BAGAYANA - Permission To Use Student's Works

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Student Work/s Submission Consent Form

Dear ___________:

We at CIIT COLLEGE OF ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY INC​. (“​CIIT​”) take pride in the work
submissions of our students. CIIT also recognizes the students’ rights over their works. Thus, it is the
policy of CIIT to request from the parents or guardian of the students or from the students
themselves, if at least 18 years of age, their permission before any works or images of such works are
used by the school. Photographs, audio and video recordings may be taken of the works of the
students for the purpose of showcasing CIIT’s students’ talents and achievements, promoting CIIT and
its school events.

Hence, by signing below, you are granting CIIT permission and authority, and without
compensation, to use, exhibit, or publish your work/s, whether literary, artistic, photographic, or in any
other form (hereafter, the “work/s​”) for the above purposes and for publication in CIIT’s marketing
materials and official social media posts, including newsletters, and the CIIT website. CIIT may
modify, edit, crop, or combine such work/s with other forms of work/s, in connection with the
authorized publications.

CIIT, on the other hand, acknowledges that it will only use such works in relation to the
purposes discussed herein, and shall not sell or reproduce the work/s for economical gain.

Thank you.

_____ I agree and consent to the above terms.

If you also agree to the use your personal information, such as your name, student grade and section,
age and scholastic information next to your work/s or in the publications, please indicate:

_____ Yes
_____ No

Student Signature: _______________________________

Student Name: Gael Wynand B. Bagayana


Parent/ Guardian Signature (below 18 y/o) : _______________________________

Date: 16 / 4 / 2024

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