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permits men and women equal
enjoyment of human rights

mental self, physical self, social self, emotional
self and ethical self

encompasses self love, self knowledge, self
confidence, self respect and self expression
Gender Equality
by Lara

When I was a child in kindergarten, my teacher told us to tell the whole class what we
wanted to be when we grow up. My classmate stood up and said “I want to be a
police woman!” everyone started pointing and laughing at her because “girls are too
soft to be a police” and that “boys are better than girls”. I hate to admit it but I
laughed at my classmate too, ‘twas because I was influenced by the adults around me
with their silly gender stereotypes. As I grew older I found it rather unusual why both
genders can’t just be equal when women can do what men can do too! Just why was
the other gender superior than the other?

What does it mean to be equal? According to the official website of vocabulary.com,

a better way to teach words, “Being equal means everyone has the same rights and
opportunities — and responsibilities.” If we apply this to gender, both men and
women should get the same rights and opportunities that society has to offer. For
example, women had to go under difficult circumstances just to earn the right to
vote. And when women had to endure the poor, unjust, and sexist portrayal of them
in the media.

This also goes to men. Men are expected not to cry because men should be “tough”
and to are often told to “man up” when in reality this builds up toxic masculinity that
transcends from generation to generation. Based on the article “Toxic masculinity is
the reason why women do not feel safe in the streets,” published on March 12, 2021,
registered psychosexual and relationship psychotherapist Silva Neves stated that,
“Toxic masculinity is the result of a set of strict rules that prescribe what being a man
should be.” All the more, it creates a feeling of superiority and misogyny that
gradually builds up and affects society. It creates unequal leaders that promote
unequal laws for both men and women!
It creates toxic gender roles that men and women have to follow in
order to fit into society. For instance, women are expected to do the
cleaning in the house while men are expected to provide money.
Women can also provide money, and men can also do household
chores! Why are simple and basic responsibilities assigned to a specific
gender? In the article, “The Negative Effects of Gender Roles,”
published on October 7, 2016, writer Aimee Jean Jones stated that
“Women are expected to be emotional while men should manage and
suppress their emotions. These can lead to many problems, these
expectations force people to change who they are and shames them if
they do not.”

In conclusion, everyone deserves to equally enjoy human rights. We are

all human after all, one gender shouldn’t be superior than the other. We
must learn to respect one another for a better world to live in. The
world is already as toxic as it is now. Needless to say, we all deserve to
live in an equal world where everyone can enjoy.

Refence Page:
Jones, A. (2016, October 7). The Negative Effects of Gender Roles. The
Odyssey Online. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/negative-

Neves, S. (2021, March 12). Toxic masculinity is the reason why women
do not feel safe in the streets. Psychology Today.
What Is Toxic Masculinity? | Psychology Today

Vocabulary.com. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/equal?fbclid=I
Gender Equality
by: Angel Gwyneth B. Geronimo

Gender Equality is when people of all genders

have equal rights, responsibilities and
opportunities. Everyone can be affected by
gender inequality – women, men or members of
the LGBTQ+ community. It affects people of all
ages and backgrounds. Societies with gender
equality is more healthier and safer. It prevents
violence from people around the world. In addition
to this, gender equality is a human right and
everyone can benefit from gender equality. To emphasize, gender equality is the state in which
access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. It’s not only women who are affected
by gender inequality - all genders are impacted.

What does gender equality look like in real world? Whether in the workplace, at a community
center or any other places, people of all genders should feel safe and be free from bullying and
sexual harassment based on their gender. Clearly, a society that appreciates and has gender
equality does not allow offensive comments about someone’s gender or any harassment.
Equality at Home – On average, women around the world do three times as much unpaid work at
home as men, for example is doing household work and caring for children or family members,
and many of these women also work full-time or part-time careers. In this example, gender
equality looks like splitting up at-home work as evenly possible between all genders of a
household, so that the burden of taking care of the home and family is not solely on women.

Studies show that gender inequality has a negative impact on many health outcomes. It affects
someone’s behavior, study choices, ambitions, and attitude about relationship. Just like Women,
Men also experience gender inequality. They feel pressured to be a “real man”, to be physically
and emotionally strong, and be the main income earner. They are less likely to seek professional
help or talk about their problems with their friends or family. A man who is perceived as
“feminine” is not a “real man” when gender inequality exists. When there’s gender equality, men
have more freedom about how they express themselves. To sum up, Gender Inequality affects
everyone, including men.

There are so many reasons why Gender Equality is important. Gender Inequality is the source of
all violence including human trafficking and a lack of legal protections for abused woman.
Improving equality for men and women can reduce the amount of violence and provide security
for those who are vulnerable. Girls are often forced into marriages or human trafficking. When
gender equality starts with education, everyone has the opportunity to improve their lives.
In conclusion, everyone needs to be respected and treated equally. Each person on this world
should enjoy and make the most of their lives. If we respect each other in this world, it would
be healthier and safer. Without equality, there can be no fairness or justice. In summary,
equality is very much important in our society because it helps reduce crimes and it keeps our
society balanced and it also helps us to promote fairness, justice and reduces inequality.

Reference Page:

Gender Equality: What is it and why do we need it?. Victoria.


Martinez, H. (2022, February 7). What is Gender Equality?

Definition, Examples. United Way of The National Capital Area

Gender Inequality affects everyone. Victoria.


Soken-Huberty, E. 7 Reason Why Gender Equality is Good for

Everyone. Human Rights Career.

Essay on Equality-Need, Importance of Human Equality

in Personal & Professional Life. My Student Essays.
Dimensions of Human
Sexuality by Ashley
Shikaina Rosel:

In human sexuality there are 5 dimensions these dimensions are Biological Phycological,
Affective and rational, Sociocultural Moral, Spiritual and religious, ethical and legal
Now what is biological dimension? Biological is understanding sexuality where we understand
how our bodies work this also requires physiological knowledge this is when you use your
knowledge more to control your sexual health, biological physiological also involves the
persons physical appearance and the persons characteristics and their abilities to produce
and control, this also includes the persons development in general. In spite of the fact that
human reproductive function does not work until puberty hits, The human sexual-erotic
begins immediately after giving birth and it lasts a lifetime.

Next let’s talk about sociocultural dimension this dimension is about sexuality that is affected
by culture and society. Some Influences affects some thoughts and actions of a person.
Sociocultural is also sexual identities that is acquired through influences and modified of ever-
changing social environments. This also acquires and assemble meanings, skills and values
from the people who influences them, this dimension affects the thoughts and actions either
historical or contemporary. Sociocultural is a type of dimension where the person will act the
way people influences him/her.

This time let us talk about affective dimension, this dimension is about attitude change to a
person. This type of dimension affects the feelings of the person and how they express them
self this also has an important component of cross-groups. Affective dimension is about how
the person changes their attitude, this dimension also includes motivation, critical thinking
and self-esteem, this dimension is use to designate emotions of a person in other explanations
affective biases refer to those influences that alter the cognitive system from outside.
Now let’s talk about ethical dimension this dimension is about good matters
that a person should pursue and the bad things that the person should avoid,
ethical dimension is about choices that the person makes either its good for
them or bad this dimension also requires choices in life it is also about what is
acceptable and unacceptable in human behaviors where the person makes
their sense clearer and more considerable for others to understand, ethical
dimension is also described as moral philosophy this is about the actions that
the person acts or shows in public.

Next topic is about spiritual dimension this dimension is about what people
believe in religious dimension is about traditions of people, spiritual is about
how people transcend themselves through knowledge and love for others this
dimension is about how they develop relationality rather than the slightest
capacity, spiritual dimension is also being part of life, religious dimension this
dimension denotes a spiritual tradition in addition religion is embedded in the
culture such as political or educational on top of that religion is identified of
people relating to God or Gods.

Reference Page:

Belen. (2018). Ethical dimension of human existence


Schneiders, S. Spiritually and religion (feb,6,2000)


Bruess, C. E., & Richardson, G. Decisions for health.

Dubuque, IA: Brown & Benchmark, 1995, 1.14–1.16
Dimensions of Human
Sexuality by Jarod
Raynor Navares:

The five dimensions of human sexuality is biological, psychological, affective, ethical

and legal.
Human sexuality is the way how you express yourself.
they do it in a way on how they talk, what they wear and what is their way of lifestyle.
Sexuality is the most important part of being a human.
some people have different genders example: lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.

Men and women are different in life.

Genders refers to the characteristic of women and men.
This includes norms, behaviors and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or a
as well as relationships with each other.
As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Genders are hierarchical and produces inequalities that intersect with other social and
economic inequalities.
Gender-based discrimination intersects with other factors of discrimination.
such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, disability, age, geographic location, gender
identity and sexual orientation, among others.
This is referred to intersectionality.
Gender interacts with but is different from sex, which refers to the different biological
and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex persons.
Genders are related to but different from gender identity.
Gender identity refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal and individual experience of
gender, which may or may not correspond to the person’s physiology or designated sex
at birth.
Some people also feel that the sex of their body doesn’t fit right and that they would
feel more comfortable as the opposite sex.
A Cisgender is a word used to describe people whose gender agrees with their body sex
or assigned sex.
Transgender is a person whose gender identity or gender expression does not conform
to that typically associated with their sex assigned at birth.

Sexuality is diverse, and there are many different types. It can take time to figure out the
sexuality that fits you best. And your sexuality can change over time.
Most people are attracted to the opposite sex – boys who like girls, and women who like
men, for example. These people are heterosexual, or ‘straight’.
Some people have a hard time accepting others who are different to themselves.
‘Lesbian’ is the common term for people who identify as women and are same-sex
attracted. ‘Gay’ is the most common term for people who identify as men and are same-
sex attracted, although women identifying as lesbian also sometimes use this word.
You might be drawn to men or to women, to both or to neither. There is no right or
wrong – it’s about what’s right for you. And while there are common terms to describe
different types of sexuality, you don’t have to adopt a label to describe yourself.

Reference Page:
(2022). Sexuality. Council of europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/gender-

(2022). Everything you need to know about gender. Reachout.


(2021). Sexuality explained. BetterHealthChannel.

Sexuality by
Angelo Segura:

Many people are now teenagers and do not know what sexuality is. All people are
experiencing this and so confused what is it or what does it mean for them. When I’m a kid I
really don’t know what is it but as time goes by and now, I’m older enough I understand what
it means but other people are too immature to understand this. They do not want to accept
it and it is really a big problem for us. But the very important question is what really is
sexuality? Why do we need to have a healthy sexuality? What is the purpose of this? Why do
we need to have some knowledge about this?

Sexuality is a diverse, and there are many types of this and has its own different
meanings. Sexuality is an important part of who we are, who you are and who is he/she. There
is no right and wrong, its all about what’s right for you. Its not about who you have sex with
or how often you have it, its all about your feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors
towards other people. Based on www.jeanhailes.org.au (a website that is explaining about
sexuality) Sexuality plays an important role in the health and wellbeing of all people across
the lifespan. Physical changes with ageing, illness, medications, psychological effects like
depression, what is happening in your relationship and family can all impact on sex.

Having a healthy sexuality is a really big factor for us. It means taking high score of
responsibility for all your actions since this can affect self-esteem, decision making and
behavior. According to wespeakaboutit.org (a website that discussing about sex education
and positive, inclusive and pleasure forward content) it means that Healthy sexuality is
defined by one’s ability to control, enjoy and understand their own sexual and reproductive
behaviors so they may responsibly express their sexuality in a social environment. It is all
about making sure everybody is having safe and pleasurable sex if they want it. It’s about
communicating, accepting, and giving love and affection, it’s about exercising your sexual
rights and it’s about discussing your feelings and values.
Having healthy sexuality encompasses 5 characteristics. This are Self
Love, Self-Knowledge, Self Confidence, Self-Respect, and Self Expression.
Based on a trustful website www.nationalcoalitionforsexualhealth.org (a
website that is talking about sexual health) having a healthy sexuality is
defined as being able to enjoy a healthier body, a satisfying sexual life,
positive relationships and piece of mind. Sexual health is having a
satisfying sex life and valuing and feeling good about yourself. It helps us
to become confident to yourself and in our society or in our community.

To conclude it is important in having a healthy sexuality. It can

boost our confident to face our fears in our life, in going out and
interacting and talking with other people. In short, we are mentally,
physically, and emotionally healthy. Again, being or having a healthy
sexuality will help us to be well informed, careful, and giving respect to
yourself and others. In that I could say that having a healthy sexuality is
very important and have a big role to ourselves and to other people.

Reference Page:
Hailes, J. (2020, January 08). Sexuality. Jean Hailes for
Women’s Health. Sexuality | Jean Hailes

Healthy Sexuality. (2020). Speak About It. Healthy Sexuality

— Speak About It: Consent Education

Sexual Health. (2022). National Coalition for Sexual Health.

What is Sexual Health? | National Coalition for Sexual
Ashley Shikaina Rosel - The
Lara Sagpang - Shy Girl

Angelo Segura -
The Small One

Angel Gwyneth Geronimo -

The Angel that falls in the
Jarod Raynor Navares -

The IT man

! you !

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