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Fall DetectionTechniques, Algorithms And Different StrategiesIn


Syed Moazzam Ali

Federal Urdu University, Karachi

Muhammad Ali Shah Fatmi

National University of Computer and Emerging Science, Karachi

Sadia Shaikh
Guards Public College

Hamza Ahmed
Dawood University of Engineering and Technology

Bilal Mubeen
Taqwa Model School

Abstract --- In this paper our team thinking about how to help those people they are busy in their difficult
schedule. They do not have time to look after their parents or grandparents. Most of cases they do not get the
rescue on time and they faced hashed type of wound and may be they died. This is major several tasks to think
about our pillar of house. They are our most important priority people to save them and look after where we are
no issue. Just in one click we see them and make sure they are safe and secure. This is several issues of our
Asian families. So, our team working how to safe and rescue them on time. In this paper present and support
alarming band or we can say affordable cheap rate band or device to help out them. In this system study on
elderly people to working on if they fall down on floor on any kind of hard surface so most of nearest person get
alarm on their mobile application to rescue them on time. Our team more focus on how to make more efficient
system and its work on elderly people approximately it works on 90% but may be some relative 10% errors to
detect and wearing issues. Uses of this device better and secure impacting the elderly people life style.

1. Introduction
Falls in elderly people are very common after age of 60 and in mostly cases are cause of serious injuries
and mortality and are an important class of preventable injuries. The cause of falling in elderly people is often
due to weakness, result of stroke diseases, visual impairment, and dizziness and may require an emergency aid
to treat any injuries sustained and to prevent future falls. Falls include falling from a standing position, or from
exposed positions such as those on stairs, ladders, in bathrooms where floor is usually more slippery. The
seriousness of injury is generally related to the height of the fall and the ground surface onto which the object
falls is also important, harder surfaces causing more severe injury.
While Children and athletes have more fall incidents due to their Activity of daily routine, but elderly falls are
more saviour and danger compared to children and athletes. Older people usually don’t take these kinds of falls
seriously and don’t report to doctors which results more chances of future falls. Reason of this paper to is to take
a deep look into fall study so far and see the algorithms and techniques have been developed so far.

2. Fall risk factors

2.1. Intrinsic:
 Age (more than 65)
 Low portability and bone delicacy
 Poor parity
 Ceaseless illness
 Subjective and dementia issues
 Parkinson illness
 Sight issues
 Utilization of medications that influence the psyche
 Off base way of life (inertia, utilization of liquor, stoutness)
 Past falls
2.2. Extrinsic:
 Individual (off base utilization of shoes and garments)
 Medications mixed drink

3. Background & Significance

Throughout the years many devices have been introduced in market, as more devices and technologies were
introduced into market more falls cases were reported in hospitals which minimized death rate due to fall in
elderly people and maximized reported fallcases in elderly people. In this paper we will see different techniques
introduced so far for fall detection. Most famous techniques used for fall detection are as follows.
3.1. Manually Alarm System
In these techniques a device is used by patient if a fall occurs patient must push a button on device which sends
an emergency aid signal to a monitoring system. Disadvantage of this technique is if the person lost conscious
due to fall, he is not able to send alert signal and due to which he is not provided with emergency aid on right
3.2. Auto Alert System:
In this technique person wears a motion detection device, if fall occurs device automatically sends an alert
signal to monitoring system. In advanced system this can be connected by mobile devices which makes these
techniques more effective. Advantage of this system is it can auto detect fall events, but in mostly cases a person
cannot wear a motion detection device for 24 hours in their daily routine.

3.3. Camera, Microphone & Motion Sensor based Monitoring System

This system is mostly used in old age home, hospitals where whole Environment is covered by Cameras,
Microphone and Motion Detect Sensors which are connected to a monitoring system. These devices auto detect
fall events and send alarm signal to is more effective compare to techniques mentioned above and work
in large environment like old age homes, hospitals etc.

4. Research Design & Methods

4.1 Fall Detection through Wearable Devices
4.1.1. Hardware Implementation
In this technique a device is worn by object, device can be pendant, wristwatch, a mobile phone or a jacket in
which a device is placed. In mostly cases devices contains 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope and
additionally heart rate sensor, body temperature sensor. Device also contains a microcontroller which receives
signals and send them to PC/Laptop /Mobile through Bluetooth.
4.1.2. Data Gathering
Group of people selected for each study. Their Age, Body Weight, Gender and if suffering from any Kind of
Diseases is recorded. Each Subject in Data Gathering Phase at least Performs six ADL (Activity of Daily
Routine). ADL are as Follows.

 Walking, Jogging
 Sitting on Chair, getting up From Chair
 Put some weight on ground, lift some weight from ground
 Walking on stairs up and down.
 Laying on bed
 Fall on soft Ground (in some studies)

4.1.3. Threshold Based Algorithm

Acceleration and velocity are used in threshold-basedalgorithm, and it was found on based of reading and
calculation that:
a. The difference between net acceleration during a fall is high compared to same as other events`. A
spike is noticed in graphs and it was found out slope between a window is high during a fall.
b. During ADL variance is same but during a fall variance is high. In acceleration.
c. When an object starts falling acceleration starts decreasing but as object hits ground there is a
sudden pike in acceleration for a second.
d. Angular velocity is increasing along with acceleration along with fall event.

4.1.4. Calculation

Fig.1. Formula

4.1.5. Accuracy Formula

In some studies, an additional equation is derived to calculate the accuracy of the system.
Accuracy = (TP+RN)/P+N where...

 TN- True Negative, when person did not fall and was perform ADL and system correct ADL Correctly
 TP- True Positives, when an actual Fall Happened and system Correctly detected it
 P- Positives, number of falls performed.
 N-Negatives, number of ADL performed

4.1.6. Result and Conclusion

 In wearable devices Technique, in most cases fall event detected correctly.
 People who performedADL and data was goatherd were young having age (30-40 years) and can
perform ADL with more accuracy and with more speed compare to elderly people.
 Wearable Devices send data to computer through Bluetooth devices which have range of 10 meters
which means if fall occur outside 10 meters fall event cannot be detected.
 In daily life it is not possible to wear device for whole 24 hours or in some condition person cannot
wear device, like taking shower etc.

4.2 Fall Detection of Elderly through Floor Vibrations and Sound

4.2.1. Introduction & Hardware Implementation
In this method person does not have to wear a device every time but a fall can be detected and distinguished
from other events using sound waves and vibrations. in this method a microphone and accelerometer isplaced In
room which can sense entire area of a room. If an elder person falls system detects the fall and send an alert
signal to a central unit and central unit sends an automatic call to that person if person does answers the call then
an emergency crew is sent to elder’s person place. An algorithm is developed which can distinguish between fall
of an object/thing or a person performing ADL and fall of a person. Data is recorded from microphone and
saved into the device because data is noisy, so data is cleaned first and energy based algorithm is developed
which can differentiate between an object fall and human fall and if the human fall occurs then a signal is sent to
system which activates the alarm so, an emergency aid is provided to elder person.

4.2.2. Result and Conclusion

Fig.2. Result of test dataset

 This paper portrays a dependable inventive answer for recognition of falls through floor vibrations and
 The system detects the human fall with high accuracy within five meters
 The system is easy to install and can be used in any time of floor and room.
 Ambient noise, for example, music and TV won't impact on the discovery in light of the fact that the
calculation needs to distinguish a vibration occasion in the principal arrange.
 If a person does not directly fall from standing position (on knees or lower limb) it cannot detect
 System cannot detect fall accurately out 5 meters range this means that this system needs more
microphone and accelerometer.

4.3. Integrated Monitoring System for Fall Detection in Elderly using webcam
In this technique web cameras are used which are connected to a main system through internet wires and aims
for human activities. First step of the technique is image processing in this step aspect ratio angel of human from
ground ratio speed of human activities is calculated. In second step background is removed from image and then
skin colour is detected of human. In third face human face is detected for angle from ground to his upper part.
Wireless heart rate monitor is also used in this study which has built in application which receives data from
sensor and record its reading into pc via Bluetooth device.
4.3.1. Aspect Ratio:

Aspect ratio is the difference between a standing position and other position of a person.

4.3.2. Fall Angle:

Centroid (Cx, Cy) is the centre of mass coordinates of an object. Fall angle is the angle of a vertical line through
the centroid of object with respect to the horizontal axis of the bounding box.

4.3.3. Neural Network Architecture

Data received from web cameras after cleaning is given to neural network, which process the data and classify
the data in to two events, if the elder person has fallen and second if the elder person has not fallen. Angle,
aspect ratio and speed of pixels are the parameters of the Neural Network, after the processing system gives
output in 0 and 1 form 0 means the fall has not occurred while 1 show that fall has occurred. The ranges of input

 Pixels speed: between 90 to 700

 Height and width of aspect ratio: between 0.15 to 6
 Angle: between 0 and 90 degree
 Heartbeat: between 70 and 200
 When a person id performing ADL his angle is between 45 and 90 degree.
 When person is less than 45 degree it means that person is in falling position.
 If a continuously image frame shows angle of less than 45 degree it means fall has occurred.

4.3.4. Result & Conclusion

 Aspect ratios change rapidly when falls occur
 Angle is less than 45o when fall occur
 This system can be used in large environment like hospitals, old age home etc.
 High processing system, a network with more speed and more bandwidth is needed, more complex
wire-based system is need due to cameras connectivity.

4.3.5. Posture Recognition Smart Home Vision-based Technique

In this method video camera is used to record movement off elder person and detect fall using posture
recognition. An algorithm is developed which recognize posture and detects if elder person has fallen. It is
observed that when a person falls his velocity changed instantly and shaped is also changed if falls occur
directly from standing to lay.

5. Method
Problem with vision-based method is

 For proper person identification objects have to be removed from background for this, moving person
is given black colour and rest of room is given grey colour.
 Person position is not constant in room but changing periodically for this continually background
colour is being uploaded or changed
 Background is not clear and noisy pixels is present in video
 Blob Technique is used for video cleaning
 Removing objects like sofa, Bad, Chairs on which fall cannot occur are also removed from video using
bold technique.
 Peron cannot be in same position for long time where fall can occur i.e. floor.
 Person can’t be in same laying or band position on floor
 If a person is laying on bad or sitting on chair it is not considered as fall but if person is laying on
ground or sitting on ground, it is considered as fall event.

Fig.3. Dataset Image

6. Fall Detection using Muscles Reading involved in walking

In this study 13 people is selected and divided into two group diabetic and non-diabetic group. Muscles involved
in ADL is identified first and EMG sensor is used for those muscles. Gastrocnemius and tibial muscles are
major muscles which plays an important role in performing ADL. Both muscles are present in lower limb 4
leads are placed on these muscles which are connect to EMG sensor which transmits data to a computer via
Bluetooth device.EMG Device used to measure the anterior – posterior centre-of-pressure (AP-COP) and medial
– lateral centre-of pressure (ML-COP). After recorded reading these readings were found.

Fig.4. Dataset Tables

Above reading shows that

 GS muscles are more active in diabetic group compared to non-diabetic group.

 Diabetic Group shoed more sway compared to non-diabetic group in posterior direction.
 The total prediction error rates, 28.37 % in the static case and 26.95 % in the dynamic case.

7. Analysis of Fall Risk in Elderly Using SHIMMER EMG Sensor”

This study focuses on fall risk in elderly instead of fall detection. Fall risk approach is more effective compare
to fall detection because if somehow an elder knows that he/she has high fall risk so he’ll must take some
precaution. Fall detection technique is effective in a manner that fall is detected and urgent aid is provided to
patient but in some cases fall causes saviour injuries to elder person so that’s why fall risk assessment is more
effective compared to fall detection.

7.1. Method
In this study most common ADL are used as base data gathering. While performing ADL two main muscles
involves are Tibialis Anterior Muscle and Gastrocnemius Muscle.The tibial muscle is involved in moving ankle
up and down if you take a step mainly tibial muscle is involved.The Gastrocnemius muscle is involved in ADL.
Like walking, jogging, running, getting from chair etc.
7.2. Procedure
Before taking readings, we ask some question to elderly people. We note the answer of these questions and also
their weight and height. Then we told him to sit on a chair and take four readings by placing the electrode on
tibial anterior muscle and ask elder person to move down his toe. Then we placed an electrode in a proper
direction on gastrocnemius muscle and ask him to walk a small distance then take readings at least 1000rows.
Then ask him to move his toe up and down to take the third and fourth readings. The recording of the EMG
started before the first contraction with the lower extremities muscle in the starting position and stopped when
the participants had finished the last contraction and returned to the initial position.

Fig.5. Image of Patient

8. Antiquity of Data
Age Factor Health Factor Weight Factor
Age in year Age Type Health Health Type Weight in Kg Weight
18-30 Young Normal patient No diseases 60 or less Very Week
31-44 Middle age Abnormal Patient Some Diseases 60- 70 Week
45-60 Young Old Disorder Mental, Physical 70-90 Normal
61-75 Old mental disorder Mental Issues 90 or above overweight
75 above Very Old Physical Disorder Muscles problem

9. Data Analysis
 The strong the muscle the more increasing negative values.
 We took reading of an 86 year old man he was retired army officer and habitual of exercise and
football and his readings were highest among all old people.
 Walking data must be taken while person is walking without any support or it will affect the reading.
 If the graph shows positive value it means the electrodes are not attached properly (not in TBl down
 In walking data graphical representation may go in negative (- values).
 Range of walking reading mostly lies less than 0. But in most cases values is above -100000.
 Range of gestro up reading mostly lies less than 0. Assuming positive value is wrong.
 Range of gestro down reading mostly lies than 0. Assuming positive value is wrong and in most cases
values is above -100000.
 Range of TBL Down reading lies in positive and negative bothTBL reading can go in Positive because
while taking reading graph shows positive values in most cases.
 Same kind of electrodes must be used while taking readings or variance occurs in readings.

Fig.6. Graph readings Tibial& Gastrocnemius

9.1. Gastrocnemius Readings

Types Min Max

Strange 2 42
Very Weak 0 2.1
Weak -5 0.1
Normal -8 -5.1
Strong -12 -8.1
Very Strong -42 -12.1

9.2. Tibial Readings

Types Min Max

Strange -42 -5
Very Weak -5 0
Weak 0.01 5
Normal 5.01 8
Strong 8.01 12
Very Strong 12.01 42

9.3. Overview of fall detection algorithms

From what has been clarified up until now, a wide range of approaches have been taken to take care of the fall
recognition issue utilizing accelerometers. The fundamental and insignificant framework utilizes an edge to set
up if an individual falls, which is dependent upon numerous bogus positives. A few scientists have attempted to
present computationally-hard sort of concentrated calculations however the objective has been consistently to
discover an exchange off between the framework exactness and the expense. Dispersing et al. (2001) proposed a
two-way neural network system for fall detection two motion sensors are placed at two different parts of the
body which continuously monitors data, this data is given to an algorithm as input, algorithm calculates the fall
chances of data if chances are low systems keeps monitoring if the chances are high system sends an alarm
signal if the person press the button alarm stops. Clifford et al. (2007) proposed a fall dictation system with
series of accelerometers connected to a system these accelerometers sends data to an algorithm compares data to
some standard values if chances of fall is found system generates an alarm. A comparable methodology is given
by Lee et al. (2007) using same technique using accelerometer but detecting posture recognition ADL and fall
detection this system is more enhanced because it is long range and uses more network resources and repeaters
this system is more costly compare to previous system and connected to central hub accuracy of system is
93.2% . Lindemann et al. (2005) this system is uses a device connected at the back ear it calculates the velocity
and acceleration of activity and if sudden change occur in reading it send an alert signal. Additionally Wang et
al. (2008) uses a device which is placed at head of elder person this results accuracy of 100%. Inescapable Smart
Impact identification System ISIS (Prado-Velasco et al., 2008) utilizes an accelerometer and a smart phone, this
system adapts the technique of central hub but at limited range multiple accelerometers are connected to a smart
phone. They accomplished 100% affectability with decrease in explicitness. Different techniques depend on the
body stance and utilize more than one sensor. A few scientists separated the human exercises into two sections:
static position and dynamic progress (Li et al., 2009). Utilized two accelerometer and a spinner placed at chest
calculating acceleration and velocity for fall detection system accuracy was detected 83%. Noury et al. (2003)
utilizes accelerometer posture recognition and vibration through which fall is detected if chances of fall is
detected alarm is sent but if the person press the button system prevents the alarm for false fall detection. In a
comparative report specialists utilized a gadget with three distinct sensors for body act recognition, vibration
identification and to quantify vertical increasing speed (Noury et al., 2000). Information was handled by the
base station. The affectability and particularity here were 85%. Different analysts built up a continuous
calculation for programmed acknowledgment of physical exercises and their forces (Tapia et al., 2007). They
utilized five accelerometers set on the wrist, the lower leg, the upper arm, the upper thigh and the hip. Moreover,
they utilized a pulse screen put on the chest. Preliminaries have been directed on 21 individuals for 30
distinctive physical exercises, for example, resting, standing, strolling, cycling, running and utilizing the stairs.
Information investigated both in time and recurrence space were characterized utilizing the Naive Bayes
classifier. Results demonstrated an exactness of 94.6% for an individual utilizing the preparation set of that
individual, while the precision was 56.3% utilizing the preparation sets of the various individuals. Another
examination work abused an accelerometer set on the midriff (Mathieu et al., 2001). The gadget was little to
such an extent that it fitted in a belt. The creators investigated the span, speed, point of a development and its
vitality utilization to recognize movement and rest. The handling of the data was directed by a base station. The
creators utilized an edge of 2.5G to identify a fall under the suspicion that the subjects are not healthy and along
these lines unfit to perform activities with increasing speed over that edge. This implies, to evade bogus
positives, they needed to decrease the action acknowledgment capacity of the framework. Hwang et al. (2004)
utilized a hub set on the chest including an accelerometer, a gyrator, a tilt sensor, a handling unit and a
Bluetooth transmitter. The accelerometer estimated the motor power though the tilt sensor and the gyrator
assessed the body act. The objective was to distinguish a few exercises of everyday living and falls. The creators
probed three individuals, matured more than 26 years, concentrating the four exercises: forward fall, in reverse
fall, sidelong fall and sit-stand. In this examination, the framework could recognize fall and every day exercises.
The precision of fall location was 96.7%. As of late, cell phones with implanted accelerometers have been
utilized to act both as fall indicator and as door to alarm the parental figures (Dai et al., 2010; Sposaro and
Tyson, 2009). The issues related with this methodology are identified with the gadget arrangement (in a fixed
position or not) and to the short battery lifetime. Ordinarily in these applications there is a paltry fall discovery
calculation and to maintain a strategic distance from bogus positives, the client should press a catch to reject the
alert when there is no genuine fall.

10. Conclusion
The development of new techniques shows that some major steps has taken in this problem and researchers are
working on new approaches to overcome this issue. Most researches shows if researchers are using same
method then almost ADL are also same. Paper shows that are not able to set any standard method or parameters
to solve this issue. Some researchers demonstrate totally different approaches. Few system shows 100%
accuracy on training data but could not perform in real time while some systems are more effective in real time
but also more costly.

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