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Topic:- Daily Routine

NOTE:- some vocabulary words related to the topic of daily

routine, along with their explanations:

Routine - A regular, habitual pattern of behavior that is

followed consistently on a daily or weekly basis.

Schedule - A plan or list of activities or tasks to be done in a

certain order or at a particular time.

Habit - A behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to

occur subconsciously, often without much thought or effort.

Productivity - The rate at which work is completed or goals

are achieved, often measured in terms of efficiency or

Time management - The practice of organizing and planning

how much time is spent on various activities, in order to
maximize productivity and achieve goals more efficiently.
Priority - Something that is considered more important than
other tasks or activities and is given higher attention or

Deadline - A specific time or date by which a task or project

must be completed.

Procrastination - The act of delaying or putting off tasks or

responsibilities until a later time or date.

Multitasking - The ability to perform multiple tasks or

activities at the same time, often considered a desirable skill
in many workplaces.

Leisure - Free time or time that is spent outside of work or

other responsibilities, often used for relaxation or enjoyable

Commute - The daily journey to and from work or school,

often by means of transportation such as a car, bus, or train.

Break - A period of time during the day when work or other

activities are paused, often used for rest, refreshment, or
Exercise - Physical activity that is done to improve health,
fitness, or overall well-being, often incorporated into daily

Meal prep - The practice of preparing meals or food in

advance, often done to save time or ensure healthy eating

Self-care - Activities or practices that are done to promote

physical, mental, or emotional well-being, often incorporated
into daily routines.

Sleep hygiene - Habits or practices that are done to promote

healthy sleep patterns, such as creating a comfortable
sleeping environment, avoiding electronics before bedtime,
and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.

Reflection - A period of time set aside for introspection or

contemplation, often used to assess one's daily routine,
goals, or overall well-being.

Ritual - A set of behaviors or practices that are performed

regularly and often carry cultural or symbolic significance.
Time block - A method of scheduling that involves breaking
up the day into specific time intervals, often used to increase
productivity and focus.

Errands - Small tasks or chores that need to be done as part

of daily routine, such as grocery shopping, paying bills, or
running other necessary errands.

Optimization - The act of making something as effective or

efficient as possible, often through careful planning or
strategic decision-making.

Automation - The process of using technology or other

systems to perform tasks or activities automatically, without
the need for human intervention.

Mindfulness - The practice of being fully present and engaged

in the current moment, often used to reduce stress and
increase focus.

Optimization - The act of making something as effective or

efficient as possible, often through careful planning or
strategic decision-making.
Prioritization - The process of deciding which tasks or
activities are most important and should be given the highest
attention or resources.

Delegation - The process of assigning tasks or responsibilities

to other individuals or teams, often used to increase
efficiency and effectiveness.

Routine disruption - The intentional or accidental

interruption of a regular routine or pattern, often used to
promote creativity, growth, or innovation.


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