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Histology and Cell Biology: An

Introduction to Pathology 5th Edition

Abraham L Kierszenbaum
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An Introduction to Pathology
An Introduction to Pathology

Fifth Edition

Abraham L. Kierszenbaum, M.D., Ph.D.

Medical (Clinical) Professor Emeritus
Former Chair of the Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
The Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education*
The City University of New York
New York, New York USA

Laura L. Tres, M.D., Ph.D.

Medical (Clinical) Professor Emerita
The Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education*
The City University of New York
New York, New York USA

*Now CUNY School of Medicine/ Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program

1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1899



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To our daughters, Adriana and Silvia
To our grandchildren, Ryan, Trevor, Kyle and Marielle
To the beloved memory of our parents

This book is also dedicated to you, the teacher,

who transmits enthusiastically the significance of
knowledge in a way that goes beyond what is being
taught; and to you, the student, who transforms the
act of learning into the passion of learning.
The fifth edition of Histology and Cell Biology: An Introduction to Pathology contains
substantial revisions and additions. They strengthen the visual approach to learning histology
within the context of cell biology and pathology introduced in the previous editions. New in
the fifth edition are a number of Primers included in most chapters. Each Primer transmits
information about a specific topic in a concise and visual format to transcend concepts and
stimulate further exploration. The convergence of histology–cell biology–pathology intends
to prepare medical students for the forthcoming learning of pathophysiology and clinical
medicine. The practice of medicine changes relentlessly as new knowledge emerges. Future
physicians can find in this book the basis for continuing education to better help their
patients by constantly integrating basic and clinical sciences.

New in the fifth edition are Primers The visual approach presented in this book emerged from many years of practicing pathol-
Each Primer transmits information ogy and teaching cell biology, histology and pathology to medical students. The conver-
about a specific topic in a concise
gence of histology, cell biology and pathology promotes unity in diversity. Diversity leads to
and visual format to transcend
concepts and stimulate further the transforming power of new knowledge. The cell biology and pathology components,
exploration. although not complete, provide the necessary foundation for further learning and integra-
tion with medical sciences. Pathology students and residents may find this book useful for
refreshing basic concepts of histology and cell biology. Histology and pathology are visually
oriented sciences, and the visual cues included in this book can facilitate interpretation op-
portunities in clinical practice.

Similar to the previous editions, the fifth edition consists of six parts, bringing together
histology, cell biology and general pathology within the context of the basic tissues and
organ systems. Chapter 3, Cell Signaling | Cell Biology | Pathology, is an uncommon section
in a histology book. It serves to unify the concept that the study of tissues and organs cannot
be separated from the increasing impact of molecular biology in the practice of medicine.

New in this edition is the use of a light green background to identify in each chapter sec-
tions presenting essential concepts of histology. A number of teachers may find this offering
NewConcept Mapping
in the fifth editionprovides a
is the use useful as a starting point for further learning. The expectation is that the additional mate-
a light green of background
concepts arranged
to identify sectionsin presenting
a hierarchi- rial could stir curiosity to unfold the indispensable complement of fragmented knowledge.
cal form leading concepts
essential to integration
of and All the information is presented in a clear, concise and student-friendly manner using color
histology andthinking.
cell biology, graphics and photographs that are meant to be studied. In some cases the graphics reiterate
a starting point for further learning. the succinct text; in others they add new information complementing or extending the text.
Several boxes dispersed in all chapters introduce students to clinical and pathological condi-
tions and to recent and evolving molecular and biochemical knowledge.

Most chapters include one or more Concept Mappings. Each Concept Mapping provides
Each Concept Mapping provides a a basic framework of interconnected concepts arranged in a hierarchical form, leading to
basic framework of interconnected integration and critical thinking. Concept Mapping and Essential Concepts highlight key
concepts arranged in a hierarchical
issues to review and integrate when the time of in-course and board examinations arrives.
form, leading to integration and
critical thinking. Students may find the online animation version of Concept Mappings convenient for group
interaction, transforming the passivity of learning into a dynamic and collective activity.
Activity inspired by a new mode of communication, depending not only on content but also
Students may find the online the integrative vision and shared values of the information.
animation version of Concept
Mappings convenient for group
interaction, transforming the pas- There are many people to be acknowledged and thanked. We are grateful for the
sivity of learning into a dynamic numerous suggestions, comments and encouragements from faculty and students. We thank
and collective activity. publishers who made available to faculty and students the Chinese, French, Greek, Japanese,
Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish editions. We thank the British Medical Association for
awarding the First Prize in Basic and Medical Sciences to the second edition. Our special
appreciation goes to Alexandra Mortimer, Ann Ruzycka Anderson and Daniel Fitzgerald
in London, New York and St. Louis offices for their magnificent effort in making sure that
the fifth edition met high publishing standards.

Abraham L. Kierszenbaum | Laura L. Tres

HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology | CONTENTS

Protein nuclear import and export, 44

BASIC TISSUES | CELL BIOLOGY X chromosome inactivation, 44
Cellular localization of nucleic acids, 44
Chapter 1 | EPITHELIUM | CELL BIOLOGY Primer 1-H | Ran GTPase directs nucleocytoplasmic
Classification of epithelia, 2 bidirectional transport, 45
Epithelial cell polarity, 2 Cell cycle, 46
Box 1-A | General characteristics of epithelia, 2 Autoradiography and FACS, 47
Concept Mapping | Epithelium, 3 Box 1-I | PAS and Feulgen reactions, 47
Apical domain, 3 Box 1-J | Basophilia and acidophilia, 47
Cilia, 3 Disassembly of the nuclear envelope, 47
Multiple motile cilia, 3 The mitotic cycle, 47
Single or primary non-motile cilium, 3 Karyotyping (chromosome analysis), 47
Microvilli, 7 Box 1-K | Cytochemistry and histochemistry methods used in
Stereocilia (stereovilli), 7 Histology and Pathology, 49
Cell adhesion molecules and cell junctions, 7 Retinoblastoma (Rb) protein, 50
Ca2+-dependent molecules, 7 Retinoblastoma tumors, 51
Cadherins, 7 Primer 1-I | Disassembly and reassembly of the nuclear
Selectins (C-type lectins), 8 envelope, 52
Primer 1-A | Ciliogenesis. Primary cilium and Hedgehog Box 1-L | Summary of cell division, 54
signaling, 9 p53 protein, a transcription regulator, 55
Ca2+-independent molecules, 9 Box 1-M | Li-Fraumeni syndrome, 56
Superfamily of immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion Telomerase: Aging, senescence and cancer, 56
molecules (Ig-CAMs), 9 Basic concepts of Medical Genetics, 58
Integrins,11 Chromosomal disorders, 58
Primer 1-B | Transmigration of leukocytes through the Concept Mapping | A glossary of Human Genetics, 59
endothelial barrier, 12-13 Mendelian inheritance, 60
Cell junctions, 12 Box 1-N | Pedigree analysis, 60
Tight junctions, 13 Non-mendelian inheritance, 61
Adhering junctions, 14 Concept Mapping | Epithelial Differentiations, 62
Primer 1-C | ADAM, a member of the family of sheddase Essential Concepts | Epithelium, 62
proteins, 15
Hemidesmosomes, 17 Chapter 2 | EPITHELIAL GLANDS | CELL BIOLOGY
Box 1-B | Tight junctions and disease, 18 Epithelial glands, 68
Gap junctions or communicating junctions, 19 Types of epithelial glands, 68
Connexin mutations, 20 Components of exocrine glands, 68
Basement membrane, 21 Composition of secretion of an exocrine gland, 69
Box 1-C | Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) reaction, 21 Components of a branched (compound) gland, 72
Primer 1-D | Cell adhesion molecules, cell junction and Mechanisms of secretion of an exocrine gland, 72
basement membrane, 22 Plasma membrane and cytomembranes, 73
Cytoskeleton, 23 Plasma membrane, 73
Microfilaments, 23 Types of lipids and lipid domains, 73
Primer 1-E | Actin microfilaments: Assembly and Box 2-A | Lipid rafts, 73
disassembly, 25 Plasma membrane proteins, 74
Microtubules, 26 Transporter and channel proteins, 75
Box 1-D | Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 26 Box 2-B | Glycocalyx, 75
Centrosomes, 27 Endoplasmic reticulum, 75
Axoneme, 29 Primer 2-A | Freeze-fracture, 76
Microtubule-targeting agents, 29 Freeze-fracture technique, 77
Box 1-E | Centrosomes, centromeres and kinetochores, 29 Protein synthesis and sorting, 77
Ciliopathies, 30 Golgi apparatus, 79
Box 1-F | Bardet-Biedl syndrome, 30 Functions of the Golgi apparatus, 79
Cargo transport and motor proteins, 30 Primer 2-B | Protein synthesis, 80
Primer 1-F | Intraciliary and axonal (neuronal) transport, 31 Vesicle transport, 81
Intraciliary transport, 31 Lysosomal sorting pathway, 82
Axonal (neuronal) transport, 32 Cholesterol uptake by receptor-mediated endocytosis, 82
Myosin motor proteins, 32 Sorting of clathrin- and COP-coated vesicles, 83
Primer 1-G | Myosin motor proteins, 33 Box 2-C | Familial hypercholesterolemia, 83
Smooth muscle and myosin light-chain kinase, 34 Primer 2-C | Clathrin- and COP-mediated vesicle transport
Intermediate filaments, 35 and targeting of transporting vesicles, 84-85
Box 1-G | Summary: Intermediate filament proteins, 36 Lysosomes, 84
Hemidesmosomes and skin blistering diseases, 37 Box 2-D | Macroautophagy and autophagy, 85
Cell nucleus, 38 Primer 2-D | Lysosomes, 86
Nuclear lamina, 39 Phagocytosis, endocytosis and macroautophagy, 87
Laminopathies, 40 Lysosome storage disorders, 87
Box 1-H | Clinical aspects of several laminopathies, 40 Box 2-E | Lysosome hydrolytic enzymes can be secreted, 87
Chromatin, 40 Primer 2-E | Lysosome storage disorders: Tay-Sachs disease
Chromatin condensation and transcription, 42 and Gaucher’s disease, 88
Nucleolus, 43 Mitochondria, 89

CONTENTS | HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology

Mitochondria participate in apoptosis, steroidogenesis Identification of oncogenes in retroviruses, 130

and thermogenesis, 91 Box 3-F | Proto-oncogenes and oncogenes, 130
Mitochondria maternal inheritance, 92 Concept Mapping | Cell Signaling, 131
Mitochondria replacement therapies, 93 Essential Concepts | Cell Signaling, 131
Peroxisomes, 93
Peroxisome biogenesis, 94 Chapter 4 | CONNECTIVE TISSUE
Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), 95 Classification, 136
Concept Mapping | Epithelial Glands, 96 Box 4-A | Types of collagens, 136
Essential Concepts | Epithelial Glands, 96 Components of connective tissue, 137
Fibroblast, 137
Chapter 3 | CELL SIGNALING | CELL BIOLOGY | PATHOLOGY Box 4-B | Diverse cell sources of collagen, 138
Cell signaling mechanisms, 100 Synthesis, secretion and assembly of collagen, 139
Cell signaling and feedback action, 100 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 140
Types of signaling molecules and their ligands, 100 Elastic fibers, 140
Steroid hormones, 100 Box 4-C | Characteristics of collagens, 142
Box 3-A | Steroid hormones, 101 Marfan’s syndrome, 143
Peptide hormones and growth factors, 102 Macrophages, 145
Nitric oxide, 102 Box 4-D | Metachromasia, 145
Box 3-B | Peptide hormones, 102 Mast cells, 146
Receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases, 103 Plasma cells, 146
Neurotransmitters, 104 Box 4-E | Allergic hypersensitivity reactions, 146
Eicosanoids, 104 Extracellular matrix (ECM), 147
Box 3-C | Eicosanoids, 104 Degradation of the ECM, 148
Cell surface receptors, 104 Molecular biology of tumor invasion, 149
G protein–coupled receptors, 104 Primer 4-A | Tumor invasion and metastasis, 150-151
Cytokine receptors, 105 Adipose tissue or fat, 151
Receptors with tyrosine phosphatases activity, 106 Adipogenesis, 152
Major signal transduction pathways, 106 Lipid storage and breakdown (lipolysis), 154
The cAMP pathway, 106 Box 4-F | Visualization of fat in histology sections, 154
The cGMP pathway, 107 Leptin and obesity, 154
The phospholipid–calcium pathway, 107 Cartilage, 155
The calcium–calmodulin pathway, 108 Box 4-G | Survival of chondrocytes, 155
The Ras–Raf / MAP kinase (MEK–ERK) pathway, 108 Box 4-H | Cartilage repair after injury, 155
The JAK-STAT pathway, 109 Chondrogenesis, 155
NF-gB transcription factor pathway, 109 Types of cartilage, 156
The integrin-actin pathway, 109 Box 4-I | Cartilage of the joints, 160
Specific signaling pathways, 110 Box 4-J | Sox9 transcription factor, 160
Stem cell niches and stemness, 110 Bone, 160
Primer 3-A | Specific cell signaling pathways, 111 Macroscopic structure of mature bone, 160
Primer 3-B | Specific cell signaling pathways, 112 Microscopic structure of mature bone, 161
Regenerative medicine and cell plasticity, 112 Periosteum and endosteum, 161
Box 3-D | Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), 113 Bone matrix, 162
Cell culture, 115 Cellular components of bone, 163
Cell and tissue injury, 115 The osteoblast, 163
Concept Mapping | Cell death, necrosis and apoptosis, 116 Primer 4-B | Genes involved in osteoblast differentiation, 166
Necrosis, 116 Differentiation of preosteoblasts to osteoblasts to
Apoptosis, 117 osteocytes, 166
What a nematode worm told us about apoptosis, 117 The osteoclast, 167
Extrinsic and intrinsic signaling of apoptosis, 118 Osteoclastogenesis, 169
Caspases: Initiators and executioners of cell death, 119 Osteoporosis, 170
Intrinsic pathway: Mitochondria cytochrome c, 120 Osteopetrosis and osteomalacia, 171
Apoptosis and the immune system, 120 Concept Mapping | Connective Tissue, 172
Apoptosis and neurodegenerative diseases, 120 Essential Concepts | Connective Tissue, 172
Necroptosis, 121
Primer 3-C | Necroptosis, 122 Chapter 5 | OSTEOGENESIS
Mitochondria permeability transition, 123 Osteogenesis (Bone development or ossification), 178
Intracellular degradation, 123 Intramembranous ossification, 178
Autophagy pathway, 123 Endochondral ossification, 178
Ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, 124 Secondary centers of ossification, 180
Mitophagy signaling pathway, 125 Zones of endochondral ossification, 181
Neoplasia, 125 Growth in length of the diaphysis, 181
Proto-oncogenes, oncogenes and tumor suppressor Hedgehog signaling: The epiphyseal growth plate
genes, 126 and dwarfism, 182
Concept Mapping | Neoplasia, 127 Conversion of trabecular bone into osteons, 184
Box 3-E | Proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor Box 5-A | Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, 184
proteins, 128 Bone remodeling, 188
Concept Mapping | Oncogenes and tumor suppressor Bone fracture and healing, 189
genes, 129 Primer 5-A | Bone fracture and healing, 190

HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology | CONTENTS

Bone disorders, 191 Box 7-A | Myasthenia gravis, 244

Concept Mapping | Metabolic and hereditary bone T tubules, calcium ions and muscle contraction, 245
disorders, 192 Box 7-B | Functional types of muscle fibers, 245
Joints, 192 Muscular dystrophies, 246
Rheumatoid arthritis, 192 Satellite cells and muscle repair, 249
Concept Mapping | Osteogenesis, 195 Neuromuscular spindle and Golgi tendon organ, 249
Essential Concepts | Osteogenesis, 195 Primer 7-A | Satellite cells and muscle repair, 250
Cardiac muscle, 253
Chapter 6 | BLOOD AND HEMATOPOIESIS Transport proteins and the sarcolemma, 253
Blood, 200 Myocardial infarction, 253
Plasma, 200 Smooth muscle, 255
Red blood cells (RBC; erythrocytes), 200 Mechanism of smooth muscle contraction, 256
Cytoskeletal and hemoglobin abnormalities of red blood Concept Mapping | Muscle Tissue, 258
cells, 200 Essential Concepts | Muscle Tissue, 258
Hemoglobin A1c (glycated hemoglobin) and diabetes
mellitus, 201 Chapter 8 | NERVOUS TISSUE
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 201 Development of the nervous system, 262
Box 6-A | Hemolysis in erythroblastosis fetalis, 202 Box 8-A | Ectoderm germ cell layer, 263
Leukocytes, 202 Cell types: Neurons, 263
Granulocytes, 202 Box 8-B | Brain development, 264
Neutrophils, 202 Types of neurons, 264
Eosinophils, 203 Designation of neurons and axons, 264
Box 6-B | Blood cells /+L or mm3, 203 Synaptic terminals and synapses, 265
Box 6-C | Primary and specific granules, 204 Axonal transport, 265
Basophils, 204 Box 8-C | Neural tube defects, 265
Box 6-D | Eosinophilic esophagitis, 205 Box 8-D | Neuronal migration, 265
Agranulocytes, 205 Box 8-E | Cerebral cortex, 267
Lymphocytes, 205 Glial cells, 270
Monocytes, 206 Astrocytes, 271
Leukocyte recruitment and inflammation, 207 Box 8-F | Neurotransmitters: Mechanisms of action, 271
Box 6-E | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD), 208 Oligodendrocytes, 272
Mast cell, eosinophil and asthma, 208 Myelinization, 272
Platelets, 208 Myelin, 274
Coagulation disorders, 211 Box 8-G | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, 275
Hemostasis and blood clotting, 211 Unmyelinated nerve fibers, 275
Box 6-F | Hemophilia, 211 Demyelinating diseases, 277
Primer 6-A | Blood clotting pathways, 212 Neurodegenerative diseases, 254
Hematopoiesis, 213 Box 8-H | Amyloid deposits, 281
The vascular niche, 213 Microglia, 281
The endosteal niche, 213 Function of microglia, 281
Hematopoietic cell populations, 216 Primer 8-A | Microglia, 282
Hematopoietic growth factors, 216 Ependyma, 283
Erythroid lineage, 216 Choroid plexus, 283
Leukopoiesis, 218 Cerebrospinal fluid, 283
Granulocytes, 219 Brain permeability barriers, 285
Box 6-G | Anemia, 219 Peripheral nervous system, 287
Agranulocytes: Lymphocytes, 221 Structure of a peripheral nerve, 287
Monocytes, 224 Segmental demyelination and axonal degeneration, 287
Colony-stimulating factors and interleukins, 225 Autonomic nervous system, 291
c-kit receptor and its ligand stem cell factor, 225 Enteric nervous system, 291
Leukemias, 227 Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous divisions, 291
Megakaryocytes and platelets, 229 Box 8-I | Neurotrophins, 291
Iron-overload disorders, 229 Box 8-J | Schwannomas, 291
Primer 6-B | Uptake of iron by internalization of Autonomic (sympathetic) ganglia, 293
transferrin and iron-linked disorders, 230 Sensory (spinal) ganglia, 293
Megaloblastic anemia, 232 Neurohistochemistry, 293
Concept Mapping | Blood and Hematopoiesis, 233 Box 8-K | Neurotransmitters: Classification, 295
Essential Concepts | Blood and Hematopoiesis, 233 Concept Mapping | Nervous Tissue, 295
Essential Concepts | Nervous Tissue, 296
Skeletal muscle, 238 Chapter 9 | SENSORY ORGANS: VISION AND HEARING
Skeletal muscle cell or fiber, 238 Eye, 300
The sarcomere, 240 Development of the eye, 300
Components of the sarcomere, 241 Outer tunic: Sclera and cornea, 301
Sarcomere changes during muscle contraction, 243 Cornea, 301
Creatine phosphate, 244 Box 9-A | Development of the cornea, 301
Neuromuscular junction: Motor end plate, 244 Middle tunic: Uvea, 302
Disorders of neuromuscular synaptic transmission, 244 Box 9-B | Cornea transplantation, 302

CONTENTS | HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology

Box 9-C | Uvea, 303 Primer 10-B | Immune system and HIV infection, 356
Three chambers of the eye, 305 Complement system, 358
Lens, 309 Primer 10-C | Complement system, 359
Box 9-D | Cataracts, 312 Inflammation, 360
Accommodation, 312 Acute inflammation, 360
Inner layer: Retina, 312 Concept Mapping | Acute inflammation, 360
Cell layers of the retina, 313 Concept Mapping | Acute and chronic inflammation
Box 9-E | Detachment of the retina, 313 compared, 362
Photoreceptor neurons: Rods and cones, 313 Resolution of acute inflammation, 363
Box 9-F | The retina, 314 Types of acute inflammation, 363
Conducting neurons: Bipolar and ganglion cells, 314 Chronic inflammation, 363
Association neurons: Horizontal and amacrine Lymphoid organs, 365
cells, 317 Lymph nodes, 365
Supporting glial cells: Müller cells, 317 Lymphadenitis and lymphomas, 368
Fovea centralis and optic disk, 317 Box 10-G | Lymph flow and dendritic cell migration, 368
Box 9-G | The synaptic ribbon, 321 Thymus, 368
The eyelids, conjunctiva and the lacrimal gland, 321 Development of the thymus, 368
Box 9-H | Retinitis pigmentosa, 322 Development of thymic epithelial cells, 369
Box 9-I | Red eye and conjunctivitis, 323 Box 10-H | Aire gene and autoimmunity, 369
Ear, 325 Structure of the thymus, 370
External ear, 326 Box 10-I | DiGeorge syndrome, 370
Middle ear, 326 Spleen, 375
Inner ear: Development of the inner ear, 327 Vascularization of the spleen, 377
General structure of the inner ear, 328 White pulp, 379
Vestibular system, 328 Red pulp, 379
Semicircular canals, 328 Sickle cell anemia, 379
Otolithic organs: Utricle and saccule, 331 Asplenia, 380
Box 9-J | Ménière’s disease, 332 Cancer immunotherapy, 380
Cochlea, 332 Tumor cells secrete exosomes carrying PDL1, 382
Organ of Corti, 334 Concept Mapping | Immune-Lymphatic System, 383
Molecular and mechanical aspects of the hearing Essential Concepts | Immune-Lymphatic System, 383
process, 334
Deafness and balance, 338 Chapter 11 | INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM
Concept Mapping | Sensory Organs: Eye, 338 Organization and types of skin, 390
Essential Concepts | Sensory Organs: Vision and Epidermis, 390
Hearing, 339 Differentiation of keratinocytes, 391
Concept Mapping | Sensory Organs: Melanocytes, 392
Ear, 341 Melanin production by melanocytes, 394
Box 11-A | Cornified cell envelope disorders, 394
Box 11-B | Disorders of keratinization, 397
ORGAN SYSTEMS | PROTECTION OF THE BODY Box 11-C | Differentiation of melanocytes, 398
Langerhans cells (dendritic cells), 399
Chapter 10 | IMMUNE-LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Merkel cell, 400
Components of the immune–lymphatic system, 344 Dermis, 400
Types of immunity, 345 Box 11-D | Leprosy, 400
Box 10-A | Toll-like receptors, 345 Wound healing, 401
Properties of adaptive or acquired immunity, 346 Concept Mapping | Wound healing, 401
Development and maturation of B cells in bone Psoriasis, 402
marrow, 346 Tumors of the epidermis, 404
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and the human– Box 11-E | Tumors of the epidermis, 404
equivalent leukocyte antigens (HLA), 347 Epithelial antimicrobial proteins, 405
Box 10-B | CD antigens, 347 Skin: Blood and lymphatic supply, 405
T-cell receptor, 348 Sensory receptors of the skin, 406
LCK and CD4 and CD8 coreceptors, 348 Box 11-F | Vascular disorders of the skin, 407
Box 10-C | The immune synapse, 348 Hypodermis (superficial fascia), 409
Thymocyte maturation in the thymus: Positive and negative Development of the hair follicle, 409
selection, 348 Structure of the hair follicle, 409
Primer 10-A | Structure of the T cell receptor and class I Lgr5+ stem cell pathways, 410
and II major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 349 Glands of the skin. Sebaceous glands, 412
Box 10-D | Immunoglobulins, 351 Sweat glands, 414
CD4+ T-cell subsets: TH1, TH2, TH17 and TFH cells, 351 Cystic fibrosis, 415
How do CD4+ helper T cells help?, 352 Fingernails, 415
Box 10-E | Multiple myeloma, 352 Concept Mapping | Integumentary System, 417
How do CD8+ cytolytic T cells kill?, 353 Essential Concepts | Integumentary System, 417
Natural killer cells, 353
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 354
Box 10-F | HIV reproductive cycle, 355
Hypersensitivity reactions, 355

HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology | CONTENTS


The renal vascular system, 480
Chapter 12 | CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Vasa recta, 480
The cardiovascular system, 422 Renal medullary pyramid, renal lobe and renal lobule, 482
Heart, 422 The uriniferous tubule, 482
Conductive system of the heart, 422 The renal corpuscle, 483
Purkinje fibers, 422 Glomerular filtration barrier, 484
Blood vessels, 423 Pathology of the GBM, 485
Arteries, 423 Box 14-A | Acute kidney injury, 485
Large elastic arteries (conducting vessels), 424 Mesangium, 489
Aortic aneurysms, 424 Podocyte injury, 490
Muscular arteries (distributing vessels), 424 Primer 14-A | Pathology of the renal corpuscle:
Arterioles (resistance vessels), 425 Glomerulonephritis, 492
Capillaries (exchange vessels), 425 Juxtaglomerular apparatus, 493
Types of capillaries, 426 Proximal convoluted tubule, 493
Arterial and venous portal systems, 427 Loop of Henle, 495
Veins (capacitance, or reservoir, vessels), 428 Box 14-B | Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23, the kidneys
Vasculitis, 430 and phosphate metabolism, 495
Box 12-A | Capillary endothelial barriers, 430 Distal convoluted tubule, 495
Lymphatic vessels, 432 Collecting tubule/duct, 497
Primer 12-A | Vasculitis, 433 Renal interstitium, 497
Box 12-B | Lymphatic vascular disorders, 433 Excretory passages of urine, 501
Edema, 434 Box 14-C | Osmoregulation, 501
Hemorrhage, 435 Regulation of water and NaCl absorption, 501
Atherosclerosis, 435 Primer 14-B | Renin-angiotensin system (RAS), 502
Functions of the endothelium, 435 Renin-angiotensin system (RAS), 503
Primer 12-B | Atherosclerosis, 436 Countercurrent multiplier and exchanger, 504
Primer 12-C | Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, 438-439 Mechanism of action of diuretics, 506
Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, 439 Essential Concepts | Urinary System, 507
Angiogenesis and tumor progression, 440 Concept Mapping | Urinary System, 507
Box 12-C | Kaposi’s sarcoma, 440
Concept Mapping | Cardiovascular pathogenesis, 441
Thrombosis, embolism and infarction, 441
Hypertension, 442
Concept Mapping | Hypertension, 442 Chapter 15 | UPPER DIGESTIVE SEGMENT
Concept Mapping | Cardiovascular System, 443 Mouth (oral cavity), 512
Essential Concepts | Cardiovascular System, 443 Lips, 512
Gingiva, hard and soft palate, 513
Chapter 13 | RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Tongue, 513
The respiratory system, 448 Types and function of taste receptor cells, 513
Nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, 448 Tooth, 516
Nasopharynx, 448 Tooth development, 517
Olfactory epithelium, 449 Dental pulp, 517
Box 13-A | Olfactory epithelium, 449 Periodontium, 517
Larynx, 451 Odontoblasts, 519
Box 13-B | True vocal cords or folds, 451 Ameloblasts, 519
Trachea and primary bronchi, 453 Non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the oral
Box 13-C | Airway mucus, 453 mucosa, 520
Cystic fibrosis, 453 General organization of the digestive tube, 521
Box 13-D | Cystic fibrosis gene, 455 Box 15-A | Peptic ulcer disease (PUD), 522
Segmentation of the bronchial tree, 455 Microvasculature of the stomach, 522
Pulmonary lobule and pulmonary acinus, 458 Enteric nervous system (ENS), 523
Club cells (formerly Clara cells), 460 Esophagus, 524
Respiratory portion of the lung, 460 Box 15-B | Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 526
The alveolus, 460 Stomach, 526
Alveolar type 2 (AT2) cells, 464 Cardia region of the stomach, 528
Bronchopulmonary diseases, 467 Fundus-body region of the stomach, 529
Asthma, 467 Chief cells and parietal cells, 531
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 467 Secretion of hydrochloric acid, 531
Acute respiratory distress syndrome, 468 Box 15-C | Ménétrier’s disease, 531
Primer 13-A | Asthma, 468-469 Box 15-D | Autoimmune gastritis, 531
Lung cancer, 472 Secretion of hydrochloric acid, 531
Box 13-E | Lung cancer immunotherapy, 473 Infection with Helicobacter pylori, 533
Pleura, 473 Primer 15-A | Helicobacter pylori, chronic gastric
Disorders of the pleura, 473 inflammation and ulcers, 534
Essential Concepts | Respiratory System, 475 Gastroenteroendocrine cells, 535
Concept Mapping | Respiratory System, 476 Box 15-E | Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 537

CONTENTS | HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology

Pyloric region of the stomach, 537 Metabolism of bilirubin, 598

Concept Mapping | Upper Digestive Segment, 538 Gallbladder, 599
Essential Concepts | Upper Digestive Segment, 538 Hyperbilirubinemia, 599
Mechanism of bile secretion, 599
Chapter 16 | LOWER DIGESTIVE SEGMENT Composition of the bile, 601
Small intestine, 544 Conditions affecting bile secretion, 602
The peritoneum, 544 Concept Mapping | Digestive Glands, 602
Intestinal wall, 544 Essential Concepts | Digestive Glands, 602
Microcirculation of the small intestine, 545
Innervation and motility of the small intestine, 546
Histologic differences between the duodenum, ORGAN SYSTEMS | THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
jejunum and ileum, 547
Villi and crypts of Lieberkühn, 547 Chapter 18 | NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEM
Enterocytes: Absorptive cells, 547 Hypophysis, 608
Trafficking of peptides and sugars, 549 Embryologic origin of the hypophysis, 608
Trafficking of lipids and cholesterol, 551 Hypothalamohypophyseal portal circulation, 608
Goblet cells, 553 Histology of the pars distalis (anterior lobe), 611
Enteroendocrine cells, 553 Hormones secreted by acidophils: Growth hormone and
Tuft cells, 553 prolactin, 612
Intestinal stem cells (ISCs), 553 Growth hormone, 612
Protection of the small intestine, 554 Gigantism (in children) and acromegaly (in adults), 613
Intestinal tight junction barrier, 554 Prolactin, 613
Peyer’s patches, 555 Hyperprolactinemia, 615
Follicle-associated epithelium (FAE), 556 Hormones secreted by basophils: Gonadotropins,
Box 16-A | Development of Peyer’s patches, 558 TSH and ACTH, 615
Polymeric IgA, 559 Gonadotropins: Follicle-stimulating hormone and
Paneth cells, 560 luteinizing hormone, 615
Intestinal antimicrobial proteins (AMPs), 561 Infertility, 616
Box 16-B | Lgr5+-intestinal stem cells are regulated by Thyroid-stimulating hormone (thyrotropin), 616
FoxL1+-telocytes located in the lamina propria, 561 Hypothyroidism, 617
Inflammatory bowel diseases, 562 Adrenocorticotropic hormone, 617
Malabsorption syndromes, 563 Cushing’s disease, 618
Large intestine, 563 Neurohypophysis, 618
The appendix, 566 Histology of the neurohypohysis, 618
The rectum, 566 Function of VP/ADH and oxytocin, 619
Hirschsprung’s disease, 568 Hypothalamic diabetes insipidus, 621
Colorectal tumorigenesis, 568 Pineal gland, 622
Primer 16-A | APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) and Development of the pineal gland, 622
cancer of the colon, 569 Histology of the pineal gland, 625
Box 16-C | Lynch syndrome, 570 Pinealocytes secrete melatonin, 625
Concept Mapping | Lower Digestive Segment, 571 Light is a regulator of circadian rhythms, 625
Essential Concepts | Lower Digestive Segment, 571 Pinealomas, 627
Concept Mapping | Neuroendocrine System, 628
Chapter 17 | DIGESTIVE GLANDS Essential Concepts | Neuroendocrine System, 628
Structure of a salivary gland, 576
Box 17-A | Classification of exocrine glands, 576 Chapter 19 | ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
Saliva, 576 Thyroid gland, 632
Parotid gland, 576 Development of the thyroid gland, 632
Submandibular (submaxillary) gland, 577 Histologic organization of the thyroid gland, 632
Sublingual gland, 577 Function of the thyroid gland, 632
Box 17-B | Parotid gland: Mumps, rabies, autoimmunity Graves’ disease and hypothyroidism, 636
and tumors, 579 Box 19-A | Pathology of the thyroid gland, 636
Exocrine pancreas, 579 Calcium regulation, 638
Pancreatic tumors, 582 Parathyroid glands, 639
Functions of the pancreatic acinus, 585 Development of the parathyroid glands, 639
Pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis, 586 Histology of the parathyroid glands, 639
Liver, 587 Signal transduction mediated by CaSR, 639
Organization of the hepatic lobule, 587 Functions of the parathyroid hormone, 639
Concepts of the hepatic lobule, 589 Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands, 641
Hepatocyte, 590 CaSR and Gq/11 mutations, 641
Peroxisomes, 594 Box 19-B | Rickets and osteomalacia, 641
Perisinusoidal cells, 594 C cells (thyroid follicle), 641
Perisinusoidal cells and chronic liver disease, 594 Vitamin D (calcitriol), 643
Box 17-C | Liver iron-overload disorders, 594 Adrenal (suprarenal) glands, 644
Alcoholism and fatty liver (alcoholic steatohepatitis), 596 Development of the adrenal gland, 644
Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, 596 Functions of the fetal adrenal cortex, 644
Box 17-D | Liver regeneration, 596 Histology of the adrenal cortex, 644
Primer 17-A | Metabolism of bilirubin, 598 Zona glomerulosa, 648

HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology | CONTENTS

Zona fasciculata, 648 Chapter 21 | SPERM TRANSPORT AND MATURATION

Zona reticularis, 650 Development of the gonads, 702
Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, 650 Development of the testes, 702
Box 19-C | Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 650 Primer 21-A | Migration of primordial germinal cells from
Adrenal medulla, 650 the yolk sac to the gonadal ridges, 703
Blood supply to the adrenal gland, 653 Development of internal genitalia, 704
Box 19-D | Pheochromocytoma, 653 Box 21-A | Development of internal genitalia, 704
Endocrine pancreas, 653 Testicular descent, 704
Development of the pancreas, 653 Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), 704
Islets of Langerhans, 653 Steroid 5_-reductase 2 deficiency, 705
Peptides produced by cells of the islets of Langerhans, 656 Sperm maturation pathway, 705
Cell entry and fate of insulin, 656 The epididymal ducts, 707
Cell entry and fate of glucose, 656 Box 21-B | Epididymal duct, 709
Diabetes mellitus, 658 Vas deferens, spermatic cord and ejaculatory duct, 709
Box 19-E | The Nrf2–Keap1 pathway and diabetes, 659 The azoospermia factor (AZF), 710
Concept Mapping | Endocrine System, 660 Box 21-C | Klinefelter’s syndrome, 710
Essential Concepts | Endocrine System, 660 Accessory genital glands, 710
Seminal vesicles, 711
Box 21-D | Seminal fluid (semen), 711
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, 714
Chapter 20 | SPERMATOGENESIS The androgen receptor, 715
The testes, 664 Prostate cancer and tumor suppressor genes, 716
Seminiferous epithelium, 664 Male and female urethra, 716
Basal and adluminal compartments, 666 Penis, 717
The spermatogenic cell progeny, 666 Box 21-E | Erectile dysfunction, 718
Primer 20-A | The spermatogenic cell progeny, 667 Bulbourethral glands, 719
Sertoli cells, 670 Concept Mapping | Sperm Transport and
Box 20-A | Androgens and spermatogenesis, 671 Maturation, 719
Spermatogonia, 671 Essential Concepts | Sperm Transport and
Box 20-B | Sertoli cell–only syndrome (SCOS), 672 Maturation, 719
Regulation of spermatogonia cell function, 672
Meiosis, 673 Development of the female reproductive tract, 724
Primer 20-B | Meiosis I: Prophase I (from leptotene to Development of the ovary, 724
pachytene), 675 Development of the female genital ducts, 724
Primer 20-C | Meiosis I: Prophase I (from diplotene to Box 22-A | Turner’s syndrome, 724
diakinesis), 676 Box 22-B | Müllerian duct development. The role of anti-
Primer 20-D | Molecular structure of the synaptonemal müllerian hormone in folliculogenesis, 724
complex, 677 Primer 22-A | From the indifferent gonad to the ovary
Spermatids, 678 and testis, 725
Box 20-C | Acroplaxome, 678 Development of the external genitalia, 726
Primer 20-E | Manchette and acroplaxome, 682 The ovaries, 726
Shaping spermatids into fertilizing sperm, 683 Box 22-C | Lgr5+ stem cells in the ovarian surface
Box 20-D | Intramanchette transport (IMT), 683 epithelium, 726
Completion of spermiogenesis, 683 The ovarian cycle, 726
Structure of the sperm, 683 Granulosa cell–primary oocyte interaction, 729
Conditions affecting male fertility, 685 Primer 22-B | Granulosa cell–primary oocyte interaction, 730
Box 20-E | Semen analysis, 685 Box 22-D | Polycystic ovary syndrome, 731
Temperature, 685 Box 22-E | Ovarian hormones, 731
Cryptorchidism, 685 Theca interna–granulosa cell interaction, 731
Inguinal hernia, cysts and hydrocele, 685 Follicular atresia or degeneration, 732
Cancer chemotherapy, 685 Ovulatory phase, 732
Viral orchitis, 686 Box 22-F | Follicular atresia, 733
Spermatic cord torsion, 687 Luteal phase: Luteinization and luteolysis, 733
Varicocele, 687 Hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle, 736
Leydig cells, 687 Oviduct, fallopian or uterine tube, 737
Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), 687 The uterus, 737
Bioregulation of spermatogenesis, 688 Box 22-G | Decidualization, 743
Box 20-F | Actions of testosterone in the male Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and GnRH, 743
reproductive system, 688 Endometriosis, 744
The spermatogenic cycle, 689 Cervix and vagina, 744
Epigenetics reprogramming, 692 Cervical cancer and high-risk human papillomavirus
Testicular tumors, 695 infection, 746
Essential Concepts | Spermatogenesis, 696 Diagnostic cytopathology, 748
Concept Mapping | Spermatogenesis, 697 Mons pubis, labia majora and labia minora, 748
Female urethra and glands (paraurethral glands and
Bartholin’s glands), 748

CONTENTS | HISTOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY | An Introduction to Pathology

Concept Mapping | Folliculogenesis and Active transport of ions and glucose, 770
Menstrual Cycle, 749 Fetal alcohol syndrome, 770
Essential concepts | Folliculogenesis and Infectious agents, 770
Menstrual Cycle, 749 Placenta and fetal tissues and the maternal
immune system, 770
Chapter 23 | FERTILIZATION, PLACENTATION AND LACTATION Abnormal placentation, 771
Fertilization, 756 Box 23-F | Ectopic pregnancy, 771
Sperm capacitation, 756 Box 23-G | Hydramnios, 771
Acrosome reaction and sperm-egg fusion, 756 Gestational trophoblastic diseases, 772
Box 23-A | Tetraspanins, 757 Box 23-H | Placenta previa, 772
Box 23-B | Oocyte activation, 757 Lactation, 773
Conditions leading to fertilization, 759 The mammary glands, 773
Box 23-C | Fertilization in vitro, 759 Morphogenesis of the mammary glands, 774
Implantation of the blastocyst, 760 Mammary gland development, 774
Box 23-D | Timetable of implantation, 760 Mammary glands during puberty and pregnancy, 776
Differentiation of the trophoblast, 760 Histology of the mammary glands, 776
Immunoprotective decidua during implantation, 761 Suckling during lactation, 776
Primary, secondary and tertiary villi, 762 Mammary cell lineages and the branched epithelial
Box 23-E | Trophoblast cells, 763 ductal tree, 778
Structure of the placenta, 763 Primer 23-A | Distinct cell lineages form the branched
Decidua basalis and chorion, 764 epithelial ductal tree of the mammary glands, 779
Placental blood circulation, 764 Box 23-I | Lactation, 780
Structure of the chorionic villus, 767 Benign breast diseases and breast cancer, 781
Functions of the placenta, 769 Concept Mapping | Fertilization, Placentation and
Exchange of gases, 769 Lactation, 783
Transfer of maternal immunoglobulins, 769 Essential Concepts | Fertilization, Placentation
Rh (D antigen) isoimmunization, 769 and Lactation, 783
The fetoplacental unit, 769
The luteal-placental shift, 769 INDEX, 787

An Introduction to Pathology
Epithelia separate the internal environment from
the external environment by forming sheets of po-
larized cells held together by specialized junctional
complexes and cell adhesion molecules. Epithe-
lial cells participate in embryo morphogenesis and
organ development in response to intrinsic and
extrinsic signaling by tailoring cell proliferation, dif-
ferentiation and cell death. We address the structural
characteristics of epithelial cells within a biochemi-
cal and molecular framework as an introduction to
the transition from a normal to a pathologic status.


CLASSIFICATION OF EPITHELIA (1-1 to 1-4) layer of a non-keratinizing squamous epithelium

The epithelium is a tightly cohesive sheet of cells retain nuclei (for example, esophagus and vagina).
that covers or lines body surfaces and forms the Nuclei are absent in the outer layer of the highly
functional units of secretory glands. The main keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (for
characteristics of epithelia are summarized in Box example, the epidermis of the skin).
1-A. Stratified epithelia have basal cells aligned along
The traditional classification and nomenclature the basal lamina. Basal cells are mitotically active
of different types of epithelia are based on two and continuously replace the differentiating cells
parameters: of the upper layers.
1. The shapes of individual cells. Although rare, there are also stratified cuboidal
2. The arrangement of the cells in one or more epithelia (for example, in the ovarian follicles and
layers. lining the intralobular ducts of salivary glands).
Individual epithelial cells can be flattened (squa- Two special categories are the pseudostratified
mous cells), have equal dimensions (cuboidal cells) epithelium and the urothelium. The pseudostrati-
and be taller than wider (columnar cells). fied epithelium consists of basal and columnar cells
According to the number of cell layers, an epi- resting on the basal lamina. Only the columnar cells
thelium consisting of a single cell layer is classified reach the luminal surface. Because the nuclei of the
as simple epithelium. basal and columnar cells are seen at different levels,
Simple epithelia, in turn, are subdivided into one has the impression of a stratified epithelial
simple squamous epithelium, simple cuboidal organization.
epithelium and simple columnar epithelium, ac- Within this category are the pseudostratified
cording to the shape of their cell components. The columnar ciliated epithelium of the trachea and
specific name endothelium is used for the simple the pseudostratified columnar epithelium with
squamous epithelium lining the blood and lym- stereocilia of the epididymis.
phatic vessels. Mesothelium is the simple squamous The epithelium of the human urinary passages,
epithelium lining all body cavities (peritoneum, also referred to as urothelium, has the characteristics
pericardium and pleura). of a pseudostratified epithelium. It consists of basal
Stratified epithelia are composed of more than cells, intermediate cells and columnar dome-shaped
one cell layer. Stratified epithelia are subclassified cells, each extending thin cytoplasmic processes
according to the shapes of the cells at the superficial reaching the basal lamina. An important feature of
or outer layer into stratified squamous epithelium, this epithelium is its transitional height that varies
stratified cuboidal epithelium and stratified co- with distention and contraction of the organ.
lumnar epithelium.
Stratified squamous is the epithelium most fre- Epithelial cell polarity (1-5)
quently found and can be subdivided into moder- An important aspect of an epithelium is its polarity.
ately keratinized (also known as non-keratinizing) Polarity is essential to carry out specific functions of
or highly keratinized types. The cells of the outer the various organ systems. Polarity is determined by
the distribution of plasma membrane proteins and
lipids and the rearrangement of the cytoskeleton.
Most epithelial cells lining surfaces and cavities
Box 1-A | General characteristics of epithelia have three geometric domains:
• Epithelia derive from the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. 1. The apical (uppermost) domain is exposed
• Epithelia line and cover all body surfaces except the articular cartilage, the enamel to the lumen or external environment and displays
of the tooth and the anterior surface of the iris. apical differentiations.
• The basic functions of epithelia are protection (skin), absorption (small and 2. The lateral domain faces neighboring epi-
large intestine), transport of material at the surface (mediated by cilia), secretion
thelial cells linked to each other by cell adhesion
(glands), excretion (tubules of the kidneys), gas exchange (lung alveolus) and
gliding between surfaces (mesothelium). molecules and junctional complexes.
• Most epithelial cells renew continuously by mitosis. 3. The basal domain is associated with a basal
• Epithelia lack a direct blood and lymphatic supply. Nutrients are delivered by lamina that separates the epithelium from underly-
diffusion. ing connective tissue, representing the internal and
• Epithelial cells have almost no free intercellular substances (in contrast to nutritional supporting environment.
connective tissue). The basal lamina, of epithelial cell origin, is
• The cohesive nature of an epithelium is maintained by cell adhesion molecules reinforced by components of the connective tis-
and junctional complexes. sue. The basal lamina–connective tissue complex
• Epithelia are anchored to a basal lamina. The basal lamina and connective tissue
is designated the basement membrane.
components cooperate to form the basement membrane.
• Epithelia have structural and functional polarity.


1-1 | Epithelium: Concept Mapping


Shapes of individual Arrangement of the cells

Special categories
cells (side view) (one or more layers)

Squamous Columnar cell
cell (taller than it Pseudostratified
(about equal Urothelium
(flattened) is wide) epithelium
One layer More than one layer

Simple epithelia Stratified epithelia

Simple Simple Simple Stratified Stratified Stratified
squamous cuboidal columnar squamous cuboidal columnar
epithelium epithelium epithelium epithelium epithelium epithelium
Named according to the shapes
of the surface layer cells

From the functional perspective, sealing junc- Multiple motile cilia (1-6)
tions segregate the plasma membrane of an epithe- Multiple motile cilia function to coordinate fluid
lial cell into an apical domain and a basolateral or cargo flow on the surface of an epithelium.
domain. They are cell projections originating from basal
This segregation is supported by the asymmetric bodies anchored by rootlets to the apical portion
distribution of transporting molecules, ensuring of the cytoplasm.
polarized secretory and absorptive functions of A basal body contains nine triplet microtubules
an epithelium. For example, the apical domain in a helicoid array without a central microtubular
has structures important for the protection of the component. By contrast, a cilium consists of an
epithelial surface (such as cilia in the respiratory axoneme formed by a central pair of microtubules
tract) or for the absorption of substances (such as surrounded by nine concentrically arranged micro-
microvilli in the intestinal epithelium). In con- tubular pairs. This assembly is known as the 9 + 2
trast, the basolateral domain facilitates directional microtubular doublet arrangement. The axoneme
or vectorial transport functions prevented from is also a component of the sperm tail, or flagellum.
trespassing the sealing junctions. The trachea and the oviduct are lined by ciliated
epithelial cells. In these epithelia, ciliary activity is
Apical domain important for the local defense of the respiratory
The apical domain of some epithelial cells can system and for the transport of the fertilized egg to
display three types of differentiation: the uterine cavity.
1. Cilia. Ciliary motility is characterized by wide asym-
2. Microvilli. metric bending motions. In contrast, flagellar
3. Stereocilia. motility is defined by a symmetric sine-wave
bending pattern.
Cilia (1-5)
There are two types of cilia (singular, cilium): Single or primary non-motile cilium (Primer 1-A)
multiple motile cilia and a single or a primary Some cells have a single or primary non-motile
non-motile cilium. cilium. The importance of a single cilium emerges
Ciliogenesis, the assembly process of both types from rare recessive human disorders known as
of cilia, is initiated by the basal body, a structure ciliopathies, caused by structural or functional
originated from a basal body precursor located in abnormalities of cilia.
the centrosome. The significant aspects of a primary cilium are:
Basal bodies migrate to the apical plasma mem- 1. It functions as a sensor, providing the cell with
brane and extend into the extracellular space. information about the surrounding environment.


1-2 | Types of epithelium: Simple epithelia

Simple squamous epithelium (endothelium)

Red blood cells

in the lumen
Basal lamina
Flat nucleus of
an endothelial Lumen
cell supported
by the basal

Simple squamous
epithelium Red blood cell

The inner lining of all blood vessels consists of a single layer of squamous endothelial cells. The thinness of the simple squamous epithelial
cells reflects their primary function in rapid exchange of substances between blood and tissue. A similar epithelium (called mesothelium)
covers the peritoneum, pleura and pericardium.

Simple cuboidal epithelium (collecting tubule, kidneys)

Basal lamina

Lumen Lumen

Simple cuboidal

The inner lining of kidney tubules and thyroid follicles consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells. Cuboidal cells are highly polarized and
participate in absorption, secretion (thyroid gland) and active ion transport (kidneys). Similar to the endothelium, a basal lamina attaches the
cell to the subjacent connective tissue.

Simple columnar epithelium (small intestine)

Brush border
Goblet cell Basal lamina


Lamina propria

Simple columnar epithelium

The small intestine is lined by columnar epithelial cells with the nucleus in the medial portion of the cell. The apical domain contains finger-like
projections called microvilli forming a brush border. Microvilli participate in the absorption of proteins, sugar and lipids, which are released at
the basolateral domain into the blood circulation for transport to the liver. Goblet cells, present among the columnar epithelial cells, have a
dilated, goblet-like apical cytoplasm containing a light-stained mucus. Mucus, released into the lumen, coats and protects the epithelial cell
surface. The lamina propria consists of loose connective tissue located beneath the epithelium and the supporting basal lamina.


1-3 | Types of epithelium: Stratified epithelia

Stratified squamous epithelium with moderate keratin (esophagus)

Nuclei are seen in the

outermost cells
Nucleated superficial squamous cells

Mitotic basal


Basement membrane

This epithelium consists of basal cells specialized for mitotic division. Stratified cells covering the basal layer are differentiating cells. Cells of
the outer layer are highly differentiated: they increase their keratin content to protect the tissue from the mechanical action of ingested food.
The outermost cells retain their nuclei. This epithelium is also known as non-keratinizing.

Stratified squamous epithelium with abundant keratin (epidermis)

Nuclei are not seen in

the outermost cells
Highly keratinized keratinocytes of
the superficial layer lack nuclei

Basal cell

Basement membrane

This highly keratinized epithelium also consists of basal cells specialized for mitotic division. Melanocytes are present in the basal layer.
Stratified cells above the basal layer are differentiating keratinocytes. Keratinocytes of the outer layer contain abundant keratin to prevent water
loss and penetration of chemical and physical insults. The outermost cells lack nuclei. This epithelium is also known as keratinizing.


1-4 | Types of epithelia: Pseudostratified epithelia

Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium (trachea)

Goblet cell Columnar ciliated cell


Basal bodies alignment

Columnar ciliated cell

Basal cell

Basement membrane Basal lamina

This epithelium consists of three major cell types: (1) columnar cells with cilia on their apical domain, (2) basal cells anchored to the basal
lamina, part of the basement membrane and (3) goblet cells, mucus-secreting epithelial cells with basally located nuclei. Columnar ciliated and
goblet cells attach to the basal lamina and reach the lumen. Basal cells do not reach the lumen.

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (epididymis)

Principal cell with
Clump of stereocilia/ Sperm
Basal cell Golgi
Principal cell
with stereocilia/
Basal cell

The epididymal epithelium contains two major cell types: (1) columnar cells (called principal cells) with stereocilia and highly developed Golgi
apparatus and (2) basal cells attached to the basal lamina. Basal and principal cells are associated with the basal lamina. Only principal cells reach
the lumen. Sperm can be visualized in the lumen. “Stereocilia” is an early misnomer as they lack microtubules. An appropriate name is stereovilli.

Urothelium (urinary bladder)

Dome-shaped superficial cell
Intermediate cell Dome-shaped superficial cell
Plaques Superficial
Basal cell
Urothelium of an empty
urinary bladder.
Basal cell

Urothelium of a urinary Plaques

bladder filled with urine.

The epithelium lining the urinary passages (also called urothelium), consists of three cell types: (1) dome-shaped superficial cells (often
binucleated); (2) pyriform-shaped intermediate cells and (3) polyhedral-shaped basal cells, all of them extending cytoplasmic processes
anchored to the basal lamina. In humans, the urothelium is a pseudostratified epithelium. A characteristic of the urothelium is its transitional
configuration in response to distention and contraction tensional forces caused by urine. Plaques of aggregated proteins (uroplakins) are found
on the apical plasma membrane of the dome-shaped superficial cells.


1-5 | Cell polarity Cell adhesion molecules and cell junctions (1-8)
A sheet of epithelial cells results from the tight
Differentiations of the apical domain (cilia, attachment of similar cells to each other and to
Lumen microvilli and stereocilia/stereovilli) the basal lamina, a component of the extracellular
matrix. Cell adhesion molecules enable interepi-
Apical domain thelial cell contact and this contact is stabilized by
specialized cell junctions. A consequence of this
Microvilli Lumen arrangement is the apical and basolateral domain
Tight junction
polarity of an epithelial sheet.
There are two major groups of cell adhesion
1. Ca2+-dependent molecules, including cadher-
ins and selectins.
2. Ca2+-independent molecules, including the
immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecules
superfamily and integrins.
Basement membrane Many cells can use different cell adhesion
Nucleus molecules to mediate cell-cell attachment. Integrins
are mainly involved in cell–extracellular matrix in-
2. It participates in the early stages of embryonic teractions. Cadherins and integrins establish a link
patterning, leading to organogenesis. between the internal cytoskeleton of a cell and the
3. Many components of the Hedgehog signaling exterior of another cell (cadherins) or the extracel-
pathway, essential at least in early development, are lular matrix (integrins).
present in a single cilium.
4. The position of the single cilium, called ki- Ca2+-dependent molecules
nocilium, of the hair cell of the organ of Corti in Cadherins (1-8)
the inner ear determines the correct polarity of the Cadherins are a family of Ca2+-dependent mol-
adjacent actin-containing stereocilia, essential for ecules with a major role in cell adhesion and
maintaining body balance and for hearing. morphogenesis.
A loss of E-cadherins is associated with the acqui-
Microvilli (1-7) sition of invasive behavior by tumor cells (metasta-
Microvilli (singular, microvillus) are finger-like sis), as we discuss in Chapter 4, Connective Tissue
cell projections of the apical epithelial cell surface and Chapter 17, Digestive Glands.
containing a core of cross-linked microfilaments There are more than 80 different cadherins,
(a polymer of G-actin monomers). including desmogleins and desmocollins. Classical
At the cytoplasmic end of the microvillus, cadherins were originally named for the tissue in
bundles of actin and other proteins extend into the which they were particularly expressed–for example,
terminal web, a filamentous network of cytoskeletal epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin) in epithelial cells;
proteins running parallel to the apical domain of neural cadherin (N-cadherin) in the nervous sys-
the epithelial cell. tem; vascular endothelial cadherin (V-cadherin) in
The intestinal epithelium and portions of the endothelia; and placenta cadherin (P-cadherin).
nephron in the kidney are lined by epithelial cells E-cadherin is found along the lateral cell surfaces
with microvilli forming a brush border. In general, and is responsible for the maintenance of most
a brush border indicates the absorptive function epithelial layers. The removal of calcium or the use
of the cell. of a blocking antibody to E-cadherin in epithelial
cell cultures breaks down cell-cell attachment and
Stereocilia (stereovilli) (1-7) the formation of stabilizing junctions is disrupted.
Stereocilia (singular, stereocilium) are long and E-cadherin molecules form cis-homophilic di-
branching finger-like projections of the apical mers (“like-to-like”), which bind to dimers of the
epithelial cell surface. Similar to microvilli, ste- same or different class of cadherins in the opposite
reocilia contain a core of cross-linked actin with cell membrane (trans-homophilic or heterophilic
other proteins. [“like-to-unlike”] interaction). These forms of bind-
Stereocilia (or stereovilli) do not have axonemes. ing require the presence of calcium and result in a
Stereocilia/stereovilli are typical of the epithelial lin- specialized zipper-like cell-cell adhesion pattern.
ing of the epididymis and contribute to the process The cytoplasmic domain of cadherins is linked
of sperm maturation occurring in this organ. to actin through intermediate proteins known


1-6 | Cilia and ciliogenesis 3. Catenins control the adhesive state of the
Cilium: a core of microtubule doublets Cilium
extracellular domain of cadherins.
in a 9 + 2 concentric arrangement The association of actin to the cadherin-catenin
surrounded by plasma membrane complex is essential for cell morphogenesis, changes
in cell shape and the establishment of cell polarity.
Basal body anchored 0.25 +m Members of the cadherin family also are present
to the cytoplasm by
between cytoplasmic plaques of the zonula and the
striated rootlets Basal body
macula adherens. `-catenin plays a significant role
Multiplication of the in colorectal carcinogenesis (see Chapter 16, Lower
basal body precursor 0.2 +m Digestive Segment).
Basal body precursor Selectins (C-type lectins) (1-8; Primer 1-B)
Centrosome Selectins, similar to cadherins, are Ca2+-dependent
(centriolar pair surrounded Striated rootlets cell adhesion molecules. In contrast to cadherins,
by a microtubular-organizing selectins bind to carbohydrates and belong to the
Basal lamina center) family of C-type lectins (Latin lectum, to select).
Components of a cilium Each C-type selectin (for calcium requiring) has
Cilia develop from basal bodies located in the apical domain of the cytoplasm.
a carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) of 120
Basal body precursors derive from the centrosome, multiply, mature and dock to amino acids with binding affinity to a specific oli-
the apical plasma membrane of the cell. gosaccharide attached to a protein (glycoprotein) or
A basal body, consisting of nine peripheral microtubule triplets (93 [triplets] + a lipid (glycolipid). The molecular configuration of
0) in a helicoidal arrangement, extends into the extracellular space as an the CRD is controlled by calcium. Calcium acts as
axoneme, a microtubular structure surrounded by the plasma membrane. a linker between the CRD and the hydroxyl groups
Rootlets anchor the basal body to the cytoplasm. Central microtubules are not of the sugar target.
present in basal bodies and centrioles. There are three major classes of cell surface C-
The cilium consists of a concentric array of nine microtubule doublets type lectins:
surrounding a central pair of microtubules (92 [doublets] + 2).
1. P-selectin, found in activated platelets and
activated endothelial cells lining blood vessels.
2. E-selectin, found on activated endothelial cells.
Plasma 3. L-selectin, found in leukocytes.
membrane C-type lectins are transmembrane receptors
(CLRs) involved in antimicrobial immunity and
autoimmunity but can also be found as soluble
molecules (growth factors, antimicrobial proteins
and components of the extracellular matrix).
Cilium 92 + 2 CLRs can activate signaling pathways resulting
in the activation or inhibition of cellular functions.
For example, a signalling pathway can induce
Basal body primarily nuclear factor-gB (NF-gB)-dependent
proinflammatory responses. Some others can pro-
mote and suppress antitumour immune responses,
such as in natural killer (NK) cells, where C-type
lectins facilitate the recognition of cancer cells and
prevent the attack of healthy cells by inducing the
cytotoxic activities of NK cells. Yet, metastasis of
Oviduct Basal body 93 + 0
cancer cells is increased by expression of C-type
collectively as the catenin (Latin catena, chain) lectins, such as L-selectin, which facilitates cancer
complex. The complex includes catenins _, ` and cell adherence to the endothelium.
a and actin-binding proteins _-actinin, vinculin Selectins participate in the movement of leuko-
and formin-1, among others). cytes (Greek leukos, white, kytos, cell) circulating
The catenin complex has at least three distinct in blood (neutrophils, monocytes, B and T cells)
roles in the function of cadherins: toward tissues by extravasation.
1. The protein _-catenin mediates a direct link Extravasation is the essence of homing, a mecha-
to filamentous actin. nism that enables leukocytes to escape from blood
2. Catenins interact with regulatory molecules circulation and reach the sites of inflammation.
of the actin cytoskeleton. Homing also permits thymus-derived T cells to


Primer 1-A | Ciliogenesis. Primary cilium and Hedgehog signaling

Assembly of the cilium Cytoplasmic dynein-2

The cilium is formed and maintained by the transport of motor
tubulins along the axoneme mediated by proteins of the IFT proteins
intraflagellar transport (IFT) system. IFT trafficking from the
base of the cilium to the tip (anterograde transport; to the
microtubule plus end) is mediated by kinesin-2 motor
proteins mobilizing IFT protein complexes. Cytoplasmic Anterograde transport Retrograde transport
dynein-2 motor participates in retrograde transport (to the
microtubule minus end; base of the cilium). IFT proteins form Kinesin-2 motor
a platform for transporting cargo between the base and tip of
the cilium. IFT proteins Cilium
Disruption of the kinesin-2 motor or IFT proteins blocks cilia
Ciliary membrane
formation. Basal body proteins influence ciliary trafficking.

Among these are components of the BBSome, which are Distal appendage
named after their association with Bardet-Biedl syndrome
(BBS). BBSome proteins, bound to ciliary proteins,
facilitate their crossing through the distal appendage. Basal body
Proteins of the Hedgehog signaling pathway participate in
intraciliary and intraflagellar transport.
Subdistal appendage
All motile and non-motile cilia extend from a basal body that Protein components of the BBSome (for
consists of a microtubule triplet and distal and subdistal Bardet-Biedl Syndrome) bind to retrograde IFT
appendages. Distal appendages (also known as transition and cargoes to facilitate their lateral transport
fibers) and Y-shaped structures anchor and connect the basal through the porous barrier of the distal appendage.
body to the base of the ciliary membrane.
Primary cilium and Hedgehog signaling Gli Gli A
Hedgehog (Hh) signaling requires primary cilia for
4 Sufu
activation. The trafficking of Hh pathway proteins along
primary cilia is a key factor in epithelial cell differentiation. Tip of cilium
1 In the absence of Hh secretory protein , Ptc ( for 7
patched; the receptor of Hh), the transmembrane protein Gli
Smo ( for Smoothened) is blocked from entering the A
cilium. Smo is stored in vesicles near the basal body. 5 IFT proteins
2 Upon Hh binding, Ptc is internalized and Smo, free from
Dynein-2 motor
blocking, moves to the plasma membrane 3 and activates Ptc
the Hh pathway by antagonizing the function of Sufu Gli Primary cilium
(suppressor of fused) 4 .
Hh Gli
5 The motor kinesin KIF7 transports Gli (for glioma) 3 A
transcription factors to the tip of the cilium. If Smo is not
available to inactivate Sufu (because of the absence of Hh), Basal body
Gli is degraded or processed to become a repressor. If the 2
suppressive function of Sufu is antagonized, Gli Gli is
processed to an activator form ( Gli A GliA) 6 . 1 KIF7 To the nucleus
7 Activated GliA is then transported out of the cilium into
the nucleus (by dynein motor and IFT proteins ) to
activate epithelial differentiation genes. Smo Vesicle

home in peripheral lymph nodes. get additional help from members of the superfam-
P-selectin is stored in cytoplasmic vesicles in en- ily of immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecules
dothelial cells. When endothelial cells are activated and integrins to stabilize leukocyte attachment,
by inflammatory signaling, P-selectin appears on leading to extravasation.
the cell surface.
On their surface, leukocytes contain sialyl Lewis- Ca2+-independent molecules
Superfamily of immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion
x antigen, a specific oligosaccharide ligand for
molecules (Ig-CAMs) (1-9)
P-selectin. P-selectin binding to the antigen slows
In contrast to cadherins and selectins, members of
down streaming leukocytes in blood and they begin
the Ig-CAMs superfamily are Ca2+-independent
to roll along the endothelial cell surfaces. P-selectins
cell adhesion molecules and are encoded by a single


1-7 | Microvilli and stereocilia (stereovilli)

Microvillus: A core of Glycocalyx
actin-containing microfilaments Cap

Tight junction Actin filament core

and belt 0.08 +m
end points of
the actin
terminal web Terminal web

Basal lamina
Oviduct | Microvilli and cilia (cross section)

Microvilli Actin


Small intestine | Microvilli (longitudinal section)

Stereocilium (stereovillus)
Sperm tail
contain a core of actin
microfilaments No glycocalyx


Endocytotic vesicles

Basal lamina
Microvilli and stereocilia (stereovilli) have the same substructure: domain of the cytoplasm of the intestinal cell. Although microvilli have
A core of actin microfilaments and actin-associated proteins. comparable length, stereocilia/stereovilli are longer and branch and the
In the intestinal epithelium, actin extends into the terminal web, a apical domain of the cell contains endocytotic vesicles. The bridges
network of cytoskeletal proteins in a collar-like arrangement at the apical connecting adjacent stereocilia (blue arrows) are indicators of their branching.

gene. Members of the Ig superfamily are generated is associated with components of the cytoskeleton,
by the alternative messenger RNA (mRNA) splic- such as actin, ankyrins and spectrin.
ing and have differences in glycosylation. In addition to their cell adhesion properties, Ig-
A conserved feature shared by all members of CAMs mediate adhesion-independent signaling by
the Ig superfamily is an extracellular segment interacting with growth factor receptors, transcrip-
with one or more folded loops characteristic of tion cofactors and other signaling proteins.
immunoglobulins. Ig-CAMs are dysfunctional in a broad range of
Similar to cadherins, cell–cell adhesion takes diseases such as cancer, vasculopathies, epithelial
place by homophilic interactions between Ig- and neurological disorders.
CAMs, although for Ig-CAMs the binding is Ca2+- Of particular interest is CD4, a member of the
independent. The cytoplasmic tail of the Ig-CAMs Ig-CAM superfamily and the receptor for the


1-8 | Ca2+-dependent cell adhesion molecules on endothelial cell surfaces. ICAM-1 is expressed
when an inflammation is in progress to facilitate
the transendothelial migration of leukocytes (see
Chapter 6, Blood and Hematopoiesis).
Domains in the extracellular portion cis-
of cadherin bind to calcium Members of the ADAM family (for an extracel-
lular disintegrin and metalloprotease) are sheddases
Ca2+ Cadherin cis-homophilic dimers of that can cleave and release the soluble ectodomain
opposite cell membranes establish of various Ig-CAMs. The released, or shedded,
trans-homophilic interaction
protein fragments are involved in biological activi-
Ca2+ ties such the activation of growth factor receptors.
Plasma membrane
trans-homophilic Integrins (1-9; Primers 1-B and 1-C)
a Cytoplasm interaction Integrins differ from cadherins, selectins and
` members of the Ig superfamily in that integrins are
_ heterodimers formed by two associated _ and `
subunits encoded by different genes (see 1-9). There
Vinculin are about 22 integrin heterodimers consisting of 17
Actin Formin-1 forms of _ subunits and 8 forms of ` subunits.
_-Actinin proteins
Almost every cell expresses one or several integ-
`-catenin binds to the intracellular domain of cadherin. The `-catenin/cadherin rins. Similar to cadherins, the cytoplasmic domain
complex recruits _-catenin, an adaptor protein that binds directly to actin. of ` integrin subunit is linked to actin filaments
a-catenin (also called plakoglobin) is a regulator of cadherin function. through connecting proteins (see 1-9).
The extracellular domain of ` integrin subunit
binds to the tripeptide RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) se-
Selectin (C-type lectins) quence present in laminin and fibronectin, two
Transmembrane receptor Soluble molecules major components of the basement membrane, a
specific type of extracellular matrix. Laminin and
Carbohydrate- fibronectin interact with various collagen types (in-
recognition cluding type IV collagen), heparan sulfate proteo-
domain (CRD) Tetranectin
Ca2+ Ca2+
glycan perlecan and entactin (also called nidogen).
The integrin–extracellular matrix relationship
Calcium acts as a linker Eosinophil is critical for cell migration to precise sites during
between CRD and major basic embryogenesis and can be regulated when cell
hydroxyl groups of the protein (MBP) motility is required. In addition to their role in
sugar target
cell-matrix interactions, integrins also mediate
cell-cell interaction.
Plasma membrane Tetranectin, present in
serum, increases
Integrins, containing `2 subunits, are expressed
Cytoplasmic tail plasminogen activation, on the surface of leukocytes and mediate cell-cell
can bind fibrin and binding in preparation for extravasation. An exam-
C-type lectins have a carbohydrate-recognition heparin and participates ple is _1`2integrin on non-adherent leukocytes that
domain (CRD) with conserved residues that confer in wound healing. bind to ligands on endothelial cell surfaces following
binding specificity for a particular sugar: EPN motif MBP is involved in activation by extracellular stimulation, resulting in
(Glu–Pro–Asn) for mannose-type carbohydrates antiparasitic defense and leukocyte extravasation during the recruitment of
and QPD motif (Gln–Pro–Asp) for galactose-type immune hypersensitivity leukocytes to extravascular spaces (see Primer 1-B).
carbohydrates. reactions.
Integrins are bidirectional signaling receptors.
Integrins can be activated by proteins binding to
human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) their extracellular and intracellular domains. When
in a subclass of lymphocytes known as T cells or integrins bind to extracellular matrix molecules,
helper cells. a protein complex binds to the cytoskeleton and
We discuss the significance of several members several signaling pathways are activated.
of the Ig superfamily in Chapter 10, Immune- Genetic mutations of integrins or integrin regula-
Lymphatic System. tors have been associated with Glanzmann’s throm-
Other members of the Ig-CAM superfamily boasthenia (mutations in `3 integrin subunit),
play important roles in the homing process during leukocyte adhesion deficiency (type I, caused by
inflammation. Examples include intercellular adhe- mutations in `2 integrin subunit; type II, resulting
sion molecules 1 and 2 (ICAM-1 and ICAM-2) from the absence of fucosyl-containing ligands for


Primer 1-B | Transmigration of leukocytes through the endothelial barrier




1 Leukocytes
(neutrophils) in circulation Endothelium
resist shear forces to slow
down along the vascular
endothelium. Selectin phase Integrin phase

Rolling Integrins `1 and `2

Neutrophil Transendothelial
VCAM-1 migration
Shear forces Adhesion
Carbohydrate-containing ligand
2 3

Selectins Extravascular space

2 Loose adhesion to the endothelium 3 Integrin receptors for endothelial

4 Transendothelial
under conditions of slow flow causes the ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 ligands are
leukocytes to roll. Selectins present on the rapidly activated on the leukocyte migration is mediated
endothelial cell surface bind to surface during rolling. Chemical by integrins interacting
carbohydrate ligands on the leukocyte mediators in the sites of inflammation with ligands on
surface. stimulate the activation of integrins `1 endothelial cell
and `2. Integrins strengthen leukocyte surfaces. F-actin
binding to endothelial cell surfaces. dynamics participate in
this process.

selectins due to a hereditary defect of endogenous CELL JUNCTIONS (1-10)

fucose metabolism; and type III, determined by Although cell adhesion molecules are responsible
mutations in kindlin) and skin diseases (mutations for cell-cell adhesion, cell junctions are necessary
in kindlin, _2, _6 and `4 integrin subunits). for providing stronger stability to epithelia and also
Integrin-mediated cell binding to extracellular for separating different tissue compartments from
ligands can be disrupted by ADAM sheddases (see the external environment.
Primer 1-C). ADAMs have roles in fertilization, The movement of solutes, ions and water
angiogenesis, neurogenesis, heart development, through an epithelial layer occurs across and be-
cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. tween individual cell components. The transcel-
lular pathway is controlled by numerous channels
and transporters whereas the paracellular pathway


3. Hemidesmosome.
4. Gap or communicating junction.
Most leukocytes circulate in blood without interacting with other blood cells or
endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. However, a subset of lymphocytes Tight junctions (1-10)
participates in a continuous recirculation process through lymphoid tissues. This Tight junctions (also called occluding junctions)
homing process involves many diverse adhesion molecules that help lymphocytes
have three major functions:
to “home” to various lymphoid compartments of the body.
The lymphocyte–endothelial cell interaction requires two types of cell adhesion
1. They determine epithelial cell polarity by
proteins: selectins and integrins. separating the apical domain from the basolateral
Neutrophils use a similar mechanism to escape from blood vessels, primarily domain and preventing the free diffusion of lipids
postcapillary venules, into inflammatory sites. and proteins between them.
A series of events enable circulating leukocytes to identify the vascular 2. They prevent the free passage of substances
endothelium in an inflammatory site and to interact with the blood vessel wall across an epithelial cell layer, creating gates that
through a series of steps known as: control the paracellular diffusion of ions and solutes.
(1) Leukocyte capturing. 3. Apart from serving as permeability barriers,
(2) Leukocyte rolling.
tight junctions are connected to signaling networks
(3) Leukocyte arrest.
(4) Leukocyte crawling to sites of exit.
that regulate proliferation and cell differentiation
(5) Leukocyte transmigration through the barriers of endothelial cells, the and transmit information to and from the cyto-
supporting basement membrane, and pericytes or smooth muscle cells of the skeleton, the nucleus and different cell adhesion
vascular wall. complexes.
The expression of endothelial selectins, E-selectin and P-selectin, are induced Cell membranes of two adjacent cells come
by chemoattractants produced by the endothelial cells or released by together at regular intervals to seal the apical inter-
inflammatory cells and appear on the surface of endothelial cells in inflamed cellular space. These areas of close contact continue
tissues. The up-regulation of selectins on the surface of endothelial cells around the entire surface of the cell like a belt,
represents an essential molecular step for the capture of leukocytes from the
forming anastomosing strips of the transmembrane
rapidly flowing blood.
The leukocyte capturing event is transient. Then, the captured leukocytes,
proteins occludin and claudin. Occludin and clau-
propelled by the blood flow, start rolling on the endothelial cell surface and remain din belong to the family of tetraspanins with four
stationary or arrested. transmembrane domains, two outer loops and two
At this point, leukocytes start to contribute to their crawling and transmigration short cytoplasmic tails.
process by the activation of leukocyte integrins `1 and `2. Integrins bind to Occludin interacts with four major zonula occlu-
members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, such as intercellular adhesion din (ZO) proteins: ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3 and afadin.
molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), whose Claudin (Latin claudere, to close), a family of
expression is induced on endothelial cells by pro-inflammatory cytokines. 16 proteins forming linear fibrils in the tight junc-
Cytokines represent the guidance cues that mediate the activation of leukocyte
tions, confers barrier properties on the paracellular
integrins, the initial indication of imminent cellular migration. If integrins are not
activated, the arrested leukocyte would be rapidly dislocated from the endothelial
attachment site by shear forces of the blood flow. A mutation in the gene encoding claudin 16 is
The strong leukocyte integrin–endothelial cell intercellular adhesion enables the the cause of a rare human renal magnesium wasting
attachment and spreading of the leukocytes on the endothelial cell surface, syndrome characterized by hypomagnesemia and
followed by crawling and transmigration across the endothelial barrier at seizures (see Box 1-B).
transiently opened endothelial cell tight junctions or through the endothelial cell Two members of the Ig superfamily, nectins
cytoplasm. A number of endothelial cell adhesion molecules and receptors and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), are
participate in the transmigration process. present in tight junctions. Both form homodimers
Transendothelial migration, also called diapedesis, takes about 2-3 minutes. In
(cis-homodimers) and trans-homodimers across the
about 15-20 minutes, leukocytes permeate the endothelial basement membrane,
pericytes and smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall.
intercellular space.
Nectins are connected to actin filaments through
is regulated by continuous intercellular contacts or the protein afadin. The targeted deletion of the
cell junctions. afadin gene in mice results in embryonic lethality. A
Cell junctions are symmetrical structures formed mutation in the nectin-1 gene is responsible for cleft
between two adjacent epithelial cells. An exception lip/palate and ectodermal dysplasia (CLEPD1) of
is the hemodesmosome, an asymmetrical structure skin, hairs, nails and teeth in humans. Nectin-2–
anchoring the basal domain of an epithelial cell to deficient male mice are infertile.
the basal lamina. Freeze fracture electron microscopy, a technique
There are four major classes of cell junctions: that enables the visualization of the hydrophobic
1. Tight junction. interior of a cell membrane, reveals tight junctions as
2. Adherens junctions, including zonula adher- a meshwork of anastomosing sealing strands formed
ens (belt desmosome) and macula adherens (spot by rows of transmembrane particles regarded as
desmosome). representing the diffusion barriers.


1-9 | Ca2+-independent cell adhesion molecules

Immunoglobulin (Ig) -like cell adhesion molecule (CAM) superfamily

Immunoglobulin-like (vascular cell adhesion molecule 1)
The extracellular segment of an Ig-CAM, is domains
folded into two to six immunoglobulin-like NCAM-1
domains. (neural cell adhesion
Ig-CAMs on one cell can bind to identical molecule 1)
molecules on another cell (trans-homophilic
binding) or to other members of the family
(trans-heterophilic binding) to produce
zipper-like structures that stabilize cell–cell
contacts. Ig-CAMs are further stabilized by Extracellular space
anchoring their cytoplasmic tail to actin-binding Plasma membrane
proteins such as spectrin.
ICAM and VCAM molecules play important
roles in T cell interactions and binding of ICAM-2
leukocytes to activated or resting endothelial Spectrin Actin (intercellular cell (intercellular cell
cells. adhesion molecule 1) adhesion molecule 2)


Integrins differ from the other cell adhesion proteins: Actin Cytoplasm
(1) They consist of two subunits.
(2) They have a dual function: they bind to the _-actinin
extracellular matrix and the internal cytoskeleton. Vinculin
IPP complex
The _ subunit of an integrin has two chains linked
by a disulfide linkage and a globular head with
binding sites for divalent cations. Kindlin Paxillin
Focal adhesion
The ` subunit has two significant characteristics:
(1) The extracellular chain contains repeating
cysteine-rich regions. (2) The intracellular portion Plasma membrane
interacts with actin filaments through connecting
proteins: talin and focal adhesion kinase, the first Extracellular space
Only the `subunit binds S
proteins to be recruited. S
to the cytoskeleton
In its active conformation, talin binds the `-integrin Disulfide bridge
cytoplasmic domain. Kindlin, an integrin Cysteine-rich domains
_ subunit
coactivator, binds to the `-integrin cytoplasmic
domain and increases talin-induced integrin Divalent cation
activation. The IPP complex (consisting of ` subunit binding sites
intergrin-linked kinase, PINCH [for Particularly RGD
Interesting New Cysteine-Histidine-rich protein] and (arginine-glycine-
parvin) recruits _-actinin and paxillin to the cell aspartic acid) RGD
adhesion site.
In its active conformation state, `-integrin connects S S
actin to the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin
and laminin, through their RGD-binding sites. Fibronectin Laminin

Adhering junctions (1-11 and 1-12) epidermis are small, spot-like and provide strong
Adherens (Latin adhaereo, sticking to) junctions adhesion.
include zonula adherens junctions and macula Zonula adherens junctions are associated with
adherens junctions, both found below the tight or actin microfilaments. This association is mediated
occluding junctions, usually near the apical surface by the catenin complex: _-catenin, `-catenin
of an epithelium (see 1-11). and a-catenin (also called plakoglobin). `-catenin
Similar to the tight junctions, zonula adherens and a-catenin bind to the cytoplasmic domains of
junctions form a circumferential belt (belt des- desmocollins and desmogleins, two families of des-
mosome) around the apical domain of epithelial mosomal cadherins. _-catenin, bound to `-catenin,
cells. In contrast, macula adherens junctions in the is an adapter protein responsible for connecting the


Primer 1-C | ADAM, a member of the family of sheddase proteins

Intracellular domain ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) proteins are

(phosphorylation sites or membrane-anchored metalloproteases. The proteolytic activity of
proline-rich sites that bind metalloproteases depends on a metal ion (Zn2+) for their activity.
Src-homology [SH3] domains) An ADAM protein has an extracellular domain that contains an
N-terminal metalloprotease domain and a disintegrin domain.
Transmembrane domain
Glycoprotein Platelet
Extracellular domain gpIIb/IIIa
Shedding The disintegrin domain has
EGF-like domain
high sequence similarity to
Cysteine-rich domain snake-venom disintegrins. On
Disintegrin domain
shedding, the disintegrin
domain, which contains the
Pro-domain (an RGD tripeptide (Arg-Gly-Asp),
intramolecular chaperone) binds to the platelet

Shedding glycoprotein gpIIb/IIIa,

preventing platelet aggregation.
Metalloprotease Disintegrin
Ectodomain shedding
Ectodomain Soluble ectodomain
shedding Ectodomain shedding allows membrane-
The metalloprotease degradesr anchored growth factors or cytokines to
components of the extracellular participate in paracrine signaling (at a
matrix during cell migration.
n It also distance from the site of cleavage) or to
participates in the cleavagee of a enter the bloodstream. Shedding also can
membrane protein at the plasma generate a soluble decoy receptor that
membrane level, which results
s in could sequester a ligand.
the release of its soluble
ectodomain. This process is Plasma membrane
known as ectodomain shedding.
Transmembrane protein
The reversal of integrin-mediated cell binding to the extracellular protein cleaved adjacent to the plasma membrane. ADAMs are
matrix can be disrupted by proteins called ADAM (for A Disintegrin members of the family of sheddases.
And Metalloprotease). ADAMs have pivotal roles in fertilization, Ectodomain shedding targets for cleavage the proinflammatory
angiogenesis, neurogenesis, heart development, cancer and cytokine tumor necrosis factor ligand (TNFL) and all ligands of the
Alzheimer’s disease. epidermal growth factor receptor.
A typical ADAM protein contains an extracellular domain and an A released soluble ectodomain of a cytokine or growth factor can
intracellular domain. The extracellular domain consists of several function at a distance from the site of cleavage (paracrine signaling).
portions including a disintegrin domain and a metalloprotease domain. Ectodomain shedding of a receptor can inactivate the receptor by
(1) A disintegrin domain binds to integrins and competitively functioning as a decoy sequestering soluble ligands away from the
prevents integrin-mediated binding of cells to laminin, fibronectin and plasma membrane-bound unoccupied receptor.
other extracellular matrix proteins. A defect in TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) shedding, determined by a
(2) A metalloprotease domain degrades matrix components and mutation in the receptor cleavage site, causes a periodic febrile
enables cell migration. condition because of continuous availability of TNFR1 for TNFL
A significant function of ADAMs is protein ectodomain shedding, binding. Consequently, recurring fever occurs by increased
consisting of the proteolytic release of the ectodomain of a membrane inflammatory responses.

intracellular domain of cadherins to actin filaments. desmogleins are associated with plakoglobin. Plako-
Macula adherens junctions, also called spot globin is an adapter protein that interacts with the
desmosomes, are punctate-like junctions associated N-terminus globular domain of desmoplakin; the
with keratin intermediate filaments (also known as opposite C-terminus globular domain is connected
tonofilaments) extending like ropes from one spot to intermediate filaments (keratin, vimentin or
to another on the lateral cell surfaces of epithelial desmin).
cells (see 1-12). Spot desmosomes provide strength, Plakoglobin, desmoplakin and plakophilin are
rigidity and also flexibility to an epithelial cell layer. components of the cytoplasmic plaques.
Desmoglein 1 and desmoglein 3 are found in Note that actin microfilaments are members of
the macula adherens junctions of the epidermis. the zonula adherens, whereas intermediate filaments
The intracellular domains of desmocollins and are components of the macula adherens.


1-10 | Epithelial cell junctions

Tight junctions Note that gap junctions are not

They define cell polarity and control the associated with cytoskeletal
passage of substances between adjacent components.
cells. Tight junctions have a beltlike
distribution like a ribbon internally bracing Tight
the cells and are associated with actin junction
Zonula adherens or belt desmosome
This anchorage junction has a beltlike adherens
distribution and is associated with actin
Macula adherens or spot desmosome adherens
This anchorage junction has a spotlike
distribution and is associated with
intermediate filaments. Basal lamina

Hemidesmosome Gap or communicating junctions

Hemidesmosomes link the basal domain of They connect functionally two adjacent cells.
an epithelial cell to the basal lamina. A gap junction is formed by connexons,
Intermediate filaments are associated with channel-like structures that enable the passage
a plaque. of small molecules (~1.2 kd) between cells.

Tight junctions

Tight junctions are circumferential belts at junctions seal, like kissing points, the between adjacent epithelial cells
the apical domain of epithelial cells and space between epithelial cells and regulate (paracellular pathway). Molecules across
linking adjacent endothelial cells. Tight the passage of water and flux of ions the cell follow a transcellular pathway.

Afadin-nectin complex is anchored to ZO-1. Nectins F-actin JAMs

form cis-homodimers, which interact with each other Afadin Nectin
(trans-homo interaction) through the extracellular region.
Junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) are Occludin
associated to afadin and ZO-1. JAMs cis-homodimers Claudin
interact with each other (trans-homo interaction) and
determine the formation of cell polarity. ZO-1
Occludin and claudins are the molecular ZO-3
basis for the formation of tight junction strands seen in
freeze-fracture preparations.

Kissing point Paracellular Transcellular

Zonula occludens proteins (ZO-1, ZO-2 and
pathway pathway
ZO-3) facilitate the reciprocal interaction of occludin,
claudins and JAMs with F-actin.

In contrast to occluding junctions, adjacent cell squamous epithelium of the epidermis, the C-termi-
membranes linked by zonula and macula adherens nus of desmoplakin interacts with the intermediate
junctions are separated by a relatively wide inter- filaments and that desmoglein 1 and desmoglein 3
cellular space. This space is occupied by the gly- maintain the cohesiveness of the epithelium.
cosylated extracellular portion of desmogleins and Autoantibodies to desmoglein-1 cause a blis-
desmocollins, anchored to cytoplasmic plaques. tering disease, called pemphigus foliaceus, by
As we have already seen, the interlocking of simi- disrupting cell-cell adhesion of the upper layers of
lar cadherins connects two adjacent cells by Ca2+- the epidermis. Autoantibodies to desmoglein-3 pro-
dependent homophilic or heterophilic interaction. duce also a blistering disease, called pemphigus vul-
It is important to emphasize that, in the stratified garis, localized in the basal layers of the epidermis.


1-11 | Epithelial cell junctions: Zonula adherens (belt desmosome)

Zonula adherens (belt desmosome)


Actin filaments

Tight junction

Zonula adherens


Afadin Afadin-nectin
Actin filament complex
anchored to afadin Nectin
and _-catenin
Adapter protein
_-catenin, bound to
Catenin complex
a-catenin, connects F-actin
to cadherins
Plaque: Desmoplakin, (desmocollins and Plasma
plakoglobin and plakophilin desmogleins) membrane
Desmoglein 1 predominates
Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoantibody-mediated blistering disease
above the stratum spinosum
in which antibodies against desmoglein 1 cause a loss of adhesion
Desmoglein 3 predominates in of keratinocytes in the superficial layers of the epidermis
the strata basale and spinosum
Layers of the epidermis
Anti-desmoglein 1
Stratum corneum immunoglobulin
Stratum granulosum Blister

Stratum spinosum

Stratum basale

Basal lamina Dermis Dermis

Hemidesmosomes (1-13) mosome is found in hemidesmosomes.

Hemidesmosomes are asymmetrical structures A hemidesmosome consists of these components:
anchoring the basal domain of an epithelial cell 1. An inner cytoplasmic plate associated with
to the underlying basal lamina. Hemidesmosomes keratin intermediate filaments (or tonofilaments).
increase the overall stability of epithelial tissues by 2. An outer membrane plaque linking the
linking intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton hemidesmosome to the basal lamina by anchoring
with components of the basal lamina. filaments (composed of laminin 5) and integrin
Hemidesmosomes have a different organization _` and proteins of the plakin family, including
compared with adherens junctions. Although plectin and BPAG1 (bullous pemphigoid antigen
hemidesmosomes look like half-desmosomes, none 1). We come back to the hemidesmosome in Chap-
of the biochemical components present in the des- ter 11, Integumentary System.


1-12 | Epithelial cell junctions: Macula adherens (spot desmosome)

Macula adherens (spot desmosome)

Keratin intermediate filaments


Plasma membrane
Outer dense plaque

Macula adherens

Inner dense plaque

Dense middle line

middle line

Intermediate filament
anchored to the C-terminus
of desmoplakin

Plaque: Desmoplakin, Plasma
(desmocollins and
plakoglobin and plakophilin desmogleins) membrane

Plakoglobin interacts directly with the

intracellular region of cadherins and also binds to Keratin, vimentin
desmoplakin and plakophilins. Outer dense plaque Inner dense plaque or desmin
Plakophilins (types1-4) participate in the Cadherin (intermediate
recruitment of proteins to the plasma membrane. filaments)
Desmoplakins (types I-II) bridge plakoglobin
to intermediate filaments keratin, vimentin or
desmin (bound to the C-terminus of desmoplakins).

Inherited disorders affecting the skin and heart

Plakoglobin gene mutation: Naxos disease
(arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy Plakophilin Desmoplakin
[ARVC], woolly hair and palmoplantar
Plakoglobin Adapter protein plakoglobin links
keratoderma). Fat cells replace cardiocytes.
(also called plakophilin and desmoplakin to
Desmoplakin gene mutation: ARVC. Woolly hair.
a-catenin) intermediate filaments

Box-1-B | Tight junctions and disease

• Several diseases affecting tissues and organs have been related Claudin 16: Familial hypomagnesemia.
to tight junctions. Some diseases are caused by mutations in tight Claudin 19: Familial hypomagnesemia, hypercalciuria and
junction-associated proteins or by viral and bacterial infections targeting nephrocalcinosis.
tight junctions. • Junctional protein targeted by a virus/bacterium
• A number of diseases, such as chronic inflammation and cancer, are Claudin 1, claudin 6, claudin 9 and occludin: Hepatitis C virus
associated with dysfunctional tight junctions. infection.
• Junctional protein–associated genetic diseases JAMs: Infection caused by retroviruses.
Claudin 1: Neonatal ichthyosis; sclerosing cholangitis. Occludin: Vibrio cholera infection.
Claudin 5: Velo-cardial-facial syndrome. ZO1, ZO2: Dengue virus infection.


1-13 | Hemidesmosomes and gap junctions


Keratin filaments Epidermis Keratin intermediate filaments


membrane Plaque


Anchoring filaments Integrin _6`4 Anchoring filament

(laminin 5) (laminin 5)
Basal lamina
Basal lamina

Gap or communicating junction

The intercellular channel is an axial Clusters of intercellular Large patch of uniformly dense and closely packed
channel that allows the direct channels are known as particles corresponding to connexons seen on the PF
passage of small signaling gap junctions because (protoplasmic face) fracture face of a gap junction
molecules between adjacent cells of the narrow

Freeze-fracture electron micrograph from Robert RL, Kessel RG, Tung H-N: Freeze
to coordinate cell responses. extracellular gap that

Fracture Images of Cells And Tissues. New York, Oxford University Press, 1991.
separates the apposed
plasma membranes.
Ca2+ membrane 1

Gap (2–4 nm) Connexin membrane 2

Six connexin monomers assemble to form a hexameric connexon, a Closely spaced pits on the EF (extracellular face) fracture
cylinder with a central open channel. Connexons in the plasma membrane face complementary to the particles on the PF fracture
of one cell align with connexons of an adjacent cell, forming a hydrophilic face. The EF and PF are artificially produced by splitting
intercellular channel connecting the cytoplasm of the apposed cells. the membrane bilayer along its hydrophobic core.

Gap junctions or communicating junctions (1-13) a clustering tendency and can form patches about
Gap junctions are symmetrical communicating 0.3 mm in diameter.
junctions formed by integral membrane proteins Gap junctions facilitate the movement of mol-
called connexins. ecules 1.2 nm in diameter between cells (for ex-
Six connexin monomers associate to form a con- ample, Ca2+ and cyclic adenosine monophosphate,
nexon, a hollow cylindrical structure that spans the cAMP). The connexon axial channels close when
plasma membrane. the concentration of Ca2+ is high.
The end-to-end alignment of connexons in Gap junctions enable the chemical and electrical
adjacent cells provides a direct channel of com- “coupling” between adjacent cells. For example,
munication (1.5 to 2 nm in diameter) between the cardiac muscle cells are connected by gap junctions
cytoplasm of two adjacent cells. Connexons have for the transmission of electrical signals.


1-14 | Basement membrane. Laminin and fibronectin

Epithelial cell Under light microscopy, basal

Tight junction and recticular laminae are
resolved as a single basement
membrane after staining with the
PAS technique (kidney; cortex)

Basal domain

Basal lamina
Reticular lamina
The basement membrane, an extracellular component in direct contact with the basal
domain of epithelial cells, is visible under the light microscope after staining with the
periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) reagent technique.
At the electron microscopic level, the basement membrane is defined by two
layers or laminae:
(1) A basal lamina, which contains laminin, fibronectin, type IV collagen, heparan
sulfate proteoglycans and nidogen (also called entactin).
(2) A reticular lamina, which contains type III collagen (reticular fibers)
The components of these two laminae are glycoproteins. They are PAS positive.

Basement membrane: Electron microscopy can resolve each lamina as a separate entity
Epithelial cell

Nucleus of a fibroblast producing

Basal lamina Reticular lamina components of the reticular lamina

CONNEXIN MUTATIONS Connexin 32 (Cx32) protein is expressed in

Several diseases occur when genes encoding con- Schwann cells, which are involved in the produc-
nexins are mutated. Mutations in the connexin 26 tion of rolled myelin tubes around the axons in the
(Cx26) gene, highly expressed in cells of the cochlea, peripheral nervous system (see Chapter 8, Nervous
are associated with deafness. Mutations in the con- Tissue). Gap junctions couple different parts of the
nexin 32 (Cx32) gene are found in X-linked Charcot- rolled myelin tubes of the same Schwann cell, rather
Marie-Tooth demyelinating neuropathy, resulting than different cells. A loss of the functional axial chan-
in progressive degeneration of peripheral nerves, nels in myelin leads to the demyelinating disorder.
characterized by distal muscle weakness and atrophy Mutations in the connexin 50 (Cx50) gene are asso-
and impairment of deep tendon reflexes. ciated with congenital cataracts, leading to blindness.


Bone cells (osteoblasts/osteocytes) are connected

by gap junctions and express connexin 43 (Cx43)
Laminin and connexin 45 (Cx45) proteins. A deletion of the
Cx43 gene determines skeletal defects and delays in
_ chain mineralization.
` chain a chain
Basement membrane (1-14; Primer 1-D)
Collagen binding site The basement membrane consists of two compo-
Nidogen (entactin)
Collagen Cell binding site (RGD) 1. The basal lamina, a sheet-like extracellular
Integrin _6`1 for integrins matrix in direct contact with epithelial cell surfaces.
The basal lamina results from the self-assembly of
laminin molecules with type IV collagen, entactin
Binding site for heparin/
Proteoglycan and proteoglycans.
heparan sulfate and
2. A reticular lamina, formed by type III collagen
fibers, supports the basal lamina and is continuous
with the connective tissue.
Laminin is the major component of the basal lamina. It consists of three
The basal and reticular laminae can be distin-
disulfide-linked polypeptide chains designated _, ` and a chains. Variants for
each chain give rise to several laminin isoforms with different structure and guished by electron microscopy. Under the light
function. microscope, the combined basal and reticular
Laminins have binding sites for cell surface receptors (integrins), type IV laminae receive the name of basement membrane,
collagen and other adhesion proteins (for example, nidogen, also known as which can be recognized by the periodic acid–Schiff
entactin). (PAS) stain (see Box 1-C). The PAS stain enables
Laminin monomers self-associate to form a network that is part of the basal the pathologist to determine whether an epithelial
lamina. malignant tumor has invaded the subjacent connec-
tive tissue by cancerous cells breaking through the
Fibronectin basement membrane.
Fibrin The basal lamina has specific functions in dif-
Collagen ferent tissues. The double basal lamina of the renal
C-terminal corpuscle constitutes the most important element
of the glomerular filtration barrier during the
initial step in the formation of urine (see Chapter
14, Urinary System). In skeletal muscle, the basal
Proteoglycans lamina maintains the integrity of the tissue and its
(heparan sulfate) Integrin (_5`1) binding sites disruption gives rise to muscular dystrophies (see
Chapter 7, Muscle Tissue).
Fibronectin, another component of the basal lamina, is a glycoprotein formed by Laminin is a cross-shaped protein consisting of
two identical chains joined by disulfide linkages close to the C-terminal. There three chains: the _ chain, the ` chain and the a
are two forms of fibronectin: chain. Laminin molecules can associate with each
(1) Plasma fibronectin, produced by hepatocytes and secreted into the other to form a mesh-like polymer.
Laminin and type IV collagen are the major com-
(2) Cellular fibronectin, produced by fibroblasts, is a component of the
extracellular matrix, including the basal lamina.
ponents of the basal lamina, and both are synthesized
Fibronectin has binding sites for integrins, collagen, heparan sulfate and by epithelial cells resting on the lamina.
fibrin. Laminin has binding sites for nidogen (also called
entactin), proteoglycans (in particular, heparan
sulfate perlecan), _-dystroglycan (see Chapter 7,
Box 1-C | Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) reaction Muscle Tissue) and integrins.
• PAS is a widely used histochemical technique to show 1,2-glycol or 1,2-aminoal- Fibronectin consists of two protein chains cross-
cohol groups, such as those present in glycogen, mucus and glycoproteins. linked by disulfide bonds. Fibronectin is the main
adhesion molecule of the extracellular matrix of the
• Periodic acid, an oxidant, converts these groups to aldehydes. The Schiff connective tissue and is produced by fibroblasts.
reagent, a colorless fuchsin, reacts with the aldehydes to form a characteristic red- Fibronectin has binding sites for heparin present
purple (magenta) product. in proteoglycans, several types of collagens (types I,
II, III and V) and fibrin (derived from fibrinogen
• Some important PAS-positive structures are the basement membrane, glycoca-
lyx, mucus produced by goblet cells, stored glycoprotein hormones in cells of the during blood coagulation or hemostasis; see Chapter
pituitary gland and collagens. 6, Blood and Hematopoiesis).


Primer 1-D | Cell adhesion molecules, cell junctions and basement membrane

Zonula adherens junction (belt desmosome)

It consists of a dense plaque associated with the catenin complex (_-catenin, `-catenin and
a-catenin), _-actinin, vinculin and formin-1. Actin filaments are attached to _-catenin. The
intercellular space is bridged by cadherins (desmocollins and desmogleins) and the
afadin-nectin complex connecting the opposite dense plaques.
Immunoglobulin (Ig)
superfamily cell adhesion Tight junction (occluding junction)
molecule (Ig-CAM) Consists of the transmembrane proteins Macula adherens
Ig-CAMs belong to the occludin and claudins, associated with junction (spot
immunoglobulin superfamily ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, junctional adhesion desmosome)
because they contain domains molecules (JAMs) and the afadin-nectin Desmosomes are
similar to immunoglobulins. complex. symmetrical structures
Ig-CAMs do not require Ca2+ to Catenin consisting of: (1) plaques
maintain homophilic adhesive complex Occludin containing desmoplakin,
interactions. Actin Junctional adhesion molecule (JAM) plakoglobin and
Afadin-nectin complex
ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3
plakophilin; (2) linking
cadherins (mainly
desmocollins and
Afadin-nectin complex desmogleins); and (3)
Selectin Cadherins keratin filaments attached
Selectins are to desmoplakin.
Ca2+-dependent molecules
with binding affinity for Integrin
sugars. Selectins have an On the extracellular
important role in the homing side, integrins interact
process directly with fibronectin
and laminin. On the
Gap junction intracellular side, the `
Aggregate of connexons subunits of integrin
interact with actin through
intermediate proteins
(including _-actinin,
S S vinculin and talin).
Basement membrane S S Perlecan

Hemidesmosomes consist of Collagens
an inner plate, the anchoring Type IV collagen
site of the intermediate Laminin consists of
filament keratin and an outer Nidogen
(entactin) three polypeptide
plaque, attached to the basal Proteoglycan chains (_, ` and a) with
lamina by two major Proteoglycans (mainly binding sites for type IV
components: anchoring heparan sulfate perlecan) collagen, proteoglycan
filaments (laminin 5) and interact directly with perlecan, integrin and
integrin _6`4. fibronectin and laminin. nidogen.

Fibronectin circulating in blood is synthesized mobilized fibronectin binds to integrin expressed

in the liver by hepatocytes. It differs from fibro- on the surface of activated platelets and the blood
nectin produced by fibroblasts in that it lacks one clot enlarges. We return to the topic of blood co-
or two repeats (designated EDA and EDB for agulation or hemostasis in Chapter 6, Blood and
extra domain A and extra domain B) as a result of Hematopoiesis.
alternative mRNA splicing. Primer 1-D integrates most of the basic informa-
Circulating fibronectin binds to fibrin, a com- tion that you should remember about cell adhe-
ponent of the blood clot formed at the site of sion molecules, cell junctions and the basement
blood vessel damage. The RGD domain of im- membrane.


1-15 | Immunocytochemistry The components of the cytoskeleton were origi-

nally identified by electron microscopy. These early
Direct immunofluorescence studies described a system of cytoplasmic “cables”
The immunoglobulin molecule
After detergent treatment, the that fell into three size groups:
immunoglobulin molecule enters 1. Microfilaments (7 nm thick)
cannot enter into an intact cell
the cell and binds to the antigen 2. Intermediate filaments (10 nm thick)
3. Microtubules (25 nm in diameter)
Antigen Biochemical studies, involving the extraction
of cytoskeletal proteins from cells with detergents
and salts and in vitro translation of specific mRNA,
showed that each class of filaments has a unique
protein organization.
When cytoskeletal proteins were purified, they
were used as antigens for the production of antibod-
ies. Antibodies are used as tools for the localization
Direct immunocytochemistry involves a specific antibody or some agent with of the various cytoskeletal proteins in the cell.
specific binding affinity to an antigen tagged with a visible marker. Visible markers The immunocytochemical localization of cyto-
attached to the immunoglobulin molecule can be a fluorescent dye such as
skeletal proteins and cell treatment with various
fluorescein (green fluorescence) or rhodamine (red fluorescence). When
examined with a fluorescence microscope, only labeled components are visible as
chemical agents disrupting the normal organiza-
bright, fluorescent structures. Direct immunofluorescence involves a single incubation tion of the cytoskeleton have been instrumental
step and provides a simple detection method. in understanding the organization and function of
Gold particles (electron-dense) attached to an immunoglobulin are convenient the cytoskeleton.
markers for immunocytochemistry at the electron microscopic level.
Microfilaments (1-16; Primer 1-E)
Indirect immunofluorescence
F-actin is a versatile and abundant cytoskeletal
Antigen Second immunoglobulin Antigen Testis component forming static and contractile bundles
with a fluorescent tag and filamentous networks specified by actin-binding
proteins and their distinctive location and function
in a cell.
First immunoglobulin Sperm F-actin anchors to the plasma membrane and, by
without a nucleus Nuclei this mechanism, contributes to cell shape changes.
fluorescent tag Actin filaments can branch in the leading edge
bound to the antigen (lamellipodia) of cells involved in either motility
Indirect immunocytochemistry involves a second antibody tagged with a or interaction with other cell types.
fluorescent marker. This second antibody binds to an already antigen-bound F-actin bundles are present in the microvilli
nontagged first antibody specific for an antigen. of the intestinal and renal epithelial cells (brush
The indirect method requires two separate incubations (one each for the first and border) and the stereocilia from the hair cells of
second antibodies) and is regarded as more specific than direct the inner ear.
immunofluorescence for the identification and localization of antigens (see image of Microvilli and stereocilia are comparable struc-
a testicular section. The nuclear red staining corresponds to propidium iodide; the tures, although they differ in length and the number
green staining identifies a fluorescein-labeled antigen). of actin filaments:
1. Intestinal microvilli are 1 to 2 +m long, 0.1
CYTOSKELETON (1-15) +m wide and consist of 20 to 30 bundled actin
Cytoskeleton is a three-dimensional network of filaments.
proteins distributed throughout the cytoplasm 2. Stereocilia in hair cells of the inner ear have a
of eukaryotic cells. The cytoskeleton has roles in: tapered shape at their base, the length range is 1.5
1. Cell movement (crawling of blood cells along to 5.5 +m and each actin bundle contains up to
blood-vessel walls, migration of fibroblasts during 900 actin filaments.
wound healing and movement of cells during em- Hair cells are extremely sensitive to mechanical
bryonic development). displacement and a slight movement of the stereo-
2. Support and strength for the cell. cilium is amplified into changes in electric potential
3. Phagocytosis. transmitted to the brain.
4. Cytokinesis. The main component of microfilaments is actin.
5. Cell-cell and cell–extracellular matrix adher- Actin filaments are composed of globular monomers
ence. (G-actin, 42 kd), which polymerize to form long
6. Changes in cell shape. helical filaments intertwined in a helix (F-actin).


1-16 | Intestinal microvilli (brush border) We have already seen that the intracellular por-
tion of the cell adhesion molecules cadherins and
Small intestine epithelium: Microvilli
integrin `1 interacts with F-actin through adapter
proteins. As discussed in Chapter 6, Blood and
Hematopoiesis, actin, together with spectrin, forms
a filamentous network on the inner face of the red
blood cell membrane that is essential for main-
taining the shape and integrity of red blood cells.
Spectrin is a tetramer consisting of two distinct
polypeptide chains (_ and `).
Actin filaments are polar. Growth of actin fila-
ments may occur at both ends; however, one end
(the “barbed end” or plus end) grows faster than the
other end (the “pointed end” or minus end). The
names correspond to the asymmetric arrowhead
appearance when myosin binds at an angle along
Brush border, formed by a closely Goblet cell the length of actin filaments.
packed layer of microvilli, at the apical Density Actin monomers have a binding site for adenos-
domain of the intestinal columnar corresponding to ine triphosphate (ATP), which is hydrolyzed to
epithelial cells. The brush border is the terminal web adenosine diphosphate (ADP) as polymerization
also seen in cuboidal epithelial cells of
proceeds. Actin polymerization is ATP-dependent.
the proximal convoluted tubule
(nephron). The kinetics of actin polymerization involves
Formin, a protein of the cap and
interacting with the fast-growing
a mechanism known as treadmilling: G-actin
Intestinal Formin barbed ends of F-actin, promotes the monomers assembled at one end of the filament
microvillus cap elongation of unbranched F-actin. concurrently disassemble at the other end.
Four types of actin-binding proteins control
Glycocalyx treadmilling by binding to actin monomers, sever-
ing F-actin, capping F-actin ends, nucleating and
cross-linking F-actin, stabilizing F-actin or moving
F-actin along F-actin:
Membrane- F-actin 1. `-Thymosin sequesters pools of G-actin
linking cross-linking monomers within cells, thus inhibiting their addi-
proteins proteins tion on the barbed end of F-actin.
Myosin I 2. Profilins, bound to G-actin, suppress nucle-
Calmodulin ation of G-actin. The main pool of actin avail-
able for polymerization is represented by G-actin
bound to profilin. Profilin can favor the assembly
of monomeric G-actin into F-actin by facilitating
the exchange of bound ADP for ATP. Only ATP-
actin monomers can be assembled into filaments.
3. Cofilin, also known as actin depolymer-
izing factor (ADF), triggers depolymerization of
Actin filament Terminal Spectrin isoform Intermediate filaments ADP-bound actin at the pointed end. The F-actin
rootlets web connecting fibrils (keratins) severing property of cofilin/ADF triggers the rapid
disassembly of F-actin networks, a process that
replenishes the pool of G-actin for subsequent
In the core of the intestinal microvilli, the as- network assembly.
sembly of G-actin monomers into filaments and the 4. Gelsolin has a dual role; it is a capping protein
organization of these filaments into thick bundles that prevents the loss and addition of actin mono-
are controlled by various types of actin-binding mers and it is a severing protein. In the presence of
or actin-related proteins. A bundle of parallel Ca2+, gelsolin fragments F-actin and remains bound
non-branching actin filaments, forming the core to the barbed end, forming a cap that prevents
of the microvillus, is held together by actin-linking further filament growth.
proteins, villin and fimbrin. Side arms of myosin-I F-actin can branch or grow in length. F-actin
and the Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin anchor branching is initiated from the side of pre-existing
the bundle to the plasma membrane. F-actin by Arp2/3 (for actin-related protein 2/3),


Primer 1-E | Actin microfilaments: Assembly and disassembly

F-actin polymerization and depolymerization Arp2/3-mediated branched F-actin network

`4-thymosin sequesters G-actin into a reserve pool.

Profilin binds to ATP G-actin and regulates filament assembly.

G-actin carries an
ATP molecule (one
`4-thymosin per monomer)

Barbed end
Polymerizing end of Old filament
a growing actin
filament Barbed end
An ATP G-actin nucleation cap
is formed to promote further
addition of G-actin. New filament

ATP is hydrolyzed. Arp2/3 Pointed end

Polymerized G-actin complex
contains bound
ADP. Arp2/3, a complex of seven proteins, initiates
the growth of F-actin from the sides of a pre-existing
Gelsolin severs actin filament. Arp2/3 assembles branches growing at
filaments and binds to the 7 nm thick
their free barbed ends. Arp2/3 attaches to the side
newly formed barbed end or of the older filament.
to the sides, blocking further
Severed actin filament
polymerization or Formin-mediated linear F-actin network
dissociation (capping).
Profilin regulates filament barbed end Profilin
assembly by catalyzing the Microvilli
exchange of G-actin bound ADP for
Formin G-actin
ATP and promotes the transfer of
actin monomers to the `4-thymosin
reserve pool and from there to the Barbed end
barbed end of F-actin. Pointed end
Depolymerizing F-actin
G-actin carrying end of a grown
bound ATP G-actin carrying actin filament
bound ADP
Profilin Cofilin, an actin
depolymerizing factor,
stimulates the
dissociation of Pointed end
ADP-bound G-actin
Treadmilling is the dynamic balance between the polymerizing and Formins have a common FH2 domain. Two FH2
depolymerizing ends to maintain the length of an actin filament. A treadmilling domains form a ring at the barbed end of an actin
actin filament contains ATP-bound G-actin monomers at the barbed end, filament that grows linearly by adding profilin-targeting
whereas the ones at the pointed end are ADP-bound. ATP-bound G-actin monomers to the barbed end.

F-actin inhibitors
Cytochalasins bind to the Phalloidin binds to F-actin Latrunculins disrupt F-actin by
fast-growing end (barbed end), preventing depolymerization. binding to G-actin and inducing directly
preventing further addition of G-actin. Fluorescent-labeled phalloidin is used to F-actin depolymerization. Latrunculins
A cytochalasin cap is formed. stain F-actin in cells. Phalloidin is an derive from the Red Sea sponge
Cytochalasins are alkaloids produced alkaloid produced by the mushroom Latrunculla magnifica.
by fungi. Amanita phalloides.

Barbed end Pointed end

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Crossley S, L’t 118th Pa Vol
Chauncey C R, Cap 34th Mass Vol
Carlisle S B, L’t 145th Pa Vol
Conover S D, Cap 125th Ill Vol
Cole O L, L’t 50th Ill Vol
Cain J H, L’t 104th N Y Vol
Cassell E F, L’t 11th Iowa Vol
Chambers J H, L’t 103d Pa Vol
Cottingham E, L’t 35th Pa Vol
Coddington J P, Vet Sur 8th Iowa Cav
Cole A F, Cap 59th N Y Vol
Curtiss W H, Adj 19th Mass Vol
Clark J W, L’t 59th N Y Vol
Clark J H, L’t 1st Mass Art
Case D L, Jr, Adj 102d N Y Vol
Cope J D, L’t 116th Pa Vol
Cove J W, L’t 6th W Va Cav
Coulter W J, L’t 15th Mass Vol
Cubbetson W M, L’t 30th Ind Vol
Casey J, L’t 45th N Y Vol
Carter W H, L’t 5th Pa R C Vol
Chittenden J L, L’t 5th Ind Cav
Conney W H, L’t 69th N Y Vol
Cameron P, L’t 16th N Y Cav
Campbell W F, L’t 51st Pa Vol
Cameron J F, L’t 5th Pa Cav
Carr J P, Cap 93d Ind Vol
Clegg M, L’t 5th Ind Cav
Curtice H A, L’t 157th N Y Vol
Coffin J A, L’t “ “ “
Collins W A, Cap 10th Wis Vol
Carlisle J B, L’t 2d W Va Cav
Christopher W, L’t “ “
Chandler G W, L’t 1st W Va Cav
Chatburn J, L’t 150th Pa Vol
Childs J W, L’t 16th Me Vol
Chase H R, L’t 1st Vt H Art
Conover W H, L’t 22d N Y Cav
Clark J A, Cap 7th Mich Cav
Cook W B, L’t 140th Pa Vol
Califf B F, L’t 2d W S S S
Cook E F, Major 2d N Y Cav
Cooke H P, A A G
Crocker H, L’t 1st N J Cav
Camp T B C, Cap 52d Pa Vol
Clark L S, Cap 62d N Y Vol
Chapin H C, Cap 4th Vt Vol
Conyngham J B, L’t Col 52d Pa Vol
Christopher J, Cap 16th U S Inf
Cochrane M A, Cap “ “
Causten M C, L’t 19th U S Inf
Chubbuck D B, L’t 19th Mass Vol
Carpenter S D, L’t 3d O Vol
Carley A A, Cap 73d Ind Vol
Connelly R J, L’t 73d Ill Vol
Cartwright A G, Cap 85th N Y Vet Vol
Clark M L, Cap 101st Pa Vol
Compher A, Cap “ “
Clapp J B, Adj 16th Conn Vol
Case A G, L’t “ “
Cratty E G, Cap 103d Pa Vol
Coats H A, Cap 85th N Y Vet Vol
Crooks S J, Col 22d N Y Cav
Case S F, Cap 2d O Cav
Cutler J, Cap 34th O Vol
Coglin T, Cap 14th N Y H Art
Cord T A, L’t 19th U S Inf
Cloadt J, Cap 119th N Y Vol
Calkins W W, L’t 104th Ill Vol
Craig J, Cap 1st W Va Vol
Colville J W, Cap 5th Mich Vol
Crosby T J, Cap 157th Pa Vol
Cohen M, Cap 4th Ky Vol
Copeland J R, Cap 7th O Vol
Creps F A M, L’t 77th Pa Vol
Curtis R, L’t 4th Ky Vol
Clements J, L’t 15th Ky Vol
Caldwell D B, L’t 75th O Vol
Cubbison J C, L’t 101st Pa Vol
Crawford H P, Cap 2d Ill Cav
Chase E E, Cap 1st R I Cav
Coffin G A, Adj 29th Ind Vol
Cockran T G, L’t 77th Pa Vol
Conrad W F, Cap 25th Iowa Vol
Carperts L M, Cap 18th Wis Vol
Cox J L, L’t 21st Ill Vol
Cunningham M, L’t 42d NY Vol
Charters A M, L’t 17th Iowa Vol
Carpenter J Q, L’t 150th Pa Vol
Campbell B F, Cap
Clark H L, L’t 2d Mass Art
Copeland W A, L’t 10th Mich Vol
Cuniffe H, L’t 13th Ill Vol
Carpenter E N, Cap 6th Pa Cav
Clemmons T, L’t 13th Ill Vol
Crocker Geo A, A A G
Cook W C, Adj 9th Mich Cav
Cowles H F, L’t 18th Conn Vol
Cramer C P, L’t 21st N Y Cav
Clancey C W, L’t Col 52d O Vol
Coram Geo, R Q M 2d Ky Cav
Case M B, L’t 23d U S C T
Cline D G, L’t 75th O V M I
Conn C G, L’t 1st M S S
Cook J L, L’t 6th Iowa Vol
Cunningham M, L’t 1st Vt H Art
Copland C D, L’t 58th Mass Vol
Chamberlain V B, Cap 7th Conn Vol
Catlin J E, L’t 45th Pa Vol
Cashell C P, L’t 12th Pa Cav
Clark M W, Cap 11th Iowa Cav
Channel J R, L’t 1st Ill Art
Day J W, L’t 17th Mass Vol
Damrell W S, L’t 13th “
Dearing G A, L’t 16th Me Vol
Duferr T J, L’t 5th Mich Cav
Dickerson A A, L’t 16th Conn Vol
Donaghy J, Cap 103d Pa Vol
Davis W G, L’t 27th Mass Vol
Day A P, L’t 15th Conn Vol
Dewees J H, Major 13th Pa Cav
Daniels E S, Cap 35th U S C T
Dietz Henry, Cap 45th N Y Vol
Dodge C C, Cap 20th Mich Vol
Dieffenbach A C, L’t 73d Pa Vol
Dewees T B, L’t 2d U S Cav
Dooley A T, L’t 51st Ind Vol
Downing O J, Cap 2d N Y Cav
Denny W N, Cap 57th Ind Vol
Delano J A, L’t 51st Ind Vol
Davis Q R, L’t 123d O Vol
Derrickson J G, Cap 66th N Y Vol
Dean S V, L’t 145th Pa Vol
Daily W A, Cap 8th Pa Cav
Davis C G, L’t 1st Mass Cav
Doruschke B, Cap 26th Wis Vol
Dennis J B, Cap 7th Conn Vol
Davis L R, Cap 7th O Vol
Drake L, L’t 22d Mich Vol
Dutton W G, L’t 67th Pa Vol
Dillon C D, L’t 7th Iowa Cav
Drennan J S, L’t 1st Vt H Art
Deane T J, L’t 5th Mich Cav
Dunn J, L’t 64th N Y Vol
Dunning A J, L’t 7th N Y Art
Davenport T F, Cap 75th O Vol
Davis H C, Cap 18th Conn Vol
Davis T C, L’t 38th Ill Vol
Dirlan C L, Cap 72d O Vol
Doughton O G, L’t 111th O Vol
Day J R, Cap 3d Me Vol
Donovan J, L’t 2d N J Vol
Durbrow W, Cap 40th N Y Vol
Dyre E B, L’t 1st Conn Cav
Dinsmore A, Cap 5th Pa Cav
Duzenburgh A, Cap 35th NY Vol
Dorris W C, L’t 111th Ill Vol
Dodge H G, L’t 2d Pa Cav
Dixon A, Cap 104th N Y Vol
Dunn M, Major 19th Mass Vol
Doane E B, Cap 8th Iowa Cav
Davidson J, L’t 6th N Y Art
Drake J W, L’t 136th N Y Vol
Downs C, L’t 33d N J Vol
Davis J W, L’t 115th N Y Vol
Duven J, L’t 5th N H Vol
Dushane J M, Cap 142d Pa Vol
Davis W H, Cap 4th Md Vol
Dircks C S F, Cap 1st Tenn Vol
Devine J S, L’t 71st Pa Vol
Diemer M, L’t 10th Mo Vol
Dingley F, L’t 7th R I Vol
Durfee W H, L’t 5th “
Durboyne G, L’t 66th N Y Vol
Donohey G B, Cap 7th Pa Res
Dieffenbach W H, L’t “ “ “
De Lay R, L’t 3d Iowa Cav
Demmick O W, L’t 11th N H Vol
Drake C H, L’t 142d Pa Vol
Dygest K S, Cap 16th Mich Vol
Dick L, L’t 72d O Vol
Davis L B, Cap 93d Ind Vol
Dillon F W, Cap 1st Ky Cav
Dahl O R, L’t 15th Wis Vol
Dickey M V, L’t 94th O Vol
Davis Byron, L’t 71st Pa Vol
Day E, Cap 89th O Vol
Dalton G A, L’t 22d Mich Vol
Dickerson E, L’t 44th Wis Vol
Durnam T J, L’t 16th U S Inf
Dunn H C, L’t 10th Ky Vol
Driscoll D, L’t 24th Mo Vol
Davis E J, L’t 44th Ill Vol
Dugan J, L’t 35th Ind Vol
Dorr H G, A Q M 4th Mass Cav
Drake J M, L’t 9th N J Vol
Dicey E C, Cap 1st Mich S S
Downing H A, L’t 31st U S C T
Dibeler J B, Cap 45th Pa Vol
Davidson J W, L’t 95th O Vol
Denny W N, Major 51st Ind Vol
Drew G H, L’t 9th N H Vol
Everett Chas, L’t 70th O Vol
Eastman F R, L’t 2d Pa Cav
Elkin J L F, Adj 1st N J Vol
Eastmond O, Cap 1st N C U Vol
Evans T E, L’t 52d Pa Vol
Egertone J W, L’t 13th Ind Vol
Ellinwood W B, L’t 10th Wis Vol
Edwards D C, L’t 2d Md Vol
English D, Major 11th Ky Cav
Elder S S, Cap 1st U S Art
Eckings T K, L’t 3d N J Vol
Evans B W, Cap 4th O Cav
Errickson J H, L’t 57th N Y Vol
Eberheart H H, Cap 120th O Vol
Eagan M, Cap 15th W Va Vol
Evans N C, Cap 184th Pa Vol
Eglin A R, Cap 45th O Vol
Ewen M, Cap 21st Wis Vol
Eagan John, L’t 1st U S Art
Elder John, L’t 8th Ind Vol
Edwards T D, Asst Eng U S Navy
Edminston S, L’t 89th O Vol
Evans H F
Eans M, Cap 15th N Y Cav
Elheny J L F, Adj 1st N J Vol
Flick M, L’t 67th Pa Vol
Fritz J, L’t 11th Tenn Vol
Fay S A, L’t 85th N Y Vet Vol
Frost C W, L’t “ “ “
Freeman D W D, Cap 101st Pa Vol
Fiske J E, Cap 2d Mass Art
Fish O M, L’t “ “
Fluke A L, L’t 103d Pa Vol
Fahs J, Cap 87th Pa Vol
Foot M C, L’t 92d N Y Vol
Fontaine J, L’t 73d Pa Vol
Fairbanks J, L’t 72d O Vol
Follett W H, L’t 2d Mass Art
Fry Alfred, L’t 73d Ind Vol
Fish G W 3d O Cav
Frasier J, Col 140th Pa Vol
Fleming C K, Major 11th Vt Vol
Foster J W, Cap 42d Ill Vol
Fales J M, L’t 1st R I Cav
Finney G E, Adj 19th Ind Vol
Fowler J H, L’t 100th O Vol
Fox G B, Major 75th O Vol
Farr W V, Cap 106th Pa Vol
Forbes W H, Major 2d Mass Cav
Ford E W, Cap 9th Minn Vol
Ferris J M, L’t 3d Mich Vol
Fairchild H, L’t 10th Wis Vol
Funk J W, Cap 39th N Y Vol
Faye E M, L’t 42d N Y Vol
Furgerson J, L’t 1st N J Vol
Flannery D, L’t 4th N J Vol
Fowler H M, L’t 15th N J Vol
Fisk W M, Cap 73d N Y Vol
Fleeger G W, L’t 11th Pa R C Vol
Fagan C A, L’t 11th Pa R C Vol
French H, L’t 3d Vt Vol
Francis J L, Cap 135th O Vol
Field A, L’t 94th N Y Vol
Fritchy A W, L’t 26th Mo Vol
Fortescue L R, L’t Signal C U S A
Fellows M, L’t 149th Pa Vol
Fisher R, L’t 17th Mo Vol
Fenner W, L’t 2d R I Vol
Fox J D, L’t 16th Ill Cav
Fritze C, L’t 24th Ill Vol
Fisher L W, L’t 4th Vt Vol
Fatzer S, L’t 108th N Y Vol
Fontaine E, Lt 7th Pa R C Vol
Flamsburgh D, Cap 4th Ind Bat
Forney D, Lt 30th O Vol
Fisher S, Lt 93d Ind Vol
Fielder J, Cap Eng C U S A
Finney D S, Lt 14&15 Ill Vet Bat
Fairfield O B, Lt 89th O Vol
Fitzpatrick L, Lt 146th N Y Vol
Fales L D C, Lt
Freeman H B, Lt 18th U S Inf
Foster H C, Lt 23d Ind Vol
Foley John, Lt 59th Mass Vol
Faass Louis, Lt 14th N Y Art
Frost R J, Lt 9th Mich Cav
Fall J P, Cap 32d Me Vol
Filler J H, Major 55th Pa Vol
Fay W W, Cap 56th Mass Vol
George G J, Lt 40th Ill Vol
Gillespie J B, Cap 120th Ill Vol
Gunn T M, Lt 21st Ky Vol
Gilbert E C, Cap 152d N Y Vol
Gill A W H, Cap 14th N Y Vol
Greble C E, Cap 8th Mich Cav
Green J H, Lt 100th O Vol
Gotshall J, Adj 55th Pa Vol
Godwin J M, Lt 12th Ind Vol
Grover J E, Lt 6th Ind Cav
Gayer H, Lt 133d W Va Mil
Gatch O C, Cap 89th O Vol
Gross J M, Cap 18th Ky Vol
Galbraith H E, Cap 22d Mich Vol
Goetz J, Cap “ “
Gray W L, Cap 151st Pa Vol
Gross C M, Lt 110th O Vol
Grant G W, Lt 88th Pa Vol
Grant H D, Lt 117th N Y Vol
Gray R H, Lt 15th U S Inf
Gariss A J, Adj 1st Md Cav
Gates A L, Lt 10th Wis Vol
Goodwin J A, Lt 1st Mass Cav
Gamble G H, Adj 8th Ill Cav
Gates R C, Lt 18th U S Inf
Gilmore J A, Lt 79th N Y Vol
Gamble H, Lt 73d Ind Vol
Grant E, Cap 1st Vt Cav
Granger C M, Lt 88th N Y Vol
Goodrich J O, Adj 85th N Y Vet Vol
Glazeer W W, Lt 2d N Y Cav
Goodin A, Lt 82d O Vol
Gordon C O, Lt 1st Me Cav
Green E H, Cap 107th Pa Vol
Gimber H W, Cap 150th Pa Vol
Gilman ——, Lt 3d Me Vol
Gottland C, Lt 134th N Y Vol
Getman D, Cap 10th N Y Cav
Griffin H G, Lt 112th Ill Vol
Gordon E, Lt 81st Ind Vol
Geasland S A, Lt 11th Tenn Cav
Grey F C, Lt 11th Pa Vol
Green C W, Lt 44th Ind Vol
Goss J W, Lt 1st Mass Art
Grafton B, Cap 64th O Vol
Gates J, Cap 33d O Vol
Grant A, Cap 19th Wis Vol
Green G W, Cap 19th Ind Vol
Goodrich A L, Cap 8th N Y Cav
Gamble N P, Lt 63d Pa Vol
Garbet D, Lt 77th Pa Vol
Good T G, Lt 1st Md Cav
Gordon H M, Lt 143d Pa Vol
Gray P, Lt 77th Pa Vol
Gallagher J, Lt 4th O Vt Vol
Galloway J L, C’p A A G
Green E A, Lt 81st Ill Vol
Green J L, A A G USA
Gove W A, Lt 3d Mass Cav
Grant S, Lt 6th Mich Art
Griffin T, Adj 55th U S C T
Gore J B, Lt 115th Ill Vol
Gross T, Lt 21st Ill Vol
Gordon G C, Cap 24th Mich Vol
Gerhardt H, Lt 24th Ill Vol
Gageby J H, Lt 19th U S Inf
Gutjahr C, Cap 16th Ill Vol
Galloway ——, Lt 15th U S Inf
Grayham P, Cap 54th Pa Vol
Godley M L, Lt 17th Iowa Vol
Gould D, Cap 33d W Va Vol
Grey W H, Lt 14th Ill Cav
Gude A, Cap 51st Ind Vol
Glenn S A, Cap 89th O Vol
Grey Philip, Lt 72d Pa Vol
Huey Pennock, Col 8th Pa Cav
Hetsler J W, Cap 9th O Cav
Hicks D W, Lt
Halsey T J, Major 11th N J Vol
Hutchinson J, Lt 2d W Va Mt Inf
Huffman J W, Lt 5th Iowa Vol
Hinds H H, Lt 57th Pa Vol
Hagler J S, Cap 5th Tenn Vol
Helms M B, Lt 1st W Va Vol
Hall C B, Cap “ “
Hallenburg G, Lt 1st O Vol
Hall A M, Lt 9th Minn Vol
Haveley T, Cap 79th Ill Vol
Hubbard H R, Lt 119th Ill Vol
Heffley A, Cap 142d Pa Vol
Hays A H, Cap 7th Tenn Cav
Hare T H, Lt 5th O Cav
Helm J B, Lt 101st Pa Vol
Heffley C P, Lt 142d Pa Vol
Hubbell F A, Lt 67th Pa Cav
Heffner W, Lt “ “
Harrington B F, Lt 18th Pa Cav
Hart E R, Lt 1st Vt Art
Hanson J B, Lt 1st Mass Art
Hodge W E, Lt 5th Md Vol
Hawkins S W, Lt 7th Tenn Cav
Henry C D, Lt 4th O Cav
Hays W W, Lt 34th O Vol
Hodge J F, Lt 55th Pa Vol
Hall R F, Lt 75th O Vol
Haight J T, Lt 8th Iowa Cav
Hastings T J, Lt 15th Mass Vol
Hock A, Cap 63d N Y Vol
Hill G W, Lt 7th Mich Cav
Heslit J, Lt 3d Pa Cav
Hazel E J, Lt 6th Pa Cav
Hanon J, Lt 115th Ill Vol
Herrick L C, Lt 1st N Y Cav
Hine J J, Lt 100th O Vol
Herbert R, Lt 50th Pa Vol
Harris S, Lt 5th Mich Cav
Heppard T H, Lt 101st Pa Vol
Hamilton W, Lt 2d Mass Art
Hastings G L, Lt 24th N Y Bat
Horton S H, Lt 101st Pa Vol
Huff H B, Cap 184th Pa Vol
Hampton C G, Lt 15th N Y Cav
Hard W B, Lt 17th Mich Cav
Heil J, Cap 45th N Y Cav
Hauf N, Lt “ “ “
Hitt W R, Cap 113th Ill Cav
Harris W, Cap 24th Mo Cav
Hobbie C A, Cap 17th Conn Cav
Holden E, Lt 1st Vet Cav
Hedges S P, Adj 112th N Y Vol
Hinds H C, Lt 102d N Y Vol
Hall W P, Major 6th N Y Cav
Hart R K, Cap 19th U S Inf
Hodge A, Cap 80th Ill Vol
Harvey W H, Lt 51st Ind Vol
Hay D, Cap 80th Ill Vol
Harmer R J, Lt “ “
Hart C M, Lt 45th Pa Vol
Hopper J, Lt 2d N Y Cav
Hand G T, Lt 51st Pa Vol
Hartzog R H O, Cap 1st N Y Cav
Hagler J S, Cap 5th Tenn Vol
Hintz H, Cap 16th Conn Vol
Hunt C O, Lt 5th Me Bat
Halpin G, Lt 116th Pa Vol
Hagenback J C, Lt 67th Pa Vol
Hagan P A, Lt 7th Md Vol
Holland W R, Lt 5th Md Cav
Hawkins H E, Cap 78th Ill Vol
Heer T A, Cap 28th O Vol
Hart G D, Lt 5th Pa Cav
Hull G W, Lt 135th O Vol
Hoyt H B, Cap 40th N Y Vol
Hamilton H E, Lt “ “
Hezelton D W, Lt 22d N Y Cav
Hovey H, Lt 78th Ill Vol
Hame D J, Cap 19th Mass Vol
Holahan C P, Lt 19th Pa Cav
Hamilton H N, Lt 59th N Y Vol
Hoppin H P, Lt 2d Mass Art
Huntington E S, Lt 11th U S Inf
Hutchison R C, Cap 8th Mich Vol
Hoyt W H, Lt 16th Iowa Vol
Hart P H, Lt 19th Ind Vol
Hughes R M, Lt 14th Ill Cav
Henckly L D, Lt 10th Wis Vol
Harkness R, Major “ “
Hewitt J, Lt 105th Pa Vol
Hastings C W, Cap 12th Mass Vol
Heston J, Lt 4th N J Vol
Hayes E, Cap 95th N Y Vol
Heffelfinger J, Lt 7th P R V Corps
Harvey J L, Lt 2d Pa Art
Hobart M C, Cap 7th Wis Vol
Hock R B, Cap 12th N Y Cav
Holman W C, Lt 9th Vt Vol
Hadley H V, Lt 7th Ind Vol
Hall C, Lt 13th Wis Cav
Hayden J A, Cap 11th P R V Corps
Hill J B, Lt 17th Mass Vol
Hallett M V B, Lt 2d Pa Cav
Hodge W L, Cap 120th Ill Vol
Henry A J, Lt “ “
Hamlin S G, Cap 134th N Y Vol
Holladay V G, Lt 2d Ind Cav
Havens D, Lt 85th Ill Vol
Hays C A, Lt 111th Pa Vol
Hastings J L, Adj 7th Pa R V Corps
Haines H A, Cap 184th Pa Vol
Hunter A W, Lt 2d U S (C’d) Art
Harris J W, Lt 2d Ind Cav
Heltemus J B, Cap 18th Ky Vol
Herzberg F, Lt 66th N Y Vol
Henry J M, Lt 154th N Y Vol
Harris G, Lt 79th Ind Vol
Holt W C, Cap 6th Tenn Vol
Harrison C E, Lt 89th O Vol
Huey R, Lt 2d E Tenn Vol
Henderson J H, Lt 14 & 15 Ill Vet Bat
Higley E H, Lt 1st Vet Cav
Hendryks W H, Lt 11th Mich Bat’n
Hull G W, Lt 135th O Vol
Hamilton W B, Lt 22d Mich Vol
Hendrick F, Cap 1st N Y Cav
Huston J, Lt 95th O Vol
Henderson R, Lt 1st Mass Art
Howe C H, Lt 21st Ill Vol
Haldeman J, Lt 129th Ill Vol
Hymer S, Cap 115th Ill Vol
Hieurod P, Cap 105th O Vol
Hackett A N, Lt 110th O Vol
Huntley C C, Lt 16th Ill Cav
Hand S P, Lt 43d U S C T
Hurst T B, Lt 7th Pa Res V C
Hale G W, Lt 101st O Vol
Hopf Geo, Lt 2d Md Vol
Hescock H, Cap 1st Mo Art
Hill O M, Lt 23d U S C T
Hall C T, Lt 13th Mich Vol
Heck F W, Cap 2d Md Vol
Hill V H, A Q M
Hogeland D B, Cap 76th Pa Vol
Hood John, Lt 80th Ill Vol
Hogue J B, Lt 4th Pa Cav
Holmes A J, Cap 37th Wis Vol
Haywood L E, Lt 58th Mass Vol
Irwin C L, Lt 78th Ill Vol
Irwin S E, Lt 3d Iowa Vol
Irwin W H, Adj 103d Pa Vol
Imbric J M, Cap 3d O Vol
Isett J H, Major 8th Ind Cav
Irsch F, Cap 45th N Y Vol
Isham A B, Lt 7th Mich Cav
Ingleden L, Cap
Jackson R W, Lt 21st Wis Vol
Jenkins J H, Adj “ “
Johnson H A, Lt 3d Me Vol
James H H, Lt 6th Ind Vol
Jones S F, Cap 80th Ill Vol
Johnson G, Lt 16th Conn Vol
Judd J H, Lt 27th Mass Vol
Jacobs J W, Cap 4th Ky Vol
John E P, L’t 135th O Vol
Johnson J C, Cap 149th Pa Vol
Jobe B A, Cap 11th Pa R V C
Johnson V W, L’t 10th N Y Cav
Jones J A, L’t 21st Ill Vol
Johnson C K, L’t 1st Me Cav
Jennings J T, Cap 75th O Vol
Jones D, Cap 14th N Y Art
Judson S C, Cap 106th N Y Vol
Jenkins H, Cap 40th Mass Vol
Jackson C G, Cap 84th Pa Vol
Jones J P, L’t 55th O Vol
Jenkins G W, L’t 9th W Va Vol
Jones C W, L’t 16th Pa Cav
Justus J C, L’t 2d Pa R V C
Jackson J, L’t 4th Ind Cav
Jackson J S, L’t 22d Ill Vol
Jones S E, L’t 7th N Y Art
Jones H, L’t 5th U S Cav
Jones W, L’t 38th O Vol
Jones M J, Cap 115th Ill Vol
Johnson R, Cap 6th N Y Cav
Johnson J W, L’t 1st Mass Art
Johnson W N, Correspt
Jones Alfred, R Q M 50th Pa Vet Vol
Johnson J D, Cap 10th N J Vol
Jordan E C, L’t 7th Conn Vol
Jacks J, L’t 15th W Va Vol
Kelley D O, L’t 100th O Vol
Krohn P, L’t 5th N Y Cav
Keeler A M, Cap 22d Mich Vol
Kendal T, L’t 15th U S Inf
Keniston J, L’t 100th Ill Vol
Keith C E, L’t 19th Ill Vol
Knowles E M, L’t 42d Ind Vol
Kreuger W, L’t 2d Mo Vol
Kreps F A M, L’t 77th Pa Vol
Kane S, L’t 38th Ind Vol
Kelly D A, Cap 1st Ky Vol
Kendrick E, Adjt 10th N J Vol
Kerr S C, L’t 126th O Vol
Kendall H T, Adjt 50th Pa Vol
Kelly A, L’t 126th O Vol
Keen J, L’t 7th Pa V R C
Kuchin A, L’t 5th Md Vol
Kees G W, L’t 18th Conn Vol
Kreiger A, L’t 67th Pa Vol
Knowles R A, L’t 116th O Vol
Knapp F H, L’t 9th O Cav
Kennaly J D, L’t 8th O Cav
Kempton J F, L’t 75th O Vol
Kline D J, L’t 75th O Vol
Kennedy J W, Lt 134th N Y Vol
Kankel E, L’t 45th N Y Vol
Kandler H, L’t “ “ “
Kidd J H, L’t 1st Md Art
Kendrick R H, Lt 25th Wis Vol
Kenyon G C, Lt 17th Ill Vol
Kidder G C, Lt 113th Pa Vol
Kelly H K, Cap 118th Pa Vol
Knox G, Lt 109th Pa Vol
Kelly J M, Lt 4th Tenn Vol
Kessler J G, Cap 2d Ind Cav
Kirby W M, Lt 3d N Y Art
King T, R Q M 101st Pa Vol
Keister W H H, Lt 103d Pa Vol
Kirk J B, Lt 101st Pa Vol
Krause J, Cap 3d Pa Art
Kempton F H, Lt 58th Mass Art
Kennits H, Lt 2d Mass Vol
Kauts J D, Lt 1st Ky Cav
Kellogg H, Lt 6th Mich Cav
Kronemeyer C, Cap 52 N Y Vol
King M D, Lt 3d O Vol
Kendal J, Cap 43d Ind Vol
King G E, Cap 103d Ill Vol
Knight H B, Lt 20th Mich Vol
Kelly J B, Lt 1st Pa Cav
Kirkpatrick G W, Lt 15th Iowa Vol
Knox J C, Lt 4th Ind Cav
Kepheart J S, Lt 5th Ind Vol
Kerin J, Lt 6th U S Cav
Kenyon P D, Cap 14 & 15th Ill V B
King Abe, Lt 12th O V Inf
King John, Lt 15th Ill Cav
Kissam Edgar, Cap 9th N J Vol
Kepheart J, Lt 13th O Vol
Kelton J, Lt 2d Pa Art
Kibby G L, Lt 4th R I Vol
Kendale W M, Major 73d Ind Vol
Kost R, Lt 6th Conn Vol
Kenfield F, Cap 17th Vt Vol
King John, Lt 6th Conn Vol
Kings S B, Cap 12th Pa Cav
Lindemeyer L, Cap 45th N Y Vol
Lemson A T, Lt 104th N Y Vol
Litchfield J B, Cap 4th Me Vol
Lombard H G, Adj 4th Mich Vol

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