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Biddings on Google Ads

1. Target Cost per acquisition: This option enables website owners to

target a particular cost to acquire a customer. To enable this, we
must have at least 15 conversions in the past 30 days.
2. Target ROAS (Returns on Ad Spends): It focuses on getting
maximum returns out of money spend on google ads.

ROAS = Net profit from ads run on google/ cost of ads on google
= revenue from ads on google – Exp on Ads run on google/
Cost of ads on google

3. Maximize clicks: Tries to achieve as many clicks as possible in a

given budget.
4. Maximize conversion: Tries to achieve as many conversions as
possible in a given budget.
5. Maximize conversion value: Tries to achieve as many values of
conversions as possible in a given budget.
6. Target impression share / Target search page location: It allows
businesses to focus on the location where the ads are to be shown.
That is:
Anywhere on the results page
Top of results Page
Absolute top of the result page
7. Manual CPC: It allows you to set bid manually as per your

Things to not add in search campaign:

1. Audience segment.
2. Dynamic ads

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