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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Sociology 101

A Problem-Solution Chart on the

Lack of Access to Education

Submitted to:
Sir Keith Aldous Paasa

Submitted by:
Izabela Koncesa Cababarros
Danielle Katareene Factura
Maria Alexis Fajardo
Vrianna Lou Guinita

12 Alenio A
A Problem-Solution Chart on “Lack of Access to Education”

An Overview of The Problem Causes of the Problem Effects of the Problem Proposed Solutions from the

Lack of Access to Education is Ultimately, this severity of a

one amongst the still active issues LACK OF MONEY POVERTY problem is quite crucial, especially
in the Philippines. According to a if it continues in the long run. Apart
One of the top reasons why many Although the right to a proper
report on education by the World have a lack of access to educationeducation is a human right, poor from remembering that we are all
Bank - which involves Unicef, is the fact that many families do communities do not have access equal and deserve access to
FCDO, USAid, and the Bill and not have enough money even for to it because it either does not education, we should be able to
Melinda Gates foundation - 90.9% their basic needs, which is why exist at all or is insufficient. As a determine effective and efficient
of Filipino 10-year-old children are children in such families have to result, people are trapped in a solutions for both sectors. The two
work from an early age. According cycle of poverty from which they
going through a state of ‘learning of many solutions we can do to
to research, about 300 million cannot escape. The sad truth is
poverty’. In line with that, 90.4% of children between the ages of 5 that the more educated a person address the problem at hand for
those children are deprived from and 17 already work. The poor is, the better their chances of both Public and Private Schools
learning. Not only that but it is said upbringing of families and their earning a good living. Hence, are to give financial support to
that 5% of Filipino children with social status is a major factor as to
many people, most especially the marginalized families, and to
that age are not enrolled in a why many of the young are unable youth, lack the right to proper propose higher salaries for
school (Mojarro, 2022). to have an education. education and resources teachers.
necessary to escape poverty as a
PREJUDICE result of adverse life
This issue is especially evident circumstances. Based on World There are a lot of parents that
when the difference between Specific groups find themselves Bank estimates, learning poverty have children who are eager to go
Public and Private schools are marginalized while their children in the Philippines is at 90.9 to school but do not have the
brought into the picture. On an are deprived of education percent as of June 2022. money to send them off; especially
opportunities. Learning poverty is defined as the
article by Allianz Care entitled, the ones who are wanting to go to
“Schools in the Philippines”, a percentage of children aged 10 college. Endorsing them to
UNFAVORABLE who cannot read or understand a
comparison of both public and government-sponsored free
private schools are provided. It is GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION simple story. education grants is a good way to
said that a number of Filipino alleviate that problem, lessening
Some schools are often placed in UNEMPLOYMENT
children enroll in public schools a disadvantageous location that the parents’ worries and making
because admission is completely children from the rural areas wouldThe effect of unemployment the hopeful son’s/daughter’s
free and the funds all stem from have a hard time getting to despitefollows poverty. Because many dreams come true. An existing
the government. Unlike private them being available near their people lack education, or have grant from the government is the
schools who require a huge premises. For example, children in only completed primary school, RA 10931 or the Universal Access
the Philippines have to walk miles they frequently work in low-wage
amount of payment for admission, jobs or struggle to find any job that to Quality Tertiary Education Act
before they can reach the nearest
only those families who can afford primary school. Another example would hire them. Simply put, good which aims to promote universal
to have their children enrolled are would be traveling by boat to get jobs go to qualified people, and access to quality tertiary education
more likely to get into these types to the other side since their homesqualifications are primarily by providing free tuition and other
of schools. are located next to riversides or obtained through education. Thus, school fees in State Universities
bodies of water. education becomes even more and Colleges, Local Universities
important, representing the
In the aspect of the quality of the and Colleges, and State-Run
INADEQUATE CONDITIONS deciding factor in whether a
education provided, it is mentioned person will be able to adapt to Technical-Vocational Institutions.
how the education at public According to UNICEF, the lack of changes and find a suitable job, or Apart from that, local governments
schools are poor and lacking. At qualified teachers, inadequate will become unemployed. also have scholarship grants for
present, teachers who work in teaching materials, and poor students who need financial aid as
public schools have a higher pay sanitation are some of the reasons SOCIAL ISOLATION well.
why many children do not receive
compared to those who work in
a quality education. When there Uneducated people will eventually
private ones, but the quantity of are less qualified teachers, even struggle to fit in and will often The second solution, proposing
students and scarcity of proper those children who have received remain marginalized when placed higher salaries to teachers, is an
resources are what makes them education would still struggle due in social situations. Due to a lack effective one as well. As we all
third-rate. to their incompetence. of resources produced by know, educators like teachers are
education, they are unable to the “generators” of the school.
participate in a wide range of
On the other hand, the quality of Without them, there are no
social activities in a productive and
the education at private schools lessons or discussions. Without
are of a different level. In contrast comprehensive manner, in stark them, no one can graduate.
to public schools, the number of contrast to educated people who Making their salaries higher could
can engage in the same activities
classes are smaller yet their with ease. motivate them to work hard and
resources are first-rate. exert the best of what they can to
IMPOSSIBILITY OF provide quality education to their
In this problem-solution chart, (ADEQUATE) PARTICIPATION students, not having to think about
more information regarding the IN POLITICAL AND SOCIAL leaving their jobs and alongside
causes, effects, and solutions in that, leave students hanging. It
response to this social issue will Subsequently, a lack of a well- can also entice approaching-
be duly discussed. rounded education will prevent a college students to take up the
person from acquiring the Education course and increase the
knowledge and skills necessary to workforce of educators all around
make informed and meaningful the country.
political decisions; decisions that
must be made with utmost care
and dedication. Education Although common, these 2
facilitates communication, a solutions create a meaningful and
constructive exchange of ideas, impactful effect towards mitigating
and a collaborative search for the the problems that lack of
best solution for society as a education access brings;
whole. As a result, it assists the producing more successful people
individual in basing their decisions
who can greatly help society in the
on their own unique thoughts and
opinions. future.

Mojarro, J. (2022, August 8). Learning poverty. The Manila Times.

Schools in Philippines | Allianz Care. (n.d.).


Lack of education: Causes and effects. Allison Academy. (2022, August 3). Retrieved January 26, 2023, from

Project, B. (2020, May 19). Factors driving lack of access to education. The Borgen Project. Retrieved January 26, 2023, from

Nat’l program needed to avert learning poverty: solon. (2022, September 9). Philippine News Agency.

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