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Story No. Description Root Cause Analysis Resolution

# To get disputed
IRM Case Disputes The report will show
customer account
Report customer account related
related transaction transaction details.

<Gitlab no - Build>

Release Date

Developer Raviraj Padman

Technical Contact Senthil Manalan

Approved by Holly Bi

Responsible Team Task Status

<Team Name> 1. Develop a BIP Report <New/Completed>

Build Release Environment

☒ ERP Cloud Target (To): TEST


Deployment Instruction:

1. Login to Oracle Cloud Production instance.

2. Go to ToolsReport and Analytics Catalog.

3. Go to relevant folder for IRM User Login Report

4. First Unarchive the data model, select the” Unarchive” task.

Archive File Name: IRM Case Disputes Details.xdm

Select the DM Catalog file:

Click “OK”.

5. Navigate to Shared Folders select the” Unarchive” task

Archive File Name: IRM Case Disputes Report.xdo

Select the report file:

Click “OK”.
6. Click the Edit link on the report file.

7. Click the magnifying glass next to the Data Model name and find the DM unarchived in step 5.

8. Once the data model has been assigned, you are ready to run the report.

Dependencies Pre-deployment Steps

Pre-requisite Configurations

Balance Configuration Details

Lookup Table

Lookup Type Meaning Module Description


User Defined Table

User-Defined Table Name Range or Match Unit of Row Title Legislative Data
Measure Group

Value Sets

Value Set Code Validation Type Module Description


Fast Formula

Formula Name Formula Type Legislative Data Group Description


ERP Extract Deployment Instruction

Extract Details

Extract Name Delivered


General Instructions

Apply changes noted in Delivery Option Section

Filter Condition Changes (attach txt file if changes are significant)

Block Name: N/A Changes: N/A

Block Name: N/A Changes: N/A

Attribute Changes

Block Name: Record Name: Changes:

Block Name: Record Name: Changes:

Delivery Option Changes

Delivered Extract Custom Extract

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BIP)

Business Intelligence Publisher

Data Model Name IRM Case Disputes Details.xdm

Data Model Path

Report Name IRM Case Disputes Details.xdo

Report Path

Template Name IRM Case Disputes RP

ERP Configuration

Configuration Workbook


ERP Deployment Components

S. Object Name GIT Path GIT Version No

No. (Master)

Post Deployment Validations


• User Interface

User Interface
Pre-Deployment Steps/Validations

3.PaaS Deployment Components

S. Object Name GIT Path GIT Version No Git

No (Development) Version
. No

1 IRM Case Disputes Details.xdm

2 IRM Case Disputes Details.xdo

PaaS Deployment Validation

Rollback Plan
Execute below object deployments for rollback-

S. Object Name GIT Path GIT Version No


1 IRM Case Disputes SCTASK0566236 &

Details Gitversion:161e7994

Known Issues / Impacts

Test Scenario Expected Result Actual Result

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