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Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

1.Tell me about yourself
Hello, I'm Praveen Kumar S. I'm currently a college student studying at St.
Joseph's College of Engineering, where I'm studying to become proficient in both
embedded engineering and full-stack development. I'm passionate about technology and
love the challenge of working at both the hardware and software levels. In my spare time,
I enjoy experimenting with new coding languages and hardware platforms, as well as
participating in coding competitions. I'm excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in
my career and am eager to continue learning and growing in both areas of expertise.

2. What are your strengths?

I excel in Python, C, C++, and SQL, with a solid foundation in Arduino basics. My
proficiency in these languages allows me to develop versatile solutions spanning software
and hardware domains. I'm skilled at problem-solving and enjoy applying my knowledge
to create innovative projects. My ability to work across multiple platforms makes me an
asset in diverse technical environments.

3.What are your weaknesses?

I've recognized that procrastination has been a challenge for me in the past. However, I've
been actively working on strategies to overcome it. For instance, I've started breaking
tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and setting specific deadlines for each part.
Additionally, I've found that using techniques like the Pomodoro method, where I work
in focused bursts with short breaks in between, helps me stay on track and maintain
momentum. While overcoming procrastination is an ongoing effort, I'm committed to
continually improving my time management skills to become more productive and

4.Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as Tenacious, Resilient, Persistent, Dedicated.

5.What do you know about our company?

I've learned that this has built a strong reputation for innovation and excellence in its
industry. The company is widely recognized for its commitment to quality and customer
satisfaction, consistently delivering innovative solutions that meet the needs of its clients.

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

6.Why do you want to work for us?

I'm eager to join this company as a full-stack developer, specializing in frontend
technologies like HTML, CSS. Your company's reputation for innovation and user-
centric design aligns perfectly with my passion for creating intuitive and visually
appealing user interfaces. I bring expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ready to
contribute to your projects.

7. Why should I hire you?

You should hire me because I bring a unique blend of technical expertise,
creativity, and a strong work ethic to the table. With my proficiency in frontend
development particularly in CSS, I'm equipped to deliver high-quality solutions that
exceed expectations. I'm eager to contribute my skills and collaborate effectively with
your team to drive success.

8.What past accomplishments gave you satisfaction?

I have successfully completed the first three semesters of my engineering degree
without any arrears, demonstrating my dedication to academic excellence. Additionally, I
have completed a mini project using Arduino, showcasing my practical skills and ability
to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world projects.

9.What makes you want to work hard?

What makes me work hard is my passion for coding. I find joy and fulfillment in solving
problems, creating innovative solutions, and continuously improving my skills in the
field of coding. This passion drives me to put in the extra effort and dedication to excel in
whatever coding project or challenge I undertake.

10.What type of work environment do you like best?

I thrive in a collaborative and dynamic work environment where teamwork is valued, and
ideas are freely exchanged. I appreciate a culture that fosters creativity, encourages
continuous learning, and embraces innovation.

11.Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.

I conquered the challenge of solving coding problems swiftly by refining my time
management skills. I dissected complex problems into manageable tasks and prioritized
efficiently. Through persistent practice and the use of effective coding techniques, I

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

successfully overcame the obstacle of solving coding problems within tight time
constraints, enhancing my problem-solving abilities in the process.

12.Where do you see yourself five years from now?

In five years, I envision myself as a senior software engineer, leading innovative projects
and collaborating with a dynamic team. I aim to deepen my expertise in cutting-edge
technologies, contributing to impactful solutions that address complex challenges. My
goal is to continue growing professionally, taking on greater responsibilities and making
a meaningful impact in the tech industry.

13.What qualifies you for this job?

As a software developer or full-stack developer, my qualifications for this job are
grounded in my extensive experience in software development. I possess a strong
background in programming languages such as C , C++ , Python , frameworks, and tools
necessary for both front-end and back-end development. Throughout my career, I've
demonstrated my ability to design, develop, and deploy robust software solutions that
meet the needs of clients or end-users.

14.Why did you choose your college major?

Choosing my college major in Electronic and Instrumentation Engineering (EIE) was a
thoughtful decision influenced by several factors. I've always been fascinated by
technology and its applications, particularly in the fields of electronics and
instrumentation. EIE offered a perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills
in these areas, aligning well with my interests and career aspirations.

15.What are the benefits and drawbacks of working in an Agile environment?

Flexibility and Adaptability, Faster Delivery, Collaboration and Communication,
Continuous Improvement, and Customer Satisfaction are the benefits of working in an
Agile environment. Uncertainty, Resource Allocation Challenges, Documentation and
Planning, Dependency Management, and Learning Curve are some of the drawbacks in

16.What skills have you learned to help you better succeed in a DevOps role?
How did they help?

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

In preparation for a DevOps role, I have acquired several skills that have proven
instrumental in success like Automation, Continuous Integration, Continuous
Deployment, and Containerization.

17.Why is Emotional Intelligence important at work?

Emotional intelligence is crucial in the workplace because it fosters better relationships,
enhances communication, promotes teamwork, improves conflict resolution, boosts
morale, and leads to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

18.What online resources do you use to help you do your job?

I rely on programming documentation for languages and frameworks, alongside Stack
Overflow for issue resolution. GitHub serves as a platform for collaboration and version
control. Online learning platforms like Coursera and tech blogs offer continuous skill
enhancement, while API documentation aids in seamless integration of third-party

19.How do you keep your technology skills current?

I keep my technology skills current by regularly practicing coding exercises, participating
in online coding challenges like LeetCode and HackerRank, following industry blogs and
forums, attending workshops and webinars, taking online courses, and working on
personal projects to apply and deepen my understanding of new technologies and

20.Tell me about a tech project you’ve worked on in your spare time.

In my spare time, I undertook an IR Remote LED project where I designed a system
using LEDs controlled by an infrared remote. I crafted a circuit that enabled the LEDs to
respond to specific commands from the remote, creating various lighting patterns and
effects. Through this project, I gained hands-on experience in hardware interfacing,
circuit design, and microcontroller programming, furthering my skills in embedded
systems development.

21.How would you solve a problem in a division that you work in? Can you
make an impulsive yet logical and practical solution? State an example.
Upon noticing prolonged code review cycles in our division, we swiftly introduced a
streamlined process. We established clear criteria for reviews and encouraged peer
involvement to distribute the workload. For instance, instead of one individual handling
all reviews, team members took ownership of their respective areas, expediting the
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering
Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

process. We provided training sessions on effective review techniques, empowering

everyone to contribute meaningfully.

22.What are the most important qualities for an engineer to have?

The most important qualities for an engineer to have are Strong problem solving skills,
creative mindset, programming proficiency, collaboration, and communication skills.

23.What is your highest achievement in Skillrack?

My highest achievement in SkillRack is earning a total of 580 bronze medals.

24.How do you think Github plays a vital role in a student’s life?

GitHub plays a vital role in a student's life by providing a platform to showcase their
coding projects, collaborate with peers, learn from others' code, and contribute to open-
source projects. It helps in building a strong portfolio, improving coding skills, and
networking with professionals in the field.

25.What is Kaggle? Explain in your own words.

Kaggle is an online platform where data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts can
participate in competitions, collaborate on projects, and learn from each other. It hosts a
variety of datasets and challenges, allowing users to apply their skills to real-world
problems and compete for prizes. Kaggle also provides tutorials, datasets, and forums to
support learning and collaboration within the data science community.

26.Tell me about the advantages of having a LinkedIn profile.

Having a LinkedIn profile offers several advantages like professional networking, job
opportunities, personal branding, learning and development, and reputation building.

27.How do you keep yourself updated with the latest job skills in your field?
To stay updated with the latest job skills, I regularly engage in continuous learning
through online courses and tutorials. I also keep abreast of industry trends by reading tech
blogs and following thought leaders on social media. Additionally, I participate in
professional events and online communities to network with peers and exchange
knowledge. Lastly, I actively work on hands-on projects to apply new skills and reinforce
my learning.

28.What would you do if another engineer on your team insisted on using a

design that you knew would be inefficient or unsafe?

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

If another engineer on my team insisted on using a design that I knew would be

inefficient or unsafe, I would approach the situation with professionalism and diplomacy.
Here's how I would handle it with discussion, present evidence, collaboration, and

29.How do you feel about constructive criticism?

I see constructive criticism as a valuable opportunity for growth and improvement. It
helps me identify areas where I can enhance my skills and performance.

30.Do you have any patents? If so, tell me about them. If not, is that something
that you see yourself pursuing? Why or Why not?
I don't currently have any patents, but I'm open to pursuing them in the future if I come
up with innovative ideas or solutions worth patenting. I believe patents can be a valuable
way to protect intellectual property and potentially contribute to advancements in

31.Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?
In five years, I envision myself as a highly proficient and experienced full-stack
developer, proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies. I aim to have worked
on a variety of projects, ranging from web applications to mobile apps, honing my skills
in multiple programming languages, frameworks, and databases.

32.What engineering skills you have learned or improved upon in the past six
In the past six months, I've honed problem-solving skills and deepened my understanding
of integrated circuits (ICs), encompassing both digital and analog circuits. I've focused on
designing and analyzing digital circuits, including logic gates and flip-flops, as well as
refining my expertise in analog circuits such as amplifiers and filters. These
enhancements have equipped me with a strong foundation in engineering principles for
tackling diverse projects.

33.How do you manage your stress and negative emotions?

I manage stress and negative emotions through a combination of techniques, including
mindfulness meditation, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I
also find it helpful to prioritize tasks, break them down into manageable steps, and seek

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Register no: 312322107033 Department of EIE Academic Year:2023-2024

support from friends, family, or colleagues when needed. Additionally, I practice self-
reflection and positive thinking to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth.

34.What do you think about socializing and communication with new people?
I value socializing and communication with new people as opportunities to learn,
exchange ideas, and broaden my perspectives. I believe effective communication is
essential for building relationships, collaborating on projects, and fostering a supportive
community. I enjoy meeting new people, listening to their experiences, and engaging in
meaningful conversations to establish connections and mutual understanding.

35.What do you think the most important crisis of society is?

Identifying the most important crisis of society is subjective and can vary depending on
perspectives and contexts. However, some significant crises facing society today include
climate change, inequality (economic, racial, gender), access to healthcare, and
geopolitical tensions. Each of these crises presents complex challenges that require
collective action, innovative solutions, and a commitment to addressing root causes to
create a more equitable and sustainable future.

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

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