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= etter things for better living...through chemistry}
cellulose nitrate cellulose acetate tetrafluoroethylene cellular cellulose acetate acrylic resin
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PM-1 (1) FM-10001 FM-3001 FM-6501 ate? core ove LB./CU. FT. LB./CU. FT. HC-201 HC-202 HM-122 HM-129 HM-130
) _"9" a 7? Tensile strength, -70°F. LB./SQ.IN. D638-44T 7,600 15,700 12,900 13,000 18,000 15,000 14,300 14,000 14,500 14,500 14,500 Tensile strength, -70°F.
a u B t 77 OF, LB./SQ.IN. D638-44T 1,300 10,900 7,000 7,400 6,400 5,200 1,800 100-125 (3) 155-175 (3) 7,000 8,000 9,500 9,000 8,700 77 OF”.

170°F, LB. /SQ.IN. D638-44T 1,000 7,600 6,760 5,000 3,400 1,900 1,100 2,900 4,800 5,000 4,300 2,800 170°F.
Elongation, —70°F. % D638-44T 50 1.6 2.0 8.0 4.0 oO 0 0 2 2 2 Elongation, —70°F,
77 OF~ % D638-44T 200 50 135 300 35 36 110 1 2.5 5 5 5 77 OF”
170°F, % D638-44T 575 320 320 400 44 44 600 200 22 80 90 100 170°F,
Modulus of elasticity, 77°F. LB./SQ.IN. D638-44T 19,000 400,000 260,000 38,000 270,000 200,000 58,000 350,000 380,000 400,000 400,000 “406,000 Modulus of elasticity, 77°F. footnotes :
Shear strength LB. /SQ.IN. D732-43T 2,200 9,600 8,400 5,700 8,200 8,000 3,800 * * 9,000 11,000 9,400 9,000 7,500 Shear strength :
Tests have been performed by A.S.T.M.
Impact strength, Izod, —40°F, FT.-LB./IN. D256-43T 1.6 0.4 1.6 0.9 1.4 0.3 2-3 0.4 0.4 0.3 methods unless otherwise indicated.
0.4 0.4 Impact strength, Izod, —40°F. The prefix Arl. refers to test methods
77 OF~. FT.-LB./IN. D256-43T did not break 1.5 2.7 >16 8.5 1.2 2.5-4.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 77°F.
used in Du Pont’s Arlington labora-
tories. Data shown are average values
Stiffness, 77 OF. LB. /SQ.IN. D747 -46T 13,000 300,000 150,000 70,000 200,000 220,000 60,000 (10) 3,500-4,500 (10) 4,000-9,000(10) 370,000 430,000 430,000 410,000 340,000 Stiffness, 77 °F. and should not be used for specifications.
Flexural strength, 77°F. LB./SQ.IN. D790-44T * 14,600 9,500 3,800 did not break did not break did not break 80-95 145-160 * Test not applicable.
12,000 16,000 16,000 15,500 15,000 Flexural strength, 77°F.
(1) Polythene PM-2 differs from PM-1
Compressive stress at 1% deformation LB./SQ.IN. D695-44T 280 4,900 3,000 800 2,400 2,000 670 | 5,000 5,000 4,800 4,600 4,600 Compressive stress at 1% deformation only in the fact that the former contains
an antioxidant.
Creep in flexure Arl. P-25 (5) *k 90 120 100 16 76 67 9 11 5 5 5 Creep in flexure
(2) Other ‘“‘Lucite’’ and nylon composi-
Hardness, Rockwell D785-47T D45 (4) R118 R111 R83 R102 | R93 D55 (4) * * M90 M98 M102 M98 M87 : Hardness, Rockwell tions can be prepared for special re-
quirements. The types shown here are
Flow temperature OF, D569-44T 224 >480 397 276 * *K * * * % 320 the most widely used at the present. A
284 266 Flow temperature
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion per OF.
particularly large number of ‘‘Pyralin”’
D696-44T 9x 10°75 5.5 x 1075 8.2 x 10°5 8.2 x 1075 7.2x 10°75 4.8 x 1075 5.5 x 10°75 2.2 x 1075 2.2 x 10°75 4.9 x 10°75 4.9 x 10°75 4x 10°75 5 x 10°5 6x 10°5 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion per °F. and ‘‘Plastacele’’ formulations having
Thermal conductivity Dee Arl, P-32 (6) 2.3 17 a wide range of physical properties are
1.5 1.9 1.6 1.5-1.8 1.7 0.4 0.4 2.3 2.3 1.4 1.4 oe Thermal aca saivily available. The properties shown here
Specific heat 0.55 0.4; 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.35 0.25 apply to more-or-less standard
0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 Specific heat compositions,
Deformation under load, 122°F., 2000 Ib./sq. in. % D621-44T 0.6 1.4 4.2 20 21 45 25 * ar 1.5 0.0 1.5 2.5 3.5 Deformation under load, 122°F., 2000 ib./sq. in. (3) Tensile strength of ‘“‘Strux’’ obtained
Heat-distortion temperature, 264 Ib./ OF, D648-45T K at right angles to the direction of
170 130 ot: 160 135 140 * * 160 190 194 172 163 Heat-distortion temperature, 264 Ib./sq. in. extrusion, as described
in Wright Field
Specification Eng. 56-M4595, Aug.

66 Ib./ oF, D648-45T 107 400 320 124 180 170 270 K sk 170 210 206 179 168 66 Ib./ 19, 1944, Exhibit B, Part 2.
Dielectric strength, short-time V/MIL D149-44 460 385 470 420 280 335 480 * *
<L 400 400 400 400 400 Dielectric strength, short-time (4) Hardness of polythene and ‘Teflon’
determined by Shore durometer,
© step-by-step V/MIL D149-44 420 340 410 400 250 300 430 *K * 350 370 370 370 370 step-by-step
> A.S.T.M. method D676-44T.

Li Volume resistivity OHM.-CM. D257-45 >1015 4.5 x 1013 4x 1014 5 x 1013 3.4 x 1011 5 x 1013 >1015 * * >1015 >1015 > 1015 >1015 >1015 Volume resistivity (5) Term “creep in flexure” is a measure
a Dielectric constant, 60 cycles D150-45T 2.3 4.1 4.6 10.7 11.2 5.5 2.0 > * 4.5
of the deformation under a prolonged
4.5 3.5 3.9 3.9 Dielectric constant, 60 cycles standard load. Results here represent

mils deflection in 24 hrs. of a %" x

103 cycles D150-45T 2.3 4.0 4.5 8.3 7.0 5.2 2.0 * te 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.9 3.7 103 cycles 14” bar, 4” span, center-loaded flatwise
106 cycles D150-45T 2.3 3.4 3.5 4.5 6.0 4.4 2.0 fe x 2.7 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.1 106 cycles to 1000 Ib./ sq. in., minus the initial
108 cycles D150-45T 2.3 4.2 2.0 * ok 2.6 2.8 108 cycles (6) Thermal conductivity measured by
Power factor, 60 cycles D150-45T <0.0005
Cenco-Fitch apparatus.
0.014 0.04 0.19 0.02 0.0225 <0.0005 * * 0.05 0.055 0.042 0.042 Power factor, 60 cycles
(7) Light-transmission determined on ¥%’
103 cycles D150-45T <0.0005 0.02 0.04 0.18 0.03 0.032 <0.0005 * * 0.044 0.05 0.043 0.037 0.037 103 cycles specimens by recording spectro-
106 cycles .D150-45T <0.0005 0.04 0.03 0.14 0.06 . 0.058 <0.0005 * * 0.015 0.02 0.021 0.023 0.024 106 cycles
(8) Haze measured by integrating sphere
108 cycles D150-45T <0.0005 0.099 <0.0005 * k 0.01 photometer.
0.017 108 cycles
Index of refraction No D542-42 1.51 1.53 1.53 1.50 1.50
(9) Flammability of polythene obtained by
1.35 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 Index of refraction A.S.T.M. method D568-43.
Light-transmission, total visible lIluminant C % (7) 5 * 80-85 87 i * 92 92 - (10) Stiffness of “Teflon”
and“ Strux”’ meas-
>91 >91 >91 Light-transmission, total visible Illuminant C
Light-transmission at 4500 A ured by A.S.T.M. method D790-44T.
% (7) 5 82 ae x 91.5 91.5 90 90 90 Light-transmission at 4500 A (11) Water-absorption of “‘Strux’’ at equi-
Haze % (8) oe * <3 1.6 at * 1 1 <3 <3 <3 Haze librium, at 50% R. H., is 3.3% and
2.3%, respectively; at 100% R. H., it
Water-absorption % D570-42 0.01 1.5 0.4 2.0 1.0 2.5 0.0 122 (11) 70 = (11) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 is 16% and 15%, respectively.
0.4 Water-absorption
Flammability IN. /MIN. D635-44 1.1 (9) self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing 24 self-extinguishing nonflammable 8.5 : 5.1. 1.1 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.5 Flammability ng

Specific gravity D792-44T 0.92 1.14 1.09 1.13 1.39 1.32 2.1-2.3 0.064-0.08 0.096-0.1 10 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 Specific gravity
Mold shrinkage iN. /IN. 0:02-0.05 0.015 0.015 * * * * * * *k 0.002-0.006 0.002-0.006 0.002-0.006 Mold shrinkage
Compression ratio D392-38 2.1-3.6 2.1 2.2 2.5 k a * * * k > 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 1.8-2.2 Compression ratio
Resistance to weathering fair good good good fair ' good excellent good good excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent Resistance to weathering

Basic color white light cream cream pale straw slight yellow slight yellow light white white water white water white water white water white water white Basic color
translucent translucent translucent translucent transparent transparent opaque opaque opaque transparent transparent transparent transparent transparent

Resistant to
water, acids, alkalies,
- esters, ketones, esters, ketones, water, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, all chemicals hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, water, water, water, water, water, Resistant to

common solvents, esters, ketones,
oxygenated solvents common solvents, dilute acids weak acids, except molten weak acids, weak acids, - weak acids, weak acids, weak acids, weak acids, weak acids,


alkalies, weak acids alkalies, weak acids and alkalies weak alkalies alkali metals weak alkalies weak alkalies weak alkalies weak alkalies weak alkalies weak alkalies weak alkalies

Not resistant to ketones, esters, lower ketones, lower ketones, Not resistant to
chiorinated solvents, lower ketones, lower ketones, lower ketones,
aliphatic and
phenol, formic acid, Phenol, formic acid, phenol, alcohols, lower alcohols, ketones, esters, molten ketones, esters, ketones, esters, esters, aromatic esters, aromatic esters, aromatic esters, aromatic esters, aromatic
concentrated concentrated formic acid, glycol ethers, strong strong acids, alkali strong acids, strong acids, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons,
aromatic’ hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons,
mineral acids mineral acids mineral acids alkalies, strong strong alkalies metals strong alkalies strong alkalies strong acids, strong acids, strong acids, strong acids,
hydrocarbons strong acids,
oxidizing acids strong alkalies strong alkalies strong alkalies strong alkalies strong alkalies

A 7369—2-48
IN | 001wi
Othmer Libra of hemical Hist

1988 23566
signific e of properties Deformation under load, or cold-flow, is the gradual distortion of 4 plastic | significance
under conditions of loading and temperature that are not sufficiently severe
to cause immediate measurable deformation. Resistance to this tendency is
important in an item that will be in service under continual stress, particu-
The data given in the accompanying table will enable the molder,
larly at slightly elevated temperatures. Heat-distortion temperature should continued
fabricator, engineer, or designer to make a preliminary appraisal of
not be mistaken as a measure of heat-resistance. It represents the tempera-
the individual members of Du Pont’s plastics family, provided that
ture at which a material begins to deform rapidly under a moderate external
proper significance is attached to the various tests. A thumbnail analysis
lead. A high value at 66 lb./, or ‘“‘low load,” indicates relatively good
of the importance of each test is given in the following discussion. In
form-stability under light loading.
most cases, the selection of a plastic for any given use will be based on a
ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES may be required in the design of electrical equipment,
combination of properties, and, while the actual values of some of these
and particular excellence in some of them may sometimes be decisive in
tests are limited, as indicated below, each fits into the over-all picture.

tensile strength deformation under load the selection of a plastic, but in the majority of electrical applications the
> MECHANICAL PROPERTIES of a product demonstrate its mechanical strength
choice is governed by mechanical, thermal, and chemical characteristics.
and toughness.
Dielectric strength specifies the voltage required to puncture a material.
Tensile strength, or resistance to being pulled apart, is largely an indica-
Volume resistivity is a measure of internal resistance to the passage of an
tion of the general strength of a plastic at the temperature of the test.
electric current. The dielectric constant is an indication of effectiveness as a
Elongation is the measure of stretch exhibited by a material at failure, and a
dielectric in a capacitor. For most other uses, a low dielectric constant is
high value is indicative of its relative toughness, and vice versa. However,
theoretically desirable, but is of little practical importance. Power factor is a
permanent distortion usually occurs at stresses lower than the breaking
measure of loss of electrical energy within a dielectric through conversion to
point, and actual tensile strength or elongation values will merely serve as
heat. This is an important property when high frequencies or high voltages
relative guides in the choice of a plastic for a given application.
are involved, and a very low power factor is essential.
A high modulus of elasticity shows rigidity. and ability to hold shape
» OPTICAL PROPERTIES of a plastic must be considered in applications in which
under momentary loading. Under prolonged loading, however, deformation
the transmission and diffusion of light are important. a
may be increased by creep, or cold-flow, and under repeated loading fatigue
Index of refraction is a value representing the amount of bending that a
failures may occur. Shear strength has a direct bearing on the design of
light ray undergoes on entering a transparent material obliquely. It in-
equipment for punching, blanking, etc.
fluences the brilliance of a transparent plastic, determines the limit of curva-
Impact strength, or resistance to breakage when dropped or roughly han- impact strength index of refraction ture permissible in a light-piping system, and is a necessary factor in the
dled, is a most important property. The values have no actual numerical
calculation of the shape of an optical lens and some reflectors.
significance that can be utilized in design, but they are comparative.
Light-transmission, total visible illuminant C, is the per cent transmission
Ordinarily, an article must be designed to hold its shape under flexural
of visible light. Light-transmission at 4500 A is a measure of the yellowness of
stress rather than merely not to break; consequently, the test for stiffness,
a transparent material. The value shown for haze is the percentage of the
a practical evaluation of resistance to bending, is more generally useful than
total transmitted light that is diffused by a transparent substance. All of
flexural strength, a measure of the load required to cause failure by bending.
these properties are important in applications in optics and illumination.
Compressive stress at 1% deformation may be used to compare the
a MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES also govern the use of a plastic in many applica-
resistance to compression of a given group of materials. Compressive
tions. In most cases, the selection of a material for any given use will be
strength itself, or resistance to being crushed under an applied load, is some-
based on a combination of these and the above categories.
times reported but has little significance, as plastic articles will seldom be
A minimum of water-absorption is usually preferable, since absorption of
expected to carry a compressive load sufficient to distort them permanently,
water causes swelling and warpage and impairs electrical properties. On the
much less to crush them. Creep in flexure represents the tendency of a plastic
other hand, the impact-resistance and toughness of some plastics are im-
to sag gradually under continuous application of a bending load.
proved by absorbed moisture. Low specific gravity is an outstanding advan-
Rockwell hardness is hardness expressed in terms of surface indentation
tage of plastics in general. A material of lower specific gravity yields more
rather than as resistance to scratch. This method is not applicable to rubbery rockwell hardness specific gravity articles per pound, and hence for most purposes such a plastic will be pre- REG. U.S. PAT. OFF
materials, whose elasticity prevents the measurement of true indentation,
ferred if its other properties meet the requirements of the use.
and the Shore durometer has been used for these plastics. This is-a needle
Mold shrinkage and compression ratio are properties affecting the con-
penetration test commonly used in the rubber industry. At any rate, hardness
struction and design of molds. Mold shrinkage is the difference between the
is seldom a decisive factor in choosing among plastics.
length of a molded piece and the mold cavity at room temperature. Values
> THERMAL PROPERTIES of a material determine its behavior when heated.
given here are based on ideal conditions, but, in any case, they provide a
Flow temperature indicates ease of molding, in terms of temperature re-
basis for mold design. The compression ratio, or bulk factor, of a molding
quired to effect a standard degree of softening. The coefficient of linear
compound is the ratio of its volume as powder to its volume after being molded.
thermal expansion, denoting change in dimensions with change of tempera-
Resistance to weathering is of vital importance when a material will actu- | TP
ture, may be of importance in a device graduated for accurate measurement,
ally be exposed to the elements. The combined action of sun, rain, and other 1101
or in an assembly with other materials (such as a plastic in a frame of metal)
outdoor effects differs from anything that plastics will encounter in normal .D87
where differential expansion must be calculated. Thermal conductivity is an
indoor or protected uses. 1948
inverse measure of the thermal
the coefficient the better the insulating
insulating value of a product,
value. Specific heat,
i.e., the lower
the heat re- mistr
etter things for better living...through cheNEW
quired to raise the temperature of a material by a given amount, may be of JERSEY
interest in planning equipment for processing and molding. thermal conductivity resistance to weathering


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