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Nursing Week 2024

Activity Guidelines/Mechanics

Non-Bearing Activities (GTKY Opening)

● Singing bee

Guidelines: In this game, the participants will guess the missing lyrics from the part of
the song that is playing.

1. Participants shall be composed of 2 representatives per team, with a total 8

2. A song will be played with the lyrics shown on the screen. Some parts of the
song will have its lyrics blank and the participant should be able to guess the
missing lyric.
3. If the participant guessed correctly, the correct lyrics will be revealed on the
4. If the participant guessed wrong, the microphone will be passed on to the next
participant and they will be given a chance to guess the lyrics.
5. If the microphone has already reached the 8th participant and the song is still
going, the microphone will be given back to the 1st participant.
6. The game will continue until the whole song is finished.

● Get To Know or Telepathy with a twist (Tumpakners)

Guidelines :
1. All teams place their pawn on the START square. The team whose partners have
“NOT” known each other for the least amount of time goes first. Turns are then
taken in a clockwise fashion.
2. Your partner must be from a different level. For example, the first pair is from 1A
and 3A for us to really apply the twist.
3. Questions will be according to the number you have chosen, For example we
have 50 questions so you’ll get to choose your question by the number you have
picked. 5 questions will be given per pair.
4. Winning partner could be rewarded.
● Daily Nursing Trivia

Rationale: Nursing Trivia is a daily activity where students engage with relevant nursing
questions, creating an enjoyable and competitive learning atmosphere that enhances
critical thinking and strengthens their understanding of nursing concepts.

1. Trivia questions will be presented daily, allowing students to participate regularly.

2. Students must write their answers on 1/8 yellow paper.
3. Each paper cost 5 peso.
4. Submit answers in designated collection boxes before a specified deadline each
5. Three winners will be announced daily.
6. Prizes will be awarded to the winners as recognition for their participation.
7. Prizes may include educational material, nursing equipment (RD material), or
other relevant items.
8. Winners will be recognized publicly to encourage healthy competition.

With Bearing Activities

● Banner Making Contest (Opening)

Rationale: The incorporation of this contest into NDDU PNSA’s Nursing Week
celebration is highly relevant as it fosters creative expression and camaraderie among
participants. Through artistic mediums, they can convey powerful messages that
resonate with the value of the nursing profession, creating a positive and celebratory


1. Each participating team is required to send a group consisting of 5 members.

2. Banners should center around the theme of celebrating nurses and their contributions
to healthcare. It must be original and previously unpublished on the internet. They must
also add the emblem of their respective teams

3. Participants can use various materials such as pencil, pens, markers, paints, oil
pastel, acrylic paint, glitters, etc.

4. The size of the fabric, which will be the required base, should adhere to a standard
size (3 feet by 4 feet), to ensure uniformity. This will be provided by the Organization.
5. Participants are encouraged to showcase their unique ideas and creativeness
through drawings, paintings and other artistic expressions.

6. The participants can incorporate nursing-related and other symbols associated with
the nursing profession. They must ensure that the banner conveys clear and
unambiguous messages.

7. All the banners will be created/made during the Opening Program of the Nurse’s
week celebration on April 15, 2024.

Criteria for judging:

Creativity and Originality 35%

This assesses the uniqueness and innovative aspects of the banner. It looks at how well
the participant has used their imagination and creativity to present an original piece of

Adherence to the Theme: 25%

This criterion highlights on how well the banner aligns with the designated theme of the
PNSA week. This ensures that the artwork is relevant to the purpose of the contest.

Artistic Skills: 25%

This is the technical proficiency and craftsmanship displayed in the creation of the
banner. It considers the participants’ ability to use materials, techniques, and skills

Overall Impact - 15%

This will evaluate how the banner captures attention, leaves a lasting impression, and
effectively communicates its message. It encompasses visual appeal, and how the
banner makes a significant impact on those who view it.

TOTAL - 100 %


Champion - 300 points
1st Runner up - 250 points
2nd Runner up - 200 points
3rd Runner up- 150 points
● Yell Competition

Rationale: The Creative Yell Competition holds a significant relevance as it provides

student nurses with a dynamic platform to express camaraderie, creativity, and team
spirit. This lively competition not only serves as a stress-relieving activity but also
fosters a sense of unity among students, strengthening their rapport as co-SNs and
sharing common experiences.


1.The participants shall be composed of four teams, namely, Team Nightingale, Team
Benner, Team Roy and Team King. The Creative Yell Competition shall take place
during the Opening Ceremony of the PNSA Week Celebration.

3. Each participating team is required to send a group with a minimum of 15 and a

maximum of 20 members (including the technicals). In an instance that the team
fails to comply with the required number of participants, there will be a FIVE point

4. Each team shall have a total of 2 MINUTES and 30 seconds of performance time.

5. The participants can use all forms of Instruments (drums, whistles, etc). They can
also wear costumes and use props as long as they abide by the school’s policy written
in the handbook.

6. Participants are strictly PROHIBITED from incorporating vulgar language or offensive

content in their yell.

Criteria for Judging

Originality 15%

This include uniquene and fresh ideas, & new concepts

Creativity 25%

This includes use of costume and props, performance, visual impact,

crowd interaction, entertainment value

Execution 40%

This highlights energy and enthusiasm, synchronization, transitions,

audience impact, facial expression, mastery, use of floor and/or props

Clarity 20%

This refers to the mood, intensity, voice quality, consistency, word emphasis during the
whole duration of the yell

TOTAL: 100%


Champion - 500 points
1st Runner up - 400 points
2nd Runner up - 300 points
3rd Runner up- 200 points

● Battle of the Nightingales: School Edition

Rationale: The University prides itself on the quality nurses it has produced over the
years because of their knowledge and wit. This activity is otherwise known as “Quiz

○ All teams must provide 3 representatives from each year level, and
must provide 1 alternate.

○ The competition will be divided into two (2) rounds:

■ Elimination Round (battle of teams per year level)
■ Championship Round (battle of top 2s of each level)

○ The competition shall have 3 rounds: easy, moderate, and difficult.

○ Each round shall have 5 questions.

■ Easy round = 2 points
■ Moderate round = 4 points
■ Difficult round = 5 points

○ The winners shall be ranked by the total accumulated score.

○ Tie breaking questions shall be used to break the tie.

○ Questions will be given by chosen clinical instructors.

Champion - 700 points
1st Runner up - 600 points
2nd Runner up - 500 points
3rd Runner up- 400 points

● Comical Skit
Rationale: This Comical Skit contest is about bringing humor and entertainment to the
nursing department while celebrating and appreciating the roles of clinical instructors
and professors. Each team, consisting of 5-10 participants, will create scenarios based
on stereotypes, and incorporating recognizable traits or catchphrases for authenticity.

1. Each team should have one entry and have 5-10 participants. These
participants should create scenarios that are based on typical stereotypes
of clinical instructors. Consider incorporating recognizable traits or
catchphrases to add authenticity. Develop a simple and relatable plot that
highlights humorous scenarios, or comical situations that might occur
within the interaction of the students and their professors.
2. It is encouraged to consider costumes and props that play up the
characters' roles.
3. Every team is allowed to use any language or dialect (e.g. Filipino,
English, Bisaya, etc.)
4. Any use of special effects sound (e.g. laughing, sleeping sound) is allowed
5. Any portrayals that are too exaggerated or filled with mockery are strictly
forbidden. The participants must not mention the names of the CIs they
are portraying.
6. Every team is given a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 5 mins
long video in presenting their skit must be submitted to the Philippine
Nursing Students Association
7. The final output must be in 16:9 aspect ratio, 1080 resolution (1920
x1080 pixels), in stereo audio and it must be in .MP4 format.
8. The entry shall be submitted through flash drives or hard drives on or
before April 17, 2024 at 5PM

Criteria for Judging

45% - Humor
This criterion shows the huge goal of the competition, it is to bring entertainment and
and comedy to the audience
35% - Cohesiveness
This criterion shows that the team is united when executing the act, and has the ability
to show the overall act to the audience without any commotion
20% - Audience Impact
This criterion is to show that the teams should watch the act and support their teams


Champion - 400 points
1st Runner up - 350 points
2nd Runner up - 300 points
3rd Runner up- 250 points

● Poster and Slogan Making

Rationale: The competition aims to showcase the creativity and advocacy skills of
nursing students. Participants should focus on creating impactful slogans and posters
related to healthcare, nursing, or any relevant health-related topic. It includes patient
care, public health awareness, mental health, or any nursing-related topic of

○ Every team must sent out 2 participants (1 for poster making and 1 for
slogan making)

○ Poster Making
■ Each team should have 1 representative for Poster making.
■ Poster submissions should be in ¼ illustration size
■ Posters should exhibit creativity in design, incorporating visual
elements that enhance the message.

○ Slogan Making
■ Each team should have 1 representative for Slogan making.
■ Slogan submissions should be in ¼ illustration size
■ Slogans and text on posters should be in English or the native
language commonly used in the educational institution.
■ Slogans should be creative, memorable, and directly related to the

○ Emphasize the importance of ethical considerations in creating content

related to healthcare. Encourage positive and constructive messaging.
○ Participants must provide their own materials.

○ All entries must be original creations of the participants. Plagiarism or

using copyrighted material without permission will result in disqualification.
○ All submitted posters and slogans will be exhibited in a designated area
within the institution and PNSA facebook page to allow proper viewing by
students, faculty, and guests.

○ Judging Criteria:
■ Creativity and originality (40%)
■ Impact and presentation (20%)
■ Design and visual appeal (10%)
■ Relevance to the theme (30%)

○ Awards and Recognition:

■ Additional awards such as "People's Choice Award" for the entry
with the most “Care” reactions from the PNSA facebook page.


Champion - 300 points
1st Runner up - 250 points
2nd Runner up - 200 points
3rd Runner up- 150 points


Champion - 300 points
1st Runner up - 250 points
2nd Runner up - 200 points
3rd Runner up- 150 points

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