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We are conducting a survey to better understand perceptions and experiences
related to healthcare accessibility, education, and the interplay between traditional and
modern medicine within educational settings like ACLC College of Taytay. Your
participation will provide valuable insights into these important topics and help inform
potential improvements in healthcare services and education.

The objective of this survey is to gather information about healthcare accessibility
and educational practices at ACLC College of Taytay, particularly focusing on how
traditional and modern medicine are integrated into our curriculum. Your responses will
help us identify challenges and opportunities to enhance healthcare access and
education for students like us.

Please read each question carefully and mark your answer by putting an (  ) in the
box beside your answer, or by writing an answer on the line provided.

1. What is your current level of awareness regarding healthcare services available at

ACLC College of Taytay?
[ ] Limited
[ ] Moderate
[ ] Extensive

2. Have you ever encountered challenges accessing healthcare services or medical

assistance within your community?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
3. How important do you think it is to have a dedicated clinic with a nurse or medical
personnel at educational institutions like ACLC College of Taytay?
[ ] Very important
[ ] Somewhat important
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Not important

4. How familiar are you with traditional healing practices such as herbal remedies or
[ ] Very familiar
[ ] Somewhat familiar
[ ] Not familiar at all

5. To what extent do you believe that educational institutions should incorporate teachings
on traditional medicine alongside modern medical practices?
[ ] Strongly agree
[ ] Agree
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Strongly disagree

6. How would you rate your understanding of basic healthcare concepts and medicines
as a student in a STEM discipline?
[ ] Excellent
[ ] Good
[ ] Fair
[ ] Poor
7. How accessible do you think healthcare services are in your local community (e.g.,
Taytay, surrounding area)?
[ ] Very accessible
[ ] Somewhat accessible
[ ] Not very accessible
[ ] Not accessible at all

8. Do you believe that societal attitudes towards healthcare (e.g., cultural beliefs,
acceptance of traditional medicine) influence the availability and acceptance of traditional
medicine practices?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Unsure

9. As a senior high school student, how important do you think it is for your community to
teach about proper medication and traditional alternatives in both rural and urban areas,
considering how individuals and communities make health decisions?
[ ] Very important, strongly agree
[ ] Important, agree
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Not important, disagree
[ ] Not important at all, strongly disagree

10. Can you provide an example of a traditional medicine practice that has been
incorporated into modern healthcare?

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