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Republic of the Philippines

Southern Leyte States University -HC

Barangay Ambacon, Hinunangan, Southerb Leyte

Name: RICHELLE PAMUGAS MASING Year & Course: BSE Science-1

Subject: National Service Training Program (NSTP)


1ST Sunday, July 04, 2021

Today is the first day of the implementation of the project entitled “Bakuran ko, Linis ko”. This has
been implemented to maintain cleanliness and to live a healthy lifestyle. It is very helpful to us because it
helps to prevent climate change, even if it was just a little help, at least we’ve worked for it.
Today I started the “Bakuran ko, Linis ko” project. First thing in the morning, as I woke up, I
decided to prepare my needs or materials that I am going to use and that is helpful in the task that I am
going to do. After I have prepared everything, I already started sweeping the yard. I cleaned the
surroundings and every corner of the outside part of the house. Every time I see died leaves, plastics
wrappers and plastic bottles I will gather them all and afterwards I will be segregating them from the
recyclable to nonrecyclable. After segregating, I put all the nonrecyclable in the trashcan and the recyclable
to the plastic and wait for the trashmen’s to pick it up.
We have to improve life by living a healthier lifestyle, not only to ourselves but also to our
environment and to the things that surrounds us.
2nd Sunday, July 11, 2021

Cleaning is the process of removing unwanted substances, such as dirt, infectious agents, and
other impurities, from an object or environment. Cleaning occurs in many different contexts, and uses
many different methods. Several occupations are devoted to cleaning.
Today is my second day of performing the implementation of “Bakod ko, Linis ko” program. I
decided to clean deeper and deeper to reduce mess and stinks in the surroundings and to embrace the
fresh air coming form the nature. I swept all the dry leaves and the plastics that has been thrown by
the kids while they were playing in our yard while eating junk foods, biscuits and juices. Picking up the
rocks that had been placed in the front yard which were belongs in the road. And to avoid getting
slipped, it is safer to remove the falling coconuts and its leaves and also to make the yard look clean
and refreshing in the eye of the people.
We have to be aware of what is being disposed in our surroundings to avoid ruining the nature
and to avoid getting sick because of the improper waste disposal behavior.
3rd Sunday, July 18,2021

Whatever is going on in your home reflects in your living environment, and directly impacts
your and your family's health. Hence, house cleaning should be one of your top priorities. You can
prevent getting sick, prevent allergies or asthma attacks simply by cleaning on a regular basis.
Today is the last day of the project “Bakod ko, Linis ko” program. Today is also a clean up
day, we decided to clear the area because we will be planting vegetables in some clean areas. My
mother wants to find a very nice lot to plant veggies. So, I was the one in charged in cleaning or
sweeping the surroundings. It was a bit tiring because we have a very wide space to clean but the
most important thing is that we live in a very clean environments and a very healthy lifestyle.
A clean working environment is good for worker's morale; increases plant efficiency,
protection and longevity of equipment, avoidance of off flavors, and consumer confidence. It
portrays a good image of the entire business. Regulatory agencies Food safety is an important
public health issue.


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