Ing1 Mod9-Sesion96

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96 (1 hora) Módulo 9 20



 Interactúa y muestra interés en su  Intercambia información oportuna

Se expresa oralmente interlocutor. con su interlocutor acerca de
eventos pasados.
 Infiere el significado de los textos  Deduce el mensaje de diferentes
escritos. textos escritos para responder
Comprende textos escritos
preguntas acerca de eventos
 Elabora textos escritos utilizando  Utiliza diversas estructuras
Produce textos escritos la teoría gramatical y el léxico gramaticales y lexicales para
apropiado. describir eventos pasados.


INICIO (10 minutos)

 El docente ingresa al aula y saluda a los estudiantes diciendo: Good morning / Good afternoon, según sea el
 El docente agrupa a los estudiantes es grupos de cuatro para realizar la primera actividad.
 Cada grupo recibe un sobre con una historia cortada (anexo 1).
 Ellos tendrán que ordenar la historia y las imágenes.
 El primer grupo que termina de ordenar imágenes y texto, levanta las manos para que le docente verifique.
 El docente indica a los estudiantes que hoy realizarán un repaso de los temas trabajados en la semana.

DESARROLLO (25 minutos)

 El docente coloca la imagen de un semáforo en la pizarra y les pregunta si saben quién lo inventó y por qué
fue inventado.

 El docente coloca el siguiente texto en la pizarra y solicita a los estudiantes que lean la información en silencio.

In the early twentieth century, bicycles, automobiles, and horse-drawn

carriages all shared the streets. Without traffic signals, accidents often
happened. When Garret Morgan witnessed a bad accident, he deicded to do
something about it. In 1923, he invented a traffic signal with three positions:
stop, do, and all-direction stop. Operated by hand, it was used until the traffic
lights of today were introduced.

 Luego, se agrupa a los estudiantes en pares para que respondan a las preguntas:
- Who invented the trafic signals?
- When were they invented?
- Why were they invented?
 Estudiantes voluntarios responden a las preguntas en voz alta. Todos corrigen las respuestas.
 Luego, el docente dibuja en la pizarra el siguiente diagrama:

 Se solicita a los estudiantes que en pares escriban una oración en cada casillero.
 El docente explica a los estudiantes qué es una idea principal y qué es una idea secundaria antes que puedan
realizar la actividad. El docente monitorea la actividad y ayuda a los estudiantes a llegar a las siguientes

 El docente entrega una ficha de aplicación para ser trabajada en la sesión.

 Los estudiantes resuelven el ejercicio y al término del tiempo determinado, todos devuelven la ficha al docente
para que sea corregida.
 En caso no alcance el tiempo, se puede llevar la ficha de tarea.
CIERRE (15 minutos)

 El docente solicita a los estudiantes que se junten en grupos de cuatro para realizar una actividad lúdica
(Simple Past Board Game). Para ello, se les entrega el juego impreso en cartulina, de ser posible, y un dado
(anexo 2).
 Los estudiantes utilizar un objeto pequeño para que los represente en el juego. El estudiante lanzará el dado y
de acuerdo al número que saque avanzará los casilleros. En cada casillero que el estudiante pare, deberá
responder a la pregunta que figura.
 El docente modela algunos ejemplos para verificar que hayan comprendido la actividad.
 Gana el estudiante que responda apropiadamente las preguntas y llegue al casillero Finish.

What I knew What I learned today What I need to reinforce


➢ No se asigna tarea para la casa.


 Pizarra
 Plumones o tizas
 Papelógrafos con diversa información escrita
 Flashcards
 Ficha de aplicación
 EALES, F. & OAKES, S. (2011). Speak Out Elementary Workbook. England, Pearson Education Limited.
Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________
Teacher: ______________________________________

1. Read the text. Then choose the best title for it:
a. “Work and friendship don’t mix.”
b. “Film star tomances.”
c. “Famous friends.”

Article taken from Speak Out Workbook

2. Read the text again. How do the starts know each other? Are they friends from
childhood (C), friends from work (W), or doesn’t the article say (?)? Tick the correct
box. Sometimes two answers are posible.

C W ?
Leonardo and Tobey 
Justin and Britney
George and Brad
Kate and Leonardo
3. Read the text ans answer the questions:

Old Inventions
A. Music Cassette pictures, but some people still think film
Music cassettes which looks better and use film
inside have a ribbon of cameras today.
magnetic tape were
mostly used in cars up F. Sony Walkman
until the mid-1990s, and In the 1980s many people had a
before that in the 1980’s with Walkmans and Walkman. You could listen to a
at home. You could buy them with music on store bought cassette on it or
them, or buy ones and record your own make your own cassette ‘mix’ from the radio
music onto them. These have been replaced or from another cassette. These days we use
by MP3s and CDs. MP3 players or smart phones. 30 years ago
people were very excited when they could
B. Black and white TV first walk along and listen to their favorite
Early TVs could not show music.
color, and it was not until
1954 that the first color TVs G. VHS cassette
were introduced. They were Similar to Music
very expensive, so most people really did not cassettes in how
have color TVs until the 1970s. We now have they worked, but
large LCD TVs which are much larger and much bigger, VHS
have a clearer picture. cassettes were used for watching movies on
your TV with a VHS player called a VCR.
C. Floppy Disk There were many rental shops to rent
The floppy disk was a way of storing movies, or you could record your favorite TV
and moving computer data. They shows from the TV. These days DVD players
were very unreliable and could not have replaced them.
hold much data. These days they
have been replaced with USB sticks and H. Typewriter
DVDs. Typewriters were
invented in the 1830s
D. Telegraph and Morse code and were used up until
This technology was the 1980s, when they
developed in about 1837 were replaced by
and was used from the computers. Many
1850s for at least one journalists and writers used them, but they
hundred years. This technology has been are not as convenient as computers.
replaced by email and the internet, and
before that by the FAX machine. I. Vinyl record
Dating from around 1890
E. Film camera Vinyl records have tiny
The film camera was also grooves and a needle on
developed in the 1830s, the record player reads the
from ideas that had been music. Vinyl records are
around for hundreds of still used today. Many DJs and music lovers
years before. These days we still prefer their sound to a CD or a MP3.
use digital cameras and smart phones to take Vinyl records come in three common sizes
and have three possible speeds.
1. Which four items were invented in the 1800s? ______________________
2. Which two items use a Magnetic ribbon tape? ______________________

3. Which two items are still popular today? ______________________

4. Which item was very unreliable? ______________________

5. Which two items are used together? ______________________

6. Which item was mostly used in cars? ______________________

7. On which item could you write a book? ______________________

8. Which item has the longest history? ______________________

9. Which item helped people to walk and listen to their favorite

music at the same time? ______________________

10. What item comes in three possible sizes? ______________________

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