Apoptosis STX

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Induction of Apoptosis in Normal Human Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells by

Escherichia coli Shiga Toxins 1 and 2
Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Tomoko Taguchi, Tetsuya Mori, Department of Pathology, and Department of Infectious Diseases
Hiroshi Uchida, Norihide Sato, Tae Takeda, Research, National Children’s Medical Research Center, Tokyo, Japan
and Junichiro Fujimoto

The cytotoxicity of Shiga toxin (Stx) 1 and Stx2 produced by Escherichia coli to human renal
cortical epithelial cells (HRCEC) in primary culture was investigated. HRCEC express CD24, the
marker of renal distal tubules, as well as globotriaosyl ceramide/CD77, the receptor for Stxs. Binding
of Stxs to HRCEC was confirmed by positive staining with specific antibodies to Stxs. Treatment
of HRCEC with Stxs induced rapid cell death, which was reversed in the presence of neutralizing
antibody specific for Stx. DNA fragmentation was found to be accompanied by Stx-mediated cell
death in HRCEC, indicating that apoptosis was part of the process. These data and previous reports

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indicate that a variety of renal cell types, including tubular epithelial cells as well as glomerular
capillary endothelial cells, may be targets for Stx-mediated apoptosis, which could contribute to the
pathogenesis of hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by Stx-producing E. coli infection.

Recent worrisome increases in the incidences of infections a related disorder, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, may
due to Shiga toxin (Stx) – producing strains of Escherichia coli support this idea [9 – 11].
(STEC) throughout the world have attracted the attention of On the other hand, several studies demonstrated that renal
numerous public health workers. The major outbreaks in the tubular epithelial cells are another possible primary target for
western part of the United States, Germany, and Japan are the Stxs [12 – 18]. First, in a murine model, injection of Stxs and
latest cases in point. The major symptom of STEC infection oral administration of STEC have been reported to damage the
is bloody diarrhea. However, a more serious problem associated cortical tubular epithelium while glomeruli remain unaffected
with this infection is the frequent development of a fatal sys- [12 – 14]. Second, the expression of the functional receptor for
temic complication called hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) Stxs, globotriaosyl ceramide (Gb3)/CD77 [19 – 21], and the
[1]. binding of Stxs has been demonstrated on renal tubular epithe-
HUS, characterized by the triad of hemolytic anemia, acute lial cells [15, 16]. Third, we have observed marked elevation
renal failure, and thrombocytopenia, remains the leading cause of urinary N-acetyl glucosaminidase and b2-microglobulin,
of acute renal failure in childhood [2]. Although Stxs have both of which are specific markers of tubular function, in the
been postulated since the early 1980s to be the substance re- acute stage of HUS associated with STEC infection [17].
sponsible for HUS development [1], in vivo kinetics of Stxs In connection with the above reports, we previously demon-
as well as the pathogenesis of HUS are still unclear. However, strated that Stxs are cytotoxic to the renal carcinoma line
on the basis of histopathologic findings [3] and in vitro experi- ACHN, an in vitro model of human renal tubular epithelial
ments [4 – 7], endothelial damage in the glomeruli and arterioles cells, which is 106- to 107-fold more sensitive to Stxs than are
of the kidney induced by Stx is believed to play a crucial HUVEC [17]. More interestingly, we have recently shown that
role in the pathogenesis of Stx-mediated HUS [4, 8]. A few apoptosis is involved in Stx-mediated cytotoxicity against
observations on the correlation between apoptosis of glomeru- ACHN cells [18].
lar endothelial cells and sporadic (non – Stx-mediated) HUS or To address whether these observations in ACHN represent
the nature of normal tubular epithelial cells in the kidney, we
examined the effect of Stxs on normal human renal cortical
epithelial cells (HRCEC) by using a primary culture system.
Received 1 December 1997; revised 10 February 1998. We used HRCEC as an in vitro model of distal tubular epithelial
Financial support: Ministry of Health and Welfare (Health Sciences Research
Grants, Grant for Pediatric Research [9C-04, 9C-05], Grant-in Aid for Cancer
cells in the kidney and investigated the mechanism of the cyto-
Research [5-24, 9-10]; Entrustment of Research Programme of the Foundation toxicity of Stx1 and Stx2.
for Promotion of Cancer Research in Japan; Program for Promotion of Funda-
mental Studies in Health Sciences of the Organization for Drug ADR Relief,
R & D Promotion and Product Review of Japan; Foundation for Promotion of Materials and Methods
Cancer Research (Research Resident Fellowship to N.S.).
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Nobutaka Kiyokawa, Department of Pathol- Shiga toxins, cells, antibodies, and cytokines. Stx1 and Stx2
ogy, National Children’s Medical Research Center, 3-35-31, Taishido, Seta-
gaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8509, Japan (nkiyokawa@nch.go.jp).
were prepared as described previously [22, 23]. Normal HRCEC
in primary culture, derived from a 24-year-old volunteer, were
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1998;178:178–84
q 1998 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. purchased from Clonetics (Walkersville, MD) and maintained at
0022–1899/98/7801–0022$02.00 377C in a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere. The monoclonal anti-

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bodies used in this study were CD10 (IF-6 [24]), CD24 (L30 [25]),
CD34 (QBEnd10; Coulter/Immunotec, Westbrook, MA), Apo2.7
(Coulter), CD77 (38.13, Coulter; and 1A4, gift of Reiji Kannagi,
Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Research Institute, Aichi
Cancer Center, Nagoya, Japan), anti-Stx1 (13C4, ATCC CRL 1794
[26]), and anti-Stx2 (11E10, ATCC CRL 1907; and 11F11, ATCC
CRL 1908 [27]). Fluorescein-conjugated and enzyme-conjugated
secondary antibodies were purchased from Jackson Laboratory
(West Grove, PA).
Immunofluorescence study. Cell suspensions of HRCEC were
produced by treating the cells with a non-enzymatic cell dissocia-
tion solution (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis) for 5 min, followed by
pipetting. The cells were then stained with monoclonal antibodies
and analyzed by flow cytometry (EPICS Profile and EPICS-XL;
Coulter) as described previously [24]. To detect Stx binding, 106

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cells in suspension were incubated with and without 100 ng/mL
Stx1 or Stx2 for 1 h at 47C followed by intensive washing before
staining. To detect 7A6 antigen, which is located in the cytoplasm,
Stx-treated cells were harvested and fixed, followed by permeabili-
zation before staining with phycoerythrin-Cy5–conjugated
APO2.7 antibody, as described previously [28].
Immunohistochemical analysis. For immunohistochemical
analysis, cells grown on tissue culture chamber slides (Lab-Tek;
Miles Laboratories, Naperville, IL) were washed with PBS and air
dried, followed by fixation with 100% acetone for 15 min at 47C.
Immunoperoxidase staining was done as described previously [29].
To detect binding of Stxs, cells fixed on glass slides were incubated
with 100 ng/mL Stx1 or Stx2 for 1 h at room temperature before
staining with specific antibody.
MTT assay. To assess growth and viability, cells were plated
on 96-well plates (Corning, Corning, NY) at a concentration of
104 cells in 100 mL of complete medium/well, with and without
Stxs. After incubation for the indicated periods, MTT assays were
done as described previously [30]. Each experiment was done in
triplicate, and averages were calculated.
DNA fragmentation assay. Cells were assayed for DNA ladder
formation by gel electrophoresis. After treatment with and without
Stxs, DNAs were extracted from the cells, separated in 1% agarose
gels by electrophoresis, and examined under UV light as described
previously [31].
DNA fragmentation was also investigated in situ by the TUNEL
method using a in situ apoptosis detection kit (TACS 2 TdT[TBL]; Figure 1. Analysis of antigen expression on surfaces of HRCEC.
Trevigen, Gaithersburg, MD). Experiments were done according A, HRCEC in suspension were stained with specific monoclonal anti-
to the manufacturer’s protocol. bodies and analyzed by flow cytometry. Histogram obtained was
To evaluate relative DNA contents, cells were stained with pro- superimposed on that of negative control (CNT; cells stained with
pidium iodide (Sigma), then analyzed by flow cytometry as de- isotype-matched control immunoglobulin). x axis, fluorescence inten-
scribed previously [32]. sity; y axis, relative cell number. B, HRCEC were grown on chamber
slides. After fixation with 100% cold acetone, cells were immunohis-
tochemically stained with specific monoclonal antibodies.


Characterization of cell surface antigens expressed on strongly positive for CD24 on flow cytometry but negative for
HRCEC in primary culture. It has been reported that the CD10 and CD34. HRCEC were also found to express low
epithelial components of renal tubules can be classified ac- levels of Gb3/CD77, the functional receptor for Stxs. The pat-
cording to the expression pattern of hematopoietic cell surface tern of the histograms, which depict rather wide peaks, is indic-
antigens [29, 33, 34]. Thus, we first characterized cell surface ative of a less-than-homogeneous cell population.
antigens expressed on HRCEC by using antibodies against CD The expressions of CD24 and CD77 were also confirmed
leukocyte antigens. As shown in figure 1A, HRCEC were by immunohistochemistry (figure 1B). On the basis of the dis-

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180 Kiyokawa et al. JID 1998;178 (July)

Cytotoxic effect of Stxs on HRCEC. Next, we investigated

whether Stxs affect the growth and survival of HRCEC. When
HRCEC were incubated with Stx1, their growth as assessed
by MTT assay was markedly reduced in a dose-dependent
manner (figure 3A), showing HRCEC to be very sensitive to the
cytotoxic effect of Stx1. The reduced cell growth in response to
treatment with Stx1 was due to cell death, as confirmed by
trypan blue staining (data not shown). Similar results were
obtained when HRCEC were incubated with Stx2 (figure 3B),
indicating that HRCEC are susceptible to both Stx1 and Stx2.
There was no significant difference in the effects of Stx1 and
Stx2 on HRCEC. Another population of HRCEC, derived from
a different volunteer (age 19 years), was similarly examined,
and identical results were obtained (data not shown).

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Figure 2. Detection of Stx binding to HRCEC. A, HRCEC were
grown on chamber slides. After fixation with 100% cold acetone,
cells were incubated with 100 ng/mL Stx1 for 1 h at 47C. After
intensive washing, Stx1 bound to HRCEC was immunohistochemi-
cally stained with anti-Stx1 monoclonal antibody 13C4 (right). As
control, isotype-matched control immunoglobulin was also used (left).
B, HRCEC in suspension were incubated with (right) and without
(left) 100 ng/mL Stx2 for 1 h at 47C. After intensive washing, cells
were stained with anti-Stx2 monoclonal antibody 11E10 and analyzed
by flow cytometry. Histogram obtained was superimposed on that of
negative control (CNT; cells stained with isotype-matched control

tribution of these molecules in normal renal tissue [29, 33, 34],

HRCEC in primary culture were thought to correspond to the
epithelia of distal tubules.
Stx binding to HRCEC. Since HRCEC were found to ex-
press CD77 on their cell surfaces, we investigated whether Stxs
bind to these cells. As shown in figure 2A, anti-Stx1 mono-
clonal antibody labeling of HRCEC pretreated with Stx1 was
demonstrated immunohistochemically. HRCEC not treated
with Stx1, on the other hand, failed to react with anti-Stx1
antibody (data not shown). Since the specificity of this antibody
was confirmed by immunostaining and ELISA (data not
shown), the positive staining of Stx1-pretreated HRCEC with
anti-Stx1 antibody was considered to reflect specific binding
of Stx1 to HRCEC.
The specific binding of Stx to HRCEC was also confirmed
by flow cytometry. As shown in figure 2B, antibody against Figure 3. Cytotoxic effects of Stx1 (A) and Stx2 (B) on HRCEC.
HRCEC (104 cells/100 mL of complete medium/well) were incubated
Stx2 clearly stained HRCEC pretreated with Stx2, whereas no with different concentrations of Stx1 or Stx2. After incubation, viable
staining was obtained when the antibody was reacted with cell numbers were estimated by MTT assay and are presented as ratio
untreated HRCEC. against non – Stx-treated cells.

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Figure 4. Detection of DNA frag-

mentation in HRCEC treated with
Stx. A, HRCEC at 50% confluence
were cultured with (lanes 3 and 4)
or without (lane 2) 100 pg/mL Stx1.
After incubation, DNAs were ex-
tracted, and 1.5 mg of DNA from
each sample was electrophoresed in
1% agarose gel. As molecular
weight control, mixture of HindIII-
digested l DNA and HaeIII-digested

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f DNA was also loaded on same
gel (lane 1). B, HRCEC treated with
(lower) and without (upper) 100 pg/
mL Stx2 were tested by TUNEL
method. Typical apoptotic cells
(dark color) are indicated by arrows.
C, After treatment with Stx1 (left) or
Stx2 (right) or without Stxs (center),
HRCEC were stained with propid-
ium iodide, and DNA contents were
examined. Each experiment was
done in triplicate, and averages of
ratio of subploid cells are shown.

To assess whether the cytotoxic effect described above is cating the occurrence of DNA fragmentation induced by Stx2.
specifically mediated by Stx, we examined the effects of anti- The TUNEL assay – positive cells were already detected at an
bodies neutralizing Stxs. When 13C4 antibody, which neutral- earlier time point when HRCEC were still trypan blue – nega-
izes Stx1, was added to the culture, the cytotoxic effect of tive (data not shown).
Stx1 against HRCEC was markedly reduced (data not shown). The cleavage of nuclear DNA in HRCEC treated with Stxs
Similar results were obtained with a combination of Stx2 and was further confirmed by the detection of subploid cells with
the anti-Stx2 monoclonal antibody 11F11 on HRCEC (data not propidium iodide staining (figure 4C). Again, no significant
shown), thereby establishing that the cytotoxic effects were difference was observed between the effect of Stx1 and that
directly mediated by Stxs. of Stx2 on HRCEC in this experiment.
Detection of apoptosis in the Stx-induced cell death of A 38-kDa protein, 7A6, detected by APO2.7 antibody was
HRCEC. As we have previously observed that Stxs induce recently identified as an early-stage marker of the apoptotic
apoptosis on ACHN cells derived from human renal tubular process in various cells [28]. APO2.7 stained only a fraction
epithelial cancer cells [18], we examined the possibility that the of untreated HRCEC, but the proportion of APO2.7-positive
cytotoxic effect of Stxs on HRCEC involves an apoptotic path- HRCEC increased after treatment with Stx2 in a time-depen-
way. First, we tested whether cleavage of nuclear DNA occurs dent manner (figure 5). Equivalent results were obtained with
during the Stx-induced death of HRCEC. As shown in figure Stx1 treatment (data not shown). These findings demonstrate
4A, DNA prepared from HRCEC pretreated with Stx1 exhibited clearly that apoptosis had indeed occurred in HRCEC following
DNA ladder formation on agarose gel electrophoresis. treatment with Stxs.
Cleavage of the nuclear DNA in HRCEC treated with Stx
was also confirmed by in situ detection by the TUNEL method, Discussion
as shown in figure 4B. After being treated with Stx2, a portion Although the capillary microangiopathy and endothelial
of HRCEC clearly incorporated biotinylated nucleotides, indi- damage mediated by Stxs are generally believed to be the major

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182 Kiyokawa et al. JID 1998;178 (July)

Figure 5. Induction of apoptotic antigen

7A6. After incubation with 100 pg/mL Stx2,
HRCEC were fixed and stained with either
APO2.7 monoclonal antibody (lower panels)
or isotype matched control immunoglobulin
(upper panels), then analyzed by flow cytome-
try. To identify positive cells more clearly,
fluorescence intensity was displayed as 2-di-
mensional histogram against side light scatter.
x axis, fluorescence intensity; y axis, side light

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events triggering Stx-mediated HUS [3 – 8], several lines of intestinal epithelium of rabbit, ACHN renal adenocarcinoma,
evidence have been reported that imply that renal tubular im- Burkitt’s lymphoma, Vero, and MDCK cells [18, 31, 40 – 44].
pairment also contributes to the pathogenesis of HUS [12 – 18]. Consistent with these observations, we have demonstrated
More recently, we have made several observations support- herein that Stx also mediate apoptosis in normal renal cells in
ing this idea. First, using dual-color immunohistochemistry, primary culture. Fragmentation of genomic DNA of Stx-treated
we have demonstrated that only tubular epithelial cells ex- HRCEC clearly indicates the presence of nucleosomal DNA
pressing CD24, a surface marker of renal epithelium repre- breakage, a phenomenon typical of apoptosis. In addition, the
senting distal tubules, can bind to Stxs (Mori T, et al., unpub- expression of an apoptosis marker, the 7A6 molecule [28],
lished data). Second, we had the opportunity to examine the provides further evidence that apoptosis is indeed involved in
frozen renal autopsy tissue from a child who died of HUS the mechanism of Stx-mediated cell death of normal human
after STEC infection and found clear deposition of Stxs on a tubular epithelial cells.
significant portion of distal tubules as well as on endothelial Under our experimental condition, Stxs caused apoptosis in
cells (Uchida H, et al., unpublished data). On the basis of a portion of HRCEC. However, considering the several findings
these findings, we hypothesized that renal tubular epithelium that suggest the synergism between cytokines and Stxs in the
might be another primary target of Stxs in vivo and should induction of apoptosis [6, 18, 45, 46], the apoptosis-inducing
be viewed as a major site of the renal dysfunction that occurs effect of Stxs could be enhanced in vivo during STEC infection,
in the early phase of HUS. in which elevated plasma and urine concentrations of cytokines
In fact, the data presented herein show clearly that HRCEC have been observed [47 – 49]. In addition, previous reports de-
are highly susceptible to the cytotoxic effect of Stxs. Based on scribed a possible involvement of apoptosis in the process of
the distribution of various molecules in normal renal tissue [29, Stx-induced damage of other renal cells, such as glomerular
33], HRCEC are assumed to correspond to renal epithelia of endothelia [4, 6, 42 – 45, 50]. These observations, together with
the distal tubules. Collectively, our data indicate that distal the results described herein, further emphasize the likelihood
tubular epithelia, expressing CD24 and Gb3/CD77, are highly of a pathologic role of Stx-mediated apoptosis of various renal
susceptible to Stxs and can be directly damaged. cells in HUS.
Stx consists of A and B subunits [35]. The B subunit works The difference in sensitivity to Stx-mediated apoptosis ob-
as a receptor-binding site and facilitates the entry of the holo- served among HRCEC could be due to heterogeneity in the
toxin into susceptible cells [36]. It is generally accepted that cell population. The factors or mechanisms determining the
the cytotoxic effect of Stxs is mediated by the A subunit, which sensitivity of HRCEC to apoptosis mediated by Stx remain to
has RNA N-glycohydrolase activity and cleaves a specific ade- be elucidated.
nine residue on the 28S ribosomal subunit, resulting in inhibi- Although it has been clarified that Stxs are capable of inducing
tion of protein synthesis [36 – 39]. However, it has been re- apoptosis of various cell types from several animal species,
ported that Stxs induce apoptosis in various cells, such as nothing is known about the mechanism of apoptotic signal trans-

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