Deliverable1 Group HelloWorld

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Deliverable 1

GROUP: HelloWorld

Arvic Jay Yang yang

Mohammad Faheem D. Azis

Suhayden Mandao
WeatherWardrobe: AI-Powered Outfit Suggestions and Reminder on COVID-19 Updates
for Safer Mobility

Case Story

Wearing an appropriate outfit that matches the weather and reminds us of COVID-19
safety measures can help us feel both comfortable and confident. Unfortunately, many students
are unprepared when it comes to these issues. Some students may be complacent about wearing
masks, especially if they have been vaccinated, while others may forget to wear a mask in their
rush to get to class on time. Additionally, many students may not dress appropriately for the
weather, which can leave them feeling uncomfortable and even sick. To address these challenges,
our group has decided to create an outfit recommendation system that takes into account both
weather and COVID-19 updates, providing students with versatile and practical suggestions that
prioritize safety and comfort. By using this system, we hope to help students feel more prepared
and confident during their daily activities, whether they're attending class, running errands, or
enjoying leisure time. By providing students with practical and safe outfit suggestions, the
proposed system could have a positive impact on their wellbeing and confidence, enabling them
to do other activities without unnecessary distractions or discomfort.

Project Description

The WeatherWardrobe system is an innovative solution that integrates real-time weather

data and COVID-19 updates to provide personalized outfit recommendations and safety
reminders to users. The system comprises five key components: the Weather API, the COVID-19
API, the AI rule-based system, the Arduino sensor, and the speaker.

The Weather API fetches current weather conditions to provide accurate and up-to-date
weather data to the system. The COVID-19 API or data source provides the latest COVID-19
updates, ensuring that users are informed about the latest pandemic-related safety precautions.
The AI rule-based system is the core of the WeatherWardrobe system. It processes the input data
from the Weather API and the COVID-19 API to generate personalized outfit recommendations
and safety reminders. The system uses advanced algorithms to analyze the user's location,
current weather conditions, and COVID-19 restrictions to generate recommendations that are
tailored to the user's needs. The Arduino sensor is a critical component of the system. It detects
when the cabinet door is opened, triggering the system to provide outfit suggestions. This feature
ensures that users receive suggestions only when they are actively looking for outfit
recommendations. The speaker is the final component of the system. It communicates the
generated recommendations and reminders through voice output, ensuring that users receive the
information they need quickly and easily. The WeatherWardrobe system is designed to offer a
user-friendly solution for choosing appropriate outfits and staying informed about
pandemic-related safety precautions. The system is particularly useful for post-pandemic
movements and travels, helping users stay safe and comfortable while on the move.

Technical Specifications

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The WeatherWardrobe system integrates real-time weather data and COVID-19 updates
to generate personalized outfit recommendations and safety reminders for users. The system
consists of five main components: the Weather API, which fetches current weather conditions;
the COVID-19 API or data source, which provides the latest COVID-19 updates; the AI
rule-based system that processes input data to generate recommendations and reminders; the
Arduino sensor that detects when the cabinet door is opened, triggering the system to provide
suggestions; and the speaker that communicates the generated recommendations and reminders
through voice output. By combining these components, the WeatherWardrobe system offers a
user-friendly solution for choosing appropriate outfits and staying informed about
pandemic-related safety precautions during post-pandemic movements and travels, aligning with
the project title "WeatherWardrobe: AI-Powered Outfit Suggestions and Reminder on COVID-19
Updates for Safer Mobility."

1. Arduino for sensor input ( detecting cabinet door opening )
2. Miniature Cabinet
3. Speaker for voice output

1. Python for AI rule-based system implementation and COVID-19 data processing
2. Visual Studio Code for development
3. Weather API for real-time weather data
4. COVID-19 API for real-time COVID-19 cases data

Process (Algorithm )
1. Gather real-time weather data using the Weather API.
2. Apply the predefined rules based on the weather conditions (temperature,
humidity, precipitation, etc.) to determine appropriate clothing options.
3. Provide the clothing recommendations to the user based on the rules applied.
4. Retrieve COVID-19 updates for Iligan City using a suitable API or data source.
5. Notify the user about the COVID-19 updates, such as the number of cases and
any relevant travel restrictions or advisories.

Result and Discussion

The WeatherWardrobe system demonstrates the potential of AI in addressing multiple

aspects of daily life, such as personalized outfit recommendations, weather conditions, and safety
awareness during post-pandemic mobility. By integrating weather and COVID-19 data into a
single AI-powered solution, it not only contributes to a safer and more informed society but also
promotes responsible behavior during post-pandemic movements and travels. Users become
more conscious of the connection between weather, clothing choices, and personal well-being,
leading to better decision-making and increased comfort during daily activities. Additionally, the
integration of COVID-19 updates in the system promotes a sense of responsibility in users,
encouraging them to stay informed about local case numbers and adhere to safety guidelines.

However, there are limitations and issues that need to be addressed. The rule-based
system may not cover all possible weather scenarios and may require regular updates to adapt to
changing conditions. Ensuring accurate and up-to-date information on local COVID-19 case
numbers is essential for the system's effectiveness. The implementation of a rule-based system
may require frequent updates and monitoring to remain current and relevant. Moreover, the
system is currently limited to providing weather and COVID-19 data for Iligan City, which may
reduce its applicability for users in other locations. Future improvements could focus on
enhancing the system's effectiveness in promoting safer mobility in the new normal by refining
the rule-based algorithm and expanding the system's geographic coverage to include other cities
and regions to increase its usability and relevance for a wider audience.
List of Resources

Rule-Based System. (n.d.). Retrieved from Engati:

Santos, W. (2020, April). 30 APIs to track COVID-19. Retrieved from Mulesoft:

Arellano, K. (2023, Febuary). Best Free Weather APIs to Access Global Weather Data in 2023.
Retrieved from rapidapi:

Lessons Learned

The WeatherWardrobe system outlines the importance of wearing appropriate clothing

that matches the weather and emphasizes COVID-19 safety measures. It highlights how some
students may be complacent when it comes to wearing masks and dressing appropriately for the
weather, which can lead to discomfort and illness. The system also suggests that creating an
outfit recommendation system that considers both weather and COVID-19 updates can help
students feel more prepared, confident, and comfortable during their daily activities. In making
the proposal of this system, we realize the:
● Importance of wearing appropriate clothing for the weather and adhering to COVID-19
safety measures for both comfort and safety
● Challenges faced by students in being prepared for both weather and COVID-19 safety
● Potential benefits of an outfit recommendation system that takes into account both
weather and COVID-19 updates
● Benefits that the system will have to the user’s wellbeing and confidence, enabling users
to focus on other activities without distractions or discomfort.

User Guide

Basic User Guide:

Setting up the system: a. Connect the Arduino, miniature cabinet, and speaker.
b. Install Python and Visual Studio Code on your computer.
c. Configure the Weather API and COVID-19 data source for Iligan City.
Powering up:
a. Plug in the Arduino, miniature cabinet, and speaker.
b. Start the WeatherWardrobe application on your computer.

Using the system:

a. Open the miniature cabinet door to receive outfit recommendations and COVID-19 updates
through the speaker.

Customizing settings:
a. Input your clothing preferences and COVID-19 update settings using the app or web interface.

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