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Despite all the talk about countries and their problems, there's something really

important happening: the Ukraine-Russia justice movements. But what are these
movements really about, and why should we care? The Ukraine-Russia conflict began in
2014 when Russia took part of Ukraine. In 2022, Russia launched a new, larger invasion,
causing even more suJering. Violating human rights. Despite international eJorts, the
conflict continues, many regular people suJered, with lots forced to leave and lacking
food or water.

Firstly, let's consider the key figures and background of the war as this is important to why
this started in the first place. These are the key figures which have a large impact on the
war including Ukraine’s president, Russia’s president, and NATO secretary general.

In 1991, Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union. Russia worried about
losing influence on Ukraine. Fast forward to 2014. Russia attacked and claimed Crimea,
a peninsula with lots of Russian-speaking peoples. The annexation of Crimea caused a
lot of disagreement. Ukraine wanted to join NATO, and Russia wasn’t happy about that. It
was like Russia was really worried that NATO was going to attack them after that
happened. President Vladimir Putin, wanted to invade Ukraine. They say Russia feels like
invading Ukraine is necessary to keep itself safe. They think the West is getting too close,
so they're trying to protect themselves. According to Business Insider “Russia can't claim
a thousand years of history because Kyiv was already in existence 1,200 years ago, when
Moscow was a forest”. Showing Kyiv existed before Moscow did. But really, Putin just
wants to be a footnote in Russian history or are they going to write books about him.

Ukraine and Poland share a 535km border which makes it easier for refugees from
Ukraine to move to Poland. Picture people leaving behind homes and memories because
of the war happening in Ukraine, intense bombing and bomb alarms screaming all over
the city. According to data from the United Nations, the invasion resulted in over 15
million border crossings from Ukraine into Poland and over 3 million crossings into
Hungary since February 2022. This evidence explains many refugees in Ukraine has
crossed over to Poland since the war. According to BBC, among the refugees, 90% are
women and children. Oddly, most Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 are banned from leaving
the country. The reason for this is men aged between 18 and 60 are necessary to aid
Ukraine in protecting the country. Poland oJered shelter, food, healthcare and other
basic needs. But hunger and fear still haunt the Ukrainians because of the war in Russia,
people who lost their family members or witnessed them die. The EU, the US, and other
countries stepped up. They sent aid, put sanctions on Russia, and tried to talk Russia into
peace and stop invading Ukraine. But the fighting keeps on happening. The U.S. has been
Ukraine’s most significant military aid country since the war began. Their total military aid
stands at approximately $75 billion. This includes weapons, equipment, and logistical

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