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Ever wonder why with all the stars in sky our spaces are black?

Me too, so this goes without a saying but

our sun, that thing that makes days bright and sunny. Yeah, It aint the only sun in the sky or the universe.

These things are everywhere, so space should be bright as well. But its not. HUH! So then first we need
to figure it out why is earth have so much light. Well earth has this special thing around it called,
atmosphere. A bubble of gas, water droplets, dusts and dirt, PARTICLES. So when light comes from the
sun comes at us, they bounce like crazy off these atmospheric particles and scatter into different colors
of light we can see! Its why the sky is blue and the sunset are pink, red and orange. Im lonely, okay back
to space so surely if Earth has all these light scattering particles, space must too right? Well no, see
theres a little bit of dust and gas in space but everything is soooo spread out that its not dense enough
to bounce light like out atmosphere. Hence, blackness.

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