SIMULACRO Suficiencia 1

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13/5/2021 SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1: Revisión del intento

Página Principal / Mis cursos / 2021-INGLES-SMLCR / SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1

Comenzado el jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021, 21:55

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021, 22:35
Tiempo 40 minutos 15 segundos
Calificación 74,00 de 100,00

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el sinónimo de la palabra dada.

Any substance consisting of two or more different types of atoms (chemical 1

elements) in a fixed stoichiometric proportion can be termed a chemical compound; 2
the concept is most readily understood when considering pure chemical 3
substances. Chemical compounds can be converted, via chemical reaction, into 4
compounds or substances each having fewer atoms. The ratio of each element in 5
the compound is expressed in a ratio in its chemical formula. 6

► easily (línea 3): readily  1/13
13/5/2021 SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el sinónimo de la palabra dada.

Adobe PDF (Portable Documents Format) ensures that your printed or viewed file 1
retains the formatting that you intended, but the file cannot be easily changed. You 2
can also save your workbooks in a Web page format for use on websites with the 3
Single File Web Page or Web Page options in the Save As dialog box. To import 4
data into another format, you can also try Text (Tab delimited) or CSV (Comma 5
delimited) formats. All of these options are available from the Save as type 6
drop‑down list or the Export tab. 7

► choices (línea 4): options 

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el sinónimo de la palabra dada.

The intuitive notion that a tangent line "touches" a curve can be made more explicit 1
by considering the sequence of straight lines (secant lines) passing through two 2
points, A and B, those that lie on the function curve. The tangent at A is the limit 3
when point B approximates or tends to A. The existence and uniqueness of the 4
tangent line depends on a certain type of mathematical smoothness, known as 5
"differentiability." 6

► which go (línea 2): passing through  passing 2/13
13/5/2021 SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el sinónimo de la palabra dada.

A key concept in the dynamics of vortices is the vorticity, a vector that describes the 1
local rotary motion at a point in the fluid, as would be perceived by an observer that 2
moves along with it. Conceptually, the vorticity could be observed by placing a tiny 3
rough ball at the point in question, free to move with the fluid, and observing how it 4
rotates about its center. The direction of the vorticity vector is defined to be the 5
direction of the axis of rotation of this imaginary ball. 6

► might (línea 3): could 

Pregunta 5

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el sinónimo de la palabra dada.

As mentioned before, the ribbon is a visual interface that allows you to manipulate 1
items on your worksheet. You can add a new ribbon tab, add a group on any ribbon 2
tab, and add commands within a group. A group of commands on the default ribbon 3
tabs are related in functionality. For example, on the Home tab, the Font group 4
allows you to change the font, font size, add bold, italic, or underline, or change the 5
color of the cell or font. The Excel Options dialog box also offers selections for 6
customizing the ribbon. You can add and remove commands, and you can change 7
the location of ribbon commands to make accessing those you use most frequently 8
more convenient. In this exercise, you use the commands in the Excel Options 9
dialog box to create a new tab and command group to contain your frequently used 10
commands. Then you will reset the customizations to return to the default ribbon. 11

► erase (línea 7): remove  3/13
13/5/2021 SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el antónimo de la palabra dada.

By parametric equation we mean a type of equation that employs an independent 1

variable called a parameter (often denoted by t) and in which dependent variables 2
are defined as continuous functions of the parameter and are not dependent on 3
another existing variable. More than one parameter can be employed when 4
necessary. For instance, instead of the equation y = x2, which is in Cartesian form, 5
the same equation can be described as a pair of equations in parametric form: x = t 6
and y = t2. This conversion to parametric form is called parameterization, which 7
provides great efficiency when differentiating and integrating curves. 8

► constant (línea 4): variable 

Pregunta 7

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el antónimo de la palabra dada.

Permutations and combinations are the various ways in which objects from a set 1
may be selected, generally without replacement, to form subsets. This selection of 2
subsets is called a permutation when the order of selection is a factor, a 3
combination when order is not a factor. By considering the ratio of the number of 4
desired subsets to the number of all possible subsets for many games of chance in 5
the 17th century, the French mathematicians Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat 6
gave impetus to the development of combinatorics and probability theory. 7

► unlikely (línea 5): possible  4/13
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Pregunta 8

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el antónimo de la palabra dada.

Applying a Picture Style to a picture enables you to select from various framing and 1
presentation designs, to give the picture an added appeal. The available options in 2
the Picture Styles group enable you to select from among the Quick Styles, Picture 3
Border, and Picture Effects options, which can add interest to your picture. Captions 4
consist of few descriptive words, and are typically used for figures, tables, and 5
equations. Adding a caption to a picture provides readers with information regarding 6
the image. Formatting a picture using the Picture Layout options enables you to use 7
one of the built-in SmartArt graphics with a caption placeholder. 8

► forbid (línea 3): enable 

Pregunta 9

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el antónimo de la palabra dada.

A simple pendulum consists of a bob suspended at the end of a thread that is so 1

light as to be considered massless. The period of such a device can be made 2
longer by increasing its length, as measured from the point of suspension to the 3
middle of the bob. A change in the mass of the bob, however, does not affect the 4
period, provided the length is not thereby affected. The period, on the other hand, is 5
influenced by the position of the pendulum in relation to Earth. Because the 6
strength of Earth’s gravitational field is not uniform everywhere, a given pendulum 7
swings faster, and thus has a shorter period, at low altitudes and at Earth’s poles 8
than it does at high altitudes and at the Equator. 9

► influences (línea 4): not affect  does not affect

longer (línea 8): shorter

even (línea 7): is not uniform 5/13
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Pregunta 10

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 3,00

Señalar el antónimo de la palabra dada.

A simple pendulum consists of a bob suspended at the end of a thread that is so 1

light as to be considered massless. The period of such a device can be made 2
longer by increasing its length, as measured from the point of suspension to the 3
middle of the bob. A change in the mass of the bob, however, does not affect the 4
period, provided the length is not thereby affected. The period, on the other hand, is 5
influenced by the position of the pendulum in relation to Earth. Because the 6
strength of Earth’s gravitational field is not uniform everywhere, a given pendulum 7
swings faster, and thus has a shorter period, at low altitudes and at Earth’s poles 8
than it does at high altitudes and at the Equator. 9

► even (línea 7): given  is not uniform

Pregunta 11

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Señalar el referente de la palabra "its" resaltada en el texto.

Differential geometry studies the geometry of curves, surfaces, and manifolds (the
higher-dimensional analogs of surfaces). The discipline owes its name to its use of
ideas and techniques from differential calculus, though the modern subject often uses
algebraic and purely geometric techniques instead. Although basic definitions,
notations, and analytic descriptions vary widely, the following geometric questions
prevail: How does one measure the curvature of a curve within a surface (intrinsic)
versus within the encompassing space (extrinsic)? How can the curvature of a surface
be measured? What is the shortest path within a surface between two points on the
surface? How is the shortest path on a surface related to the concept of a straight line?

Differential geometry 6/13
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Pregunta 12

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 5,00

Señalar el referente de la palabra "who" resaltada en el texto.

As can be seen from Eq. 5.15, the SI unit of power is joules per second (J/s), but this
unit is given another name, the watt (W): 1 J/s = 1 watt (W). The SI unit of power is
named in honor of James Watt, a Scottish engineer who developed one of the first
practical steam engines. A common unit of electrical power is the kilowatt (kW). The
British unit of power is foot-pound per second (ft · lb/s)). However, a larger unit coined
by Watt, the horsepower (hp), is more commonly used.

Respuesta: James Watt  a Scottish engineer

Pregunta 13

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 5,00

Señalar el referente de la palabra "them" resaltada en el texto.

Vector addition by the analytical component method: (a) Resolve the vectors into their
x- and y-components. (b) Add all of the x-components and all of the y-components
together vectorially to obtain the x and y-components Cx and Cy, respectively, of the
resultant. Express the resultant in either component form or magnitude–angle form. All
angles are referenced to the +x- or –x-axis to keep them less than 90º.

Respuesta: angles  All angles 7/13
13/5/2021 SIMULACRO_DE_EXAMEN_FINAL_INGLES_1: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Señalar el referente de la palabra "they" resaltada en el texto.

There are ways of describing the physical world that do not involve measurement. For
instance, we might talk about the color of a flower or a dress. But the perception of
color is subjective; it may vary from one person to another. Indeed, many people are
color-blind and cannot tell certain colors apart. Light received by our eyes can be
described in terms of wavelengths and frequencies. Different wavelengths are
associated with different colors because of the physiological response of our eyes to
light. But unlike the sensations or perceptions of color, wavelengths can be measured.
They are the same for everyone. In other words, measurements are objective. Physics
attempts to describe and understand nature in an objective way through measurement.

Respuesta: wavelengths 

Pregunta 15

Puntúa 0,00 sobre 5,00

Señalar el referente de la palabra "their" resaltada en el texto.

The rectangular plot has a total area of 3.0 m × 4.0 m = 12 m2. It is obvious that the
right triangle divides the plot in half. This is not as obvious for the isosceles triangle.
But with a little study you should see that the outside areas could be arranged such
that their combined area would be the same as that of the shaded isosceles triangle.
So the isosceles triangle also divides the plot in half and the answer is (3). [This could
be proven mathematically by computing the areas of the triangles. Area = ½(altitude ×

Respuesta: outside areas 

the outside areas 8/13
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Pregunta 16

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Leer el texto e indicar si la oración dada es verdadera o falsa.

The equivalence principle is a fundamental law of physics that states that gravitational
and inertial forces are of a similar nature and often indistinguishable. In the Newtonian
form it asserts, in effect, that, within a windowless laboratory freely falling in a uniform
gravitational field, experimenters would be unaware that the laboratory is in a state of
nonuniform motion. All dynamical experiments yield the same results as obtained in an
inertial state of uniform motion unaffected by gravity. This was confirmed to a high
degree of precision by an experiment conducted by the Hungarian physicist Roland
Eötvös. In Einstein’s version, the principle asserts that in free-fall the effect of gravity is
totally abolished in all possible experiments and general relativity reduces to special
relativity, as in the inertial state.

► Todos los experimentos dinámicos producen resultados distintos según lo obtenido

en un estado inercial de movimiento uniforme no afectado por la gravedad.

Seleccione una:

Falso 

Pregunta 17

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Leer el texto e indicar si la oración dada es verdadera o falsa.

The CPU provides the circuits that implement the computer’s instruction set—its
machine language. It is composed of an arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) and control circuits.
The ALU carries out basic arithmetic and logic operations, and the control section
determines the sequence of operations, including branch instructions that transfer
control from one part of a program to another. Although the main memory was once
considered part of the CPU, today it is regarded as separate. The boundaries shift,
however, and CPU chips now also contain some high-speed cache memory where
data and instructions are temporarily stored for fast access.

► La sección de control gobierna la secuencia de las distintas operaciones.

Seleccione una:
Verdadero 

Falso 9/13
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Pregunta 18

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Leer el texto e indicar si la oración dada es verdadera o falsa.

A computer might be described with deceptive simplicity as “an apparatus that

performs routine calculations automatically.” Such a definition would owe its
deceptiveness to a naive and narrow view of calculation as a strictly mathematical
process. In fact, calculation underlies many activities that are not normally thought of
as mathematical. Walking across a room, for instance, requires many complex, albeit
subconscious, calculations. Computers, too, have proved capable of solving a vast
array of problems, from balancing a checkbook to even—in the form of guidance
systems for robots—walking across a room.

► El cálculo subyace muchas actividades que normalmente no son consideradas


Seleccione una:
Verdadero 


Pregunta 19

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Leer el texto e indicar si la oración dada es verdadera o falsa.

The position vector is a straight line having one end fixed to a body and the other end
attached to a moving point and used to describe the position of the point relative to the
body. As the point moves, the position vector will change in length or in direction or in
both length and direction. If drawn to some scale, the change in length will signify a
change in the magnitude of the vector, while a change in direction will signify a rotation
of the vector. Changes in magnitude and direction are the only changes that a position
vector can experience, and the velocity of the point is defined as the time rate of
change of the position vector.

► A medida que el punto se traslada, el vector de posición no variará su longitud ni

su sentido.

Seleccione una:

Falso  10/13
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Pregunta 20

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Leer el texto e indicar si la oración dada es verdadera o falsa.

If the smooth curve does represent the actual motion of the car, the graph contains
information about the entire 50-s interval during which we watch the car move. It is
much easier to see changes in position from the graph than from a verbal description
or even a table of numbers. For example, it is clear that the car was covering more
ground during the middle of the 50-s interval than at the end. Between positions C and
D, the car traveled almost 40 m, but during the last 10 s, between positions E and F, it
moved less than half that far.

► Un gráfico brinda una percepción considerablemente más simple de las

variaciones de posición que una exposición verbal o una tabla de números.

Seleccione una:
Verdadero 


Pregunta 21

Puntúa 4,00 sobre 4,00

Lea el siguiente fragmento.

Luego identifique y transcriba el nexo lógico, e indique la relación lógica.

In the above definition Ω needs to be a reasonable set (open or measurable) and f

needs to be a reasonable function (continuous or measurable). We will not worry about
those technicalities. Also, notice that the x in ∫Ω f (x) dx is a dummy variable and could
be replaced with any other symbol. We define the notions of differentiable and
derivative. Notice that in this context, the derivative is an operator, not a number as in
one-variable calculus.

Nexo lógico Relación Lógica


  11/13
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Pregunta 22

Puntúa 4,00 sobre 4,00

Lea el siguiente fragmento.

Luego identifique y transcriba el nexo lógico, e indique la relación lógica.

Many heavy-duty appliances (electric ranges and clothes dryers) require 240 V to
operate. The power company supplies this voltage by providing a live wire that is 120 V
above ground potential and another live wire that is 120 V below ground potential.
Therefore, the potential drop across the two live wires is 240 V. An appliance operating
from a 240-V line requires half the current of one operating from a 120-V line. With this
layout, smaller wires can be used in the higher-voltage circuit without becoming

Nexo lógico Relación Lógica


 

Pregunta 23
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 2,00 sobre 4,00

Lea el siguiente fragmento.

Luego identifique y transcriba el nexo lógico, e indique la relación lógica.

In this analysis, we will assume that the voltage and current gains of the input stage
are large enough that other stages have negligible effect on the input offset voltage
and current of the op amp. Provided the mismatches are small enough that they only
slightly perturb the currents in the circuit, we can simplify the problem by considering
each device pair independently. Figure 6.49 shows a simplified schematic of the input
stage of the NE5234.

Nexo lógico Relación Lógica


 

Provided 12/13
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Pregunta 24

Puntúa 4,00 sobre 4,00

Lea el siguiente fragmento.

Luego identifique y transcriba el nexo lógico, e indique la relación lógica.

We now summarize the ways in which the gradient vector is significant. We consider a
function f of three variables and a point P(x0, y0, z0) in its domain. We know from
Theorem 15 that the gradient vector ∇ f(x0, y0, z0) gives the direction of fastest
increase of f. On the other hand, we know that ∇ f(x0, y0, z0) is orthogonal to the level
surface S of f through P. These two properties are quite compatible intuitively (by
moving away from P on the level surface S, the value of f does not change at all.) It
seems reasonable that movement in the perpendicular direction yields the maximum

Nexo lógico Relación Lógica

On the other hand CONTRASTE

 

Pregunta 25

Puntúa 4,00 sobre 4,00

Lea el siguiente fragmento.

Luego identifique y transcriba el nexo lógico, e indique la relación lógica.

Rational numbers or fractions such as ¼, –¾, . . . arose to permit solutions of

equations of the form bx = a for all integers a and b, where b ≠ 0. This leads to the
operation of division, or inverse of multiplication, and we write x = a/b or a ÷ b where a
is the numerator and b the denominator. The set of integers is a subset of the rational
numbers. Integers correspond to rational numbers where b = 1.

Nexo lógico Relación Lógica


  13/13

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