6th ENG SA O1 Rev

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Y. M.





I. Glossary.
1. Service-
2. Panic.
3. Whoop.
4. Scene.
5. Bleed.
6. Well to do.
7. Magnify.
8. May.
9. Sage.
10. Mantra.
II. True a false.
1. At last, the dog found a master who could do his duty properly.( )
2. One of the masters took the dog to a feast. .( )
3. The man suffered serious injuries. .( )
4. The first traveler gave the robbers a good fight. .( )
5. The first telescope ever made was invented by Lippershey. .( )
6. Galileo went on improving his telescope. .( )
7. The Church set Galileo free because it finally agreed with his ideas. .( )
8. Kunti was happy after begetting her first child. .( )
9. Karna was sad, but he was determined to fight on his friend’s side. .( )
10. It was the Pandavas who did not treat Karna kindly. .( )
11. Galileo watched the Heavenly bodies in the clear night sky. .( )
12. Anyone of the masters could have eaten the dog. .( )
III. Add an appropriate reflexive pronoun to each of these sentences.
(Yourself, Herself, myself, Himself, Ourselves.)
1. Mala stood in front of a mirror, looking at.
2. Don’t blame me for your mistakes, blame.
3. There were mangoes on the tree. Sheila and I helped __________ to bagfull each
4. Arun bought three tickets, for me, for his brother, and for.
5. I feel afraid sometimes, but I keep telling _________ there's nothing to fear.
6. Do you mean they painted the whole house
7. None of them was sure, I wasn’t sure.
8. You have been serving lunch to everyone, Why don’t you have some for
9. The principal usually asks the class leader to announce the day’s program. This
time, she made the announcement.
IV. Complete the following phrases.
1. A __________ Of constables.
2. A __________ Of ships.
3. A __________ Of ants.
4. A __________ Of lions.
5. A __________ Of girls.
6. A __________ Of keys
7. A __________Of people.
8. A __________ Of girls.
V. Fill in the blanks in the passage and rewrite it.
Imagine, for a moment, an Indian farmer, sitting in his ________ And looking up at
a _________ less sky. He would be shading his eyes from the bright sunlight with
his _________ and wondering _________ have all the clouds.
When it ________, It will water the parched and cracked earth and ready it for
tilling. It gives life for the dying ________. The ________ Will be happy.
But in this poem, you will see a different kind of ________, a city dweller. He is
standing at the __________ of his study, watching the ___________ outside. He says
rain is _________.

VI. Complete the poem.

1. The oldest and the ______
_________ forty feeding like one
2. Like an army __________
_____ anon anon

VII. Answer in one sentence each.

1. Why was the dog very much surprised?
2. Who are at work.
3. Why are the cows not raising their heads?
4. What is the plough boy doing?
5. Describe the pitiable state of the man in two short sentences
6. Who helped the wounded man?
7. The 4thtraveller had noble and generous feelings. (True/ not true)
8. Who narrated this parable?
9. When do children complain about trees?
10. Why does Father grumble about his tree?
11. The church said Galileo free because it finally agreed with his ideas.
12. Who corrected people’s thinking about our earth in the 17th century?
13. Whom did Kunti invoke?
14. What was Kunti blessed with?
15. Did Karna became a traitor?
16. Why does the poet welcome the rain?
17. Why did the kid scream?
18. Who is the creator of your destiny?

VIII. Answer in two or three sentences each.

1. Why did the Piper pipe with merry cheer?

2. There are two incidents that can happen only in someone’s dream. Describe the answer.
3. How do you know that the kid is self-reliant?
4. What is Escapism?
5. The poet says it was dusty and hot. What was dusty and hot? What does the rain do?
6. Why was Kunti disturbed?
7. What did Kunti plead with Karna?
8. Describe the streets of the town in spring.
9. Why was Galileo appointed professor at the University of Padva?
10.In what ways is the moon similar to the Earth?
11. Why is mother happy to see trees?
12. Why do trees make noise sometimes?
13. I don’t want to dirty my hands. Who said this? To whom?
14. I am sure he is no one I know. Was this a good reason not to help the
Woundedman?Justify you’re answer.
15.What advice did the lion give to the dog?
IX. Answer in brief.
1. What trouble did Galileo bring upon himself by telling truths about the heavenly

2 What is the ironic study about Galileo facing the Inquisition?

19. Would I not be a traitor and a cheat, if I deserted him now?

i. Who is the I?
ii. Who was this person speaking to?
iii. What was the answer?

3.It is the Pandavas you should lead, not Duryodhana’s army. Leave them.

iv. Who said this?

v. To whom was it said?
vi. Why did she say this?

4.Explain the meaning and answer. Gush and struggle out.

5. What advice did Swami Vivekananda give his disciples? S

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