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1 Investigating Iron Tablets

The practical is to plan an experiment to find the exact mass of iron contained in an iron tablet.

What do iron tablets contain.
Iron tablet contains ferrous sulphate (also known as iron (II) sulphate), it is an iron salt with the chemical
formula FeSO4. 1
The role of iron in the body, and why some people need to take iron tablets.
Iron is essential to our body for haemoglobin production in red blood cell, which then carry oxygen around
the body as iron atoms in haemoglobin bind to oxygen atoms in region of high concentration and release the
oxygen molecules in region of low oxygen concentration.2 However, some people may lack sufficient iron
required for the normal body function. Iron deficiency anaemia is a anaemia which where there is a lack of
iron in the body. This condition may cause tiredness and lack of energy to the patient.3 Iron tablets may be
used in prevention and treatment in this situation, by providing iron to the body.
The approximate mass of iron present in a standard iron tablet.
The recommended daily intake of iron.
A standard 200mg ferrous sulfate tablet should contain 65mg of iron.4 The recommended daily intake of iron
for men and women from different age groups vary. It is recommended that 19-50 years old males should
take in 8.7 mg of iron and females should take in 14.8 mg of iron.5 There is a different in recommend intake
of iron between male and female from the same age group because there is a higher chance of blood loss
during menstrual cycle for woman. 6

Government recommendation for iron for males and females age 19+ years.

TELGURUS (2021). What Do Iron Tablets contain? | Chemistry Concepts | Chemistry Questionnaire. [online] Telgurus. Available
NHS (2020). Iron - Vitamins and minerals. [online] NHS. Available at:
Wikipedia. (2024). Iron supplement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jan.
Joint Formulary Committee (2023). Ferrous sulfate. [online] NICE. Available at:
Public Health England (2016). Government Dietary Recommendations Government Recommendations for Energy and Nutrients
for Males and Females Aged 1 - 18 Years and 19+ Years. [online] GOV.UK. Public Health England. Available at:

Public Health England (2016). Government Dietary Recommendations Government Recommendations for Energy and Nutrients
for Males and Females Aged 1 - 18 Years and 19+ Years. [online] GOV.UK. Public Health England. Available at:

Details about a titration method using potassium manganate (VII) solution that can be used to find the
concentration Fe2+ ions in a solution.
To find the exact mass of iron contained in an iron tablet, we can use the method of titration. The
concentration of Fe2+ ions in a solution (titrand) can be found by titrating against potassium manganate
(VII) solution (titrant) in titration. The titrand will turn pale pink for end point. After titration, we will use
two or three concordant results of potassium manganate (VII) used in the titration to find the number of
moles. Using the equation of potassium manganate (VII) reacts with iron, we can find the number of moles
of Fe2+ and eventually the mass of Fe2+ in the iron tablets.

The chemistry on which this titration is based.

Half Equation:
Fe2+ (aq) Fe3+(aq) + e-
MnO4- (aq) + 8H+(aq) + 5e- Mn2+(aq) + 4H2O (l)

Overall Equation:
MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 8H+(aq) Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l)
In the reaction, MnO4- (titrant) act as the oxidizing agent against Fe2+. 1 mole of MnO4- reacts with 5 moles
of Fe2+. The addition of sulfuric acid is needed to provide the H+ ions for the reaction. As reaction occurs, the
manganate (VII) ions reduce to manganese (II) ions and the colour change from purple to pale pink.

Equipment Needed
- 5x Iron tablets
- 1x Burette
- 1x 25 cm3 pipette
- 1x Pipette filler
- 1x Filter funnel
- 1x Filter paper
- 1x Stand and clamp
- 1x 250 cm3 and 100 cm3 beaker
- 1 moldm-3 of sulfuric acid
- 1x 250 cm3 conical flask
- 1x Parafilm
- 1x 250 cm3 volumetric flask
- 1x Distilled water bottle filled with distilled water
- 3x 250 cm3 beaker
- 0.0100 moldm-3 potassium manganate (VII) solution
- 1x White tile

1. Place 5 iron tablets into a conical flask.
2. Add sulfuric acid in excess to the conical flask and seal the opening of conical flask with
3. Leave the setup in fume cupboard and the conical flask sealed with bung for 24 hours.
4. After the iron tablets have fully dissolved, filter the solution to remove undissolved solid.
5. Use filter funnel and filter paper to pour the mixture into the volumetric flask.
6. Rinse the conical flask and filter funnel with distilled water. Pour the washing into volumetric
7. Make up the solution to the mark of volumetric flask.
8. Use pipette to add 25 cm3 of the solution into conical flask.

9. Fill the burette with potassium manganate (VII) solution.
10. Titrate the iron (II) sulfate solution in conical flask with the potassium manganate (VII) solution
until the pink colour is seen.
11. Obtain 2 concordant results from the titration.

Rough Titre Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Initial Volume 14.90 17.35 4.90 17.10
Final Volume (cm3) 27.20 29.75 17.10 29.20
Titre (cm3) 12.30 12.40 12.20 12.10
Mean Titre (cm3) 12.15

Risk Assessment7
Hazardous Nature of the Sources(s) Control measures to Emergency procedure
chemical or hazards(s) of reduce the risks
microorganism informatio
CLEAPSS (2022). STUDENT SAFETY SHEETS 3rd edition 2022. [online] CLEAPSS, p.33. Available at:

being used or n
made, or
procedure or
Glassware Glassware may Handle the equipment and Notify the teacher
shatter into pieces and glassware with extreme immediately.
chemicals may spill caution.
out. Treat the student’s
Fragments of the Prevent putting any injury with first aid.
glassware may also equipment near the edge
injure the students. of table. Contact 999 for
medical attention if
situation worsen.
Iron (II) sulfate May cause skin and CLEAPSS Do not rub eyes with If the chemical is in
(solid) eye irritation. Student hands contaminated with contact with the eye,
Safety iron (II) sulfate. irrigate the eye with
- Irritant Sheet Card running water gently
(38) Wash hands after for 20 minutes.
experiment/Wear gloves.
Call 999.
Wear safety goggles.
Iron (II) sulfate Solution is made up CLEAPSS Wear Safety goggles.
solution (diluted with sulfuric acid, see Student
solution) sulfuric acid hazards. Safety
Sheet Card
1 moldm-3 of May irritate the eye CLEAPSS Use the smallest volume If in contact with the
sulfuric acid and skin. Student possible for the eye, irrigate the eye
- Irritant Safety experiment. with running water
Sheet Card gently for 20 minutes.
(22) Wear safety goggles. Call 999.
If in contact with skin,
remove the
contaminated clothing
and irrigate the affected
area with running water
gently for 20 minutes.
0.0100 moldm-3 The chemical stain CLEAPSS Wear safety goggles. If in contact with the
potassium hands and clothing. Student eye, irrigate the eye
manganate (VII) Safety Wear lab coat. with running water
solution Not classified as Sheet Card gently for 20 minutes.
hazardous. (48) Wash hands after Call 999.

1. TELGURUS (2021). What Do Iron Tablets contain? | Chemistry Concepts | Chemistry Questionnaire. [online] Telgurus.
Available at:

2. NHS (2020). Iron - Vitamins and minerals. [online] NHS. Available at:

3. Wikipedia. (2024). Iron supplement. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 19 Jan. 2024].

4. Joint Formulary Committee (2023). Ferrous sulfate. [online] NICE. Available at:
5. Public Health England (2016). Government Dietary Recommendations Government Recommendations for Energy and
Nutrients for Males and Females Aged 1 - 18 Years and 19+ Years. [online] GOV.UK. Public Health England. Available

6. Public Health England (2016). Government Dietary Recommendations Government Recommendations for Energy and
Nutrients for Males and Females Aged 1 - 18 Years and 19+ Years. [online] GOV.UK. Public Health England. Available

7. CLEAPSS (2022). STUDENT SAFETY SHEETS 3rd edition 2022. [online] CLEAPSS, p.33. Available at:

Analysis of results
1. Use your results to calculate the mass of iron in each tablet.
2. Use your results to calculate the mass of iron (II) sulfate (or other main ingredient) in one tablet. How does
this compare with the information given on the bottle/packet?
Extension Opportunities
1. Explain any modifications you would make to your experiment to improve it.
2. Compare your results with those your classmates have achieved. Are there any difference? If you used
different methods, consider which is better and why.
3. How might you investigate how quickly Fe2+ is released from an iron tablet? Think about:
- How you would model the conditions in your stomach
- How you would determine the release of Fe2+over time.

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