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Second Semester-Quarter 3
Module 1:
Formulating A Plan
Culminating Activity – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 Week 1: Formulating a Plan that will Demonstrate the Key Concepts, Principles,
and Processes of Humanities and Social Sciences
First Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rowena O. Tolentino

Editor: Ronald G. Morla, PhD
Reviewer: Marcos C. Vizon
Illustrator: Elpidio T. Mercado III
Layout Artist: Jhoanna Marie S. Yuzon

Management Team: May B. Eclar, PhD, CESO III

Librada M. Rubio, PhD
Angelica M. Burayag, PhD
Ma. Editha R. Caparas, PhD
Nestor P. Nuesca, EdD
Marie Ann C. Ligsay, PhD
Dominador M. Cabrera, PhD
Edward C. Jimenez, PhD
Ma. Leonora B. Cruz

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Region III

Office Address: Matalino St. D. M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P)
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Second Semester-Quarter 3
Module 1:
Formulating A Plan

Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear

learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this
module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for
better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to
answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided
for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing
each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
to be more actively involved in the learning process absorb and understand
humanities and social sciences at a much deeper level. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations especially during this
time of pandemic. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Formulate a plan that will demonstrate the key concepts, principles,

and processes of humanities and social sciences (HUMSS_CA12- Ia-d-1,
HUMSS_CA12- Ia-d-2.)
2. Consolidate the learnings in HUMSS and reflect on how their ideas
have changed.
3. Create initial portfolio and journal entries.

What I Know

Directions: Let’s find out how much do you know about the coverage of this

I. Choose the letter that you think best answers the question. Take note of the
items that you won’t be able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as
you go through this module. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper or in
your notebook/journal.
1. What term refers to the community of persons more or less numerous,
permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of
their own to which the great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying
freedom from external control?
A. Citizenship B. Nation C. State D. Sovereignty
2. Through which agency is the will of the state is being formulated, expressed and
carried out?
A. Constitution B. Government C. Laws D. Sovereignty
3. What is the core teaching of Confucianism?
A. To be a gentleman C. To be good in society
B. To do what is right D. To be loved

4. What is the core teaching of Christianity?
A. Family B. Hope C. Joy D. Love
5. Which is the best description of the statement, “Government exists and should
continue to exist for the benefit of the people?
A. The statement is a general truth.
B. The statement is just an assumption.
C. The statement is a fallacy.
D. There is no basis for judgment.
6. What tourists can do to best demonstrate that they empathize with people of
different societies and cultures?
A. Micro world norms while travelling.
B. Learn the local customs before travelling.
C. Take photographs of traditional cultural performances.
D. Develop a sense of self through participating in family religious events.
7. When maintaining the social structure shifts, what are the roles altered and
relationships change?
A. Decision-making in parentless household transfers into the hands of the
surrogate parents or solely on the single or solo parent.
B. Husbands are the breadwinners and the wives take care of household chores
and children.
C. Majority of extended families thrive in rural areas.
D. The males dominate the industry and agricultural sectors.
8. A collection of student work meant to show growth over time.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Project D. Portfolio
9. Students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to
investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question,
problem, or challenge.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Project D. Portfolio
10. The process of recording personal insights, reflections and questions on
assigned or personal topics.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Project D. Portfolio
11. A mental process where thoughts or opinions that are used to analyze and
examine an event, memory, or observation.
A. Dreams B. Memory C. Opinion D. Reflection
12. A gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities.
A. Debate B. Exhibition C. Fair D. Performance
13. An organized presentation and display of a selection of items or pictures.
A. Exhibition B. Fair C. Performance D. Reflection
14. Discussion on a subject on which several people share their different opinions,
it can be favorable towards the topic or it can be non-favorable.
A. Campaign B. Debate C. Demonstration D. Teaching
15. What acts involves by doing something such as singing, dancing, or acting?
A. Exhibition B. Fair C. Performance D. Reflection

Understanding the Key
Concepts, Principles and
1 Processes of Humanities and
Social Sciences
The purpose of this Culminating Activity is to help learners acquire and apply
knowledge, practice skills, and develop independent and collaborative work habits.
Tise module is a review and introductory in nature. It provides activities on topics
such as: key concepts of humanities and social sciences, concepts, characteristics
and performance-based activities under Culminating Activity. It also included
discussion of the 21st century skills and multiple intelligences in order for learners
to see his/her self as 21st century learners.

What’s In

Directions: Write down the Key Concepts and Topics you have encountered from
the following HUMSS subjects. Answer this in your notebook.


Introduction to World Religions and Belief

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social
Sciences (DIAS)
Creative Writing

World Religion

Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Philippine Politics and Governance

Notes to the Teacher
As facilitator kindly asks your students to make personal
reflections in various activities that is worth sharing as these shall
form part of their journal and portfolio.

What’s New

Let us explore your creative mind!

Our country is now facing difficulties amidst COVID19 pandemic, how do you stay
connected with other people ? Write your answer in your notebook.

What is It?

A. Definition of Terms: What is a Culminating Activity? Using the concept map, give
your own definition of the following terms. Copy the figure and answer in separate
paper or in your notebook/journal.

Activity Culmination


Culminating Activity is an opportunity to conclude a learner’s K-12

education. It will able the blending together of complex ideas that might include
exploring a topic that they feel passionate about, something that they may have not
had the opportunity to study before, or would like to study in a more in-depth
manner. It requires learners to understand and organize information from a variety
of sources, to interpret this information meaningfully, and to communicate this
meaning to others. These are all important skills for future success in any

Through this Culminating Activity, we can help them to realize personal

aspirations that they may not have had the chance to recognize before. Learners
have the chance to explore a personal passion, allowing students to see that the
subjects they learn in school are personally relevant to themselves as well as have
real life applications. To start with, we have

The Process

TOPIC SELECTION & APPROVAL (Adopted from Chassell High School Culminating
Project Student Guide)

I. The Topic
• Brainstorm and start to list and research a few possible topic ideas. The
students will work with project coordinators in the beginning of each
semester select a topic, and develop the central question.
• Choose your main project topic, develop your central question, identify your
The Paper
• Start your topic research and 3-5 page paper.
The Activity
• Your Culminating Activity (CA) that depends on your topic choice
The Presentation
• The presentation will include details on your topic research and paper
including your central question, challenges and lessons learned. The oral
presentation is followed by a question and answer period.
• Students will work on the content of their oral presentation, delivery skills,
and visual aid display. All students will be scheduled for a formal
presentation before a panel of judges.

Guide in Topic Development

When you work on researching a Culminating Activity Topic, try asking yourself the
following questions. At least one of these questions should help you choose the
most interesting topic for your project work.
• What do I enjoy doing in my spare time?
• Is there a social problem I would like to investigate—homelessness, drug
abuse, etc.?
• Do I have an invention or creation I would like to further explore?
• Is there something job related that I would like to investigate?
• Have I ever been involved in a school, community and/or state-wide activity?
• Am I artistically creative?
• If I could pursue my wildest dream, what would it be?
• Could my travel experiences give me any topic ideas?
• What is one of the biggest problems facing the country/world today?
• What would I like to be doing 10 years from now?

Review the questions listed above as you explore possible topics.

II. Developing the Central Question
With your topic in mind, develop your central question for Culminating Project. The
central question provides the learning stretch for your work and will direct your
research as you focus on your topic and prepare to write your paper.
A question confirming the student’s learning stretch and channeling the research
to discover specific details about their Culminating Project Topic.

III. Thesis Statement
A statement that defines the research paper’s focus and content. A well-
written and engaging thesis is like a map; it will give the paper direction and
help guide the student’s thoughts, focus their selection of sources, and
direct the pertinent issues to address within their paper.

Ask yourself these questions before you proceed with your project.
• Does the research add to the project?
• Is there a clear connection between the research topic and the project you
want to complete?
• Does the project represent significant amounts of time, effort and
appropriate difficulty?
• Does the project go beyond what you already know how to do?
• Is the project something you will do outside of your regular or co-curricular
requirements? A project that you produce for any other student organization
will not fulfill the Culminating Activity requirements unless it goes
substantially beyond the original guidelines of that CA.
• Will the CA involve tangible evidence of your work? For example, is the
project something physical that can be seen and touched, is the project a
community-based service that can be documented as beneficial and/or is the
project something that can be written, produced, demonstrated?

What’s More

Let us now check how much have you learned so far.

Independent Activity 1
Describe it! Characteristics of Culminating Activity
Directions: Use each term in a sentence to describe Culminating Activity. Write
your answer in a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.





Expectation 1

Expectation 4 21st Century Expectation 2

__________ Learners ___________

Expectation 3

Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Write a self-reflection about “Becoming a 21st Century Learner” in

separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.

Independent Activity 2

Directions: Copy the figure and put in each box the possible factors that may
affect good planning for a culminating activity. Do this in a separate sheet of paper
or in your notebook/journal.

Independent Assessment 2

Directions: Explain I 2-3 sentences the famous quote, '”If you fail to plan, you are
planning to fail1” by Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United
States. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.

Independent Activity 3

Directions: Make a creative and portfolio covers. Secure a big notebook and make
an intricate cover design to personalize it. Write a reflection of the activity in a
separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.

Independent Assessment 3

Directions: “Know-How” Make a 1-minute video/15-20 slides ppt/8-10 pcs of

photo-essay journal entry to demonstrate the portfolio cover to get a good review
score. Then, make a reflection in a separate sheet of paper or in your

What I Have Learned

After two days of studying the lesson what have you learned? Answer in 2-3
sentences in a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.

What I Can Do

The Project

Directions: In a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal, prepare a

draft of your chosen Culminating Activity providing the following parts and answer
also the guide questions in 2-3 sentences.

1. Topic-
2. Project- Charts and Diagrams on the topic (along with portfolio of work)
presented during the oral presentation phase
3. Central Question-
4. Thesis Statement-
Guide Questions:
1. What do you plan to do for your Culminating Activity?
2. Describe your product, event, or service.
3. What prior knowledge do you have about your topic and how is this “learning
stretch” for you?
4. How is working on this activity related to your future goals?


Let’s find out how much have you learned from this module.

Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.
1. Culminating Activity requires students to think about important issues or
A. Engaging B. Expectations C. Plan D. Purposed
2. Culminating Activity holds the interest of students over time.
A. Engaging B. Expectations C. Plan D. Purposed
3. Culminating Activity uses important content in the curriculum guideline.
A. Engaging B. Expectations C. Plan D. Purposed

4. Culminating Activity provides for clear assessment of student development with
levels of achievement identified.
A. Evaluation B. Experience C. Expectation D. Planning
5. Situations must be authentic in nature, role or application for Culminating
Activity to provide this kind of experiences.
A. Changing B. Contrived C. Intimidating D. Real-life
6. Culminating Activity must be described in advance to the students, including
examples, timeline for development.
A. Evaluation B. Experience C. Expectation D. Planning
7. Process sequence, expectations, and formative and summative assessment
A. Evaluation B. Experience C. Expectation D. Planning
8. A collection of student work meant to show growth over time.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Portfolio D. Project
9. Students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to
investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question,
problem, or challenge.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Portfolio D. Project
10. The process of recording personal insights, reflections and questions on
assigned or personal topics.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Portfolio D. Project
11. A mental process where thoughts or opinions that are used to analyze and
examine an event, memory, or observation.
A. Dreams B. Memory C. Opinion D. Reflection
12. A gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities.
A. Debate B. Exhibition C. Fair D. Performance
13. An organized presentation and display of a selection of items or pictures.
A. Exhibition B. Fair C. Performance D. Reflection
14. Discussion on a subject on which several people share their different opinions,
it can be favorable towards the topic or it can be non-favorable.
A. Campaign B. Debate C. Demonstration D. Teaching
15. Activity that involves by doing something such as singing, dancing, or acting.
A. Exhibition B. Fair C. Performance D. Reflection

What Is It What I Know
Answer may vary I.
1. C
What I Have Learned 2. B
Answer may vary 3. B
4. C
What I Can Do 5. A
Answer may vary 6. B
7. A
Assessment 8. D
1. D 9. C
2. A 10. B
3. B 11. D
4. A 12. C
5. D 13. A
6. D 14. B
7. A 15. C
8. C
9. D What’s In
10. B Answer may vary
11. D
12. C What’s New
13. A Answer may vary
14. B
15. C
Additional Activity
Answer may vary
Answer Key
in 5-7 sentences in a separate sheet of paper or in your notebook/journal.
flash drive or send it online through chat/email. Otherwise, write a reaction essay
Directions: Make a 1-minute Reaction Video on a current issue and save it on
Additional Activities
How debate competition is useful for students in schools.
debate-competition-is-useful-for-students- in-schools/
Howard Parmentier, Project Supervisor Chassell High School Culminating Project
Student Guide

Journal Writing Guide: How to Start a Journal and Write Entries.
Melissa Kelly. Authentic Ways To Develop Performance-Based Activities Students
Acquire Knowledge, Practice Skills, And Develop
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights WhatareHumanRights.aspx
Teacher's Guide to Performance-Based Learning and Assessment. by K. Michael
Hibbard, Linda Van Wagenen, Samuel Lewbel, Stacey Waterbury-Wyatt,
What is a Portfolio, and How is it Used in Performance-Based. https://
What are human rights? United for Human Rights
What Is Reflective Writing?.

Indicators Description Points
Contents All data cited is accurate, the information is factual 5
and acceptable.
Knowledge of The basics are presented and given importance 5
Subject Matter
Answers to The answers are good and meaningful. The answer 5
Questions is relevant to each question.
Participation Each member of the group performed the assigned 5
tasks for the betterment of the presentation.
Insights All values discussed in the topic were identified. 5
Total 25


Criteria Points
Answered process questions correctly 5
Express clearly his/her thoughts 5
Values learning 5
Able relate activity in real life situation 5
Total points 20


Indicators Description Points
Theme Emphasis was placed on the value of being 25
Appropriateness smart and responsible
Details The design aspects fit the theme. 25
Originality and It features unique design using creativity and 25
Creativity appropriate materials
Presentation Every aspect of the design that fits the theme of 25
the work is well explained
Total Points 100


Indicators Description Points
The suitability of the picture is well illustrated and
Content 20
Originality and The message is clear and appropriate 20
Presentation The whole picture is clean, neat; good at explaining. 10

Total Points 50

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985


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