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Title: Public Support for Tree Maintenance Act

Preamble: Whereas trees provide numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits to
communities, Whereas public support and participation are essential for the maintenance and
preservation of urban and rural tree populations, Be it enacted by the [Legislative Body] as follows:

Section 1: Purpose: The purpose of this Act is to establish mechanisms for public support and
participation in the maintenance of trees within [Jurisdiction].

Section 2: Public Tree Maintenance Fund:

. A Public Tree Maintenance Fund shall be established to finance tree maintenance activities,
including pruning, watering, disease control, and hazard mitigation.
. The Fund shall be financed through contributions from governmental agencies, private
donors, businesses, grants, and other sources as determined by the [Local Authority].

Section 3: Public-Private Partnerships:

. The [Local Authority] shall facilitate partnerships between governmental agencies, non-
profit organizations, community groups, and private entities to support tree maintenance
. Public-Private Partnerships may involve collaborative funding, volunteer engagement,
technical assistance, and other forms of support to promote effective tree care and management.

Section 4: Community Tree Care Programs:

. The [Local Authority] shall establish and promote community-based tree care programs to
engage residents, schools, businesses, and other stakeholders in tree maintenance efforts.
. Community Tree Care Programs may include tree planting events, volunteer tree
maintenance days, educational workshops, and other outreach activities to raise awareness and
foster a sense of ownership and stewardship among the public.

Section 5: Tax Incentives and Rebates:

. The [Local Authority] may offer tax incentives or rebates to property owners who invest in
tree maintenance activities, such as tree pruning, watering, and pest control.
. Tax incentives and rebates shall be designed to encourage responsible tree care practices
and promote the health and longevity of urban and rural tree populations.

Section 6: Public Awareness and Education:

. The [Local Authority] shall conduct public awareness campaigns and educational
programs to promote the benefits of tree maintenance, the importance of tree care, and the role
of the public in supporting tree conservation efforts.
. Outreach initiatives shall target residents, businesses, schools, and community
organizations to raise awareness about the value of trees and the need for collective action to
ensure their well-being.

Section 7: Reporting and Accountability:

. The [Local Authority] shall report annually on the allocation and utilization of funds from
the Public Tree Maintenance Fund, as well as the outcomes and impact of tree maintenance
activities supported by public funds.
. The [Local Authority] shall ensure transparency, accountability, and public participation in
decision-making processes related to tree maintenance and public support programs.

Section 8: Implementation and Regulations:

. The [Local Authority] shall promulgate regulations, guidelines, and procedures necessary
for the implementation and enforcement of this Act, including the establishment of the Public Tree
Maintenance Fund and the administration of public support programs.
. The [Local Authority] may collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including governmental
agencies, non-profit organizations, and private entities, to implement and coordinate public
support efforts for tree maintenance.

Section 9: Severability: If any provision of this Act is held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the
remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 10: Effective Date: This Act shall come into force on [Insert Effective Date].

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