more easily able to “broaden-and-build” themselves PWB may vary widely based on these demographic
over time based upon their ample supply of these or status variables (especially see Diener, 1984;
positive-based feelings. As a result, these individuals Diener et al., 1999). Cranny, Smith, and Stone (1992)
are likely to become more creative, resilient, socially noted the potential relations between job satisfaction
connected, and physically and mentally healthy and a number of demographic variables. Spector
(Fredrickson, 2001; Wright, 2005). In particular, the (1997) noted that gender is an important factor to
positive evaluative sentiments associated with high consider in conducting research on job satisfaction.
levels of job satisfaction can be further broadened Berkman (1971) noted that similar relations exist
and built upon when the employee feels psycholog- among these status variables and PWB. Finally, the
ically well overall (Wright, 2005). possibility of relations among gender, tenure, ethnic-
Building upon prior research establishing main ity, and performance has also been noted (Blum &
effect associations among job satisfaction, PWB, and Naylor, 1968; Elvira & Town, 2001; Wright & Staw,
job performance (Wright & Cropanzano, 2000), the 1999). We control for gender, tenure, and ethnicity in
broaden-and-build model suggests that satisfied and our analyses and provide an answer to our primary
psychologically well employees are more likely than
those less satisfied and psychologically well to have Research Hypothesis: PWB will moderate the
the resources necessary to foster and facilitate in- relation between job performance and job satis-
creased levels of job performance. Research has faction, such that this association will be stron-
clearly demonstrated that positive feelings can help ger when PWB is high and weaker when PWB
enhance one’s ability to be a better problem solver, is low.
decision maker, and evaluator/processor of events
(e.g., Erez & Isen, 2002; Isen, 2002). In turn, research Method
has consistently shown that these skills and abilities
are related to job performance (Wright, 2005). As an Participants
added bonus, these effects would appear to persist
over time due, in part, to the differential manner in Upon receipt of permission from the CEO, the first
which happy and unhappy people recall events. In author asked 149 first-level managers employed by a
fact, as a general consequence, a continued focus on large (over 5000 employees) customer services-
positive feelings expands (broadens) and builds upon oriented organization on the West Coast of the
these positive urges, creating a potentially “upward United States to participate in the study by means of
spiral” effect, which is proposed to further enhance a direct contact procedure. More specifically, the first
individual character development (Fredrickson & author scheduled a time to individually meet with
Joiner, 2002; Fredrickson & Losada, 2005; Hobfoll, each manager in his or her office. Study guidelines
1998; Wright, 2005). This capacity to constructively were discussed and each manager was asked to par-
experience positive feelings has been proposed to be ticipate in the project. The actual sample included
a fundamental human strength (Fredrickson, 2001; 109 managers, representing a participation rate of
Wright, 2005). 73% (109/149). The demographic characteristics of
the participants were determined by questionnaire
Control Variables response and confirmed by the first author through
examination of company records. The sample was
Resource maintenance or conservation theories primarily male (76%) and white (62%). All partici-
provide the theoretical basis for why certain demo- pants had completed at least two years of college.
graphic variables may help facilitate the emergence The mean tenure with the organization was 9.8 years
of employee PWB and job satisfaction (Cropanzano (SD ⫽ 6.7). Examination of company records indi-

cated that the study participants did not differ signif- satisfied are you with your coworkers?”; and “All in
icantly from nonparticipants regarding gender, eth- all, how satisfied are you with the supervision?”
nicity, education level, and tenure with the Ratings were made on a 5-point scale ranging from 1
organization. (very unsatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). The theoretical
and empirical justification for combining these three
Measures facet measures of job satisfaction has been widely
documented (Price & Mueller, 1986; Wright &
Psychological Well-Being. As a measure of psy- Cropanzano, 2000).
chological well-being, the current study used the Job performance. Supervisory ratings obtained
eight-item Index of Psychological Well-Being devel- from the employee’s immediate supervisor were used
oped by Berkman (1971). Like many other well- to measure actual job performance. In particular,
being measures (Diener, 1984), the Berkman scale each participant’s manager evaluated subordinates on
was designed to assess people’s well-being on a the indicator of performance: goal emphasis. The
single affective index (Wright & Staw, 1999). The goal emphasis dimension was measured using a
Berkman scale uses many of the same items as 5-point scale ranging from never to always regarding
Bradburn and Caplovitz’s (1965) earlier measure, but the extent that employees “develop and maintain high
with a more general time horizon. In particular, re- performance goals over the past (one year) evaluation
spondents were asked such questions as how often period.” In addition, a one-item, global rating of
(coded as never, sometimes, and often) they felt “very performance was provided (i.e., “Overall, how would
lonely or remote from other people,” “depressed or you rate this employee’s performance over the past
very unhappy,” and “on top of the world.” Following (one year) evaluation period?)” Values ranged from 1
Berkman (1971) and Wright and Staw (1999), PWB (poor) to 5 (excellent). These items were summed to
was scored on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (low form a composite measure of performance.
PWB) to 7 (high PWB). For additional information
regarding the scoring and validation of the Index Results
using a probability sample of 6928 adults from
Alameda County, California, the reader is referred to Preparatory Analyses
Berkman (1971).
Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction was measured Table 1 displays the variable means, standard de-
by three widely recognized job satisfaction dimen- viations, intercorrelations, and internal consistency
sions or facets: degree of satisfaction with the work reliabilities. Coefficient alpha reliabilities were .75,
itself, degree of satisfaction with coworkers, and de- .75, and .74 for job satisfaction, psychological well-
gree of satisfaction with supervision (Price & being, and job performance, respectively. Consistent
Mueller, 1986). The satisfaction items asked the fol- with Judge et al. (2001), job satisfaction was corre-
lowing questions: “All in all, how satisfied are you lated with job performance (r ⫽ .36, p ⬍ .01, 95%
with the work itself of your job?”; “All in all, how CI ⫽ .18 to .52). Providing additional support to our

Table 1
Means, Standard Deviations, Alpha Reliabilities and Intercorrelations
Variables M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Ethnicitya 1.4 0.5 —
2. Genderb 1.2 0.4 .01** —
3. Organization tenure 9.8 6.7 ⫺.27 .02 —
4. Job satisfactionc 3.4 0.8 .07 .03 .14 (.75)
5. Psychological well-being 3.6 1.5 ⫺.02** .10 .11 .30** (.75)
6. Job performanced 3.6 0.9 ⫺.28 .19 .01 .36 .43 (.74)
Note. Alpha reliabilities appear in the diagonal.
Ethnicity was coded “1” for white and “2” for nonwhite. b Gender was coded “1” for male and “2” for female. c Mean score
is based on the combined three job satisfaction facet items (5-point scale). d Mean score is based on the combined two job
performance items (5-point scale).
p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01, all tests are two-tailed.

overall finding, considered individually, each of the correlation was .13, F(3, 95) ⫽ 4.73, p ⬍ .01, 95%
three facet items of satisfaction, the work itself (r ⫽ CI: .01 to .24; at Step 2, the squared multiple corre-
.35, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .17 to .51), coworkers (r ⫽ lation was .35, F(5, 93) ⫽ 9.86, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI: .17
.28, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .09 to .45), and supervision to .47; and, at Step 3, the squared multiple correlation
(r ⫽ .25, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .06 to .42) were was .38, F(6, 92) ⫽ 9.26, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI: .18 to .49.
correlated with performance. Likewise, consistent When all the variables were included in the model
with work on psychological well-being, PWB is also (Step 3), job performance was associated with eth-
associated with performance ratings (r ⫽ .43, p ⬍ nicity (b ⫽ ⫺.49, p ⬍ .01), PWB (b ⫽ .15, p ⬍ .01),
.01, 95% CI ⫽ .26 to .58). It is also noteworthy that job satisfaction (b ⫽ .32, p ⬍ .01), and the job
though job satisfaction and PWB are significantly satisfaction by PWB interaction (b ⫽ .12, p ⬍ .05).
associated, the size of this relationship (r ⫽ .30, p ⬍ Most relevant to the present study, this interaction
.01, 95% CI ⫽ .12 to .46) is not so large as to cause accounted for a small, but statistically significant
doubts as to the independence of the two constructs. increment in variance beyond the control variables
and main effects, ⌬ R2 ⫽ .03, p ⬍ .05.
Interaction Between Job Satisfaction
and PWB Testing the Form of the Interaction

Using hierarchical moderated regression (Aguinis, To illustrate the nature of the interaction, we plot-
1995), we tested the hypothesized moderating role of ted the relation between job satisfaction and job
PWB on the job satisfaction - job performance rela- performance for individuals with one standard devi-
tion. For descriptive purposes and in order to better ation above the mean on PWB and for one standard
highlight the incremental contribution of our interac- deviation below the mean (Aiken & West, 1991).
tion, our analyses proceeded in three steps (Aguinis, Note that these plots are predicted values based on
1995); these are shown in Table 2. In Step 1, we our full sample (N ⫽ 99) and computed from the Step
entered the demographic control variables (ethnicity, 3 parameter estimates contained in Table 2. These
gender, and tenure). In Step 2, we entered the two plots are displayed in Figure 1. In particular, the
main effects for job satisfaction and PWB. These simple slope at high PWB is strong and positive (b ⫽
were followed by the job satisfaction by PWB inter- 0.50, t ⫽ 3.85, p ⬍ .01, 95% CI ⫽ .24 to .76), while
action in Step 3. PWB and job satisfaction were the simple slope at low PWB is nonsignificant and
centered before performing the regression analyses close to zero (b ⫽ 0.14, t ⫽ 1.08, ns, 95% CI ⫽ ⫺.12
(Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003). In addition, to .40). More specifically, the figure shows that the
diagnostic checks for influential observations and relation between job satisfaction and job performance
nonlinearity were conducted, with no problems de- tends to be stronger for employees with high PWB
tected. than for employees with low PWB. Likewise, perfor-
The multiple regression results for Steps 1–3 are mance is highest of all when both job satisfaction and
shown in Table 2. At Step 1, the squared multiple PWB are also high. Figure 1 further demonstrates the

Table 2
Hierarchical Regression for Job Performance
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Variables b SE b ␤ b SE b ␤ b SE b ␤
* *
Gender .47 .19 .24 .37 .17 .19 .33 .17 .17
Tenure ⫺.02 .01 ⫺.13 ⫺.02 .01 ⫺.18* ⫺.02 .01 ⫺.17
Ethnicity ⫺.44 .17 ⫺.26* ⫺.48 .15 ⫺.28** ⫺.49 .15 ⫺.29**
Psychological well-being (PWB) .17 .05 .31** .15 .05 .28**
Job satisfaction .28 .09 .27** .32 .09 .31**
Job satisfaction by PWB .12 .06 .18*
R2 ⫽ .13** R2 ⫽ .35** R ⫽ .38**

⌬R2 ⫽ .22** ⌬R ⫽ .03*


Note. Job satisfaction and psychological well-being were centered for all analyses.
p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01, two-tailed tests.

Figure 1. Interaction of PWB and job satisfaction in predicting job performance. Plotted
lines illustrate the effect of job satisfaction on job performance for those scoring 1 standard
deviation above the mean on the measure of PWB (high PWB) and for those scoring 1
standard deviation below the mean on the measure of PWB (low PWB).

overall tendency for employees with high levels of Theoretical Implications

PWB to have higher levels of job performance than
employees with low levels of PWB. In broad outline, this interaction effect is consistent
with several lines of theoretical thinking. For in-
Discussion stance, Judge and his colleagues emphasized that the
job satisfaction/job performance relation was signif-
The present research provides further clarification icant overall, but this relationship also showed a good
to the age-old quest to better understand the happy/ deal of variability. Likewise, Cropanzano and Wright
productive worker thesis. In particular and consistent (2001), while asserting that PWB is often related to
with Judge et al.’s (2001) Model 5 premise, we found performance, maintained that those high in PWB
that job satisfaction does predict job performance, respond more favorably to positive circumstances
assuming the employee also has a high level of PWB. than do those low in PWB.
Job satisfaction is apparently not as good a predictor Even more important to note is that this study
of job performance among employees with low levels suggests that Frederickson’s (1998, 2003) broaden-
of PWB. In fact, as graphically evidenced in Figure 1, and-build model provides a useful framework for
there is no discernable relationship between job sat- predicting effective work behaviors, such as job per-
isfaction and job performance for those low in PWB. formance. Specifically, the model suggests that job
What this means is that for even the most satisfied satisfaction is of value, but mostly for those with the
employees, if they are low in PWB, their high job high well-being that allows them to more fully ben-
satisfaction is less likely to be reflected in increased efit from this favorable circumstance. Future research
job performance. By extension, if job satisfaction is should examine the broaden-and-build model in other
viewed by workers as a positive circumstance (a circumstances. For instance, our study emphasized
point with which few would disagree), then accord- job satisfaction. However, the impact of other posi-
ing to Fredrickson’s (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build tive circumstances, such as a supportive family,
model, it should have a stronger relation to perfor- might be stronger when PWB is high and weaker
mance when PWB is high and a weaker relation to when PWB is low. This idea is speculative, but it is
performance when PWB is low. These findings are consistent with Frederickson’s model.
important and have both theoretical and practical While this study has answered some questions, it
implications. has raised others. Clearly, this is an area of inquiry

that could benefit from additional research. In this engineering focuses on changing the work environ-
regard, it is noteworthy that there are other versions ment to make it more closely fit the needs and
of the happy/productive thesis, and these do not nec- abilities of one’s employees. While employee
essarily involve PWB or job satisfaction (for a re- PWB has implications for each of these ap-
view, see Cropanzano & Wright, 2001). These in- proaches, we focus our attention on training and
clude positive affectivity (Watson, 1988; Wright & situational engineering.
Staw, 1999) and the Five-Factor personality frame- While PWB exhibits significant test-retest consis-
work (Barrick & Mount, 1991), among others. Re- tency over time, these results also indicate that indi-
search continues to explore the relation of these con- viduals have the opportunity to learn ways to enhance
structs to the two operationalizations considered their PWB through any number of training-based
here. One possibility may be causal. For instance, interventions (for a review, see Quick, Quick,
Diener (1994) suggested that dispositional positive Nelson, & Hurrell, 1997). In particular, a number of
affectivity (PA) might be a cause of PWB. Similarly, strategies exist where individuals are trained to pro-
other researchers have proposed that PA might cause actively self-monitor or manage their personal per-
job satisfaction as well (e.g., Cropanzano, James, & ceptions to enhance positive and discourage negative
Konovsky, 1993; George, 1992; for a related per- displays of emotion. For example, constructive self-
spective see Judge et al., 2001), though such effects talk is a learned technique that replaces negative
could be moderated by working conditions (Levin & self-talk with more positive and reinforcing self-talk
Stokes, 1989). (Eliot, 1995). More recently, Seligman, Steen, Park,
We propose that a fuller integration of these dif- and Peterson (2005) reported that several interven-
ferent constructs, using such approaches as Fredrick- tion strategies increased happiness and decreased de-
son’s (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build model as the pressive symptoms for up to six months. Especially
theoretical framework, could provide greater insight promising are intervention strategies designed to get
into the happy/productive worker thesis. In particu- individuals to use such signature strengths (Peterson
lar, in addition to PWB, the broaden-and-build model & Seligman, 2004) as love of learning, authenticity,
would support the possible adaptive and interactive kindness, fairness, forgiveness, and hope in new and
nature of a number of other positive-based emotions. novel ways. This discussion emphasizes an important
For instance, joy, exhilaration, optimism, and interest point. These interventions can benefit both the indi-
all share the ability to “broaden” an individual’s vidual employee through enhanced PWB, as well as
momentary thought–action experiences and provide the organization through increased productivity.
valuable assistance in helping to further “build” the Situational engineering involves techniques designed
individual’s personal resource arsenal (Fredrickson, to change the work environment to promote worker
2001). As a consequence, individuals are more easily PWB. Like training, this approach also shows promise,
able to transform themselves and become more cre- as there is a growing body of evidence that conditions at
ative, hardy, resilient, socially connected, and phys- work affect employee PWB (Wright & Cropanzano,
ically and mentally healthy (Wright, 2003). We hope 2000). For example, research has demonstrated that
that the present study will provide the stimulus for something as straightforward as providing tangible so-
more research on these potentially important topics. cial support on the job can minimize the negative im-
pact of a stressful work environment (Kohn & Schooler,
Practical Implications 1982). Likewise, such family friendly policies as flex-
time and childcare have been proposed to enhance lev-
Assuming that these findings are replicated by els of employee PWB (Quick et al., 1997). We suggest
future studies, they could have implications for indi- that future research give serious consideration to situa-
vidual betterment and management practice. In par- tional engineering attempts to enhance employee PWB.
ticular, organizations may want to pay closer atten-
tion to the well-being of their workforce. Generally Limitations of the Present Study
speaking, employee-focused, positive psychological-
based work interventions can take three general There are potential limitations to our findings
forms: composition, training, and situational engi- that are worth considering. For one, all our mea-
neering (Ilgen, 1999). Composition focuses on select- sures were taken contemporaneously, rendering
ing and placing individuals into appropriate posi- any causal inferences as inappropriate. Fortu-
tions, while training emphasizes assisting employees nately, our interpretation is consistent with longi-
so that they better fit their jobs. Finally, situational tudinal field research conducted by Wright and

Staw (1999) and Wright et al. (2002), as well as minority management-level personnel. We suggest
quasi-experimental research by Staw and Barsade that future research endeavors using supervisory
(1993). That stated, research is needed to examine measures of performance take the precaution of
the impact of change in employee PWB over time controlling for the possibility of bias.
(Wright, 2005). For instance, longitudinal research
would afford the opportunity to test the broaden-
and-build premise that positive changes will tend
to persist over time, due, in part, to the differential This article provides evidence supporting the in-
manner in which positively and negatively oriented corporation of both employee PWB and job satisfac-
individuals recall events (Fredrickson, 2001; tion in the future consideration of the happy/
Wright, 2003). In addition, long-term, prospective productive worker thesis. Using Fredrickson’s (1998,
longitudinal research designs would also allow for 2001) broaden-and-build model as the theoretical
the period of time between PWB and such impor- base and consistent with Judge et al.’s Model 5, we
tant organizational outcome variables as perfor- found that PWB moderates the relation between job
mance, turnover, chronic absenteeism, and tardi- satisfaction and job performance. Consistent with
ness to more naturally and developmentally unfold. Fredrickson’s model, job performance was highest
One could also suggest that another possible lim- when employees reported high scores in both PWB
itation is that the present findings are a consequence and job satisfaction.
of the type of performance instrument used. That is, Additional research is now needed to more closely
it is possible that employees who are psychologically examine the form and function of PWB. For exam-
well and satisfied with their job are simply “nicer” ple, while various forms of PWB (e.g., fatigued vs.
people and more fun to be around. Because people agitated) are similar constructs because they possess
(i.e., management) tend to be more tolerant of those large amounts of unpleasantness, they also differ
they favor or like, management personnel may pro- because they possess differing measures of activation
vide more positive evaluations for those who appear (Larsen & Diener, 1992). The awareness of future
to be psychologically well and satisfied with their job research endeavors of these types of distinctions
(Wright & Cropanzano, 1998). Thus, rather than be- could be very helpful in better predicting employee
ing directly related to changes in performance, PWB behavior across differing job situations.
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source of halo in performance evaluations. Previous
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