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This rubric evaluates the learners' oral presentations in their group activity. This analytic rubric focuses on both the group's process (during group activity) and output
(presented report). This rubric also aims to quantify students' performance in terms of explanation and content, teamwork and cooperation, ppt background, and

5 4 3 2 1
The presenter The presenter
The presenter The presenter
explained the task frequently reads what The presenter simply
thoroughly explained explained the task in a
while reading what is is written in the read the entire
EXPLANATION and the task and provided clear manner, and
written on the output. output. There is no output. It contains a
CONTENT additional some details were
There was very little new information. lot of code shits and
(50%) explanations for the included. Has
additional information There have been explains the task in
output. Has excellent excellent
added. Has code numerous code Filipino.
communication skills communication skills.
shifting. changes.
5 4 3 2 1
The students show
The students work Although the majority The majority of the
camaraderie despite There is no evidence
TEAMWORK AND together admirably to of the students are students are not
the fact that some of of teamwork, and only
COOPERATION complete the task. not participating, participating, and only
them are not paying the leader is
(20%) Everyone in the group there is camaraderie a few members are
attention or performing the task.
is taking part. among the students. carrying out the task.
5 4 3 2 1
The design is
The design was There was no design
appealing and relevant The design was poor,
The design is good, adequate, though at all, and the
PPT Design to the course. and it was difficult to
and it connects to and there were some reporter made no
(15%) Although there are understand for the
applies to the course. artifacts that were attempt to match
some artifacts that are audience.
unrelated to it. their background.
unrelated to it.
5 4 3 2 1
The task was Despite the fact that
The task was
completed ahead of the output was The group struggled to
PROMPTNESS completed on time The group did not
schedule, despite the completed in a hurry, complete the task in
(15%) and in an effective and complete the task.
rushed appearance of the group completed the allotted time.
efficient manner.
the output. it on time.

Here is an example of an analytic rubric for PRESENTATION/REPORTING. Your task is to create an exact image of this analytic rubric focusing on this topic, “Dance Performance in PE”. Your
output will paste on a long bond paper either drawing or electronic one. Use the same template like the one above. You will be graded with this rubric down here.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Understanding The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates an The student demonstrates The student demonstrates a
of Lesson a deep understanding of a good understanding of average understanding of the a limited understanding of poor understanding of the
(50%) the lesson and applies it the lesson and applies it lesson and applies it the lesson and applies it lesson and does not
effectively in creating the appropriately in creating adequately in creating the partially in creating the effectively apply it in
analytic rubric. the analytic rubric. analytic rubric. analytic rubric. creating the analytic rubric.
Organization The rubric is well- The rubric is organized, The rubric has some The rubric lacks The rubric is disorganized
(15%) organized, with clear with mostly clear headings organization, but the organization, making it and does not effectively
headings and a logical and a structure that allows headings and structure could difficult to follow and communicate the
structure that enhances for easy comprehension. be clearer for better understand the assessment criteria.
readability and readability and assessment criteria.
understanding. understanding.
Clarity of The criteria in the rubric The criteria in the rubric The criteria in the rubric are The criteria in the rubric The criteria in the rubric are
Criteria (20%) are clearly defined and are mostly clear and somewhat clear and specific, are unclear and lack extremely unclear and lack
specific, leaving no room specific, with only minor but there are instances of specificity, leading to specificity, making it
for ambiguity or confusion. instances of ambiguity or ambiguity or confusion. significant ambiguity or impossible to understand
confusion. confusion. the assessment criteria.
Use of The rubric includes well- The rubric includes The rubric includes some The rubric includes limited The rubric does not include
Descriptors written descriptors for each descriptors for each level descriptors for each level of descriptors for each level any descriptors for each
(15%) level of achievement, of achievement, but they achievement, but they are of achievement, making it level of achievement,
providing clear guidance for could be more precise and not consistently precise and difficult to assess making it impossible to
assessing performance. provide better guidance. may not provide adequate performance accurately. assess performance
guidance. accurately.
Grammar and The rubric is free from The rubric has only minor The rubric has some grammar The rubric has multiple The rubric is riddled with
Spelling grammar and spelling grammar and spelling and spelling errors that may grammar and spelling grammar and spelling
errors, enhancing errors that do not slightly affect readability or errors that affect errors, making it difficult to
readability and significantly affect professionalism. readability and read and lacking
professionalism. readability or professionalism. professionalism.

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