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GRADE 11 - GLOBAL SUCCESS (UNITS 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

 Unit 6: Preserving our heritage
 Unit 7: Education and options for school-leavers
 Unit 8: Becoming Independent
 Unit 9: Social Issues
 Unit 10: The Ecosystem
- Giới thiệu các thông tin về bản thân / sở thích / về thầy cô, mái trường / môn học yêu thích, du lịch, âm nhạc,
phim ảnh, thần tượng ...
- Talk about your experiences of peer pressure.
You should focus on the following main points:
1. Which peer pressure affects you most? Why?
2. Which one affect you the least? Why?
3. Which are examples of positive peer pressure?
- What social issues do you or your friends have?
You should focus on the following main points:
1. What problems have a direct impact on teens?
2. An issue that teens face in their everyday life?
3. Do you talk to your parents, share problems with your friends, or ask teachers for advice?
- Talk about a way to protect local biodiversity.
You should focus on the following main points:
1. Why is it important?
2. How will it help protect local biodiversity?
3. What can you do to help?
- Talk about a national park you have gone to or you have watch on TV
You should focus on the following main points:
1. Where is it?
2. What can/did you see in the park?
3. Why do we need national park? What should we do to protect them?

B. LISTENING (Review yourself)

I. Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. honor B. heritage C. history D. alcohol
2. A. effect B. pressure C. restore D. engage
3. A. achieve B. apply C. argue D. adapt
4. A. private B. crime C. wildlife D. vision
5. A. brings B. takes C. loves D. spends
6. A. decision B. responsible C. offensive D. self- study
7. A. hope B. follow C. stole D. proposal
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
1. A. wildlife B. resource C. fauna D. flora
2. A. dependent B. violent C. physical D. confident
3. A. atmosphere B. consequence C. pollutant D. temperature
4. A. landscape B. valley C. effect D. measure
5. A. effort B. delta C. perform D. area

6. A. proposal B. population C. diversity D. development
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
1. All countries around the world should make plans for sustainable development.
A. eye-catching B. developed C. long-lasting D. friendly
2. The new law to conserve the wildlife will come into force next month.
A. protect B. eliminate C. pollute D. destroy
3. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20th century.
A. rebuilt B. destroyed C. put up D. pulled up
4. She passed the examination with flying colors.
A. successfully B. happily C. badly D. confidently
5. In Thailand, it's against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be fined up to $2000
Baht. A evil B. illegal C. immoral D. wrong
6. In addition to exploring the caves and grottos, and seeing its flora and fauna, visitors can also enjoy
mountain climbing.
A. flowers and plants B. plants and animals C. plants and vegetation D. flowers and grass
7. Poverty can cause anxiety for children who worry about their future.
A. offense B. depression C. campaign D. violence
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)
1. He felt ashamed after realizing his mistake during the presentation.
A. proud B. embarrassed C. special D. disappointed
2. They had to think of some ways of bettering their lives.
A. cutting B. killing C. worsening D. hurting
3. We can do something to save the earth.
A. destroy B. kick C. shoot D. throw
4. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming.
A. Shrinking B. Declining C. Decreasing D. Increasing
5. The United Nations has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to promote
sustainable practices in this growing industry.
A. favour B. raise C. boost D. delay
6. Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.
A. pennilessness B. destitution C. immigrant D. prosperity
7. People who belong to the LGBT community may feel like the odd one out in a society that emphasizes binary
gender norms.
A. being the difference B. being the confidence
C. being the similarity D. being the embarrassment
II. Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences
1. Global warming is the __________ in the earth’s temperature caused by greenhouse gases.
A. balance B. pollution C. increase D. heat
2. My brother wasn’t offered the job because he didn’t have the right __________ .
A. qualifications B. trades C. apprentices D. skilled people
3. I ________ up my muscles since I started working out.
A. built B. have built C. was building D. build
4. Sharing someone’s personal information online is illegal. __________, you should be very careful about what you
post online.
A. Because B. Moreover C. Therefore D. However
5. Our team _________ various studies into crime and poverty in the city.
A. carried on B. carried out C. went on D. went out
6. A lot of ancient houses in Hoi An remained ______ even after several hundred years.
A. contact B. intact C. extract D. abstract
7. The University of Oxford is one of the best academic ________in the world.
A. chances B. careers C. institutions D. companies

8. _______ is a big problem for many big cities nowadays.
A. Overpopulation B. Over populated C. Human population D. Bullying
9. It was ________I bought the postcards for my friends.
A. from this souvernir shop that B. from this souvernir shop which
C. this souvernir shop that D. this souvernir shop
10. Jane was the first student from our school _______ a gold medal at the Maths Olympiad.
A. to win B. winning C. win D. having won
11. Many teenagers struggle ________ social issues such as bullying and poverty.
A. for B. about C. with D. over
12. I bought some souvenirs______ my parents.
A. giving B. give C. to give D. given
13. Not many people are brave enough to stand __________ bullies.
A. in with B. in on C. up with D. up to
14. _______cigarettes for years, he was diagnosed with lung cancer.
A. Smoking B. Having smoked C. Having been smoked D. Being smoked
15. Many of our favourite foods such as chocolate and coffee come from __________.
A. wildlife B. nature reserves C. natural parks D. tropical forests
16. Their aim is to teach their son to become a(n) _____ and self-reliant adult.
A. independently B. depend C. independence D. independent
17. Scientists in different countries, working independently of each other, have _________ very similar results.
A. come up with B. come up to C. come into D. come along
18. Thanks to tourism development, numerous cultural heritages that were previously lost have been_____.
A. activated B. destroyed C. revised D. restored
19. Parents _______ ask too many questions about where children go and what they do.
A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. mustn’t
20. People should stop smoking ____________ it is extremely detrimental to health.
A. although B. despite C. because D. because of
21. ____________education is a popular option for school-leavers who don’t go to university.
A. Vocational B. Academic C. Secondary D. Formal
22. Peer ___________can have positive or negative effects on teenagers.
A. pressure B. stress C. influence D. anxiety
23. Despite ________ many complaints about bullying, the school hasn’t introduced any anti- bullying policies.
A. received B. to receive C. receiving D. we receive
24. My parents don’t want me to hang ________ with friends who have bad influence on me.
A. on B. out C. to D. from
25. They have finished _________ the presentation on gender equality.
A. prepared B. to prepare C. preparing D. prepare
26. The national park is the home to thousands of ________species, including rare mammals and birds.
A. forests B. wood C. flora D. fauna
27 The service of providing medical care is called _____.
A. credit card B. rainforest C. healthcare D. greenhouse
28. You shouldn’t be ashamed __________ your appearance.
A. of B. about C. with D. for
29. Many of the diseases that can be cured today __________ likely to cause death in the past.
A. are B. were C. was D. have been
30. __________ bullying includes using offensive language to embarrass or upset another person.
A. Physical B. Cyber C. Mental D. Verbal
31. It's hurtful and disrespectful to make fun _____ someone because of their appearance or beliefs.
A. with B. about C. in D. of
32. It was the wind ______ blew the tree branch onto the car.
A. that B. whom C. who D. which

33. Name-calling, teasing, and spreading rumors are all forms of verbal bullying. __________, it's important to
be mindful of the words we choose.
A. However B. In addition C. Moreover D. Therefore
34. The area, which is home to many rare species of plants, _________ a nature reserve two years ago.
A. become B. became C. have become D. will become
1. A. "Where's Loan?" B. - " ________ "
A. She is in her room studying B. She finds it difficult
C. It’s her pleasure D. She has studied hard recently
2. A: I’m afraid the charity event tomorrow has been canceled due to the bad weather.
– B: “...........................! I’ve been looking forward to it all week!”
A. I can sympathize B. What a pity
C. What a surprise D. Yeah, that’s a great idea.
3. Mary: I had a terrible headache last night and couldn’t finish my homework.
Jim: _______________________________. I often have headaches when I’m stressed.
A. I can sympathise with you B. How disappointing!
C. Yes, that’s fine D. What a shame!
4. Long: We’re organising a tree-planting day in local parks. Would you like to join us?
Mai: I’d love to! __________.
A. I love visiting local parks B. Gardening is not my favourite
C. I want to help fight climate change D. Planting trees is so easy
5. A: I’ve just failed my test.
B: __________. Don’t feel too bad, but try harder next time.
A. I’m so ashamed to hear that B. I’m so disappointed to hear that
C. I’m so sorry to hear that D. I’m so shocked to hear that
6. Nam: I don’t like the idea of throwing away used paper and empty bottles. Shall we use them to make school
items? Lan: __________.
A. We can make a lot of money B. I also hate throwing away used paper and bottles
C. I like your idea, but school items are expensive D. Great idea. I’m a big fan of upcycled products
V. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. Deforestation of the area was stopped by the local community’s __________ efforts. (converse)
2. Some animals are in danger because their __________ habitats are being destroyed. (nature)
3. Scientists have discovered millions of __________ things on our planet. (live)
4. It’s important to raise people’s ____________ of these social issues. (aware)
5. Conserving natural resources can help prevent the ________ of biodiversity on our planet. (lose)
6. Each plant helps protect __________ and supports the ecosystem of an area. (biodiverse)
I. Circle A. B. C or D to indicate the words/ phrases that need correction
1. Having imported from America, the fruit was expensive.
2. It is his dishonesty what I dislike the most.
3. Despite conservation efforts, many endanger species remain at risk.
4. Because poor wildlife management, many rare species in the national park may not survive.
5. Prepared her homework carefully, Marie could answer all the questions and got good marks.
6. When he and his wife Ali first went to Africa, it worked in a refugee camp for a month.
7. She borrows a lot of English books from the school library last week.

8. Body-shame is the practice of using offensive language about a person’s appearance.
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. Good life skills can help students become more independent at university. (Using Cleft sentence)
→ It is at university ________________________________________________.
2. Mai won the first prize in the singing competition. She is the youngest person who has done so. (using to
→ Mai is the youngest person ________________________________________.
3. Nam decided to go to medical school because he wanted to become a surgeon. (using to infinitive)
→ Nam decided to go to medical school _______________________________________.
4. My sister finished school. Then she went to a vocational school to train to be a tour guide.
→ Having _______________________________________________________. (Using perfect participle)
5. Because there is an increase in cyberbullying, many schools have to update their anti-bullying policies.
(Using because of)
→ ____________________________________________________________________.
6. In spite of developing health problems, some people continue to drink too much. (Using although)
→ ____________________________________________________________________.
7. I’m getting anxious about my English exam, and I don’t think I have enough time to revise for it. (Using
→ ____________________________________________________________________.
8. They bullied their friends. They were punished by their parents. (Therefore)
 _____________________________________________________________________.

III. Use the cues given to complete the following proposal.

Title: Organising charity events to help poor, needy, and homeless people
To: Mr. Anh
Date: 20th April, 2024
Prepared by: Mr. Quang, President of The Social Awareness Club.

1. The Covid-19 pandemic / economic depression / hit / everyone, especially the poor. Therefore, we would like
/ propose some charity events / help poor, needy / homeless people / our city.
2. We / propose / a series / charity events, which / take place / weekends / the City Park. They / last / three
months, / May / July.
3. All people / be interested / free to help, especially cooks, teachers / hairdressers, / invite / take part.
4. The main activities / include / cooking / serving free meals to the needy, teaching / alphabet, offering free
haircuts, / giving away donated food /clothes.
5. Our goals / be / raise awareness / poverty / encourage kindness / the community.
6. We hope that you / consider / proposal. We believe that these events / make our city become / better place /
everyone / live in.
I. Read the following passage and circle A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The ability to be independent is something (1)…………….. not everyone possesses. However, you need
to be independent in order to survive in the world. Learning to support yourself is fundamental for any (2)
……………. you ever hope to achieve.
At the end of the day, you only have yourself to fall back on, so it is exceedingly important to be able to
handle things on your own. It is all about being secure with who you are and what you believe in. It is
extremely empowering knowing that you are (3) _______ control of your own life and your own choices. It is
much more beneficial to listen to the voice inside yourself rather than the berating opinions of others.
Do you always want to feel (4)………………. on someone else? Of course not. Not only are you limiting
yourself, you are more than likely becoming a burden to this person. We need to learn how to make decisions
on our own. I understand asking your friends their opinion on a fashion decision, but do we really need to
consult ( 5)…………………….. on every minimal decision we have to make? Think of things that are in
your best interest and choose that option.
1. A. that B. who C. when D. whose
2. A. management B. disadvantages C. failure D. success
3. A. out B. in C. on D. under
4. A. dependence B. dependent C. depend D. dependently
5. A. many B. other C. others D. every
II. Read the following passage and Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Tourism will always have an impact on the places visited. Sometimes the impact is good, but often it is negative.
For example, if lots of people visit one place, then this can damage the environment. The question is - how can
we minimize the problems without preventing people from travelling and visiting places?
The main aim of ecotourism is to reduce the negative impact that tourism has on the environment and local
people. The idea is to encourage tourists to think about what they do when they visit a place.
It's great to talk about protecting the environment, but how do you actually do this? There are a number of key
points. Tourists shouldn't drop litter, they should stay on the paths, they shouldn't interfere with wildlife and they
should respect local customs and traditions.
Some people see ecotourism as a contradiction. They say that any tourism needs infrastructure - roads, airports
and hotels. The more tourists that visit a place, the more of these are needed and, by building more of these, you
can't avoid damaging the environment.
But, of course, things aren't so black and white. Living in a place of natural beauty doesn't mean that you
shouldn't benefit from things like better roads. As long as the improvements benefit the local people and not just
the tourists, and the local communities are consulted on plans and changes, then is there really a problem?
In 2002 the United Nations celebrated the "International Year of Ecotourism". Over the past twenty years, more
and more people have started taking eco-holidays. In countries such as Ecuador, Nepal, Costa Rica and Kenya,
ecotourism represents a significant proportion of the tourist industry.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. A brief introduction about ecotourism B. Some Dos for ecotourists
C. Some Don'ts for ecotourists D. Benefits and drawbacks of ecotoursim
2. In paragraph 1, the word "it" refers to ____.
A. tourism B. environment C. impact D. damage
3. According to the passage, what does the ecotourism aim at?
A. stopping ecotourism altogether B. reducing the tourism problems
C. preventing tourists from travelling D. finding a new form of tourism
4. In paragraph 4, the word "avoid" is closest in meaning to ____.
A. present B. pretend C. prevent D. protest
5. Which of the following is TRUE about the author's opinion?
A. Building extra infrastructure in ecotourism areas must be prohibited.
B. New infrastructure could be accepted as long as it also helps local people.
C. Tourists are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.
D. Governments are consulted about the plans to build new infrastructure.

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