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Rian Hanz S. Alberca Oct.

13, 2023


I am the only child in my family. My parents have greatly influenced me with my faith in God.

The Church has been a huge part of my life. It gives me strength to go on with my
life upholding values of compassion, forgiveness, and kindness towards others. I keep
my faith as strong as possible whatever challenges may come to my life. During my
weakest time of my life, I always pray and read the Bible to help my personal struggles
and to give a sense of peace and happiness towards life. With my family, they have taught
me to reflect upon my faith in God with my own actions. It has made me realize that no
matter the problems that may come, God is always with me. The biggest proof that I have
strong faith in God is when I was struggling with my academics in school and it made me
doubt myself. From that moment, I was having a hard time moving on with my life.
However, there is a bible verse that I always read and it always reminds myself that God’s
planned are always going to be better and all of my sufferings have their own purpose as
I continue my journey.

In conclusion, I have learned that if you put God at the center of your life, everything
will be fine. I trust everything to God and he always takes control of all my struggles and
challenges in life. With having strong faith in God, it keeps away all my sadness and
struggles and makes my heart full of love and hopefulness. I am happy to say that my
faith in God is strong and I trust him above all.

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