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Khadeejah Patel – Written Statement:

I declare that what is stated is the truth and contest to the allegations made
and no collusion has occurred. I would like to apologise that I could not be
present for the meeting because of my clinical placement. This statement will
discuss the notes and the reasoning behind them.

Firstly, I would like to state that I was completely unaware of what was going
on during the exam as my sole focus was on completing the exam. As the
duration of the exam was two hours, I felt it was beneficial to write down my
answers whilst completing the exam. The exam consisted of several multiple
questions in which I believed to first write down my answer and move on so
that I could check the answers once I completed the exam. I am a person who
likes making notes and due to the length of the exam I had sufficient time to
note take. I have always done this as it has helped me to think more clearly.
Once I had checked each question, I crossed out the question number so that I
didn’t need to keep going back and forth. I was entirely focused on the exam
and was completely unaware of what was going on around me. I had no
knowledge of what my peer was doing and was completing my exam

I strongly feel that my notes were only for my benefit I have always preferred
writing my answers down as this is what I am used to since secondary school.
In the previous exam the duration was not long enough for me to write my
answers down so I felt I had enough time to make notes.

I am completely aware of the rules and regulations surrounding an exam and

respect them and would not even attempt to jeopardise my future for this. I
believe that I am being wrongly accused just for my note taking which I have
explained why my answers were written down. And to reiterate I was not
aware of my surroundings as I had no reason to be, and this was the same in
my other exams.

To conclude, I deny all allegations and if my other exams are compared there
will not be any similarity as I have worked extremely hard for my grades. I wish
that you take my statement into consideration and apologise for not being
there in person.

Thank you.
Khadeejah Patel

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