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Item description UOM AMOUNT

Vaccutainer purple top(EDTA K2 Tube)-LEVRAM- 4mls 100/PK
Vaccutainer Red top With clotactivator-LEVRAM -4mls 100/PK
Serum seperator tubes (SST )with clotactivator-Yellow top- 100/PK
Sodium Citrate vaccutainer-LEVRAM-4mls 100/pk
Heparin -Green top -4mls 100/pk
Microtainer purple top-LEVRAM(EDTA K3 Tube)-1ml 100/pk
Grey Vaccutainer top(Potassium Oxalate/sodium fluoride) 100/pk
Cryovials-2ml 100/pk
Urine Container(Plastic container with cover)-LEVRAM 100/pk
Stool Container(Plastic container with scoup spoon &cover)- 100/pk
Sputum mug(Plastic container with cover for sputum pc
Blood lancets(Automatic) 100pcs
Blood lancets-prickers 100pcs
Vaccutainer needles 100pcs
Butterfly needles 50pcs
Blue pippette tips 500PCS
Yellow pippete tips 1000PCS
Alcohol swabs 100 Pcs
Cotton wool 500g
Plasters 100pcs
HVS Swabs 100 pcs
Examination Gloves 100/bx
Vaccutainer needle with holders 250pcs
Applicator sticks-wooden 500/bx
Microscope cover slips-22x22 100/pk
Oil Immersion- 100mls
Acetone 50% litre
Acetone 99% 2.5 ltr
Alcohol 70% litre
Acetic Acid 5% ltr
Grams Stain(set of 4) set of 4
Zain Stain(set of 4) set of 4
Sulphuric Acid 1 ltr
Crystal violet 1 ltr
Methylene blue 1 ltr
Lugols Iodine 1 ltr
Neutral Red 1 ltr
Sodium Hypochloride solution 1 ltr
Field stain A 1 ltr
Field stain B 1 ltr
Methylene blue powder-25g Grams(gm)
Field stain A powder-25g Grams(gm)
Field stain B powder-25g Grams(gm)
Neutral Red powder-25g Grams(gm)
Giemsa powder-25g Grams(gm)
Hydrochloric Acid-HCL -1 litre Litre(Ltr)
Strong Carbofuschin-1 litre Litre(Ltr)
Absolute ethanol 98.8% 2.5(ltr)
Methanol Litre(Ltr)
De-ionised water-20 ltr 20 ltr
Microsccope slides-Frosted 100/pk
Bioharzard medical waste disposal bag-black piece(pc)
Bioharzard medical waste disposal bag-Red piece(pc)
Bioharzard medical waste disposal bag-Yellow piece(pc)
Staining Rack-Metallic piece(pc)
Staining Rack-Wooden piece(pc)
Pasteur pippettes-3ml 500pcs
Safety Dispoable boxes piece(pc)
Safety container-3 ltr piece(pc)
Serum Crag-Cryptococcal Antigen-50T Packet(pkt)
Ziplock bags with bioharzard piece(pc)
Test tube Rack piece(pc)
Measuring Cylinder Glass-500ml piece(pc)
Measuring Cylinder Glass-1000ml piece(pc)
Cornical flask Glass-250ml piece(pc)
Cornical flask Glass-500ml piece(pc)
Cornical flask Glass-1000ml piece(pc)
Bijou bottles piece(pc)
Universal test tubes piece(pc)
Durham tubes piece(pc)
Disposable gown piece(pc)
Protective Gear(OVERALL)Tyvek piece(pc)
2 ml Syringe 100/pk
3ml syringe 100/pk
5ml syringe 100/pk
10ml syringe 100/pk
Vaccutainer holder BD -250PCS/Pkt 250pcs
Drabkin's Capsules 6pcs/Tin
Parafilm 250x250mm
Sodium metabisulphite-100g 100g/Tin
Petri Dish-plastic pair
Petri Dish-Glass Pair
ESR Stand piece(pc)
ESR tubes piece(pc)
ESR bulb piece(pc)
Microscope lens cleaning tissue 100sheets
Medical waste Bin with pedal and cover-black- piece(pc)
Medical waste Bin with pedal and cover-yellow- piece(pc)
Medical waste bin with pedal &cover- piece(pc)
Cooler box-5 ltr piece(pc)
Cooler box-25ltr piece(pc)
Thermal printer paper Roll
Stiring Rod piece(pc)
Formaldye 37-40% 2.5 ltr
HCL 2.5 ltr
Filter paper WHATTMAN piece(pc)
Safety & Health gadgets As requested
Malaria Pf/Pan Ag-BOSON 25T
Salmonella Typhi -IgG/IgM-BOSON 25T
Typhoid Antigen(Stool)Testing Cassette with buffer-BOSON 25T

H.pylori Antigen Rapid test cassettes -Stool-BOSON 25T

H.pylori Antibody Strip serum/plasma/blood-BOSON 50T
Serum HCG strip Serum/plasma/blood-BOSON 25T
HCG Pregnacy strip-Urine 50T
Syphillis Antibody serum/plasma/blood-BOSON 50T
FOB Strips-BOSON 25T
HIV Determine 100T
HIV Statpack 30T
HIV SD bioline 25T
Urinalysis strips(10 parameters) 100 Tests
Hepatitis C test strips-HCV -BOSON 50 T
Brucella Ag test kits 25T
On call plus glucose Strips 50T
Soft style Glucose strips 50T
Hepatitis A Rapid test cassette serum/plasma 50T
Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg)-BOSON 50T
HBV Combo 25T

PSA Rapid test strip (plasma/serum) 50T

Rhuematoid Factor -Latex 100T
Haemoglobin strips-Hb mission plus 50T
Dengue test strips-BOSON 25T
Adeno/Rota Virus test kits-BOSON 25T
Clamydia test strips 20T
Toxo IgG/IgM-BOSON 25T
DOA 12 Panel 25T
Covid test kits 25T
Blood group Anti A 10ml
Blood group Anti B 10ml
Blood group Anti D 10ml
Blood group Anti AB 10ml
Grouping Antisera (set of 4) 10ml
Anti -Human Globulin-coombs reagent 10ml
Brucella Abortus(BAT)Reagent 10ml
Brucella Mellentitis Reagent 10ml
Salmonella H&O Pair
Anti Streptolysin O(AS0) 100T
CRP Latex kit 100T

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