Test Correction - March 2023

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A - Complete the sentences with the right word from the table. WRITE THE LETTERS ONLY.
a) abroad - b) bird language - c) dialect - d) endangered - e) Englishes - f) foreign - g) lingua franca
- h) mother tongue - i) multilingual - j) native speakers - k) official languages - l) skills

1. The number of people who spend their free time learning a f) language has increased in the last
2. If you want to improve your language l), you should discover your personal learning style.
3. He doesn’t usually spend his holidays in the country; he always goes a).
4. My h) is Portuguese, and it is an important part of my cultural identity.
5. A c) is a type of language that is spoken by a particular region or group of people.
6. Due to the influx of migrants and refugees, Europe has become largely i). In London alone some 300
languages are currently spoken.
7. An d) language is one that is likely to become extinct in the near future.
8. English serves as a global language of communication or g) almost everywhere in the world.
9. The United Nations uses five k): English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
10. In many countries, English has adapted to local circumstances and cultures, so there are different
varieties of English or e) worldwide.
11. All our teachers come from Britain. They are j) of English.
12. For three centuries, farmers living in the remote mountains of northern Turkey have communicated
great distances by whistling. This form of communication is also known as b).

B – Complete the sentences with the right idiom from the table. WRITE THE LETTERS ONLY.

a) at a loss for words - b) eat his words - c) Greek - d) in plain English - e) it goes without saying -
f) mince words - g) speak the same language

1. Of course, e) that you'll be paid for the extra hours you work.

2. Mom said these instructions are c) to her and that we should show them to Dad.

3. He referred to your inability to fulfil his expectations. d), he’s disappointed.

4. The report does not f), describing the situation as extremely serious.

5. When he told her she would fail, she swore she would make him b).

6. Bob and his father don’t g) when it comes to politics.

7. I was completely a). I had never been spoken to like that in my whole life.
1. Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. TWO OF THE
Column A Column B
a. It’s hard to distinguish a language when people from Paragraph 1
different cultures speak it.
Paragraph 2 b)
b. Native and foreign languages seem to have a rivalry
mechanism of their own. Paragraph 3
c. We often remember native words by going back to past Paragraph 4 a)
Paragraph 5 c)

2. Choose the correct option (1, 2, 3 or 4) to complete the sentences according to the text.
a. In paragraph 1, the author admits that…
1. distance has no relevance in language learning.
2. distance has made him too proud.
3. distance has affected his native language skills.
4. he is proud of his native country.
b. In paragraph 2, we learn that…
1. only migrants speak a second language.
2. a second language weakens migrants’ first language skills.
3. only migrants are affected by a second language.
4. a second language enhances migrants’ first language skills.

c. According to the ideas expressed in paragraph 3, …

1. there is only one difference between a monolingual and a bilingual brain.
2. the more differences there are between a monolingual and a bilingual brain, the better.
3. you may preserve your first language better if you are a good language learner.
4. being a good language learner doesn’t help you with your native language.

d. In paragraph 4, we learnt that …

1. most Londoners are multilingual.
2. a myriad of languages is spoken in London.
3. most Londoners speak Polish and Korean.
4. only 20% of Londoners speak more than one language.
e. In the last paragraph, we can infer that the author…
1. misses the time he spoke his native language accurately.
2. remembers all the German words.
3. misses the time he spent with his brother.
4. remembers the years he spent in Germany.
3. Match each word in column A with the word or expression they replace in the text, in column B.
Column A Column B
1. another module
a. him (line 3) 5 2. my brother’s
b. their (line 13) 4 3. another language
c. another (line 17) 3 4. people’s
5. my brother

4. Complete the following sentences, according to the text, using your own words.
1. The author considers that his mother tongue can sometimes “feel foreign” (line 5) because he has
become unable to speak/ understand it well as he has been living abroad for a long time and has got
used to speaking another language.

2. Migrants end up speaking a linguistic hybrid because they tend to mix their native language, German
in this case, with their host country’s native language, English in this case, when they talk to each
other, switching to the one that suits them best in a given situation.

3. The author concluded that the main reason why he hadn’t asked his brother what the word meant was
because his native language was so closely connected with his own dignity, his memories of the past
and his true self that he would feel he would lose part of himself if he did otherwise.

A – a. Complete the following sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the verbs in brackets.
1. I’d like to start studying/ to study (study) a new language. Then I would become a true polyglot!
2. Many teens succeed in getting (get) the grades they need to apply for university.
3. Their teacher wants them to do (they /do) the exercises again.
4. You should avoid being (be) overwhelmed by the language barrier when you go abroad.
5. Our teacher made us learn (we learn) 20 new words this week.
6. I intend to download (download) an app to help me improve my accent.
7. He is used to studying (study) in the evening. He can’t focus during the day.
8. Do you remember playing (play) outside all Saturday afternoon when we were kids?
9. He stopped to drink (drink) a cup of coffee and then went on with his work.
10. Watching (watch) American movies without subtitles is my favorite hobby!
b. Rewrite the sentences below without changing their meaning.
1. I would like to see you at the concert.
I look forward to seeing you at the concert.
2. My teacher doesn’t allow us to disturb our classmates.
My teacher doesn’t let us disturb our classmates.
3. I offer to help my classmates with the homework.
I don’t mind helping my classmates with the homework.
4. “We could meet at the school library” – Luke suggested.
Luke suggested meeting his classmates at the school library.
B – a. Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal verb (NEGATIVE FORMS MAY BE NECESSARY).
1. You mustn’t use (use) the flash inside the museum. It’s strictly forbidden.
2. The lesson has finished. You may leave (leave) the classroom.
3. You shouldn’t give (give) people nicknames. They may not like them.
4. It’s getting late. Shall we go (we/ go) home?
5. Teacher, can/ could/ would you explain that grammar rule again?
b. Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs and make the necessary transformations. Keep
the same meaning.
1. You had better find a native speaker to practise French with you.
You should find a native speaker to practise French with you.
2. They were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
They couldn’t get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.
3. It’s not necessary to use formal language with your friends.
You needn’t use formal language with your friends.
4. I'm determined to get this piece of work done today.
I will get this piece of work done today.
5. This was a nice birthday party! I’m sure you are happy!
This was a nice birthday party! You must be happy!

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