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Wendel Gabrielle L.


2nd BSED- Major in English

Technology for Teaching and Learning- TASK 1#



Synchronous and Asynchronous type of learning styles are both heavily implemented

and used in todays current generation due to the advancement and modernity it holds,

as pandemic entered it only solidifies its place in the education system for good.

Both Synchronous and Asynchronous methods bring learner positive support in the

education area. Both of this are also brought up because of the state of pandemic that

we’re living in and the education system were forced to adapt.

Personally, I think those were the commonalities end and if we examine both closely

we’ll see that they are fairly pretty different from each other in terms of purpose and

functionality. Synchronous classes requires all students to be able to hook up an

internet connection and attend live online classes, it demands a specific and designated

time. Asynchronous however provides a time limit for students whether it’s an

assignment of task.

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