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AS 3960—1990

Australian Standard

Guide to reliability and

maintainability program
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee QR/5, Reliability and
Maintainability. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on
20 July 1989 and published on 16 February 1990.

The following interests are represented on Committee QR/5:

Australian Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Australian Organization for Quality
Department of Defence
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries
Federation of Automotive Products Manufacturers
Institute of Quality Assurance
Institution of Engineers, Australia
Institution of Radio and Electronic Engineers, Australia
Telecom Australia

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editi ons as necessary. It is
important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest editi on, and any
amendments thereto.
Full detail s of all Australi an Standards and related publications wil l be found in the Standards Australia
Catalogue of Publi cati ons; this informati on is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an
Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives detail s of new publications, new edit ions
and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards.
Suggesti ons for improvements to Australi an Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australia,
are welcomed. Noti fi cati on of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australi an Standard should be made
without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 87226.

AS 3960—1990

Australian Standard

Guide to reliability and

maintainability program

First publi shed in part as AS 1211.2—1972.

AS 1211.1 fir st published 1977.
AS 1211.3 fir st published 1977.
AS 12112.2—1972, AS 1211.1—1977 and
AS 1211.3—1977 revised, amalgamated and redesignated
AS 3960—1990.


ISBN 0 7262 5892 X
AS 3960—1990 2


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Reliability and
Maintainability, under the direction of the Quality and Reliability Standards Board to supersede
AS 1211, Reliability of electronic equipment and components, Part 1—1977: Terminology,
Part 2—1972: Reliability concepts, and Part 3—1977: Reliability program for equipment.
It is one of a number of Standards to be prepared on various aspects of reliability and
It is based largely on BS 5760, Reliability of constructed or manufactured products, systems,
equipments and components: Part 1: Guide to reliability and maintainability programme
management. Consideration was also given to IEC Publication 300, Reliability and maintainability
management, and this Standard is compatible with that publication.
This Standard extends the scope of the AS 1211 series beyond the confines of electronic hardware
and increases the detail in which the subject is treated. The presentation of material has been
re-formatted so as to provide clear guidance on the separate tasks required for effective reliability
and maintainability program management.


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Care should be taken to ensure that material used is fr om the current editi on of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the
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The use of material in pri nt form or in computer soft ware programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in
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3 AS 3960—1990



FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


1.1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


2.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


3.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
IN A SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
IN PRACTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24



4.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
4.2 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
4.3 RELIABILITY PREDICTION BY MODELLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4 PROVISION OF RELIABILITY DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25
4.5 RELIABILITY GROWTH TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26
4.6 RELIABILITY DEMONSTRATION AND TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26
4.7 MAINTAINABILITY PREDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27



5.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . 29
5.2 DATA INPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . ... . .. . 29
5.3 DATA SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . . .. . 34
5.4 DESIGNING THE DATA COLLECTION FORM . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . 35
5.5 VALIDITY OF DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. . 35
5.6 COLLECTION AND FLOW OF RELIABILITY DATA . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . 36
5.7 ANALYSIS OF DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . 36
5.8 FAILURE CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . .. . 37
5.9 INTERPRETATION AND PRESENTATION OF DATA . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . 37


A TERMS FOR RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

TERMINOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
AS 3960—1990 4


A standardized systematic approach to reliability and maintainability of manufactured and constructed

products is essential to ensure that pertinent statements are consistent and unambiguous in all
communications. As well as providing a basis for the preparation of reliability and maintainability
programs, this Standard can be used in preparing documents concerned with the specification of reliability
and maintainability or the reporting of reliability and maintainability data or tests. Maintainability is
applicable for systems and equipments that are repaired following failure.
It is vital that reliability and maintainability be considered in a manner similar to the other characteristics
of a system, equipment or item, from its design conception to the end of its working life, and that the
reliability and maintainability experience of one generation of products, engineers or technology is used
by the next. This requires that each factor affecting reliability and maintainability at any stage in the life
of an item be identified and considered in its relationship to the other factors. A reliability and
maintainability program is the formalization of this procedure. It may be necessary to divide such a
program into two parts, one of which may be the concern of the designer and manufacturer, and the other
the concern of the user. It is most important that consideration be given to the reliability and
maintainability of items or parts which are used by one manufacturer but produced by another, i.e.
subcontractor evaluation and vendor appraisal (see AS 1821, AS 1822, AS 3901 and AS 3902).
Satisfactory reliability and maintainability have traditionally been achieved by the use of codes of practice
or methods of working that have been shown by experience to give good results for established products.
However, with the increase in pace of change and performance expectations, it is no longer sufficient to
consider reliability and maintainability in purely qualitative terms when their achievement often demands
the specification of quantitative criteria. Accordingly, the onus should be on all parties (i.e. the designer,
supplier, purchaser or any other responsible authority) to specify quantitative requirements wherever
With the need to satisfy competing constraints, including stricter health and safety requirements, the advent
of new materials and pressure to reduce costs, reliability and maintainability should be expressed in
quantitative terms if they are to be given their proper weight. For example, a product may be required to
achieve at least a certain useful life, not to exceed a certain failure rate or to have an extremely high
availability. Quantitative statements relating to reliability and maintainability should then be made which
may be accompanied by stipulations that certain codes of practice be followed.
One aspect of quantitative reliability and maintainability that requires emphasizing is that often reliability
and maintainability can be predicted even for products of new design and high cost, such as a ship’s
propulsion system or a new kind of nuclear reactor pressure vessel, but only if there is sufficient
knowledge of the processes leading to failure, including data based on the statistical analysis of
observations made.
The designer’s or user’s confidence that reliability and maintainability requirements will be met depends
on the following:
(a) Adequacy of the data about failures.
(b) Correct interpretation of such data in the existing environment.
(c) A disciplined approach to the specification and design of the product or service.
Data should be obtained about failures from the following sources:
(a) Reliability testing.
(b) Field data.
(c) Knowledge of the physical processes leading to failure.
A reliability and maintainability program sets out to provide products with acceptable levels of reliability
and maintainability at an acceptable cost rather than products with improved reliability and maintainability
regardless of cost. For this reason the quantitative approach is essential. The qualitative approach can be
effective in improving reliability and maintainability but the improvement can not be quantified.
In general terms and philosophy this Standard is equally applicable to all parts of a system, including the
software. The subject of software reliability and maintainability is considered to be a separate discipline,
and the techniques of software reliability and maintainability are not dealt with in detail in this Standard,
except where they interface at the system level.
5 AS 3960—1990

However, it is important to recognize that software as a product is different from all other engineering
products in that it is not tangible, and it does not wear out. Software exhibits faults, but, unlike hardware
faults, they originate in undetected errors in the software specification, design logic and the coding process.
These errors generate faults only when that part of the program is executed and specific (input) conditions
exist. The errors mature into failures when they affect the response of the system. Such software-induced
system failures exhibit time dependency because the range of system inputs may vary with time, and the
process of a mistake maturing into a failure is of uncertain duration and depends on the application of the
system. Software reliability and maintainability assurance is therefore not a question of showing, avoiding
or compensating for changes such as wear, but of attempting to detect or limit the effect of mistakes in
While systems have always had a logic content, the advent of computers has afforded the opportunity to
incorporate very large, complicated and often subtle logic structures. These structures often exceed the
capability of the human mind to perceive them in total and thus the difference in scale of the logic now
possible brings a greater chance of human error at all stages of the life cycle.
AS 3960—1990 6


Australian Standard
Guide to reliability and maintainability program management


1.1 SCOPE. This Standard provides guidance on 1.2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The following
reliability and maintainability program management documents are referred to in this Standard:
of manufactured and constructed products. It
discusses the essential features of a comprehensive
program for the planning, organization, direction and 1057 Quality assurance and quality control—
control of resources to produce systems, equipment Glossary of terms
and components which will be reliable and 1199 Sampling procedures and tables for
maintainable. In management terms it is concerned inspection by attributes
with what has to be done, and why, and when and
how it has to be done, but it cannot be specific about 1821 Suppliers quality systems for design,
who should do it and where, because organizations development, production and installation
and projects vary widely.
1822 Suppliers quality systems for production
Section 2 reviews the essential features of a and installation
comprehensive reliability and maintainability
program, setting out a logical framework in which the 2490 Sampling procedures and charts for
activities described in the other Sections can take inspection by variables for percent
place. defective
Section 3 describes the steps that should be followed 2529 Collection of reliability, availability and
when a specification of reliability and maintainability maintainability data for electronics and
is drafted. The Section provides guidance on the similar engineering use
inclusion of reliability and maintainability clauses in
specifications relating to the performance, 2530 Presentation of reliability data on electronic
construction, testing and installation of manufactured and similar components
products, and indicates the nature of the reliability
and maintainability statements appropriate to each 2990 Quality systems for engineering and
specification. construction projects
Section 4 is an introduction to the means by which 3900 Quality systems—Guide to selection and
quantitative values can be assigned to the reliability use
and maintainability of systems, equipment and
components at various stages in their life cycle, and 3901 Quality systems for design/development,
the factors that influence that assignment. production, installation and servicing
Section 5 describes the processes of assimilation and 3902 Quality systems for production and
utilization of the data on which assessment and installation
prediction of reliability and maintainability are based.
Appendix A provides the user with a supplementary 5760 Reliability of systems, equipments and
list of terms for reliability and maintainability, taken components—
from IEC Publication 271, which are not found in Part 2: Guide to the assessment of
AS 1057. reliability
1. Appendix B provides an explanation of reliabili ty and
maintainabil it y terminology. 271 List of basic terms, definitions and related
mathematics for reliability
2. Appendix C provides a complete index of terms for reliabili ty
and maintainabili ty.
3 Many but not all of the program elements described in this 1.3 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this
Standard are appli cable to the achievement of reli abil it y and Standard the definitions given in AS 1057 and the
maintainabil it y of services. terms listed in Appendix A of this Standard apply.

7 AS 3960—1990



2.1 GENERAL. In many projects there are no sharp demarcations

2.1.1 Life cycle concept. The reliability and between the definition, design and development,
maintainability activities to be implemented for each production and operation phases. However, for
phase of the product life cycle need to be selected clarity, distinctions are drawn in this Section. The
within the context of the total life cycle of the activities appropriate to the different phases are as
product. Decisions made at any time have an impact given in Table 1.
on product reliability, maintainability and cost at that Activities are also shown in flow diagram form in
time, and in subsequent phases of the product life. Figure 1. They are explained in the text of this
The product life cycle has a number of distinct phases Section in relation to overall project management
as follows: responsibilities and time scale. Some of these
activities have a direct bearing on the reliability and
(a) Definition phase—in which the concept and the
maintainability achieved in service but they are
need for the product are decided and its basic
contained in other program elements. The reliability
requirements are defined, usually in the form of
and maintainability program should therefore be
a product specification agreed upon between
prepared and implemented in conjunction with the
manufacturer and user.
other parts of the quality program and safety
(b) Design and development phase—in which the program.
product hardware and software are created to NOTE: Examples of requir ements for a quali ty system are given
perform the functions described in the product in AS 1821, AS 1822, AS 2990 and AS 3900.
specification. This phase will normally include 2.1.3 General considerations on maintainability.
the assembly and testing of a prototype product, In common usage, maintainability is concerned with
under laboratory simulated conditions or in two very different concepts—
actual field trials, and the formulation of detailed
manufacturing specifications and instructions for (a) hardware; where the purpose is to retain the item
operation and maintenance. in, or restore it to its required state; and
(c) Production phase—in which the design is put (b) software; where the purpose is to correct
into production. inadequacies.
(d) Installation and commissioning phase—in which, In hardware systems, maintainability has a direct
in the case of large complex products, the influence on system availability. Reliability and
installation of the product on a particular site maintainability should be planned together throughout
may be regarded as an extension of the design and development and integrated wherever
production phase. possible to maintain a balance with life cycle costs.
(e) Operation and maintenance phase—in which the In systems containing software, maintainability refers
product is operated for the period of its useful to the ease with which the software can be modified
life. During this phase, essential preventive and in order to bring it in line with the original
corrective maintenance actions are taken and requirements. The maintainability program should
product performance is monitored. The useful ensure that software maintenance can be performed
life of a product ends when its operation with the minimum effect on the reliability of the
becomes uneconomic because of increasing system.
repair costs or other factors, or the product 2.1.4 Cost considerations. It may be neither
becomes technically obsolete. necessary nor desirable to fully implement all the
(f) Disposal phase—in which the product reaches activities described in this Section. A suitable
the end of its planned useful life, or the compromise should be reached whereby reliability
requirement no longer exists for the product, and and maintainability needs are balanced against all the
it is disposed of, destroyed, or, if economically other factors. Whole life costs are the sum of the
feasible, modernized. initial acquisition costs and costs of subsequent
ownership. For complex equipment the ownership
2.1.2 Aim of a reliability and maintainability cost can be a high proportion of whole life costs.
program. The aim of a reliability and Furthermore, a properly integrated reliability and
maintainability program as part of a quality system is maintainability program, as illustrated in Figure 2,
to ensure that adequate and effective effort is brought can show an overall cost benefit to the manufacturer
to bear on reliability, and maintainability (for in terms of reduced costs of technical support, repair
maintained products), during all phases of the and replacement, and warranties. It can also lead to
life-cycle of an item; and to ensure activities which increased competitiveness and goodwill and have a
contribute to reliability and maintainability are vital significance in the prevention of product liability
properly integrated with other contract/specification claims. It follows, therefore, that there should be
activities. The program should provide continuous continuous communication between the design
study of both quantitative and qualitative authority/manufacturer and the customer/user after the
requirements throughout all phases of a project; customer has formulated his reliability and
reliability and maintainability assessments should be maintainability requirements. The procedures set out
updated; specified requirements should be verified; in this Section give guidance on implementing an
and the reliability and maintainability activities effective reliability and maintainability program,
should be integrated with other elements of the which should be integrated with design, development
development, production and operation program. and production activities, thus allowing its overall

AS 3960—1990 8

objectives to be achieved in the most cost-effective (g) maintenance, logistics support and future
way. Maintainability is only applicable to systems requirements;
and equipment that are subject to repair and (h) design, development and manufacture; and
maintenance. The product development and
production activity decision making process should (i) ownership costs, e.g. operation, maintenance,
consider the impact of— energy, etc.
(a) the complexity, the development risk and
function of the product, and the hostility of the 2.1.5 Relative effectiveness of program activities.
environment in which it is to be used; It is not possible to predict accurately the relative
effectiveness of each activity on improving reliability
(b) the availability of reliability and maintainability and maintainability. The choice of activities and the
data; resources to be expended on each should be based on
(c) the value of the appropriate reliability and past experience of similar projects. The following
maintainability (if applicable) characteristic for statements are offered as a general guide:
the principal phases in the total life; (a) The earlier a design change can be agreed, the
(d) demonstration and guarantees required; lower the total cost is likely to be. The cost of
making a design change at the production or
(e) facilities, workload and schedule; usage stage is normally many times the cost of
(f) reliability and maintainability aspects of doing so at the initial design and development
operation and safety; stage.

Phase Acti viti es Subclause
Defi niti on Feasibil it y study
Statement of reli abil it y and maintainabili ty
objectives and requir ements
Reli abil it y and maintainabili ty specifi cati on and
contract formulation
Design and development Analysis of part s, materi als and processes
(i ncluding init ial Analysis of established and novel features
manufacture) Fail ure mode, eff ect and crit icalit y analysis
Incident sequence analysis (fault tree analysis)
Stress and worst case analysis
Reli abil it y prediction
Redundancy analysis
Human factors
Design review
Design audit
Design change control
Maintainabil it y analysis
Maintainabil it y predicti on
Maintainabil it y design crit eria
Safety program
Test plans
Part s and sub-assembly testing
Perf ormance and envir onmental testing
Accelerated testing
Endurance testing
Reli abil it y growth testi ng
Development reliabili ty demonstrati on testi ng
Maintainabil it y test and demonstrati on
Data coll ecti on, analysis and feedback
Producti on Preservati on of reli abil it y achievement
Qualit y conformance veri fi cati on
Screening (r un-i n, bed-in or burn-i n) of components
and assemblies
Producti on reliabili ty demonstrati on testing
Maintainabil it y in producti on
Additi onal software check
Installati on and System acceptance
commissioning Commissioning tests
Reli abil it y growth
Reli abil it y and maintainabili ty demonstrati on
Data coll ecti on
Reli abil it y and maintainabili ty assessment
Operation-Usage and Data coll ecti on, analysis, feedback and redesign/
maintenance modifi cati on

9 AS 3960—1990


AS 3960—1990 10


11 AS 3960—1990

(b) For complex items, design evaluation and (e) the constraints imposed by other requirements,
review, use of proven parts and processes, and e.g. performance, size, mass, safety and costs;
the use of redundancy or derating within the (f) provision for changes in requirements during the
design can greatly enhance overall system life of the product; and
reliability and maintainability. Large scale use of (g) maintenance and logistic support philosophy.
system redundancy can greatly improve overall For complex products it may be necessary to carry
system reliability and maintainability, but at an out a preliminary study to assess the reliability and
increase in initial cost and maintenance load. It maintainability likely to be attainable under the
should be noted that the useful system conditions expected, in order to set a sensible target.
redundancy may be limited by common mode (or This study should be in accordance with Section 4.
common cause) failures. Specification and contract. When the
(c) Reliability testing, including corrective action, feasibility of each relevant reliability and
carried out during the development and maintainability characteristic has been determined and
production phases, is an effective means of its value set and agreed on, it should be stated as the
increasing the reliability and maintainability of specified reliability and maintainability that is to be
complex products as well as increasing achieved and demonstrated for the product. This
confidence that the required level has been requirement or objective should then be included in
attained. a specification or contract. The specification should
(d) Reliability improvement depends on several take into account factors such as those given in
factors, such as the effectiveness of procedures Clause of this Standard, in as much detail as
for identifying, reporting and taking action on is necessary, and it should be drawn up in accordance
failures, the way the program is managed and the with Clause 2.1.1. Arrangements should be made in
use to which failure analyses are put. the overall program to allow for the reliability and
(e) The achievement of good maintainability in maintainability elements to be reviewed in terms of
design depends upon the thorough analysis of the the overall program, at predetermined intervals.
requirement through prediction, modelling and 2.2.2 Design and development phase.
allocation, followed by adherence to specific Establishment of product design guidelines
design techniques. Maintainability demonstration and codes. Design guidelines and codes should be
is applied iteratively during the design and compiled for use by design and development
development phase to provide confidence that engineers. These will include the producer’s and
maintainability requirements will be met. customer’s preferred or required design disciplines
2.1.6 Training. Personnel should have training and and maintenance policy, and a listing of all relevant
experience relevant to their reliability and Industry and Government Standards and Regulations,
maintainability tasks. Codes and Practices.
Reliability and maintainability disciplines should be Evaluation of costs. Consideration of
incorporated in training programs for personnel who product cost is a significant element of each product
will be responsible for operating, maintaining and design and development program. An evaluation of
supporting the product. The training and support life cycle cost of design alternatives should be part of
programs should consider the types and levels of the program.
training that will be needed by the different Analyses and other activities.
personnel. The reliability and maintainability plan should
Training requirements should be planned early in the establish a preliminary schedule for these analyses
reliability and maintainability program. Training and which takes into account major program milestones
support programs should be co-ordinated with product and the costs of performing these analyses.
development planning, maintenance policy, and the Analyses and other activities are as follows:
operational requirements of the product. (a) Allocation of reliability and maintainability
objectives. Reliability and maintainability
2.2 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES. targets should be allocated to subsystems so that
2.2.1 Definition phase. the system’s reliability and maintainability Feasibility study and statement of objectives requirements can be achieved in an optimal
and requirements. At the definition phase, the manner; considerations, for example are–product
originator of the requirement should consider the development time, system availability and life
reliability and maintainability characteristic that will cycle cost.
be required of the product in its different phases, and (b) Parts, materials and process analysis. The
the factors which will influence this. These factors design stage should include an analysis of the
include— reliability and maintainability implications of all
(a) the complexity of the product; parts, materials and processes called up in the
initial design. As far as practicable, parts or sub-
(b) the state of development of similar products and assemblies whose reliability and maintainability
of the parts to be used including the availability, characteristics (at the stress levels expected) are
accuracy and relevancy of reliability data; known, should be selected. Wherever possible,
(c) the method of use of the product, such as duty the number of different part types should be
cycles, maintenance, frequency of inspection and minimized by use of standard products.
expected life; For systems containing software, the designer
(d) the expected environmental conditions, which should select (based on known reliability and
should include operating and non-operating maintainability data) existing software, proven
conditions, packaging, transport and storage; languages and compilers, etc.

AS 3960—1990 12

(c) Established and novel features analysis. The design level and working down to component level,
should be analysed to identify those features that identifying all possible causes.
are established practice and those that are novel, NOTE: This technique is often used for the development of
including features that use novel components, novel maintainability programs and maintenance procedures.
software techniques, etc or use established (f) Stress and worst case analysis. This is an analysis
components in novel ways. The reliability and to ensure that the design will not cause
maintainability of each innovation in the design overstressing of components due to specified (or
should be assessed by analysis or testing in order to postulated abnormal) combinations of input
justify the proposed innovation objectively. conditions, output loading, environmental conditions
(d) Failure mode, effect and criticality analysis and parts’ tolerances. This has the purpose of
(FMECA). The design should be analysed in order ensuring that safety and reliability and
to determine possible modes of failure and their maintainability margins are adequate. Stress
effects on system operation. The primary objective conditions may be specified by regulating codes of
of such analysis is to discover critical failure areas practice, e.g. boiler and pressure vessel codes,
and design characteristics. It can be carried out lifting and winding gear codes, civil air worthiness
either by starting at the system level and expanding and in-flight requirements and motor vehicle safety
downwards, or from the component level upwards, legislation requirements. A complete analysis can be
to a level commensurate with necessity, time time consuming and costly, and priority should be
available and required assurance. Within the given to possible trouble areas indicated by the
analysis, each potential failure should be considered failure mode, effect and criticality analysis.
NOTE: In systems containing software the analogous activity
in the light of the probability of occurrence and will be ensuring that, under conditions of specified (or postulated
categorized as to its probable effect on the abnormal) stimuli from the outside world, no part of the system
successful operation of the system or item. will operate outside permitted time bounds, capacity bounds, etc.
This will aid in allocating resources for corrective (g) Reliability prediction. Using an appropriate
design action, reliability and maintainability, and mathematical model the relevant reliability and
development engineering. Such analysis should be maintainability characteristics of the product should
a major consideration in design reviews and should be predicted from published, laboratory, field parts
always be used to provide acceptance criteria for or subsystem reliability and maintainability data, for
test planning and the establishment of check out and the purpose of providing an indication as to whether
diagnosis procedures when required. Depending the product’s target reliability and maintainability
upon the nature of the system, major sub-units may specification can be met.
require separate analysis, often to meet specific (h) Redundancy analysis. An analysis to ascertain the
legal or safety code requirements, e.g. ships, need for redundancy should be performed on design
bridges, aircraft, high pressure vessels in process of items, failure of which may be critical in terms
plants and real time computing systems. of safety, costs, down time, etc. The analysis
Elements of the analysis are as follows: consists of a review of any aspect of the design that
can be replicated in order to provide an alternative
(i) Failure mode analysis—a study of the system means of performing the required function in case
and the working interrelationships of its of failure. This analysis should consider the possible
components under various anticipated options in terms of effect on overall reliability and
conditions of operation (normal and abnormal) maintainability, balanced against other features such
in order to determine probable failure location, as cost, size and mass. The type of redundancy
mode and mechanism. selected will be determined largely by the effects of
(ii) Failure effect analysis—a study of the failures against which redundancy is provided, in
potential failures that might occur in any which case the designer should consider the
section of the system, in order to determine provision of indicators, warnings or alarms to draw
the probable effect of each on all other attention to a failure on one path. This is essential
components, or sections, and on operational in the case of critical items where redundancy is
success. active or automatic. The effect of tandem working
(iii) Failure criticality analysis—a study of the upon individual item reliability and maintainability
potential failures in any section of the system (reduced stress), the increased maintenance load and
in relationship to other sections of the system, the reliability and maintainability of changeover
in order to determine the severity of each should also be considered in reaching a decision on
failure effect in terms of a probable safety or whether to add redundancy and, if so, what form it
environmental hazard, unacceptable should take (active or standby).
degradation of performance, or loss of (i) Human factors. The possibility of human error
operation or availability of the system. leading to unreliability and maintenance errors
(iv) Fault recovery analysis (applicable to should be considered over and throughout the life
software)—a study of the extent to which a cycle of the product. In particular, careful
fault can be bypassed or corrected consideration should be given to the way in which
automatically. reliability and maintainability of an item or system
(e) Incident sequence analysis (fault tree analysis). In may be reduced by the following:
cases where a major system failure can be (i) Communication. Good communication is
identified, it may be helpful to use a fault tree essential for reliability and maintainability
analysis to identify possible causes. This consists of throughout the life-cycle of a system. One of
an analysis of possible causes starting at system the most difficult and sophisticated communi-

13 AS 3960—1990

cation phases occurs when a design (k) Design audit. A critical examination of the
specification is being created, when it design should be made in order to ensure that
should be visible or communicable to those there will be an acceptable level of reliability
involved and affected, e.g. designers, and maintainability in operational use. It should
maintainers, and quality controllers. be carried out by engineers independent of the
(ii) Design. Care should be given to the design process, and should cover all aspects of
structure of the design, the design teams the manufacturing process from the design
and the design interface so that at every concept to testing, installation, operation, and
level the logic of the design can be degradation of performance in service and
perceived. Nevertheless, in the design phase maintenance. The audit should identify any
human error produces faults. To eliminate design weaknesses requiring modifications but it
such faults, methods of fault detection and should not offer a solution to the problems; the
well-structured procedures are required e.g. latter is the province of the designer.
drawing inspection, computer program (l) Design control and design change control. A
walk-through (check), simulation and task systematic procedure for review of evaluations,
analysis. analyses, appraisals and assessments of each
(iii) Operation. Careful consideration should be change during the evolution of the design should
given to the way in which the reliability be established to ensure that ‘reliability and
and maintainability of the product may be maintainability growth’ during initial design and
influenced by the performance and attitude development phases is shown to be adequate and
of the operator. This requires an analysis of satisfactory. All changes to the design after it
the operator’s function and information has reached the point of release for production or
needs, the way in which the information is installation are regarded as engineering changes.
provided, the operation response required, These also should be governed by design change
the physical actions required to respond and control measures to ensure reliability and
the response time allowed. Where the maintainability is not unacceptably reduced by
analysis reveals unsatisfactory features, later design changes made for reasons not
design changes may be necessary. In some concerned with reliability and maintainability,
cases it may be possible to quantify the e.g. ease of production, value analysis and value
element of human (personnel) unreliability engineering.
and maintainability in the total system, but (m) Maintainability analysis. Maintainability
in general this analysis is qualitative. analysis uses information from feasability
(j) Design review. The design program should analyses, failure mode and effect analyses, and
include formal reviews at appropriate stages of trade off studies to provide design guidance for
design, development, production and in-service maintainability. The analysis should include
usage, to evaluate achievement of the reliability assessment of accessibility, interchangeability,
and mai nt ai nabi l i t y and mai nt enance modularity, standardization, operator/maintainer
requirements. The review(s) should be a formal requirements, test and maintenance requirements,
systematic study of the design, to be carried out spares provisioning and maintenance policy.
jointly by specialists from the supplier’s(s’) and (n) Maintainability prediction. Maintainability
purchaser’s organization(s) and should take prediction enables an early assessment of the
account of such considerations as— maturity of the design and enables early
(i) current reliability and maintainability decisions concerning the compatibility of a
estimates and achievements, identification proposed design with specified requirements or
of principal items inhibiting reliability and the choice of other alternatives. Mathematical
maintainability, and reviews of reliability models are available to aid the prediction
and maintainability effort; process.
(o) Maintainability design criteria. This involves
(ii) potential design/production/installation
the development and application of design
problem areas;
criteria and guidelines, with the following aims:
(iii) reliability and maintainability analysis (i) Providing adequate accessibility, work
reports; space, and work clearance.
(iv) proposed design trade-offs, solutions to (ii) Reducing the need for and frequency of
reliability and maintainability problems, maintenance activities.
and status of previous review actions; (iii) Reducing maintenance downtime.
(v) effects of reliability and maintainability (iv) Reducing maintenance support costs.
engineering on design; (v) R e du ci ng ma i n t e na nc e p er so nn el
(vi) the extent of software in the system and the requirements.
effect on reliability and maintainability of (vi) Reducing potential for maintenance error.
the design approach adopted for the (vii) Providing a built-in test capability.
software; and NOTE: The above describe those activities which, during the
(vii) evaluation of significant differences design and development (including initial manufacturing) stages,
between the present and proven designs. can be carried out by the supplier, by an independent assessor,
or may be undertaken by the purchaser. Because of the
Minutes should be kept of these formal reviews, complexity of some systems, the level at which the above are
and provision should be made for the issuing of carried out should be carefully selected, taking into account
progress reports. costs, complexity of analysis and potential benefits.

AS 3960—1990 14 Safety program. Where it is necessary to carry (b) Parts and sub-assembly testing. The results of tests
out a separate safety program, the reliability and on components or sub-assemblies during
maintainability analyses should be used to provide development should be considered applicable to the
inputs. Much duplication of effort can be avoided if reliability and maintainability program, and should
common inputs and methods are used wherever be covered by the data collection system. Particular
practicable. attention should be given to components or
A safety program is a sequence of activities conducted sub-assemblies whose failure is critical.
during design, development, production, installation and (c) Performance and environmental testing.
usage, aimed at identification, elimination or control of Performance and environmental tests, often referred
hazards. to as ‘type tests’ or ‘qualification tests’, are part of
most development work, and are often called for by Testing and demonstration. Reliability and mandatory parts of specifications and sometimes by
maintainability verification tasks are carried out during statutory obligations. However, though they can
the design and development phase to verify the adequacy provide some useful success and failure data, they
of the design. They include both analysis and testing, are not usually of long enough duration, nor are the
taking into consideration the product performance history samples large enough, to provide high confidence in
and the associated hardware and software failure reliability and maintainability. Type tests should,
characteristics, where applicable. Types of tests are therefore, be considered as part of the reliability and
outlined as follows: maintainability program in so far as they produce
(a) Test plans. Testing is a normal part of any product information which can be combined with that
development for many reasons, e.g. performance, obtained from tests of longer duration to modify or
function and ergonomics. The function of reliability supplement the statistical data, and provide a basis
and maintainability program management is to make for reliability and maintainability improvement
maximum use of all such testing, and to determine modifications.
the amount and type of additional testing necessary (d) Accelerated testing. Products may be subjected to
both for reliability growth and for reliability and accelerated testing, in which stresses applied are
maintainability demonstrations. There are, however, more severe than those encountered in normal use,
special cases where reliability testing and in order to speed up ageing and thereby obtain
maintainability demonstration is not possible before degradation and failures in less time. It is a
the item goes into service; reliability and technique that reduces testing time, and hence costs.
maintainability can then only be predicted from an These tests are also valuable when used
adequate knowledge of statistical data or the physics qualitatively, e.g. to validate a failure mode, effect
of failure. This procedure is possible in principle, and criticality analysis. Two methods of applying
but it may be difficult in practice. this form of testing are usual: constant stress and
Methods of dealing with this situation are discussed step stress. Care should be taken in the
in Section 4. All testing should be integrated and categorization of failures induced by the accelerated
monitored centrally, and a uniform data collection test, as these modes may be different from those
and presentation system should be applied. likely to be experienced under expected operation
A test plan should be prepared which identifies the conditions, and therefore they may not be relevant.
aim and procedures of the test and the required Thus again, it is important that the physics of
facilities and resources, together with a time failure be understood.
schedule and assigned responsibilities. It is essential A common way in which computer system testing
to appreciate that every success and failure that is accelerated is to increase the rate of activity of
occurs is relevant reliability and maintainability input conditions so that the probability of
information, but that, to make full use of this data, occurrence of events that may cause failure is
each such event should be fully documented. All increased (as opposed to actually overloading the
failures on test should be fully analysed even if, system which is a changed mode of failure). In
superficially, they seem to be caused by factors not testing plant control systems, for instance, the
related to the product under test. operation of warning sensors may be simulated in
It is also essential to appreciate that testing to many combinations over, e.g. a two-hour period,
expose design weaknesses should be planned to where in practice they may only be rarely brought
generate failures. Weaknesses will only be into play, e.g. monthly or at even longer intervals.
demonstrated by failure, and therefore a test that (e) Endurance testing. Wherever endurance testing is
does not generate any failures has not provided any applied as part of a development program to prove
information on which to base improvements. All operational performance over a period or to obtain
tests should therefore be as severe as can be wear-out or fatigue information, the results should
considered compatible with the planned operation of be used to augment the failure data file. It should be
the products, and the maximum possible test time possible to combine these tests with reliability
should be spent at the limits of expected demonstration tests, either by superimposing the
environmental stress, or at overstress (see testing or by combining the data statistically if the
Section 4). test environments and samples are similar or
When testing systems that contain software, it is identical.
important to realize that a large proportion of the It should, however, be remembered that the
faults may be built into the software during the reliability characteristics of development models
design and development phase. Testing should may undergo significant changes in consequence of
therefore be organized to stress the design in ways the test-analyse-and-fix (TAAF) program (see
likely to demonstrate errors. Clause In the case of systems containing

15 AS 3960—1990

software, endurance testing may be carried out to (ii) The severity of the reliability requirement
identify the successful elements and the failures in relation to the predicted reliability.
in the software. The method of data (iii) Economic considerations.
accumulation has to be spread out over a period The test parameters to be applied (sample size,
of time on one sample, rather than over several test duration, decision rules for pass or failure of
samples. test, environment, cycling, item parameters to be
(f) Reliability growth testing. It is often necessary measured) should be determined on the basis of
to supplement general development test activities the production reliability demonstration
by allocating units specifically for the purpose of requirements (see Clause It should be
reliability growth testing. The object of such remembered that the reliability characteristics of
testing is to reveal sources of failure and to development models may be significantly
promote reliability improvements or growth by different from those of production models.
progressively eliminating them. The process is The information obtained from the reliability
also known as ‘test-analyse-and-fix’. demonstration testing (including prototype or
The allocated products are operated in an type approval test, etc) should be used to update
appropriately stressed environment for an the reliability assessment.
extended period and are monitored frequently. NOTE: Whilst it is possible to carr y out a development
reli abil it y demonstr ation test, in the case of systems
When failures occur, the units are repaired and containing soft ware, no great confidence can be placed on the
the test continues with separate failure result because of the problems wit h creati ng an appropriate
investigation and action, as required. A unit may environment for the test.
comprise any product ranging from a complete (h) Maintainability test and demonstration. The
system to a component. The principal steps in primary function of a maintainability test and
the reliability growth testing procedures are as demonstration is to verify that maintainability
follows: has been designed-in and built-in to a system or
(i) Stimulation of latent faults by exposure for equipment. Up to this point in development, the
a sufficient period (possibly some hundreds elements of the maintainability program have
or thousands of hours) to an environment been analytical in nature, and do not reflect
that is severe but maintained with specified practical experience with the actual hardware.
limits, coupled with realistic functioning Therefore, it is essential to confirm the
and frequent monitoring of the product. maintainability analysis by testing the hardware
in an operational or simulated operational
(ii) Diagnosis of each failure, repair of the environment, and by performing actual
associated fault, and continuation of testing. maintainability tests and demonstrations
(iii) Analysis of each failure to determine, if involving the prime equipment and its associated
possible, the basic cause. logistic resources (i.e. support equipment, tools,
technicians, technical data). Statistical methods,
(iv) Elimination of failures by corrective action using relatively small samples of maintenance
including design modifications where tasks, can be used to provide statistical
necessary. confidence that the maintainability requirements
(v) Proving the effectiveness of (iv) in have been met.
preventing further similar failures without (i) Data collection, analysis and feedback. The
undesirable side effects. extent of test documentation and data recording
(vi) Incorporation of approved modifications will depend on any contract data requirements
into other products. and on management objectives. In any case the
reliability and maintainability program should
It cannot be over-emphasized that the success of incorporate a system of reporting of test events
a reliability growth test depends as much upon and results which ensures the traceability of data
the feedback loop and follow-up action as upon and the documentation of conditions under which
the test program (see Clause the data was collected, the assumptions made,
(g) Development reliability demonstration testing. the permissible preventive maintenance during
This form of testing should be planned as an testing, the rules for determining which incidents
integral part of the development stage of any are to be considered as relevant failures and the
new product as it will provide early indication of procedures for analysis of test incidents and for
the likelihood that the item will pass the the recording of corrective action.
production phase demonstration tests. It should The following is a basic check list for data
also be integrated with any reliability collection analysis and feedback:
assessment, analysis and evaluation. It is (i) Date and time.
essential that development products be made (ii) Nature of test (environmental conditions,
available for testing, and this should be test equipment, test software configuration,
considered in the planning or manufacture of etc).
development models, and their allocation. The (iii) Component identification (type number,
decision as to how much reliability testing name, serial number, revision or issue
should be carried out during development should number, etc).
be based on the following:
(iv) Sub-assembly.
(i) The amount of sub-assembly testing
planned or carried out. (v) Assembly.

AS 3960—1990 16

(vi) The operating history, e.g. in hours, cycles run These are described in AS 1199 and AS 2490. Sampling
or throughput. procedures are not relevant to software and 100% quality
(vii) Mode of operation (if applicable), e.g. full conformance verification is recommended.
output, half output, or nature of function Documentation, terminology and methods of categorizing
performed. failures should be common to all parts of the program.
(viii) Failure mode. In so far as quality control also attempts to identify and
take action on potential failures, in addition to those
(ix) Failure cause. which have already occurred, and to report on aspects
(x) Failure effect. that affect properties other than reliability, other
procedures may be used. However, a close link should be
(xi) Classification of failure (consequence and maintained, preferably through the failure analysis,
severity, relevant or non-relevant, systematic between the reporting of potential failures (e.g. material
or random). faults prior to working) and actual failure reporting from
(xii) Corrective action for test continuation. the field.
(xiii) Diagnosis and repair time (expressed as active Screening (run-in, bed-in or burn-in) of
or total repair time or total down time). components and assemblies. The extent of screening
(xiv) Cross-reference to previous occurrences of the required, and the stage at which it is to be applied, may
same type of failure. be specified in whole or in part. The following points
should be considered in stating screening requirements:
(xv) Corrective action proposed to prevent
recurrence. (a) The screening performed at components level by the
parts supplier.
(xvi) Name(s) and position(s) of personnel
conducting the analysis. (b) The cost of repair or rejection at each stage of
To be effective, all data should be analysed, and the
analysis fed back to design and production so that the (c) The processes involved at each stage of
necessary corrective action can be planned and manufacture.
implemented as quickly and economically as practicable. (d) The stress levels to be applied: these should not be
The analysis and particularly the categorization of lower than the stress levels applicable to the
failures, in terms of relevance, responsibility and production reliability demonstration (see
proposed corrective action, should ideally be prepared in Clause
conjunction with the appropriate design, development,
production and quality staff. (e) The duration of screening tests to be applied: this
should be dependent on the stress levels applied and Transition from development: changes in the nature of the failure rate/time curve.
production method. Methods suitable for production
may differ from those used for the initial manufacture of As screening relates principally to the early failure
the prototypes or test trial items on which all the period, the data derived from it should not be added
development reliability testing has been done. Each such to those derived from long duration testing for the
change should be regarded as a design change and the purpose of reliability assessment. The data should
change control procedure of Clause should be be used, however, in the same way as any other
used. data for reliability improvement proposals and for
modifying manufacturing processes. If items
In systems containing software it is important to note
subjected to production reliability tests are subjected
that changes of tools, e.g. compilers, may produce a
to screening prior to the tests, it is essential that all
significantly different product (in terms of reliability).
production items be screened to the same extent.
2.2.3 Production phase. Production reliability demonstration testing. Preservation of reliability achievement. The Production reliability demonstration tests should be
reliability and maintainability program should state planned as the assurance, on final release, that the
procedures to be followed during the production of finished product has met the reliability specification
systems and equipments in order to prevent departure requirement, i.e. that the achieved and demonstrated
from the achieved and demonstrated reliability. The reliability requirement has been maintained prior to
proceduresdeveloped should include those manufacturing delivery.
process controls that are to be applied during production.
Procedures for reliability acceptance and endurance tests As with the development stage testing, products should
should be included in the reliability program. Suitable be selected for the tests as part of the production plan.
procedures should be established to control any The testing should be as realistic as practicable and
manufacturing process that affects product reliability. should aim at reproducing the maximum stress levels and
Examples of such controls are quality conformance operating conditions to be expected in customer service.
verification measures and quality control procedures in However, it is not always possible to obtain good
accordance with the agreed quality level. correlation between test and service reliability, and it
may be more economical to use accelerated testing Quality conformance verification. It is generally techniques (see Clause 4.6.3). Demonstrations should be
accepted that quality control of components and representative of the specified reliability parameter (e.g.
processes is essential in order to achieve and maintain time, distance, cycles). The test specification should
reliability. However, to ensure that quality control is include at least the following:
fully effective, it should be integrated with the reliability
program and its planning. Acceptance sampling (a) The required sample sizes and sampling procedure
procedures for attributes and variables should be adopted. (see AS 1199 and AS 2490 for recommendations).

17 AS 3960—1990

(b) Full details of stress levels and environmental operations to test the system successfully. The quality
and operating conditions. system should provide assurance that the detailed
(c) Types of test, durations, accept/reject criteria and requirements for the commissioning tests are met, and
decision risks (confidence level). that the procedures laid down are followed precisely,
(d) Parameters to be monitored. and any variations are properly recorded and
(e) Maintenance procedures (corrective and
preventive). Reliability growth. Any design weaknesses
that become evident as a result of the commissioning
(f) Specific failure definitions in amplification of
tests should be brought to the attention of the
basic definitions.
designer so that the appropriate action may be taken.
The types of test may cover qualification tests of Reliability growth implies that any corrections should
early production items, sampling tests on later improve the final system overall reliability.
production batches, and endurance tests to determine
the existence of any wear-out failure modes. Reliability and maintainability demonstration.
Clause 4.6 covers the use of demonstration test Reliability and maintainability demonstration tests
statistics in the assessment of reliability. should be primarily directed at demonstrating that the
reliability and maintainability specifications have Mai nt ai nabi l i t y i n product i on. been achieved. The maintainability aspect should
Maintainability is a design characteristic that is not further demonstrate the ease of maintenance, the need
sensitive to the production process. Maintainability for spares allocation and the prediction of mean times
program effort is minimal during the production to repair/restore.
phase, in comparison to the reliability effort.
Maintainability demonstrations are seldom performed Data collection. The test program should
cost-effectively during the production phase. Activity contain detailed data sheets to ensure that all desired
is mainly directed towards— data, both input and output, are recorded. The data
sheets should also include spaces for recording
(a) ensuring that maintainability achievements are
information such as environmental conditions, dates,
not degraded;
precise system configuration, test engineer, quality
(b) implementing any maintainability enhancements; personnel identification, operational times, failure
and events and other data to permit the reconstruction of
(c) ensuring that modifications to the system or the tests if required.
equipment do not degrade maintainability. Reliability and maintainability assessment. Additional software check. It is important The detailed data sheets should ensure that all failures
that there is a plan to ensure that the production are recorded and that the failure reports provide
phase for systems containing software does not sufficient information for an analysis to define the
contribute to a reduction in reliability. The following failure adequately. Inherent reliability weaknesses and
points should be considered, bearing in mind their problem areas should be analysed and defined. These
cost and complexity: should be reported to the designer for the appropriate
(a) Sample screening of the material of software action to be taken.
(b) 100% validation of the software copying process. 2.2.5 Operation-usage and maintenance phase.
(c) 100% validation that the hardware and software Information and data collection, analysis,
complements match. feedback and redesign/modification. During the
2.2.4 Installation and commissioning phase. warranty, guarantee or hand-over stages of the
product, reliability and maintainability information, System acceptance. The installation phase of such as in-service information, provides a vital
the reliability and maintainability program should be feedback function to the producer. The operation
planned and controlled so that the reliability and phase of the item should be considered to be part of
maintainability from the production phase is not the reliability and maintainability program, even
degraded. Procedures and instructions for conducting though this now depends mainly on the user. The
acceptance inspection, testing of systems and manufacturer, and in certain instances the user,
components by verifying compliance with the initial should consider the operation to be an extension of
specification and design should be provided. reliability and maintainability demonstration testing. Commissioning tests. Reliability and Therefore, data collection, analysis and feedback
maintainability testing on systems and sub-systems should be continued, and followed up by redesign and
should be performed to define existing weaknesses modification, if further reliability improvement is
and problem areas. This should involve several levels required. Even if it is not planned to introduce further
of testing and, for complex installed systems, these changes in the item, the analysis of operational
may include— failure data can be used to ascertain the correlation
(a) cabling tests; between reliability testing and operational failure
(b) sub-system functional tests; data, so that future demonstration specifications can
(c) software validation tests; be better related to the operational requirement.
Ideally, failure reporting and analysis during
(d) integration tests; and operation should be as comprehensive as during
(e) final system overall functional tests. reliability demonstration. In practice, however, most
Test procedures should describe and control the field failure reporting systems give less than
distinct areas of testing, specifying the test equipment satisfactory results. This is because of the difficulty
and calibration requirements. The test program itself of obtaining meaningful data on the conditions under
should describe in detail all adjustments and which failure occurred.

AS 3960—1990 18

Even with the failed product in hand it can be corrosion, etc) so that maintenance is minimized
difficult to identify the causes which contributed to while still providing adequate protection. Ideally,
the failure. It is important, therefore, that the such preventive maintenance should be performed just
reporting system be structured so that the specific prior to, or early in, the increasing failure rate period,
information requirements are stated and not left to i.e. at the onset of wear-out. This can be evaluated
chance. through condition monitoring.
For expensive products the cost of field failure For some types of engineering equipment subject to
reporting and analysis can often be recovered by fatigue, wear, corrosion, etc, the failure rate increases
further reliability improvement. from the beginning of usage, and in such cases the Maintenance. Maintenance of equipment in most cost-effective preventive maintenance policy
operation obviously affects reliability, and should be determined by analysis of failure statistics
maintenance should be based on the reliability and other relevant data. However, optimum
characteristics of the item. Basic preventive preventive and corrective maintenance policies can be
maintenance (lubrication, cleaning, inspection, etc) formulated only if adequate reliability recording and
reduces the rate and severity of such failure causes as analysis are performed during operation. Where
wear and corrosion. Preventive maintenance should systems contain software, corrective maintenance of
also be related to the existence of known the software element will invariably result in a
time-dependent failure modes (fatigue, wear, change to the system design.

19 AS 3960—1990



3.1 GENERAL. such as one of those described in AS 1821, AS 2990

3.1.1 Types of specification. The form of a or AS 3901.
reliability and maintainability specification can vary Calculation or estimation of a value for (ii) is at
considerably. It may comprise a statement that present a particularly imprecise science. The
defines the required test program to meet the di ffi cul t y shoul d not , however, prevent
purchaser’s requirements, or it may be a formal acknowledgement of the factor of unreliability due to
specification that defines the complete management design error.
structure and sets standards for all aspects from 3.1.2 Purpose of reliability and maintainability
operating environment, demands for life testing, to clauses. Reliability and maintainability clauses state
details defining environmental or functional testing. the reliability and maintainability required, without
A specification may, for example, be prepared by an which the item may not be procured or purchased.
ultimate user, as a statement of the user’s needs, or it They detail targets for design, development or
may be a design specification prepared by a supplier production, installation and commissioning, and state
in conjunction with the user, as a detailed statement the reliability and maintainability that is expected in
of the quality level for production items. service.
The detail written into a specification depends on the Reliability and maintainability clauses normally
nature of the product, its purpose and the market for contain three elements, as follows:
which it is intended. (a) The objective or required value of the relevant
Reliability can be specified by a series of reliability and maintainability characteristics,
specifications each of which derives from the expressed in performance terms.
preceding stage as shown in Figure 3. This method (b) The conditions of use, storage and maintenance,
can be very effective because only the relevant and the life of the item, during which this
clauses appear in each document, and the reliability reliability and maintainability is required.
requirements do not have to be sought elsewhere. (c) The means by which the required reliability and
There is a risk, however, that this technique may maintainability are to be, or have been, assured.
result in reliability clauses that do not clearly define
the standards required. The alternative is to prepare 3.1.3 Qualitative versus quantitative approach to
a single document that covers all aspects of reliability reliability and maintainability. In the past,
requirements, and is referred to generally as the reliability and maintainability clauses have often been
‘reliability specification’. The preparation of a included in specifications in a qualitative rather than
separate reliability specification in its simplest form a quantitative sense. Satisfactory reliability and
has the advantage of providing a check list that maintainability have been thought of as subjective
ensures that no important features are omitted in the characteristics, achieved by the use of suitable codes
preparation of any other specifications. of practice or methods of working established over
decades of observed experience. For certain products,
The risk of omission will be minimized by having such as simple consumer products, such a qualitative
good liaison and review procedures to examine each approach may still suffice; for others, and especially
specification before it is published to ensure that it where a product is designed and developed to meet a
is— particular purchaser’s requirements and where
(a) precise; inservice availability and cost of maintenance are
(b) complete; and significant, a quantitative approach is necessary.
(c) unambiguous, particularly as regards acceptance/ In such cases it is essential to make quantitative
rejection criteria corresponding to the desired statements relating to reliability and maintainability;
functions and the reliability of the product in for example, one product may be required to have not
question. more than a specified maximum failure rate, or
another may be required to be repaired in a specific
From the point of view of a system user, failure to time frame without specialist test equipment. In
perform as required, or unreliability, can be general, it is good practice to follow the steps
considered as being caused by either– recommended in Clause 3.2.1 in all circumstances,
(i) a failure of hardware, user instruction, etc; or adopting a qualitative approach only in the special
(ii) a residual error in the design logic of the cases where it is impossible, unnecessary or
systems–possible with hardware, more probable uneconomic to be quantitative.
with software. 3.1.4 Quantitative reliability clauses. Before any
As systems increase in size and complexity, quantitative reliability statement can be made, the
unreliability due to (ii) above is likely to be an following need to be specified:
increasing percentage of the total unreliability (a) A task (time or other measure of usage), for
exhibited by the system. which a probability can be expressed.
It has to be emphasized that the design phase does (b) The performance at which the item’s function
have a considerable impact on system reliability and ceases to be satisfactory, i.e. the criterion of
maintainability. To minimize unreliability due to failure.
design errors, consideration should be given to the (c) The conditions under which the product is to
application of a quality system to the design phase function.

AS 3960—1990 20

Target Function Product Materials Process Inspection Test A cceptance H andling, Installation U se Maintenance D isposal
specification specification specification specification specification specification specification specification storage and specification specification specification specification
transport (Manual) (Manual) (Manual) (No tice)
Storage and use Limitation of D esign C hoice of Assembly C hecks during Endurance and Inspection and Procedures for U npacking and Instructions for Preventive and
conditions the features critical materials and methods, assembly/ environmental conformity/ packing and installation setting up, corrective
performance, for the components for treatments and construction tests reliability test transportation procedures operating, maintenance
Lifespan ratings and achievement of compromise procedures and on data necessary to ensure that w ith lowest risk using, procedures
(durability) characteristics the reliability between w hich minimize completion of Accelerated for product the conditions of introducing controlling and w hich give
to give a objectives and production/ the introduction details critical
tests FMECA acceptance, encountered by external adjusting the maximum
R eliability compromise requirements construction, of failure for failure analysis approval and the equipment causes of product which availability
characteristics between level convenience mechanisms certification do not exceed failure are consistent consistent w ith
(Failure rate, of function and and reliability U se of FMEC A R esistance to those for w hich w ith the reliability
MRBF , etc) reliability objectives Information misuse it is rated reliability characteristics
objectives objectives and
Maintainability Storage of The object is to give the lowest
and D efinition of parts to avoid protect the chance of
maintenance failure classes deterioration reliability misuse
objectives likely to induce objectives and
failure requirements in
R esistance to the target
Misuse specification

NOTE: This figure does not call up design or management techniques to be used.


21 AS 3960—1990

A product is designed, and the initial reliability (c) Maintainability program requirements to be
requirement is stated, to satisfy certain performance accomplished by the supplier to assure that the
criteria and conditions of use and maintenance. If delivered item has the required maintainability
these criteria and conditions are not compatible with characteristics.
those that occur during in-service use by the (d) Provision of maintenance support planning.
customer, the quantitative reliability levels at each A maintainability specification typically covers the
stage will not necessarily bear any relation to each various aspects of maintainability requirements at the
other. Thus, at whatever product phase the operational level. However, since maintainability
specification and its reliability clauses are written, affects maintenance and support costs and
those who are working to its requirements should be maintenance times at different maintenance levels,
able either to control the ultimate conditions of use statements should be included in the specification
and maintenance and the failure criteria that will be covering requirements needed at all levels affected by
applied, or to predict them with sufficient accuracy the maintenance policy.
and in sufficient detail.
3.1.8 Qualitative maintainability requirements.
Unless the ultimate conditions of use are controlled, The qualitative approach considers specification of
predicted, or arbitrarily chosen for assessment, a design disciplines and the degree to which the item
quantitative measure of reliability cannot be made. concurs with a specific maintenance and support
The only alternative is to use a purely qualitative policy. Where the qualitative requirement contains
approach. numerical values, it should be qualified by a
3.1.5 Problems in applying the quantitative statement of the degree to which it should be met.
approach. Where adequate failure data are available, This could be done by proportions of cases or events,
there is normally no difficulty in writing a by confidence levels or by other probabilities.
quantitative specification of reliability. Special Otherwise, compliance must be judged by inspection
problems may, however, be introduced by certain or document review. Such policies could include
features of the product or of the project program, statements such as the following:
such as— (a) Repair shall be performed by personnel of stated
(a) a requirement for extremely high reliability (e.g. skill level.
a low failure rate or high mean time between (b) Repair shall be performed by replacement of
failures); recoverable units.
(b) a requirement for extremely long life;
(c) Replaceable parts shall be plug-in units.
(c) high cost or shortage of test samples; or
(d) the size or complexity of the equipment or item. (d) Maintenance shall be performed according to
defined and established procedures.
The presence of these problems does not, however,
invalidate the approach described in the following (e) Failed part isolation shall be performed by
clauses; their effect is to cause difficulty in obtaining built-in test equipment for 95% of all cases.
reliability assurances as discussed more fully in Examples of qualitative aspects for which
Clause 3.2.9. requirements may be specified are–
The designer’s confidence that the reliability (i) maintenance skill level requirements;
requirements will be met is dependent on the (ii) need for special tools or test equipment;
adequacy of the data available concerning failure. (iii) need for adjustments;
This data can only be obtained from reliability (iv) parts standardization;
testing, from field data, or from knowledge of the
physical processes leading to failure. The greater the (v) clear subsystem function identification;
volume of data, the greater the confidence. A small (vi) visual inspection access;
volume of data, therefore, requires considerable (vii) built-in test facilities;
engineering judgement in its interpretation. (viii) properly marked test points;
3.1.6 Qualitative approach. When reliability is (ix) colour coding and labels as appropriate;
specified qualitatively, the methods used to assure (x) use of plug-in units;
reliability should be clearly described in the
specification. The criteria against which reliability (xi) use of captive fasteners;
may be judged should be stated. Where possible, it is (xii) use of handles on replaceable units;
advisable for the customer to agree on the (xiii) scope and range of technical manuals; and
specification with the supplier as well as on the (xiv) human factor limitations in the design of the
extent of reliability assurance to be carried out. If the item.
reliability data are to remain valid, it is essential for When writing a specification, not only should
the customer to ensure that the relevant operating and requirements be stated on how things should be done,
maintenance conditions in particular are met. Thereby but in most cases there are also constraints on ways
the greatest influence on reliability will be achieved. of meeting requirements which, for various reasons,
3.1.7 Quantitative maintainability clauses. A cannot be accepted (for example, no preventive
complete statement of maintainability requirements maintenance will be allowed during certain periods of
will cover four broad areas, as follows: time). Failure to specify constraints might give the
(a) Maintainability characteristics to be achieved by designer the opportunity to fulfil his maintainability
the item design. requirements at the expense of the user (e.g. by
(b) Constraints to be placed on the deployment of requiring more expensive instrumentation and the use
the item which will affect its maintenance. of special tools).

AS 3960—1990 22

Constraints needed in a specification depend on the (e) Resistance to misuse—the means of protecting the
nature of the maintainability requirements discussed product, during any phase of its total life, against
above. It is advisable to explicitly examine the need the effects of misuse.
for each objective stated. Generally, such constraints (f) Maintenance—the maintenance requirements and
will include a basic maintenance and support policy procedures that should be specified to the user.
with limits for critical resources like expensive Maintenance periods and time out of operations
instrumentation, high cost spares, and skill and (down time) necessary to carry out maintenance
number of personnel at each level in the organization. should be specified. Maintenance may be provided
Some statement on the amount and the nature of by the supplier or procedures may be given in the
preventive maintenance will often be included in the form of a manual.
specification. Special emphasis should be given to (g) Storage life—maximum stored life (shelf life) and
constraining critical resources to be held on site. any protection required during storage.
Emphasis should also be given to constraining periods
(h) Supplier’s reliability testing—any testing such as
of time relative to expected utilization of the
life testing or environmental testing which the
equipment, when preventive maintenance can be
supplier chooses to protect/ensure the reliability of
carried out. Constraints may also be introduced by
the product.
reference to other specifications.
(i) Customer or user testing—any kind of acceptance
3.2 WRITING RELIABILITY AND MAINTAIN- testing or trial laid down by the customer as a
3.2.1 Necessary clauses. 3.2.2 Function of an item. It is necessary to have a Reliability considerations. A written clear statement of the function or functions of an item
reliability specification irrespective of whether it is a since any reliability specification is based on the failure
single document or based on a series of documents, of an item to perform its function. In some cases the
should contain clauses dealing with the following: function may be obvious, e.g. a nut or an electric light
switch, but in others a detailed specification should be
(a) The function or functions of a product. given.
(b) The criteria for failure of the product. 3.2.3 Criteria for failure. The criteria for failure may
(c) The reliability characteristic or characteristics follow implicitly from a definition of the function of the
(e.g. MTBF, MTTF, etc) that are appropriate to item but, in circumstances where this is not so, it is
the circumstances. essential that all these criteria be stated explicitly.
(d) The required value of the reliability Failures should be divided into categories with the object
characteristic and, if known, the distribution of of helping to understand the problem involved in
failures in time. assigning the area of responsibility for action. (See
(e) The time during which, and the conditions in Appendix A for the classification of failures.)
which, the product is required to perform its 3.2.4 Choice of a reliability characteristic. Reliability
function or functions. characteristics are quantitative statements. Reliability
(f) The means by which reliability assurance is to be may be approached from the standpoint of the success or
attained. failure of a product to perform its function over a given
period of time. Time may be replaced by distance, Factors for consideration. There should be cycles, throughput or other usage-related parameters.
clauses in a reliability specification to take account of Reliability characteristics in common use include failure
the following: rate, mean life or mean time to failure (for non-repaired
(a) Environmental conditions—the conditions to items) and mean time between failures (for repairable
which the product may be subjected during items). Examples of reliability requirement statements are
transport, storage or use. Such conditions may as follows:
include— (a) Equipment should operate successfully for X hours
(i) extremes of heat, cold, pressure and on Y% of the occasions on which it is required.
humidity; (b) There shall be Z% confidence that an equipment
(ii) exterior use, in which case rainproofing and will not fail more frequently than X times in Y
resistance to dust and sunlight, etc, are equipment running hours.
important; (c) The mean life of a population of similar items
(iii) shock and vibration; should be equal to or greater than Y hours with a
(iv) the electromagnetic environment; standard deviation of S hours.
(v) the chemical environment; and (d) An equipment should have a Y% probability of
(vi) the biological environment. completing an X kilometre task without a failure.
(b) Stress conditions—the type of stress testing If the failure pattern is known, any of these statements is
required and the nature and direction of the satisfactory since it may be interpreted mathematically,
applied loading. employing probability theory and statistics. Information
on the density function also simplifies demonstration
(c) Lifespan/durability—the objective or required procedures, as every test can be related to available
serviceable life of the product, given that it is information and also makes it possible to estimate the
maintained as specified, and at the specified confidence attached to the result. If the failure pattern is
intervals. unknown, requirements may be stated in these terms and
(d) Envisaged use time—the envisaged use time per it will then be necessary either to establish the pattern
year or per month, depending on the predicted from appropriate field data or to assume a pattern for the
operating life of the product being specified. purposes of assurance.

23 AS 3960—1990

3.2.5 Required value of the reliability characteristic. (h) maintenance support cost for the life cycle (mean).
The required value is the numerical value of whatever
reliability characteristic has been selected. Where Examples. Typical examples that reflect the
possible or appropriate, the underlying frequency incorporation of quantitative maintainability requirements
distribution relating to the required reliability into specifications are as follows:
characteristic should be stated. However, it frequently (a) The mean time to repair at intermediate level shall
happens that specific assumptions about the failure be X minutes. Y% of all maintenance tasks shall be
distribution and the relationships between the parameters completed in less than Z minutes.
of the distribution and the environment cannot be made
owing to a lack of data, e.g. the only available data may (b) Preventive maintenance shall not be required.
be results from tests carried out on a small prototype or (c) Maintenance reliability, the probability that an
pre-production sample. In such cases statistical equipment is capable of performing its functions
procedures, known generally as ‘non-parametric’ or following a satisfactory maintenance checkout shall
‘distribution-free’, have been shown to yield conservative be greater than X%.
reliability estimates when compared with those calculated
from actual distributions. However, non-parametric (d) All operator level maintenance tasks shall be
procedures can provide a quantitative indication useful completed in less than Y minutes without the use of
for initial estimation when test data are limited to the special tools.
results from a small sample.
3.2.7 Required value of the maintainability
3.2.6 Choice of a maintainability characteristic. characteristic. As for reliability, where possible and
Quantitative maintainability characteristics are used to appropriate, the underlying frequency distribution relating
express maintainability in numerical terms. to the required maintainability characteristic should be
Maintainability is generally approached from the stated. In some cases two values of the maintainability
standpoint of returning an equipment to an operating characteristic may be specified, which will better
condition following failure (corrective maintenance) or determine the distribution. For example, as well as
keeping the system from failing (preventive specifying a mean time to repair (MTTR) for an
maintenance). The most common objective is related to equipment, the maximum time to repair (i.e. the longest
the time an item is in a non-operable status due to repair time) may be specified.
maintenance. The aim is to keep this time as short as
possible. There is a wide range of requirements used to 3.2.8 Operating regime and conditions. It is
this effect. The difference between them is that they important to state the period in the life of the product to
express different priorities between related item which the chosen reliability and maintainability
properties and that they allow for different flexibility characteristic applies and to state the conditions in which
concerning trade-offs to be made later in the program. It the item will operate, including the stress conditions.
is important that such factors are considered before a The term ‘stress’ is used throughout this Section to
specific requirement is included in the specification. denote the intensity of the applied stress in its broadest
Active repair time is often used to specify maintainability sense. The product may be loaded by internal or external
and includes the following sub-elements: forces, by electrical or mechanical effects, by chemical
or biological agents, by temperature or by other factors
(a) Diagnosis (failure detection, localization of cause,
that affect reliability and maintainability such as human
(b) Technical delays (typical technical delays include
setting time, cooling, interpretation and application Maintenance and operational procedures may be
of information, interpretation of displays, read out, important in their effect on reliability. Where this is the
etc). case, such procedures should be stipulated in the
reliability specification. Alternatively, where appropriate,
(c) Restoration (disassembly, interchange, reassembly, the supplier should stipulate to the purchaser the
alignment, etc). maintenance and operational procedures needed to
(d) Final check (testing procedures as necessary). achieve the required degree of reliability. Characteristics. A variety of other 3.2.9 Reliability and maintainability assurance.
maintainability characteristics may be specified for the Evidence should be provided giving confidence that the
item. Some other types of requirements associated with reliability and maintainability requirements are satisfied.
different classes of maintenance time and verification
methods, with their characteristics, are— There are three ways of obtaining assurance regarding a
product’s reliability, as follows:
(a) active maintenance time (mean, median, maximum);
(a) By stipulating that reliability and maintainability
(b) active corrective maintenance time (mean, median, testing be carried out on the product or by making
maximum); existing test or field reliability data available.
(c) active preventive maintenance time (mean, median,
maximum); (b) By stipulating that a reliability and maintainability
assessment of the product be carried out, based on
(d) routine inspection interval; a knowledge of—
(e) maintenance cost per operating hour (mean); (i) their failure mechanism;
(f) number of hours labour per operating hour (mean);
(ii) the failure data; or
(g) number of personnel per maintenance action
(mean); and (iii) both of these.

AS 3960—1990 24

If neither of these ways is sufficient, confidence can nominee, but provision should be made in the
be progressively generated by using analytical contract for necessary assistance from the supplier. A
methods described in Clause 2.2.2. Use of such further point to be noted is that reliability assurances
methods will ensure that all reasonable steps have or a warranty given by the supplier may depend on
been taken to achieve reliability and maintainability certain recommended operational and maintenance
in the design. Assurance that these activities have procedures being followed by the purchaser.
occurred can be obtained by a design audit.
When reliability and maintainability testing is
specified in a contract, the provision of satisfactory 3.3 SPECIFICATION OF RELIABILITY AND
demonstration testing results is normally a condition MAINTAINABILITY IN PRACTICE. In practice
of contract. However, where reliability and it may be difficult to fulfil all the conditions
maintainability assessment are specified, the
purchaser shoul d require rel iabi li t y and necessary to write completely satisfactory reliability
maintainability predictions using methods of and maintainability clauses in a specification.
assessment acceptable to both the purchaser and the However, if all the steps that are recommended in the
supplier. Similarly, failure mode, effects and previous clauses are followed, areas of doubt will be
criticality analysis (FMECA) or fault tree analysis exposed and action may be taken to raise the level of
should be agreed on between them. A design audit confidence that the reliability and maintainability
should be carried out by the purchaser or his requirement will be met.

25 AS 3960—1990



4.1 GENERAL. obtain data by testing separately the components of

4.1.1 Aims of reliability assessment. Reliability the item or, if this is not possible, to adopt the
and maintainability assessment is the process by physics of failure method or to obtain relevant failure
which quantitative values are assigned to reliability data from other circumstances.
and maintainability. An essential part of a reliability Specifications often demand that a reliability
program is the prediction and measurement of the demonstration be carried out. This may be interpreted
reliability and maintainability of a product. as the process by which the actual or predicted
Reliability and maintainability assessment is required reliability of an item may be compared with the
when— requirement. The process of establishing a
(a) establishing the reliability and maintainability requirement, and that of observing or predicting the
required of a product; reliability of a product, are both examples of
(b) predicting the reliability and maintainability of a reliability assessment.
product that is still in the design, development or
pre-manufacturing stage; and 4.3 RE LIAB IL IT Y PREDICTION BY
(c) establishing whether a product that is in service MODELLING. The value of reliability prediction
has performed, or is performing, in such a way lies in its use for selecting design options.
as to satisfy the specified value of the reliability
characteristic, and whether it is likely to continue One method of predicting the reliability of a system
to do so for the rest of its design life. is by determining its individual component
reliabilities and combining them, using a
The customer for an item may require demonstrations mathematical model of the complete system.
that the reliability and maintainability requirements
have been or will be met, which is a major aim of a A mathematical model consists of one or more
comprehensive reliability program. During the design, equations or a logic matrix which defines the
development and manufacturing phases, reliability characteristics of the system.
and maintainability assessments are a predictive
process that relies on techniques, such as the use of The mathematical model should include, where
models, failure mode analysis, evaluation of required—
components, operating stresses, materials and (a) failure and repair characteristics of the items;
processes, and on the testing of development models
and prototypes. It also relies on the provision of (b) components/sub-assemblies/assemblies arranged
failure data in order to investigate specific failure in parallel and standby redundant groups, and in
modes and thus provide information for remedial dependent and independent series groups; and
action. In service, the user may wish to measure
reliability and maintainability by observation. (c) allowance for operating stresses.
During the design and manufacturing stages, and In addition to meeting these requirements, the model
during the service life of a product, adequate failure will be constrained by a number of more practical
data are essential. Guidance is given in Section 5 on considerations. Where a design is developing rapidly,
the production, flow, analysis and interpretation of options have to be selected quickly and a lengthy
reliability data. Reliability assessment requires firstly prediction process is impracticable. The model should
a reliability model for the product to represent its therefore be constructed quickly and be readily
reliability in an appropriate mathematical form, and altered to accommodate changes in the design. The
secondly the necessary reliability data. mathematical treatment of reliability modelling is
4.1.2 Rel i ab i l ity an d mai n tain ab i l i ty discussed in BS 5760:Part 2.
characteristics. The choice of a suitable reliability Reliability models for the software elements of
characteristic for a specification, and the selection of systems are being developed, but none have gained
its required value are discussed in Clauses 3.2.4 and widespread acceptance. There are no standard
3.2.5. The choice of maintainability characteristics methods comparable with those used for hardware
and their required values are discussed in prediction. BS 5760: Part 2 was written for systems
Clauses 3.2.6 and 3.2.7. not containing software, and the methods outlined
4.2 RELIABILITY ASSESSMENT. Reliability are, therefore, not necessarily applicable to the
assessment can vary enormously in the techniques software elements of systems.
used, from the very simple to the lengthy and
complex. Methods by which reliability data are
collected for a particular item that can be tested will 4.4 PROVISION OF RELIABILITY DATA. The
vary, because development testing may initially be data used in reliability predictions can be gathered
the only source of data, whilst test data on production from various sources.
items will subsequently be available. After the The acquisition of field data on the product itself is
product goes into service, the source of data will be obviously the best source since there is no substitute
field experience, which is discussed at greater length for field experience. Reliability statistics can be
in Clause 5.3. obtained from the recorded operating data. Where a
When the nature of a product is such that it cannot be product is under development, data can be obtained
tested before being put into service, it is necessary to from development or production tests.

AS 3960—1990 26

Where there is neither test nor physics of failure data A comprehensive series of reports should be prepared
available for a product, reliability data can be at regular intervals describing progress towards
obtained from data on products of comparable reliability achievement and giving updated
function, but not necessarily of the same design or assessments of the problems involved.
subject to the same characteristics, i.e. function, 4.5.4 Factors governing reliability growth testing
design, operating conditions, size, complexity, quality effectiveness. Project management should be aware
systems, etc. Users of this method should take of the many factors that constrain the effectiveness of
account of any characteristics that are not growth testing and that govern the improvement in
comparable, recognizing that any values derived are reliability ultimately achieved. These may typically
therefore subject to uncertainty, and this uncertainty include—
should be identified. Sources of reliability data are
(a) the number of units allocated for testing and the
discussed in Clause 5.3.
extent to which they are representative;
(b) the resources available to sustain testing at the
4.5.1 General. Reliability growth testing involves planned rate (including engineering and spares
deliberate stress testing designed to stimulate failures back-up for units, test facilities and test
during development, analysis and corrective action. equipment);
Clause summarizes the purpose and features
of reliability growth testing. (c) the effectiveness of failure analysis and the
feedback loop; and
4.5.2 Preparation. The development program should
ensure the provision of the necessary equipment and (d) the resources and lead time available to develop
services, suitably phased with all other development and introduce design changes prior to design
and reliability program activities. The following are freeze for production (or to introduce
typical of these provisions: modifications after design freeze).
(a) Units allocated for testing. Compromises will continually be necessary to achieve
optimum growth; for example, testing may be
(b) All test equipment (including any which is continued with incomplete serviceability of
‘special-to-type’). equipment, and with modifications introduced on an
(c) Environmental chambers for combining vibration ‘opportunity’ basis only. This may affect the accuracy
with other environmental stresses. of assessments of reliability and growth and any such
(d) Ancillary services, e.g., special power supplies, reservations should be stated. However, the growth
cooling air. process itself has to take precedence over the
(e) Manpower for the program, including accuracy of monitoring it.
maintenance of the facilities and supervision
outside normal hours. 4.6 RELIABILITY DEMONSTRATION AND
Further, an active preparation period (typically from TESTING.
2 months to 6 months, according to size of project) 4.6.1 General. Reliability demonstration is the
before testing will be required for the following tasks: process by which it is shown that an item has
(i) Drafting a test procedure document for characteristics that meet a particular requirement. It
agreement by the customer, showing each item in is important to be able to describe that the product
the program, including fault follow-up and can do this: this is termed ‘compliance’. Normally
estimated test time. It is important to include this is indicated by the use of appropriate test
precise definitions of failures in their various procedures during the development, pre-production,
categories. production and operational phases.
(ii) Design and building of any special test 4.6.2 Aims of a test program. Generally, the aims
equipment. of a test program are to—
(iii) Preparation of the environmental and associated (a) ensure as far as practicable that the product
facilities and installation of the units to be meets the specified performance or operational
tested. requirements, including reliability;
(iv) Accomplishment of pre-conditioning or burn-in (b) ensure as far as practicable that manufacturing
(Clause faults and faulty parts are eliminated;
4.5.3 Results of reliability growth testing. The (c) highlight systematic errors so that deficiencies in
improvement in reliability resulting from reliability design are corrected;
growth testing can be estimated from— (d) contribute information that can be used to
(a) the final instantaneous reliability (usually stated determine reliability characteristics; and
as a failure rate or probability of success); and (e) verify that changes, such as those affecting
(b) the growth ratio (ratio between initial and final design, including value analysis, modification,
instantaneous failure rates). manufacturing processes or sources of supply
Instantaneous failure rate can only be estimated by have not reduced reliability below an acceptable
assuming a mathematical growth model that level.
adequately fits the distribution of observed failures in These aims normally apply whatever the stage in the
the time period. However, the results will not be life of the product to which they refer.
significant if only a few failures are revealed in all It is not always possible or economical to test
the equipment under test. complete systems; it may be necessary to test
It is important that the model fits the data reasonably components, or specific design features and to use the
and such models should only be used with data in a reliability model to predict the behaviour of
discrimination and caution. the complete system.

27 AS 3960—1990

4.6.3 Choice of test program. There is a wide variety a meaningful quantitative evaluation of design
of test programs. Some of the main types are as follows: characteristics in terms of performance and maintenance.
(a) Condition terminated tests (Bernoulli trials). A At this early stage of the system design process, the
condition terminated test terminates when a maintainability predictions can still influence the design
predetermined condition is met or when failure approach. As the system design progresses to the detailed
occurs. level, more complete design information becomes
available and consequently the estimation of system
(b) Fixed time or sequential tests. Fixed time or maintainability characteristics becomes more accurate.
sequential tests are based on specified acceptable The estimate should be updated continuously as the
values of the reliability characteristic, and their rules design progresses to provide the visibility necessary to
enable decisions to be made on whether the ensure that the specified requirements have a high
equipment is to be accepted or rejected, or whether probability of being achieved. Predictions are applicable
the test is to be continued. to all programs and all types of systems and equipment.
(c) Accelerated testing. The primary purpose of an However, they are particularly pertinent in programs
accelerated test is to provide failure data more where risks are high or unknown, and the failure to
quickly than if the product were tested under achieve the maintainability requirements is highly
normal conditions. To be valid, an accelerated test undesirable.
should not alter the modes of failure. Correlation 4.7.2 Prediction advantages. A significant advantage
between failure rate data obtained during accelerated of using maintainability prediction is that it highlights for
testing and that obtained during normal life testing the designer, those areas of poor maintainability which
is not always possible and should only be attempted justify product improvement, modification, or a change
when a relationship can be unquestionably of design. Another useful feature of a maintainability
determined. prediction is that it allows the user to make an early
4.6.4 Evaluation of test data using Bayesian methods. assessment of whether the predicted down time, the
The analysis of reliability test data, which may be quality and quantity of personnel, tools and test
limited to a small number of observed failures, will equipment are adequate and consistent with the needs of
evaluate the true reliability only at a low level of the systems operational requirements.
confidence. Bayesian statistics may be used in this 4.7.3 Techniques. The effectiveness of maintainability
situation, using prior information obtained from earlier prediction as an evaluation tool depends on the technique
tests on the same or similar items, sometimes combined and accuracy of input data. This in turn is based on the
with judgement, to produce an estimate of reliability. applied knowledge and insight of the analyst. There are
4.6.5 Proof test. Proof testing is concerned with a considerable number of maintainability prediction
demonstrating fitness for purpose by validating design techniques presently in use. The procedures vary
hypotheses, assumptions and other criteria in relationship depending upon the specific need for measurement,
to the design itself, and also in relationship to the differences in imposed requirements, peculiarities of the
conversion of that design into the artefact, and hence equipment being measured, and individual or company
with the validation of the method of manufacture. It may preferences.
consist of pressure testing, climatic testing, vibration
4.7.4 Basic assumptions and interpretations. Every
testing, static loading of structures, crack testing in
maintainability prediction procedure depends upon the
turbine blades, etc. Data gained during proof testing may
use of recorded reliability and maintainability data and
contribute to any overall statement on the system
experience which has been obtained from comparable
systems and components under similar conditions of use
4.6.6 Suitability of statistical methods for analysis of and operation. It is also customary to assume the
test results. It is often found that, for reliability analysis principle of transferability. This assumes that data which
of hardware systems, the negative exponential accumulates from one system can be used to predict the
distribution is an appropriate basis for statistical tests. maintainability of a comparable system which is
However, this cannot be generally assumed. undergoing design, development or study. This procedure
If the distribution departs significantly from this is justifiable when the required degree of commonality
assumption, tests based upon the negative exponential between systems can be established. Usually during the
distribution are inappropriate and another distribution early design phase commonality can only be inferred on
may have to be utilized. There may be no alternative to a broad basis. As the design becomes more refined,
estimating the failure distribution function from the test commonality is extendable if a high positive correlation
data. As the outcome cannot be foretold, all time tests is established relating to equipment functions,
should be so designed that distribution estimation is maintenance task times and levels of maintenance.
possible as an alternative analysis without repeating the History has shown that the advantages greatly outweigh
tests. The statistical level of confidence regained from the burden of making a maintainability prediction.
testing will influence the test duration. 4.7.5 Elements of maintainability prediction
There is no currently accepted distribution for software techniques. Each maintainability prediction technique
analysis. utilizes procedures which are specifically designed to
4.7 MAINTAINABILITY PREDICTION. satisfy its method of application. All maintainability
prediction methods are dependent upon at least two basic
4.7.1 Maintainability prediction. This is the estimate parameters—
of the maintenance workload (preventive and corrective)
associated with the proposed design. Maintainability (a) failure rates of components at the specific assembly
predictions should be accomplished immediately level; and
following the definition of the basic system. This is the (b) repair time required at the maintenance level
earliest time when sufficient data is available to perform involved.

AS 3960—1990 28 Failure rates. There are many sources which correction of deficiencies detected during the
record the failure rates of parts as a function of use maintainability demonstration, and to demonstrate
and environment. Failure rates are used in depot level maintenance tasks when applicable. All
maintainability prediction to provide an estimate of evaluation items should be production or production
the relative frequency of failure of those components equivalent items.
utilized in the design. Similarly, the relative
frequency of failure of components at other 4.8.3 Maintainability demonstration. To fulfil
maintainable levels can be determined by employing maintainability demonstration requirements for a
standard reliability prediction techniques using parts typical program, a contractor is obligated to
failure rates. Another use of failure rates is to weight demonstrate that equipment meets the specified
the repair times for various categories of repair maintainability requirements. The accomplishment of
activity, in order to provide an estimate of its such a demonstration in a realistic operational
contribution to the total maintenance time. environment is often impractical. In certain instances
demonstrations can be accomplished in an Repair times. Repair times are determined environment that closely approximates a true
from prior experience, simulation of repair tasks, or operational situation. In other words, contractor
data secured from similar applications. Most demonstration may be conducted at the customer’s
procedures break the maintenance action into a facility, employing customer personnel, on equipment
number of basic maintenance tasks whose time of installed and ready for operational use. However,
performance is summed to obtain the total time for such demonstrations are generally scheduled at
the maintenance action. specific times and faults are simulated in the
4.8 MAINTAINABILITY DEMONSTRATION equipment in order to simulate maintenance
AND TESTING. requirements. Although this type of situation does not
completely reflect normal user operations (since
4.8.1 General requirements. Maintainability failures are induced, and the subsequent
specifications written into a contract are in effect demonstrations planned, eliminating some of the
only targets or goals, unless there is an actual randomness normally involved), it can provide a close
assessment of the maintainability parameters of the simulation.
developed system/equipment.
4.8.4 Test conditions. Test conditions for formal
The primary function of maintainability test and maintainability demonstrations include—
demonstration is to ‘verify maintainability’ that has
been ‘designed-in’ and ‘built -in’ to t he (a) maintainability requirements;
system/equipment. Up to this point in development, (b) maintenance policy;
the tasks of the maintainability program have been
analytical in nature, providing a confidence that both (c) demonstration model configuration;
the quantitative and qualitative maintainability
requirements would be met. (d) test environment;
4.8.2 Maintainability testing program. There can (e) test personnel;
be three phases to a maintainability testing program.
(f) technical data;
Maint ai nabil i t y veri ficat i on i s conducted
incrementally during development on mock-up (g) support equipment; and
models and early hardware designs, with the intention (h) spare parts.
of provi di ng progressive assurance t hat
maintainability requirements can be achieved and that 4.8.5 Maintenance task selection. The assurance
earlier modelling and allocation were accurate. that the proposed demonstration reflects the
maintainability of the total system depends on the
Maintainability demonstration occurs at the end of maintenance task selection process. This process
development, to determine whether contractual involves the identification of a representative sample
requirements have been achieved. The demonstration (based on the expected percentage contribution
is performed on as close-to-production hardware as toward total maintenance requirements) of
possible (i.e. final prototype or pre-production item), maintenance tasks to be demonstrated. The process
conducted in an environment which simulates, as does not include actual random (unplanned) failures
closely as possible, the operational and maintenance occurring during the test, but it does include a variety
environment specified for the item. The environment of induced failures to ensure adequate coverage.
should be representative of the working conditions,
tools, support equipment, repair parts, facilities and
technical publications that are required during 4.9 COMPLIANCE ILLUSTRATION BY MEANS
operational service. OTHER THAN TESTING. If, for some reason,
reliability and maintainability demonstration testing
Maintainability evaluation occurs in the field is not practicable, reliability and maintainability
environment. Its objectives are to evaluate the impact prediction techniques using verifiable data obtained
of the actual operation, maintenance and support from research programs or other sources, if possible,
environment on the maintainability, to evaluate should be considered.

29 AS 3960—1990



5.1 GENERAL. The advantages that may be gained from subscribing

5.1.1 Benefits. The knowledge of the performance to one or more of the data bank services should be
of a product during its life is necessary for the considered.
following reasons: It is important that reports of failures, unreliability,
(a) Effective action can be taken to improve etc, reach the maintenance and support organization
reliability. Periodic reliability reports are without delay.
necessary to determine whether reliability goals 5.1.3 Effectiveness of communication. It is
have been achieved. Where modifications to important that communication and co-ordination and
improve the reliability or the life of a product in training techniques are aimed at creating a responsive
service are necessary, such reports are useful in and responsible approach to data collection, data
monitoring the effects of the modifications. analysis and corrective action.
Where warranty or guarantee clauses are in
operation, reliability data can be used to monitor 5.2 DATA INPUT.
trends in claims. Reliability data feedback is
vital to effective product quality assurance. 5.2.1 Reporting systems. The reporting system
should primarily be based on what is needed rather
(b) Improvements can be incorporated in future than what is available. However, job cards, log books,
designs. The design of future generations of permits and quality documentation may contain useful
products can be improved if a detailed data and should be analysed for inclusion.
knowledge of achieved reliability is obtained
from the present generation of the products. This The utilization, evaluation and interpretation of data
can lead to commercial advantages to both will be difficult without a system which extracts all
customer and manufacturer. the significant facts from large amounts of material.
(c) Improvements can be made to design Computers may be appropriate to store and retrieve
documentation in order to improve the efficiency reliability data, especially where large quantities of
of carrying out software changes (or repairs). data are to be handled, but in each case cost
effectiveness should be considered.
(d) An effective and efficient support organization
(which can forecast spares requirements, control Data to be recorded for an event should include data
stores inventories and software maintenance) can on the nature of the event and additional details taken
be provided. from routine operating records. These routine records
should ideally include the following:
(e) Where hazardous operations are involved, the
degree of hazard or risk may be reduced by (a) Specification and description of products
improvement of the design or operating (location, nature, design, size, current
procedures. Collection and analysis of data are configuration, etc).
important parts of modern safety programs. (b) Operating history, including installation data
(f) Operational procedures, operational documentation covering duty, maintenance regime, condition
and maintenance schedules can be improved. monitoring, calibration data tests and
5.1.2 Organization. The systematic means of (c) Fault/failure history that should include a
collecting, recording, processing and analysing data complete listing of events, causes, consequences,
should be centred on a suitable department within the event times, returns to operation, maintenance
organization concerned. Such a department can be data, test data, calibration data, etc.
justified on an economic basis and should be capable It is important to clearly define items, e.g. system,
of dealing with the large volume of information that components and t he boundaries impl ied.
may flow to and from field agencies. Some of the Configuration changes should be taken into account.
activities of this department may be concerned with The precision and limitations of the data should also
matters other than reliability. This should be be clearly indicated.
encouraged so that the benefit of close consultation
with those concerned with other activities may be 5.2.2 Specification and description. The
reaped. The data feedback loop should embrace the importance of the specification is to enable the
customer, end user, the manufacturer’s own design intentions behind the design and operation of the item
and production functions and also subcontractors, or to be appreciated and its function to be understood.
suppliers. Items are sometimes misused, e.g. the absence of a
clear specification of limitation of use can severely
Many organizations have an established information affect reliability. Together the specification and
collection system that provides management with data description wil l enable identificat ion and
for normal control purposes. Consideration should be classification to be carried out. Items within a class
given to the extra cost of adapting any such system so should differ only by minor modifications or
that additional data on reliability, maintainability and amendments. Figure 4 gives an example of a typical
availability (as described in this Section) can be data sheet for an item which is a product of the
collected. manufacturing industry.

AS 3960—1990 30


(To be completed for all it ems on entr y to test or to service)


* I D C ITEM DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...
. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...


* M A N MANUFACTURER (Name and address) . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .

. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...

* D E S DESIGNER (Name and address) . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .

. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...

* S P E SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* S U B SUBSTANCE CONTAINED (i. e. Type of liquid, gas, etc.)

. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...

* I N S INFORMATION SOURCE (Lit . Ref., etc.)

. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... ...

* D T Y DATA YEAR (Last year of surveillance)




* I N R INSPECTION REQUIREMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* M T P MAINTENANCE TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


* M I U MAINTENANCE INTERVAL UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

* M O D MODEL NO. (Type, No., etc)

RA NG E/SIZE (Up to 4 recommended working values)


* R S 1 . .. . .. .. .. ... . . ( . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. )

* R S 2 . .. . .. .. .. ... . . ( . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. )

* R S 3 . .. . .. .. .. ... . . ( . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. )

* R S 4 . .. . .. .. .. ... . . ( . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. )


31 AS 3960—1990

History data sheet (t o be completed for all it ems on entr y to test or to service.) DRN

Item descripti on Installati on Inventory No.

Event Event Serial no. or Failure Failure Repair Outage Operati ng Plant Descripti on of event
no. date plant it em no. mode cause time time time status



AS 3960—1990 32

Locati on and 1
report no.
Non-conformance 8
Use black ink B
report no.
Circumstances of failure including symptoms C Date of failure 16

(1) Quantified operating conditions Project and

(2) Symptoms D build
(3) Stress levels standard
(4) Mode of inspection and time of failure
(5) Duration of service Equipment 22
(6) Environmental conditions seri al no.
F System/section 28
G Seri al no. 32
H Unit /drg no. 38
Section 1

I Seri al no. 41
J Sub unit /drg no. 47
K Seri al no. 50
L Board drg no. 56
M Seri al no. 60
Component and
manufacturer or
modifi cati on no. 66
D R Ori ginator Date P Circuit reference 90
MRB decision and local corr ecti ve action Q Test state 93
Section 2

R Time into test 94

Signature Time 1 98
Details of investigation, related cases and repair Time 2 102
Time 3 106
Time 4 110
T Test specifi cati on
Section 3

Investigation responsibilit y 115

Survey report no. 116
Formal M R B/L.T.C/D.I .P.
Final decision

W Actual fault 122

X Classifi cati on 123
Y Signif icance 124
Z Future preventi ve action
Signature Date ECR No. 129
Section 4

Extr a
Data 185


33 AS 3960—1990

Job card

Item name Ori ginator’ s name What has failed?

Item code Ori ginator’ s section Where is it?
Ori ginator’ s dept. What is wrong with it?

Dept. reference Ori ginator’ s code When was it found? Date, ti me and meter reading
How was it found? Routine check
On start ing up
During operation
During maintenance

Work started . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. .. Repair er’s report

Work completed . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. ..

Net working time . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. ..

Man-hours skilled . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. ..

Man-hours unskilled . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. .. Item exchanged Meter reading after change . . . . . . . New serial no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Could item continue in use? YES NO Failure due to Maloperation Design Wear

Other . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... ... . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . ... .

Repairs carri ed out by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other it em aff ected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spares used . ..................

Code . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . Other report references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Other . ... . .. . .. . ... . . ... ... . .. . ... .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . Unit . .................. ......

Quantity . .................. ...

Cause of any delay . .............


AS 3960—1990 34

5.2.3 Operating history. Reliability, maintainability newly developed product. In such instances, it is
and availability can be derived from the operating possible to obtain some information from sample
history of an item. The operating history consists of testing carried out during design and development.
an operating log, backed up with instrumentation It should be recognized that, in many cases, a new
where appropriate, inspection records and complex product is not revolutionary in design.
maintenance/modification records which may include Innovations, requiring new data, may occur in only a
a job card system. The history can be defined in few aspects in the design. It is therefore important
terms of events or changes of state that occur. There that full account be taken of the experience gained
are two main changes of state, namely– with similar or identical products.
(a) change to operating capability; and 5.3.3 Design and development. Notwithstanding
(b) change of configuration. Clause 5.3.2, some designs contain a higher
The description of operating capability may include proportion of innovation than others. The care and
operation to full or part rating or not functional. It attention given to reliability should increase with the
may be necessary to state why a product is not proportion of new design if the product is to be
functioning, e.g.— acceptably reliable.
(a) it is under repair due to failures; Collection of information and data during the
(b) it is under routine maintenance; or development stage is vital. The whole purpose of
(c) it is not required to operate. design and development is to provide such
information in order to progressively resolve the
A description of the operational environment is most
factors of uncertainty surrounding the design, its
intended purpose and use, and its manufacture.
The means of recording may take various forms but Some background information is essential when
a set of standardized headings should be used. evaluating data from the following sources:
Numerical codes are only worth considering for
computerized systems, otherwise coding and decoding (a) Prototype testing, either as part of a larger
may be time-consuming. product or individually on a test rig under
conditions more or less simulating actual use.
5.2.4 Failure history. A standardized method of The function of these tests is to verify the design
reporting failures should be used. A typical history or a particular detail, feature or characteristic of
data sheet is shown in Figure 5; Clause lists the design, in terms of the expected use.
failure data recording attributes.
(b) Development testing on pre-production products.
Consideration should be given to the use of data These tests concern products built to the verified
terminals for feeding failure information into a design but they may still be proving
computer at the source of the failure. A typical form manufacturing methods and processes.
of computer format for failure information is shown
in Figure 6. (c) Evaluation of the design features concerned.
Failure information may form part of an existing job 5.3.4 Production. Information is usually readily
card system currently employed in an organization. It available in quantity, but the quality is often
should be designed to enable an organization to questionable as assembly errors may frequently mask
assess the factors itemized in Clause 5.3. Figure 7 normal process factors. Sources of production data
gives a typical example of such a job card. are as follows:
NOTE: Failure classif ication is explained furt her in Clause 5.8 (a) Initial tests aimed at production validation. The
and defi niti ons of failure classifi cati ons are contained in products are often tested under real conditions.
Appendix A. (b) Routine production tests to ensure that the
5.3 DATA SOURCES. process is still under control, and routine production
5.3.1 Guidelines. The recommendations of Section checks carried out for quality control. The latter are
5 provide for setting up data collection schemes often concerned with monitoring those variables that
which can be applied either during investigations of define parameters for reliability.
samples of equipment, or on a more widespread basis 5.3.5 Factory test. The factory test is, or should be,
by large maintenance and inspecting organizations. a prime source of data. Testing of sub-assemblies,
It is considered that, if the recommendations are modules, etc, is normally a formal process backed by
followed, accuracy and completeness of reporting, procedural documentation from customers. Personnel
which are paramount if such schemes are to be of should be trained to use the normal failure reporting
value, will be promoted by the collection of forms.
st andardized informat ion. Moreover, such 5.3.6 Guarantee or warranty reports–product
standardization will facilitate the interchange of liability test reporting. Guarantee or warranty
information between users and manufacturers. reports are perhaps the ideal means of extracting data
Caution should be exercised in combining data from from customers, by involving their direct interests.
unrelated sources. The level of warranty claims is one index of a
NOTE: To obtain optimum result s from the coll ecti on of data, successful or unsuccessful product. Warranty
it is recommended that the entir e program of reporti ng, analysis reporting should form part of the normal data
and disseminati on of result s be closely co-ordinated. collection system and employ a common style format.
5.3.2 Past experience. Complete field data on items It should, however, be recognized that warranty
being used in design are unlikely to be available. This reporting applies, by definition, to the warranty
may be due to lack of adequate recording during the period, and that usually the life of a product in
life of a product or simply to the lack of history of a service is longer than this.

35 AS 3960—1990

5.3.7 Supply of replacement parts. Spares usage (a) The form should be simple and convenient to
data provide a useful means of monitoring the use. It should carry a serial number and be
reliability of the product, and the collection of these uniquely coloured for rapid identification.
data should be encouraged. The typical job card Typical formats are shown in Figures 5, 6 and 7.
shown in Figure 7 includes a space for a ‘spares (b) It should be clearly stated that event date/data
used’ record. relationship is required, i.e. the date the form
5.3.8 Material or component supply. In material was completed, the date the failure was found,
or component supply the sources of data are— the date of repairs, replacement, etc.
(a) the specification of materials supplied for the (c) The recording of the serial number is essential
manufacture of the products; for products whose life history is considered
(b) specifications defining the reliability and important.
performance of bought-out components; and (d) It is essential for reliability purposes to record
(c) results of goods inward inspection of material or time (or other measure of usage) based data.
components from suppliers. Some products have elapsed time meters
5.3.9 Repair department. Reporting by service or installed, but care should be taken to ensure that
repair organizations should provide positive the times recorded are directly related to the item
identification of the failed product, accompanied by being reported on. Multi-mode systems should be
coded failure identification and description of the fitted with meters for each major mode of
failure. The original field failure reports should be operation. The same method applies where log
updated on receipt at the repair facility and be cards or books are used for running time records.
followed up by official reports. (e) It is useful to provide a space for recording the
It is usual to employ suitably qualified personnel for new stores items used to rectify the fault.
diagnosis in this area, and valuable data, in terms of (f) A space for any narrative back-up report is
assignable cause, are normally available. Relevant valuable but its use should not be mandatory.
personnel are usually trained in preparing technical Users should be encouraged to express
submissions. Suitable arrangements should be made themselves freely in this part of the report,
to cater for items recycled in a production facility as including an indication of the probable cause of
distinct from a separate repair facility. failure, and to make recommendations. In
5.3.10 Field installation, demonstration or systems containing software, particular emphasis
commissioning tests. In large systems such as power should be placed on encouraging users to submit
stations, this phase can be significant for reliability a comprehensive narrative report.
and maintainability. This may be the first time that (g) The minimum number of copies should be
many of the components within a system, and whole demanded.
systems have been integrated; the consequent (h) The user should be provided with the facility to
interactions may be unexpected and can provide a classify the impact of the reported failure upon
useful source of data. It should be borne in mind that the operation of the item/system e.g.
all failures being reported may be based on critical–major–minor.
configurations significantly different from those (i) There should be a space on the form to allow the
planned for operation. The analysis of the report will user to identify the configuration at the relevant
provide valuable insights into the likely reliability to time, e.g. at the time of a failure or a change to
be achieved during operation. the configuration.
Field installation, demonstration or commissioning NOTE: An example of a data collection form appli cable to
tests are usually well documented because contract electr onic and similar engineeri ng use may be found in
acceptance may be involved. Reports should attempt AS 2529.
to include both failure and usage data on the same 5.5 VALIDITY OF DATA.
form so that support spares demand can be cross- 5.5.1 Product manufacturer. Prototype items are
checked with failure reports, thus ensuring that the rarely identical with those that are eventually
‘support inventory’ is adjusted in a timely manner. produced. Results obtained from testing them should
5.3.11 User reporting system. The usefulness of be extrapolated with extreme caution if they are to be
the user reporting system as a service will depend on used for assessing the field potential of the product.
how well it is organized, its efficiency, and of course The validity of results obtained from tests under
the relationship between the supplier and the user. simulated conditions depends on how well the
Visiting field engineers can often extract information simulation approximates real conditions. It is
from a user which is of considerable value to the important to ensure that spurious failure modes are
supplier. Any such data should be fed back to the not induced under test, giving a misleading picture.
design department accompanied by a copy of any As a result of evolution, the life of a design can be
final test/commissioning test report and the field very short, so that when adequate data have been
engineer’s observations. In addition reports on collected, the results are no longer directly relevant.
reliability and performance are sometimes available This, and changes made to an item during
from independent bodies. development, can create difficulties when relating test
5.3.12 Field surveys. Some manufacturers employ data to current product specification.
specialist teams to carry out field surveys on the In production testing, rapid feedback of results is
reliability of their products. very important, but life tests are usually lengthy, as
5.4 DESIGNING THE DATA COLLECTION the name implies. Methods for reducing the length of
FORM. The following points should be kept in mind tests will be needed (this applies equally to other
when designing a data collection form: areas of testing), but care should also be taken to

AS 3960—1990 36

ensure the relevance of these tests. In general, in order large. The amount of data actually gathered will be
to reduce the time occupied by tests, accelerated tests are influenced by cost of collection and transmission.
employed, but in order to be valid an accelerated test 5.6 COLLECTION AND FLOW OF RELIABILITY
should not alter the basic modes for mechanisms of DATA. The timely analysis of all discrepancy or failure
failure, or their relative prevalence. reports by a team formally constituted by management
Data from endurance tests conducted by the enables the basic or underlying causes of failure in parts,
manufacturer and independent certified test houses may materials, processes and procedures to be determined.
be utilized. However, such data should relate to a known The analysis should include failures in design,
manufacturing period and should preferably be capable manufacture, procurement, quality control, maintenance
of verification by the purchaser. The question of the and operation. The resulting failure analyses should be
validity of the test conditions remains. fed back to design, production and management
For some products or installations the specifications will personnel for action.
include detailed descriptions of the conditions to which It is essential that the route by which data are fed back
the item will be subjected. is clearly defined. Some means should be established to
The design of adequate tests presents a problem if the co-ordinate all those concerned with the investigation of
environment in which the product will be used is failures and the follow-up actions necessary.
either— It is essential that reports from all other sources, e.g.
(a) unknown, e.g. electronic components; or from the operating authority, user or maintenance-repair
organization, are brought together and co-ordinated
(b) known in a sense, but difficult to describe, e.g. in
before analysis to avoid multiple reporting of a single
the case of motor vehicles.
5.5.2 Materials or component supplier. Care should
It is generally accepted that the overwhelming majority
be taken when incorporating data provided by material or
of failures, down time or cost associated with a product
component suppliers into reliability calculations because,
is usually associated with relatively few modes of failure.
for example—
It may be cost effective to collect fairly coarse data on
(a) the supplier may misinterpret, or be unaware of its everything, sort them and so pinpoint the major problem
proposed use; areas under each of the three headings: failure rate, down
(b) poor communication may exist between the supplier time and cost. These areas can then be more thoroughly
and the user; investigated by acquiring more comprehensive data. In
(c) the supplier may be optimistic; or this way limited resources can be directed in a
cost-effective manner.
(d) supporting information may be lacking.
5.5.3 Field data retrieval programs. The integrity of
data obtained from the field is critically dependent upon 5.7.1 Quantitative data. The nature and quality of the
the expertise of the reporter or the efficiency of the data should be firmly established. The degree of
diagnostic tools used. sophistication of the analysis should never be more than
the intrinsic accuracy which the basic information allows.
Often only failure data are recorded, especially for small Appropriate characteristics of reliability should be
mass-produced items. Life of unfailed items may be chosen, e.g. useful life, mean time to first failure, mean
unknown. Reliability estimates may therefore show time between failures, percentile life, failure rate and
worse reliability than is actually being achieved. availability.
Conditions under which products fail may be completely A relevant statistical analysis method should be chosen,
unknown or poorly documented. As these conditions which may range from merely counting numbers of
form an integral part of the reliability definition, lack of failures to establishing assessed characteristics.
knowledge concerning them makes estimation difficult.
On the other hand, for large items or installations, the The assumptions made for the analysis should be
operational environment and the configuration is likely carefully verified, e.g. whether a constant failure rate is
to be well documented. applicable.
It may be difficult to distinguish between weakness and Care should be taken to qualify the chosen reliability
misuse failures. Moreover, serviceable items may be characteristic by the use for the words ‘observed’,
reported as having failed as a result of faulty diagnosis, ‘assessed’, etc, as appropriate.
bad maintenance, etc and products that have not failed The statistical distribution characteristics and overall
may be mistakenly removed from service. rates of both failures and repairs will be vitally affected
Except in the case of products with open or coded by the conditions of use, e.g. the maintenance schedule
manufacturing dates, it is often impossible to connect and the extent to which the schedule is fulfilled. It is
failure reports with date of manufacture. Also, unless important to take into account statistical uncertainties.
appropriate records are kept, it is difficult to relate a 5.7.2 Qualitative data. The descriptive information
failure to the date of entry into service (as distinct from should be analyzed in terms of failure mechanism, design
manufacturing date, which is rarely the same). It may or manufacturing procedures and characteristics. If no
also be difficult to obtain accurate data on other quantitative data are available, this information will serve
measures of usage, e.g. number of motor starts, number to indicate the nature of any problem that may exist and
of runs of a computer program, etc. the seriousness of the effects, but not the extent of the
For mass-produced products, the amount of data that problem.
could be collected is very large, but the cost of collection If quantitative data do exist, the qualitative information
compared with the value of the product may also be should serve to give greater appreciation of the problem.

37 AS 3960—1990

5.7.3 Requirements specifications. In complex (iii) Failures caused by faulty peripheral equipment,
systems, especially those containing software, it is test equipment, etc.
common for failure reports to record that the system (iv) Secondary failures.
does not perform ‘as reasonably expected’ by the
user, even though the system meets its specified (v) Failures already classified, for which steps
requirements. towards corrective action have been taken and
proven effective.
This arises from the scale of the task in totally
specifying the requirements of the user. Judgement 5.9 INTERPRETATION AND PRESENTATION
should therefore be used as to which of these failure OF DATA. The main problem associated with
reports should be included in the analysis. interpretation of reliability data is the requirement for
the extrapolation of results to other situations; this
problem arises, for instance, because—
failure reports for any purpose it is necessary to (a) differences usually exist between test conditions
define what constitutes a failure; it is also desirable and field conditions of use, or between the times
to classify the failure in terms of its relevance to the used in the tests and those used in the field;
task in hand. (b) it may be necessary to use results from tests (rig
or field) on one product mark, grade or type to
The two main purposes of classifying failures are—
assess another product mark, grade or type; or
(a) to determine those types of failure that should be (c) an assessment of the potential of a new design
taken into account in order to estimate the may be required from historical data.
reliability characteristics; and
The analysis should demonstrate, as far as possible,
(b) to determine those types of failure that call for the effects and validity of extrapolation, and should
corrective action. take account of the levels of understanding of the
Failures are divided into two broad classifications as intended users, and of the uses to which the data may
follows: be put.
Quantitative data should be summarized in terms of
(i) Relevant failure. relevant reliability values. It should be presented as
(ii) Non-relevant failure. collections of single values, in tabular form or in
graphs, the latter showing the relationship between
NOTE: See Appendix A of this Standard for failure
classifi cati ons.
reliability and time or other measure of usage. To the
extent applicable to the product under consideration
Depending on the precise purpose of the the data should be presented in accordance with
assessment and the agreement of all interested AS 2530. The source of the data and the
parties, the non-relevant category could include configuration of the product should be stated. The
the following: analytical method should be mentioned as a reference
or described fully as an appendix to the main report.
(A) Failures during run-in, burn-in or screening.
Qualitative data should include written descriptions,
(B) Failures induced by operator error, although photographs, drawings and actual specimens, if
these may be reduced by design. possible.

AS 3960—1990 38

(This Appendix forms an integral part of this Standard.)

A1 SCOPE. This Appendix provides a listing of terms for reliability and maintainability which
are not found in AS 1057. The terms have been taken without amendment from IEC Publication 271.
A complete index of terminology is found in Appendix C.


A2.1 Misuse failure—failure attributable to the application of stresses beyond the stated
capabilities of the item.
A2.2 Inherent weakness failure—failure attributable to weakness inherent in the item itself when
subjected to stresses within the stated capabilities of the item.


A3.1 Sudden failure—failure that could not be anticipated by prior examination or monitoring.
A3.2 Gradual failure—failure that could be anticipated by prior examination or monitoring.


A4.1 Partial failure—failure resulting from deviations in characteristic(s) beyond specified limits,
but not such as to cause complete lack of the required function.
NOTE: The limit s referred to in this category are specifi ed for this purpose.
A4.2 Complete failure—failure resulting from deviations in characteristic(s) beyond specified
limits such as to cause complete lack of the required function.
NOTE: The limit s referred to in this category are special li mits specif ied for this purpose.
A4.3 Intermittent failure—failure of an item for a limited period of time, following which the
item recovers its ability to perform its required function without being subjected to any external
corrective action.
NOTE: Such a failure is often recurrent.


A5.1 Catastrophic failure—failure which is both sudden and complete.
A5.2 Degradation failure—failure which is both gradual and partial.
NOTE: In time, such a failure may develop into a complete fail ure.

A6.1 Observed reliability.
(a) Of non-repaired items—for a stated period of time, the ratio of the number of items which
performed their functions satisfactorily at the end of the period to the total number of items in
the sample at the beginning of the period.
(b) Of repaired item or items—the ratio of the number of occasions on which an item or items
performed their functions satisfactorily for a stated period of time to the total number of
occasions the item or items were required to perform for the same period.
NOTE: The cri teri a for what constit utes satisfactory function need to be stated.
A6.2 Assessed reliability—the reliability of an item determined by a limiting value or values of
the confidence interval associated with a stated confidence level, based on the same data as the
observed reliability of nominally identical items.
1. The source of the data needs to be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time needs to be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or a two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where only one limit ing value is given, this is usually the lower limit .
A6.3 Extrapolated reliability—extension by a defined extrapolation or interpolation of the
observed or assessed reliability for durations or conditions different from those applying to the
observed or assessed reliability.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation needs to be justi fi ed.

39 AS 3960—1990

A6.4 Predicted reliability—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into account the design of
an item, the reliability computed from the observed, assessed, or extrapolated reliabilities of its
NOTE: Engineeri ng and statisti cal assumptions have to be stated, as well as the bases used for the computation (observed
or assessed).

A7.1 Observed mean life—the mean value of the lengths of observed times to failure of all items
in a sample under stated conditions.
NOTE: The cri teri a for what constit utes a failure need to be stated.
A7.2 Assessed mean life—the mean life of an item determined by a limiting value or values of the
confidence interval associated with a stated confidence level, based on the same data as the observed
mean life of nominally identical items.
1. The source of the data needs to be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time needs to be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or a two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where only one limit ing value is given, this is usually the lower limit .
A7.3 Extrapolated mean life—extension by a defined extrapolation or interpolation of the
observed or assessed mean life for stress conditions different from those applying to the observed
or assessed mean life.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation needs to be justi fi ed.
A7.4 Predicted mean life—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into account the design of
an item, the mean life computed from the observed, assessed or extrapolated mean life of its parts.
NOTE: Engineeri ng and stati stical assumpti ons need to be stated, as well as the bases used for the computation (observed
or assessed).

A8.1 Observed failure rate—for a stated period in the life of an item, the ratio of the total number
of failures in a sample to the cumulative observed time on that sample. The observed failure rate
is to be associated with particular and stated time intervals (or summation of intervals) in the life
of the items, and with stated conditions.
1. The crit eria for what consti tutes a failure need to be stated.
2. Cumulati ve ti me is the sum of the ti mes during which each individual it em has been performing its required functi on
under stated condit ions.
A8.2 Assessed failure rate—the failure rate of an item determined by a limiting value or values
of the confidence interval associated with a stated confidence level, based on the same data as the
observed failure rate of nominally identical items.
1. The source of the data needs to be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time needs to be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or a two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where only one limit ing value is given, this is usually the upper limit .
A8.3 Extrapolated failure rate—extension by a defined extrapolation or interpolation of the
observed or assessed failure rate for durations or conditions different from those applying to the
observed or assessed failure rate.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation needs to be justi fi ed.
A8.4 Predicted failure rate—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into account the design
of an item, the failure rate computed from the observed, assessed or extrapolated failure rates of its
NOTE: Engineeri ng and statisti cal assumptions need to be stated, as well as the bases used for the computation (observed
or assessed).
A8.5 Assumed failure rate—the failure rate of an item, based on experience in relevant
technology, when observed or assessed failure rates are not available.
A8.6 Failure rate level—for the assessed failure rate, a value chosen from a series of failure rate
values and used for stating requirements or for the presentation of test results.
1. In a requirement, it denotes the highest permissible assessed failure rate.
2. In interpreti ng test result s, it is the value in the series immediately higher than the assessed fail ure rate.

AS 3960—1990 40


A9.1 Observed mean time to failure—for a stated period in the life of an item, the ratio of the
cumulative time for a sample to the total number of failures in the sample during the period, under
stated conditions.
1. The crit eria for what consti tutes a failure need to be stated.
2. Cumulati ve ti me is the sum of the ti mes during which each individual item has been performing it s required functi on
under stated condit ions.
3. This is the reciprocal of the observed failure rate duri ng the peri od.
A9.2 Assessed mean time to failure—the mean time to failure of an item determined by a limiting
value or values of the confidence interval associated with a stated confidence level, based on the
same data as the observed mean time to failure of nominally identical items.
1. The source of the data needs to be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time needs to be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or a two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where only one limit ing value is given, this is usually the lower limit .
A9.3 Extrapolated mean time to failure—extension by a defined extrapolation or interpolation
of the observed or assessed mean time to failure for durations or conditions different from those
applying to the observed or assessed mean time to failure.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation needs to be justi fi ed.
A9.4 Predicted mean time to failure—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into account
the design of an item, the mean time to failure computed from the observed, assessed or extrapolated
mean times to failure of its parts.
NOTE: Engineeri ng and stati stical assumpti ons need to be stated, as well as the bases used for the computati on (observed
or assessed).


A10.1 Observed mean time between failures—for a stated period in the life of an item, the mean
value of the length of time between consecutive failures, computed as the ratio of the cumulative
observed time to the number of failures, under stated conditions.
1. The crit eria for what consti tutes a failure need to be stated.
2. Cumulati ve ti me is the sum of the ti mes during which each individual it em has been performing it s required functi on
under stated condit ions.
3. This is the reciprocal of the observed failure rate duri ng the peri od.
A10.2 Assessed mean time between failures—the mean time between failures of an item
determined by a limiting value or values of the confidence interval associated with a stated
confidence level, based on the same data as the observed mean time between failures of nominally
identical items.
1. The source of the data needs to be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time needs to be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or a two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where only one limit ing value is given, this is usually the lower limit .
A10.3 Extrapolated mean time between failures—extension by a defined extrapolation or
interpolation of the observed or assessed mean time between failures for duration or conditions
different from those applying to the observed or assessed mean time between failures.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation needs to be justi fi ed.
A10.4 Predicted mean time between failures—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into
account the design of an item, the mean time between failures computed from the observed, assessed
or extrapolated failure rates of its parts.
NOTE: Engineeri ng and stati stical assumpti ons need to be stated, as well as the bases used for the computati on (observed
or assessed).


A11.1 Test data—data from observations during tests.
NOTE: All condit ions should be stated in detail , for example: ti me, str ess condit ions and failure or success crit eria.

41 AS 3960—1990

A11.2 Field data—data from observations during field use.

NOTE: The time, str ess conditi ons and fail ure or success cri teri a should be stated in detail.
A11.3 Accelerated test—a test in which the applied stress level is chosen to exceed that stated in
the reference conditions in order to shorten the time required to observe the stress response of the
item, or magnify the response in a given time. To be valid, an accelerated test shall not alter the
basic modes and mechanisms of failure, or their relative prevalence.
A11.4 Acceleration factor—the ratio between the times necessary to obtain the same stated
proportion of failures in two equal samples under two different sets of stress conditions involving
the same failure modes and mechanisms.
A11.5 Failure rate acceleration factor—the ratio of the accelerated testing failure rate to the
failure rate under stated reference test conditions. Both failure rates refer to the same time period
in the life of the tested items.
A11.6 Step stress test—a test consisting of several stress levels applied sequentially for periods
of equal duration to one sample. During each period, a stated stress level is applied and the stress
level is increased from one period to the next.
A11.7 Screening test—a test, or combination of tests, intended to remove unsatisfactory items or
items likely to exhibit early failures.
A11.8 Laboratory reliability test—a reliability compliance or determination test made under
prescribed and controlled operating and environmental conditions which may or may not simulate
field conditions.
A11.9 Field reliability test—a reliability compliance or determination test made in the field where
operating, environmental, maintenance and measurement conditions are recorded.


A12.1 Redundancy—in an item, the existence of more than one means of performing a given
A12.2 Active redundancy—that redundancy where all means for performing a given function are
operating simultaneously.
A12.3 Standby redundancy—that redundancy where the alternative means for performing a given
function are inoperative until needed.
A12.4 Storage life—the length of time an item can be stored under specified conditions and still
meet the specified requirements.
A12.5 Wear-out—the process of attrition which results in increase of the failure rate with
increasing age, expressed in time, cycles, kilometres, events, etc, as applicable to the item.
A12.6 Rating—the recommended limiting value of an operating condition or parameter.
A12.7 Burn in—the operation of an item prior to its ultimate application, intended to stabilize its
characteristics and to identify early failures.
A12.8 De-bugging—the operation of a complex item prior to its use, to detect and replace parts
which are defective or expected to fail, and to correct errors occurring in production.


A13.1 Active preventive maintenance time—the period of preventive maintenance time during
which preventive maintenance actions are performed on an item either manually or automatically,
including the time due to technical delays inherent in the maintenance action.
A13.2 Administrative time—the period of time during which maintenance actions are pending or
are prepared but are not yet initiated or are suspended.
A13.3 Undetected failure time—the period of time between the instant at which failure occurs and
its recognition. Dormant failures could occur during this period.
A13.4 Maintenance time—the period of time during which maintenance actions are performed on
an item either manually or automatically, including the time due to delays inherent in the
maintenance action.
1. The inherent delays could, for example, include those due to the design or to prescribed maintenance procedures.
2. Maintenance action may be carri ed out whil e the it em is perf orming a required functi on.

AS 3960—1990 42

A13.5 Preventive maintenance time—the period of maintenance time during which preventive
maintenance is performed on an item, including the time due to delays inherent in the preventive
maintenance action.
1. Test procedures that are involved as part of preventive maintenance ti me may be performed either manually or
automati call y.
2. Preventi ve maintenance time does not include ti me taken to maintain a removed item which has been replaced as part
of the preventive maintenance acti on.
A13.6 Corrective maintenance time—the period of maintenance time during which corrective
maintenance is performed on an item, including the time due to delays inherent in the corrective
maintenance action.
1. Test procedures that are involved as part of corr ecti ve maintenance time may be perf ormed eit her manuall y or
automati call y.
2. Corr ecti ve maintenance ti me does not include time taken to repair a removed item which has been replaced as part of
the corrective maintenance acti on.


A14.1 Observed Q-percentile life—the length of observed time at which a stated proportion (Q%)
of a sample of items has failed.
1. The crit eria for what consti tutes a failure should be stated.
2. The Q-percenti le li fe is also that lif e at which (100 - Q)% reli abil it y is observed.
A14.2 Assessed Q-percentile life—the Q-percentile life determined as a limiting value or values
of the confidence interval with a stated confidence level, based on the same data as the observed
Q-percentile life of nominally identical items.
1. The source of the data should be stated.
2. Result s can be accumulated (combined) only when all condit ions are similar.
3. The assumed underl ying distr ibution of failures against time should be stated.
4. It should be stated whether a one-sided or two-sided interval is being used.
5. Where one li miti ng value is given this is usually the lower li mit.
A14.3 Extrapolated Q-percentile life—extension by a defined extrapolation or interpolation of the
observed or assessed Q-percentile life for stress conditions different from those applying to the
assessed Q-percentile life and for different percentages.
NOTE: The validit y of the extr apolation should be justi fi ed.
A14.4 Predicted Q-percentile life—for the stated conditions of use, and taking into account the
design of an item, the computed Q-percentile life based on the observed, assessed or extrapolated
Q-percentile lives of its parts.
NOTE: Engineering and stati stical assumption should be stated, as well as the bases used for the computation (observed
or assessed).


A15.1 Level of maintenance—the type of maintenance actions to be carried out at a stated
indenture level of an item.
NOTE: The cri teri a for deciding a level of maintenance can be the complexit y of the item’s construction, accessibil it y to
part s of the it em, skill level of maintenance personnel, test equipment facili ti es, safety considerations, etc.
A15.2 Line of maintenance—the position in an organization at which the maintenance of an item
is to be carried out at stated levels of maintenance.
NOTE: The posit ion is characterized by the skil l of the personnel, the facili ti es available, the location, etc.

43 AS 3960—1990

(This Appendix does not form an integral part of this Standard.)

B1 GENERAL–PRINCIPLES. Some of the definitions contained in Appendix A of this Standard

are more precise than are sometimes found in current literature. It is therefore advisable to be aware
of restrictions in the meaning of some definitions compared with current use.
The selection and arrangement of the terms involve several principles of which the following are
the most important:
(a) The starting point for the choice and definition of each term is a clarification of the concept
(b) The terms are logically related to one another as far as possible, and their definitions are
(c) Where several versions of a term are possible, each is given a separate title and its relationship
to the other versions is described.
(d) Due to the widely varied circumstances to which reliability and maintainability terms can be
applied, the words ‘under stated conditions’ are used to remind readers that in every case the
relevant conditions have to be stated to whatever extent is judged necessary.
(e) The terms are grouped under conceptual headings rather than in alphabetical order to enable
a common arrangement to be used for any language.

B2 FAILURE TERMS. The word ‘failure’ is the basic term denoting the termination of required
performance. It is applied to parts and equipment in all circumstances.
In practice, some kinds of failures are more important than others, and it is necessary to distinguish
between them. This is done by adding an adjectival modifier to the word ‘failure’. For example,
complete failure, misuse failure and so on.
A failure term applies only to the item under consideration. Thus a complete failure of a particular
part may cause only a partial failure of the equipment in which it is used.

data, it is important to use the appropriate failure term. For example, in the case of failure data from
equipment in the field, it is important to distinguish between parts which fail as the result of misuse
and those whose failure is due to a weakness in the part itself. Failure statements should therefore
indicate which kind of failure is being considered.


Reliability is concerned with the probability of future events based on past observations. Any
reliability characteristic term may thus be used in respect of what has been observed and what may
happen, the latter use being quantified in terms of a probability.

B5 RELIABILITY CHARACTERISTICS. Reliability characteristics are quantities used to

express various aspects of reliability in numerical terms. The emphasis of a particular reliability
characteristic may be either from the viewpoint of success (i.e. performing a function) or of failure.
The characteristics used include reliability, mean life, failure rate, mean time between failures and
mean time to failure. The observed versions are estimates of the ‘true values’ of the characteristics,
but not necessarily the ‘best estimates’ in the statistical sense.


characteristics–for example, failure rate–depends on the amount of data collected, the statistical
treatment and the technical assumptions made in particular circumstances. A different name is used
when statistical treatment differs, but in any case the set of assumptions and circumstances should
be stated. For example, the term ‘observed failure rate’ relates to the failure rate observed under a
given set of circumstances, and by definition the number of specimens, duration and failure
definition should all be stated. If these data are subjected to appropriate statistical treatment, the
result is the limiting values of a confidence interval with a stated confidence level. This is called
the assessed failure rate.

AS 3960—1990 44

Where the adjective ‘assessed’ is used, this is to be understood in the statistical sense.
Two approaches to publication of reliability characteristics are possible. The first, which is used in
this Standard, is one in which each term (e.g. failure rate) is associated with an adjective (e.g.
assessed). The second is where, the basic reliability characteristics are defined individually and the
adjectives are explained separately. When numerical reliability data are quoted, the results of both
these approaches will be identical if they are used correctly, since both require complete information
(e.g. stress and time conditions, and failure definitions).
(observed, assessed, extrapolated and predicted) of a reliability characteristic may be used for what
has been achieved or what is required. Thus a statement of a requirement may be used as a target
for the observed, assessed, etc failure rate.

B8 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF APPENDIX A. In practice, some of the terms in Appendix

A have to be given greater precision by being defined in accordance with the characteristics of the
item under consideration. Thus the criteria of a partial failure of a transistor, for example, would
usually be given as the limit values for, or limit changes in, gain or leakage current. In some cases,
further distinctions may be desirable, for example, major and minor partial failures. Distinctions of
this kind may be made by building up on Appendix A of this Standard as a foundation.

B9 MEANING OF THE TERM ‘ITEM’. The words ‘an item’ are also used to denote any part,
sub-system, system or equipment that can be individually considered and separately tested. The word
‘item’ is also used to denote items, population of items, sample, etc, where the context justifies its
Where the expression ‘repaired item’ is used, it means an item which is intended to be repaired
when it fails. Similarly the term ‘non-repaired item’ means an item which is not intended to be
repaired when it fails.

B10 ‘HARDWARE’ TERMS. The choice, definition and relationship of the principal ‘hardware’
terms such as part, equipment, system, etc are strongly influenced by the viewpoint adopted in
different countries, and by different organizations in one country. It has been found impracticable
to provide a universally acceptable set of ‘hardware’ terms and definitions. Therefore, in any
practical reliability study involving ‘hardware’ terms, the definitions and hierarchy of the terms used
should be stated and should not be changed during the study.

B11 TIME CONCEPTS. In definitions where ‘time’ is used, this parameter may be replaced by
distance, cycles or other quantities or units as may be appropriate. This concept may cover any
duration of observation of the considered items, either in actual operation or in storage, readiness,
etc, but it generally excludes down time due to a failure.

45 AS 3960—1990

(This Appendix does not form an integral part of this Standard.)

accelerated test AS 3960 A11.3

acceleration factor AS 3960 A11.4
active preventive maintenance time AS 3960 A13.1
active redundancy AS 3960 A12.2
active repair time AS 1057 10.3.14
administrative time AS 3960 A13.2
assessed failure rate AS 3960 A8.2
assessed mean life AS 3960 A7.2
assessed mean time between failures AS 3960 A10.2
assessed mean time to failure AS 3960 A9.2
assessed Q-percentile life AS 3960 A14.2
assessed reliability AS 3960 A6.2
assumed failure rate AS 3960 A8.5
audit AS 1057 3.4
availability AS 1057 11.1
burn in AS 3960 A12.7
catastrophic failure AS 3960 A5.1
complete failure AS 3960 A4.2
condition monitoring AS 1057 10.2.4
conditioning AS 1057 9.6.1
constant failure rate period AS 1057 9.5.3
corrective maintenance AS 1057 10.2.3
corrective maintenance time AS 3960 A13.6
de-bugging AS 3960 A12.8
degradation failure AS 3960 A5.2
de-rating AS 1057 4.2.14
down time AS 1057 10.3.2
durability AS 1057 9.2.2
early failure period AS 1057 9.5.2
endurance test AS 1057 9.6.2
environment AS 1057 9.6.3
environmental test AS 1057 9.6.4
extrapolated Q-percentile life AS 3960 A14.3
extrapolated failure rate AS 3960 A8.3
extrapolated mean life AS 3960 A7.3
extrapolated mean time between failures AS 3960 A10.3
extrapolated mean time to failure AS 3960 A9.3
extrapolated reliability AS 3960 A6.3
fail safe AS 1057 4.1.5
failure AS 1057 9.3.1
failure analysis AS 1057 9.3.5
failure cause AS 1057 9.3.2
failure mechanism AS 1057 9.3.4
failure mode AS 1057 9.3.3
failure rate AS 1057 9.5.1
failure rate acceleration factor AS 3960 A11.5
failure rate level AS 3960 A8.6
fault tree analysis AS 1057 9.3.6
field data AS 3960 A11.2
field reliability test AS 3960 A11.9
free time AS 1057 10.3.6
gradual failure AS 3960 A3.2
inherent weakness failure AS 3960 A2.2
intermittent failure AS 3960 A4.3
laboratory reliability test AS 3960 A11.8
level of maintenance AS 3960 A15.1
line of maintenance AS 3960 A15.2

AS 3960—1990 46

maintainability AS 1057 10.1.1

maintenance AS 1057 10.2.1
maintenance time AS 3960 A13.4
mean life AS 1057 9.7.1
mean time between failures (MTBF) AS 1057 9.7.3
mean time to failure (MTTF) AS 1057 9.7.2
mean time to first failure (MTTFF) AS 1057 9.7.4
mean time to repair (MTTR) AS 1057 10.3.16
misuse failure AS 3960 A2.1
non-relevant failure AS 1057 9.4.8
non-required time AS 1057 10.3.5
observed Q-percentile life AS 3960 A14.1
observed failure rate AS 3960 A8.1
observed mean life AS 3960 A7.1
observed mean time between failures AS 3960 A10.1
observed mean time to failure AS 3960 A9.1
observed reliability AS 3960 A6.1
operating time AS 1057 10.3.3
partial failure AS 3960 A4.1
predicted Q-percentile life AS 3960 A14.4
predicted failure rate AS 3960 A8.4
predicted mean life AS 3960 A7.4
predicted mean time between failures AS 3960 A10.4
predicted mean time to failure AS 3960 A9.4
predicted reliability AS 3960 A6.4
preventive maintenance AS 1057 10.2.2
preventive maintenance time AS 3960 A13.5
primary failure AS 1057 9.4.5
quality system AS 1057 2.2.1
rating AS 3960 A12.6
redundancy AS 3960 A12.1
relevant failure AS 1057 9.4.7
reliability AS 1057 9.2.1
reliability compliance test AS 1057 9.6.5
reliability determination test AS 1057 9.6.6
reliability growth testing AS 1057 9.6.7
required time AS 1057 10.3.4
screening test AS 3960 A11.7
secondary failure AS 1057 9.4.6
serviceability AS 1057 10.1.2
standby redundancy AS 3960 A12.3
standby time AS 1057 10.3.7
step stress test AS 3960 A11.6
storage life AS 3960 A12.4
sudden failure AS 3960 A3.1
test data AS 3960 A11.1
testability AS 1057 10.1.3
undetected failure time AS 3960 A13.3
up time AS 1057 10.3.1
useful life AS 1057 9.5.5
wear-out failure AS 1057 9.4.1
wear-out AS 3960 A12.5
wear-out failure period AS 1057 9.5.4

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