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Success is truly fulfilling and this makes us eager to achieve more. We want to
experience validation that sometimes, we try to push ourselves to its limit even though our body
tells the opposite.

Even before the start of the school year, I, together with my SSG officers, have already
been so busy formulating and planning for activities for this school year. Juggling my
responsibilities as President and as a normal student is not easy at all. Though the feeling of
fulfillment is overwhelming every time our activities are successful, the stress we have to go
through before making it a success is something that I really hate. With all the stress and fatigue
that kicked in, this resulted for me to get sick that made me limit myself for doing our itineraries.

Since my parents did not allow me to go out for five days, all I did was to regain my
energy back. Even though I was able to rest, the leader in me still thought of my responsibilities
and found a way to help my fellow officers, who are out there doing their roles, even though I’m
not physically with them.

Since Teachers’ day is what we are planning right now, through the use of social media, I
reached out to people who can contribute to the success of our program. It was not easy planning
it out knowing that I’m still not feeling well. But with our teamwork and dedication to the
responsibility we took oath to, we were able to settle everything. Dividing the labor is one of the
key elements that we did to make the work easier.

All of us are eager to do or to achieve something that sometimes we try to push ourselves
to its limit. It’s always nice to achieve something but we should also take into consideration what
our body tells us and never ignore what we feel because this may lead to something more serious
than we thought. We should always try to plan everything out in a calm way so that we could
enjoy our lives to the fullest.

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