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On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: January 22-26, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

On the first day of my internship at Pixzel Digital, we were oriented about the background of
the company, its purpose, and reasons that describe its good reputation in Iligan City. They
also assigned tasks in groups that every intern will be working throughout our OJT hours. Me
and my team will be developing a ticketing system project for this company. The objective of
this project is to develop a comprehensive ticketing system facilitating efficient management
of system issues and task assignments for developers.

We started the next day by creating and setting up the development environment, in PHP
Laravel 10. We also installed the necessary libraries and packages needed for the setup. I
personally created a GitHub repository and uploaded our project so everyone on the team can
do their role on the development of this ticketing system. On the same day, we somehow
finished integrating the Laravel Spatie (a laravel permission package) for users and roles
permissions. Its integration to the system is crucial since most of the time, admins will be the
ones to handle those report tickets.

The next task is to also integrate Skote, an admin dashboard template that all of the teams
will be using. Unfortunately, on the third day, I was under the weather so I did not bother
myself going to the office. I rested that day and hoped to get well as soon as possible. Good
thing I have a reliable team. They continue working on integrating the admin template and the
user and roles permission package to our system.

So far, our team has implemented CRUD functionalities for the three main entities of the
system namely users, roles, and tickets. Every user can now create, update, view, and delete
a ticket, while other users can also do that with users table and roles, depending on the
permission given to the currently logged in user. We presented our weekly progress to one of
the senior developers of the company, Sir Dave. He gave us feedback on our progress and
suggested more tasks to improve the system next week.


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: January 29, 2024 - February 02, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

Our team started the week by

continuing the project assigned to us.
Since we are already done on setting
up the project repository and the
CRUD functionalities for tickets, we
proceeded on improving the user
interface and feedback. Most of the
members started modifying Laravel
blade files to become user-friendly like
adjusting the size, margins, and colors
of cards and buttons of the system.

As for me, I started to work on one of our system requirements, which is to implement a
notification system. Since it is a ticketing system, notifications for every user is crucial,
especially if there is a new issue found or there is a new task assignment. In Laravel 10, I
learned that I can use their notification service and mail service for implementing notifications
inside a Laravel project. Hence, for this task, I read first the documentation of implementing
notifications and emails and then I also watched some YouTube to understand better how can
I integrate it to our ticketing system. Based on my experience, the back-end development is
easier than designing its views and layouts for notifications. I also had a hard time on email
integration, specifically on configuring the mail service to use the SMTP server of Laravel 10.
Fortunatetly, email notification for specified user after posting a ticket finally works.

The week ended with another presentation to Sir Dave and Sir Joy, the current managing
director of Pixzel Digital. Aside from reporting the group’s progress, Sir Joy gave another
requirements to add on this project and that is the comment and reply system. Hopefully, I will
finish first the notification task and so that I can proceed on completing other system
requirements, especially the new ones.


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: February 05-07, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

We only had three working days for this week because it was declared that Thursday and
Friday will be holidays.

On the first day, I continue on polishing the layout and design for the notification lists inside
our system. After that, I also started to plan on how I will implement the comment and reply
system, as per the recommendation of Sir Joy. My initial plan is to use a third-party Laravel
package for easy integration. I found a Laravel package, commentify, that functions as a
comment and reply system. I learned that I just need to publish this package and I can call the
comment section under every ticket posted. Fortunately, Laravel 10 supports this method by
using its package service provider. After doing all the necessary steps for installation, I can
finally leave a comment and reply in each ticket. In addition, users can also like the comments
of other users. The only downside of using this package is that it uses Tailwind CSS for front-
end design. The Skote template that we used, on the other hand, utilizes Bootstrap. Hence, I
needed to modify the elements to Bootstrap, especially the fonts, buttons, and colors of the
UI. It took me almost two straight days to complete the implementation of the comment and
reply system on our project. The new task that is waiting for me for the next week will be
adding notifications for every new comment and reply posted on a ticket.


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: February 12-16, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

This week is a long week. It just felt like that for me because last week, we only worked for
three days. Nothing new happened this week. I just continued on accomplishing the tasks
assigned to me for the ticketing system. I added a notification if there are new comments and
replies on the ticket. This way, every user, especially those who need to be notified, can
immediately take action on resolving posted tickets. Also, notifications can help streamline the
process of using the ticketing system. I also polished the previous functions I implemented like
the user’s profile image inside a comment and also the adding table filters on our ticket table.
This time around, users can filter the data to be displayed in the table based on their


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: February 19-23, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development & BizSmart Teach Presentation Slides

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: February 26, 2024 - March 01, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development & BizSmart Teach Presentation Slides

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

Many things have happened this week. Aside from continuing our web development
assignment, the second episode of our The Digital Narratives (TDN) happened on Thursday.
It was a 3-hour workshop training about UI/UX Design that started around three in the
afternoon. It was led by Ms. Jizni Corrine Villanea, a Web & Graphic Designer, and organized
by Sir Jules, owner of Dotted Studios. We learned so much from Ma’am Jizni starting from
design principles and techniques to creating a landing page of a sample website. We utilized
the open-source tool, Figma, throughout the said workshop and learned how to set up and
use local styles. We are thankful for this knowledge and wisdom that were shared to us since
it can help us a lot during web development especially on designing the layout of the system.
The day after that, we had two presentations with Sir Joy and Sir Dave as our audience. The
first presentation was our progress on the BizSmart Teach assignment. I am paired with
another intern, John Rey Degoma, and together we showed the ‘business proposal-like’
presentation slides to Sir Joy and Sir Dave. Next, we also showed the usual presentation on
the current progress of our group’s ticketing system assignment. We found out that there are
system issues we need to resolve for the coming weeks.


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor
On-the-Job Training Weekly Journal

Date: March 04, 2024 - March 08, 2024

Assignment: Ticketing System Development

Please indicate the relevant experiences and learnings you have gained.

This week is a long week. It just felt like that for me because last week, we only work for three
days. Nothing new happened in this week. I just continued on accomplishing the tasks
assigned to me for the ticketing system. I added a notification if there are new comments and
replies on the ticket. This way, every user, especially those who needs to be notified, can
immediately take action one resolving posted tickets. Also, notifications can help streamline
the process of using the ticketing system. I also polished the previous functions I implemented
like the user’s profile image inside a comment and also the adding table filters on our ticket
table. This time around, users can filter the data to be displayed in the table based on their


_________________________ ___________________________________
Name and signature of Trainee Name and signature of the Supervisor

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