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This article introduces a book called Power vs Force (Năng Lượng và Sức Mạnh) by Dr. David R.

Hawkins, an American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, and spiritual teacher. The book is based on his lifelong research on the levels of human consciousness and their corresponding energy fields. He claims that using the right energy can make us
happy and healthy. He conducted more than 20 years of experiments with random subjects from different countries, cultures, professions, and ages. He recorded millions of data points and analyzed them statistically. He found that human consciousness levels correlate with energy indicators, and he identified six main levels: Enlightenment: 700 ~
1000 Peace: 600 Joy: 540 Love and respect: 500 Reason and understanding: 400 Acceptance and forgiveness: 350 Optimism and hope: 310 Trust: 250 Courage and confidence: 200 Pride and contempt: 175 Hate and resentment: 150 Desire and craving: 125 Fear and anxiety: 100 Sadness and regret: 75 Apathy and despair: 50 Blame and crime: 30
Humiliation and shame: 20 He also shared some interesting facts about the vibration frequencies: - 85% of the world's population has a vibration frequency below 200. - High vibration frequency is associated with health, low vibration frequency causes illness and disease through thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. - A person with a very strong
vibration frequency can influence the field around them. For example, Mother Teresa.

For example, Mother Teresa.

The hall was filled with a peaceful atmosphere when she received the Nobel Peace Prize. This is because her vibration frequency was very high, and her field emanated compassion, which touched everyone around her. - Another example is the homeless. They often feel hopeless, insecure, and inferior, and their vibration frequency is only at 20.
However, the way people around them view the homeless will show their vibration frequency. Some people think they are addicts and will buy alcohol or drugs if given money. They think The article is about the book Power vs Force, which explains how different levels of vibration affect our health and happiness. The author uses the example of
homeless people, who have a very low vibration of 20, and how they can make others feel uncomfortable or fearful, who have a slightly higher vibration of 50-100. The book also reveals that people who are unloved, negative, angry, critical, hateful, or selfish have low vibrations, which can lead to stress and diseases such as cancer, heart problems, or
obesity. The article suggests that we create our own magnetic field around us, which attracts people with similar vibrations. This is why we should examine our own vibration before blaming life for our broken relationships. The article also cites a long-term study by Harvard University, which followed the lives of 724 men for 80 years, and found that
the happiest, healthiest, and longest-lived people were those who had good social and family relationships. The article concludes by quoting Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in 2009 for physiology, and who summarized the factors of longevity: A balanced diet accounts for 25%, other factors 25%, and a balanced mind 50%.

The hall was filled with a peaceful atmosphere when she received the Nobel Peace Prize. This is because her vibration frequency was very high, and her field emanated compassion, which touched everyone around her. - Another example is the homeless. They often feel hopeless, insecure, and inferior, and their vibration frequency is only at 20.

He found that human consciousness levels correlate with energy indicators, and he identified six main levels: Enlightenment: 700 ~ 1000 Peace: 600 Joy: 540 Love and respect: 500 Reason and understanding: 400 Acceptance and forgiveness: 350 Optimism and hope: 310 Trust: 250 Courage and confidence: 200 Pride and contempt: 175 Hate and
resentment: 150 Desire and craving: 125 Fear and anxiety: 100 Sadness and regret: 75 Apathy and despair: 50 Blame and crime: 30 Humiliation and shame: 20 He also shared some interesting facts about the vibration frequencies: - 85% of the world's population has a vibration frequency below 200. - High vibration frequency is associated with
health, low vibration frequency causes illness and disease through thoughts, emotions, words, and actions. - A person with a very strong vibration frequency can influence the field around them. For example, Mother Teresa. The hall was filled with a peaceful atmosphere when she received the Nobel Peace Prize. This is because her vibration
frequency was very high, and her field emanated compassion, which touched everyone around her. - Another example is the homeless. They often feel hopeless, insecure, and inferior, and their vibration frequency is only at 20.
However, the way people around them view the homeless will show their vibration frequency. Some people think they are addicts and will buy alcohol or drugs if given money.
They think The article is about the book Power vs Force, which explains how different levels of vibration affect our health and happiness. The author uses the example of homeless people, who have a very low vibration of 20, and how they can make others feel uncomfortable or fearful, who have a slightly higher vibration of 50-100. The book also
reveals that people who are unloved, negative, angry, critical, hateful, or selfish have low vibrations, which can lead to stress and diseases such as cancer, heart problems, or obesity. The article suggests that we create our own magnetic field around us, which attracts people with similar vibrations.
This is why we should examine our own vibration before blaming life for our broken relationships. The article also cites a long-term study by Harvard University, which followed the lives of 724 men for 80 years, and found that the happiest, healthiest, and longest-lived people were those who had good social and family relationships. The article
concludes by quoting Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in 2009 for physiology, and who summarized the factors of longevity: A balanced diet accounts for 25%, other factors 25%, and a balanced mind 50%. The article emphasizes the importance of having a loving heart, a cheerful spirit, and an optimistic attitude, which can help us
cope with the unpredictable changes in life. The article also explains how our mind and body work in harmony through the coordination of two systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system. The endocrine system regulates our hormones or endocrine substances. (That's why endocrinologists are very important, the article jokes.) The article
ends by saying that our mood and attitude can affect our vibration and health over time. The article discusses how our nervous and endocrine systems are affected by our emotions and thoughts. It says that if we are often anxious, restless, angry, stressed, greedy, or negative, our body will produce too much hormones that will damage our immune
system and our natural defenses. On the other hand, if we feel happy, our brain will release dopamine and other beneficial hormones. "The common point among the centenarians - they all have a cheerful heart." Therefore, we should set a goal to live healthily and increase our life energy. When we cultivate faith and love, we will not be afraid of
difficulties, diseases, or death. We should maintain a positive attitude and an optimistic spirit, and minimize our problems and worries to live happily and prevent aging. The article also mentions a book called Power vs Force, which is a translation by mylittlel0ve. The translator notes that this is a non-commercial and unofficial version, and that the
author's permission has not been obtained. The article recommends buying the paper book on Shopee (or Lazada / Tiki) for 120k, including shipping fee, if possible. The article ends with a hypothetical scenario of what would happen if a person learned how to lie within an hour of learning how to speak, and how this could lead to a fundamental
change in human understanding and society, affecting everything from communication to ethics, from our basic concepts to our daily lives. It wonders how life would be in a new era of truth, and how the world we know might have to change radically. The article is from a PDF library that is free and always will be, for a community and a culture of
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