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Ngày : ...../...../2023 Địa điểm : Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nhóm : 05 Lớp: 30NC
Nhóm trưởng: Lê Trang Thu Phương
Tổng số sinh viên của nhóm: 06 - Có mặt: 06
- Vắng mặt: Không

Đánh giá của

(SỐ) (CHỮ)
1 30NC20212 Lê Trang Thu Phương x
2 30NC20210 Phạm Mai Nhi x
3 30NC20814 Đặng Bình Minh x
4 30NC20829 An Thanh Tú x
5 30NC20215 Nguyễn Phương Thảo x
6 30NC20808 Trịnh Thanh Hùng x

(Ký xác nhận)


Kết quả điểm bài viết:

- Giáo viên chấm: .......................................................................................................................................

Kết quả điểm thuyết trình:

- Giáo viên thuyết trình chấm: ...................................................................................................................

Điểm kết luận cuối cùng:

- Giáo viên đánh giá cuối cùng: .................................................................................................................

I. The definition of shopping online...........................................................4
II. The advantages of shopping online.4
1. Convenience of online shopping................................................................4
2. Shopping online saves time.......................................................................4
3. Comparisons.............................................................................................. 5
III. The risks of shopping online................................................................5
1. Frauds in online shopping......................................................................... 5
2. Delay in the delivery.................................................................................6
3. You cannot touch the product................................................................... 6
4. You cannot bargain................................................................................... 6
5. Lack of interaction.....................................................................................6
6. Returning the product................................................................................ 6
IV. HOW TO MEASURES TO ADVOD THEM.....................................7
1. Type the URL directly into the address bar...............................................7
2. Get a temporary credit card....................................................................... 7
3. Dedicate a computer to online banking and shopping...............................8
4. Use a dedicated email address................................................................... 8
5. Manage and protect your online passwords...............................................8


Shopping online is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy
goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names
are: e-web-store, e-shop, Internet shop… Mobile commerce describes purchasing from an
online retailer’s mobile online or app.


I. The definition of shopping online

Online shopping or e-shopping is searching for and purchasing goods and services over the
Internet through the use of a web browser. The main allure of online shopping is that
consumers can find and purchase items they need which are then shipped to their address
without ever leaving the house.

II. The advantages of shopping online

Due to rapid growth of technology, business organizations have switched over from the
traditional method of selling goods to electronic method of selling goods business
organizations use the Internet as a main vehicle to conduct commercial transactions.

Online shopping does not have space constraints and a wide variety of products can be
displayed on websites. It helps the buyers to purchase a product after a good search.

1. Convenience of online shopping

Customers can purchase items from the comfort of their own homes or work place.
Shopping is made easier and convenient for the customer through Internet. It is also easy to
cancel the transactions.

2. Shopping online saves time

Customers do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the products that have
been purchased by them. They can shop from their home or work place and do not have to
spend time travelling. The customers can also look for the products that are required by
them by entering the key words or using search engines.

3. Comparisons

Companies display the whole range of products offered by them to attract customers with
different tastes and needs. This enables the buyers to choose from a variety of models after
comparing the finish, features and price of the products on display. Sometimes, price
comparisons are also available online.

III. The risks of shopping online

Shopping online brings many advantages, so people prefer online shopping over offline
shopping, because of the ease and convenience it offers, availability of a wide variety of
products on a single platform and also due to offers and discounts. While online
shopping has many advantages, it has also got its own drawbacks. Not every online
shopper is happy with their online shopping experiences. You can say more than half of
the online shoppers might face problems, while shopping online. In this blog, we will
discuss various disadvantages of online shopping.

1. Frauds in online shopping

Fraud in online shopping is the biggest disadvantage of online shopping. Many people
are attracted by great offers which seem too good to be true. Fake online shopping
portals display some great products on the website and attract customers to buy the
product. Usually, websites which sell fake products instead of the genuine article, do
not accept cash on delivery and request customers to make an online payment. But, in
the end, customers will either receive the fake product or they will not receive the

product at all. There are many cases of cybercrime where customers debit or credit
cards details are misused to make fraudulent transactions.

2. Delay in the delivery

In case of offline shopping, you can receive the product then and there. However, this
does not happen in online shopping. Even though it hardly takes 10 -15 minutes to buy
the product online, by the time it reaches your hands, it would be more than 4 -5 days.
During the big sales, e-commerce portals may take too long to deliver the product.
3. You cannot touch the product
The sad part of online shopping is, you cannot touch the product and feel how it is. You
can just see the image and read the description. Online shopping is not suitable for
people who wish to buy the product only after trying it or by touching it.
4. You cannot bargain
Indians are good at bargaining. You can bargain only in case of offline shopping, not in
the case of online shopping. In online shopping, you get cashbacks, discounts, and
coupons, but this is not the same as bargaining. Trust me if one is good at bargaining,
he can save a lot of money during offline shopping.
5. Lack of interaction
In case of offline shopping, sales assistants shower personal attention on customers and
give complete details on the product. If you have any queries, you can ask right there.
However, this does not happen in the case of online shopping. All you can do is see the
picture and read the description. Some portals allow shoppers check the customer

6. Returning the product

There is an option to return the product. If you do not like it. But again, it is a big
headache. The return policy differs from one company to other. In case of some online

shopping portals, customers have to bear the cost of returning the product. If you return
the product, you will not be paid shipping charges which you had paid earlier. If you are
shopping for cosmetics like a lipstick, they can't be returned.


1. Type the URL directly into the address bar

Scammers who send phishing emails rely on you to click the link in the email to be taken to
a retailer’s ‘website’ – and the same with links on poisoned search results. Those links then
lead you to cleverly designed copycat websites. When you think you are putting your
username and details into Amazon’s website, you are actually giving it to a cybercriminal.

To make sure you are visiting the actual, authentic retailer's website, it's much safer to type
the retailer's URL into the address bar on your web browser. It may take a little more effort,
but this simple action can help to prevent you from visiting a fake website.
2. Get a temporary credit card

Cybercriminals have developed sophisticated techniques and malware that can sometimes
thwart your best efforts for safe online shopping. As another level of security, you can use a
temporary credit card to make online purchases instead of your regular credit card. Ask
your credit card company if you can be issued a temporary credit card number.

Many credit card companies will do this, enabling you to make a one-time purchase. This
prevents scammers who manage to steal your credit card number from making any
additional fraudulent purchases. However, avoid using these types of credit cards for
purchases that require regular payments or auto-renewal.

Some banks also offer virtual credit cards. These are just like your regular card, but a
random account number is generated for each purchase, preventing hackers from using the
number again.

3. Dedicate a computer to online banking and shopping

If you have more than one computer, it may be a good idea to dedicate one for online
banking and shopping only. By avoiding using the computer for any other internet
browsing, downloading, checking email, social networking, and other online activities, you
effectively create a ‘clean’ computer free from computer viruses and other infections.

4. Use a dedicated email address

Similar to creating a 'clean' computer, you can do the same with an email address. Create an
email address that you will use only for online shopping. This will limit the number of spam
messages you receive and reduce the risk of opening potentially malicious emails disguised
as sales promotions or other notifications.

For example, if you use your dedicated online shopping email for Amazon but receive a
message from Amazon in your primary email account notifying you of an issue with an
order or your Amazon account, then you know it is probably a fake or malicious message
sent by cybercriminals.

5. Manage and protect your online passwords

Using strong password and using a different password for each online account is one of the
most important things you can do for safe online shopping. It can be challenging to
remember many different passwords, especially when they comprise numerous letters,
numbers, and special characters. But you can use a password manager to help. A good
password manager will also encrypt passwords that would otherwise be in plain text. Some

antivirus and internet security software products include password management and
password security features.

Online shopping has become a popular alternative to traditional in store shopping,

providing consumers with greater variety, cost effective options, convenience, and time
saving benefits. With access to a wider range of products and the ability to compare prices
easily, online shopping is becoming increasingly popular.
Whether you are looking for clothing, electronics, or groceries, online shopping provides a
convenient and cost-effective option for consumers. So, what are you waiting for? Start
shopping online and experience the advantages for yourself!
online shopping has many advantages, but it also has several disadvantages that consumers
should be aware of. From security risks and scams to shipping and handling issues, lack of
personal touch, and negative impact on local businesses, it is important to weigh the pros
and cons before making a purchase online.
By taking the necessary precautions and supporting local businesses, consumers can enjoy
the convenience of online shopping while minimizing the downsides.

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