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Aerofoil, Drag, Lift, Theories of lift

Prem Ulhas Shirodkar BTech. Automobile Engg
Mechanical Subsystem.
Team Solarmobil

Abstract—Aerodynamics is a fundamental branch of fluid It often has a rounded shape to facilitate smooth air
dynamics that plays a pivotal role in the design and operation entry.
of aircraft, wind turbines, and other aerodynamic systems.  Trailing Edge: The trailing edge is the rear edge of
This report provides an in-depth exploration of key concepts in
aerodynamics, including aerofoils, drag, lift, and theories of the airfoil. Its shape can vary and affects the
lift. This Is a Level 1 Heading aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil.

Aerodynamics is the branch of science and engineering How an Airfoil Works:

that deals with the study of air in motion and the forces The operation of an airfoil is based on several key
acting on objects as they move through air. This field plays a aerodynamic principles:
pivotal role in various applications, particularly in aviation,
spacecraft design, automotive engineering, and wind energy.
Understanding the fundamental principles of aerodynamics is
crucial for optimizing the design and performance of
vehicles, structures, and devices that interact with air. Use the
enter key to start a new paragraph. The appropriate spacing
and indent are automatically applied.
Definition: An aerofoil, often referred to as a wing or  Bernoulli's Principle: Air flowing over an airfoil
blade, is a streamlined, shaped structure designed to interact follows Bernoulli's principle, which states that as the
with a fluid, typically air. It is characterized by its velocity of a fluid (in this case, air) increases, its
specialized cross-sectional shape that enables it to produce pressure decreases. This principle explains why air
lift when air flows over and around it. The primary purpose moves faster over the curved upper surface of an
of an airfoil is to generate lift, which allows an object (such airfoil, resulting in lower pressure above and higher
as an aircraft or wind turbine blade) to overcome gravity and pressure below the wing. This pressure difference
achieve controlled flight or produce mechanical power. generates lift.

 Angle of Attack: The angle at which an airfoil meets

the oncoming airflow is called the angle of attack
(AOA). By changing the AOA, pilots or operators
can control the amount of lift produced. Increasing
the AOA typically generates more lift until a critical
angle is reached, leading to a stall where lift
decreases sharply.
 The critical or stalling angle of attack is typically
around 15° - 18° for many airfoils. Some aircraft
Key Features of an Aerofoil: are equipped with a built-in flight computer that
 Chord Line: The chord line is an imaginary straight automatically prevents the aircraft from increasing
line that connects the leading edge (front) and trailing the angle of attack any further when a maximum
edge (rear) of the aerofoil. It serves as a reference for angle of attack is reached, regardless of pilot input.
various measurements and calculations.
 Laminar and Turbulent Flow: Airflow over an
 Camber: Camber refers to the curvature or airfoil can be either laminar (smooth and orderly) or
asymmetry of the aerofoil's upper and lower surfaces. turbulent (chaotic). The transition between these flow
Aerofoils can be either symmetric (having no camber) regimes can significantly affect lift and drag
or cambered (having a curved shape). Cambered characteristics.
airfoils are more common in aviation.
 Boundary Layer: The thin layer of air that adheres
 Leading Edge: The leading edge is the front edge of to the surface of the airfoil is known as the boundary
the airfoil that encounters the oncoming airflow first. layer. Managing the boundary layer is crucial for
minimizing drag and optimizing lift.
Applications of Aerofoils: b. Skin Friction Drag: This type of drag is a
subset of parasitic drag and is caused by the frictional
Airfoils are used in various applications, including: resistance between the object's surface and the fluid (air or
 Aeronautics: In aircraft wings and control surfaces water) it is moving through. It depends on the surface
(elevators, ailerons, and rudders), where they provide roughness of the object and the viscosity of the fluid.
lift and control.
 Wind Energy: In wind turbine blades to capture and c. Pressure Drag: Pressure drag is caused by the
convert wind energy into electricity. pressure difference between the front and rear sides of an
 Propulsion: In propellers and jet engine components object as it moves through the fluid. It is most significant
for thrust generation. when the flow separation is abrupt, leading to large
 Hydrodynamics: In ship and boat hulls to reduce pressure differences.
water resistance and increase efficiency.
d. Induced Drag: Induced drag occurs in the
B. Drag presence of lift-generating surfaces like wings. It is
1) Definiton: Drag, in the context of aerodynamics, refers associated with the creation of vortices at the wingtips,
to the resistive force that opposes the motion of an object as which are necessary for lift generation but also produce a
it moves through a fluid, typically air. It is a crucial concept form of drag.
in understanding the behavior of vehicles, aircraft, and other
objects in fluid environments. Drag acts in the direction 2. Factors Affecting Drag:
opposite to the object's motion and is responsible for The magnitude of drag experienced by an object is
slowing down or impeding its progress. influenced by several factors:
a. Velocity: Drag increases with the square of the object's
velocity. In other words, doubling the speed results in four
times the drag force.

b. Cross-Sectional Area: Larger objects experience more

drag due to their increased surface area exposed to the

c. Shape: The streamlined shape of an object can reduce

drag by minimizing turbulence and pressure differences.
Objects with a streamlined or aerodynamic design
experience less drag than those with irregular shapes.

d. Surface Roughness: Rough surfaces increase skin

Exponential Increase with Velocity: friction drag. Smoother surfaces reduce this component of
 As the velocity (speed) of an object moving drag.
through a fluid increase, the drag force it
experiences tends to increase exponentially. This is
e. Viscosity of the Fluid: The viscosity of the fluid
due to the fact that the drag force is proportional to
through which an object is moving affects drag. Highly
the square of the velocity
viscous fluids, like honey, create more drag than less
viscous fluids, like air.
Linear Increase with Cross-Sectional Area:
 The reference area (A) in the drag equation
d. Interference Drag: type of aerodynamic drag that
represents the cross-sectional area of the object
occurs when different components of an object or vehicle
facing the fluid flow. If you increase the size or
interfere with each other's airflow, causing increased drag.
cross-sectional area of the object, the drag force
Interference drag can reduce aerodynamic efficiency and
will increase linearly with it. In other words,
increase fuel consumption, so aircraft designers strive to
doubling the object's size will double the drag
minimize it by optimizing component placement and
force, and so on.
streamlining shapes.
1. Types of Drag:
f. Wave drag: is a type of aerodynamic drag that occurs
There are several components or types of drag that
when an object, like an aircraft, travels at or near the speed
collectively make up the total drag experienced by an of sound (supersonic or transonic speeds). It results from the
object in motion formation of shock waves and increased air pressure due to
the object breaking the sound barrier. Wave drag can
a. Parasitic Drag: This is also known as form drag significantly increase an object's drag, making it harder to
and results from the shape and surface characteristics of maintain high speeds and efficiency. Reducing wave drag
the object. It is caused by the separation of airflow around often involves careful design, such as using streamlined
the object, which creates low-pressure areas and shapes and minimizing shockwave formation.
turbulence. Parasitic drag increases with the object's
3. Minimizing Drag:

Efforts to minimize drag are essential in various

applications, particularly in aviation and automotive
engineering, where fuel efficiency and speed are critical.
Strategies to reduce drag include:

a. Streamlining: Designing objects with smooth and

aerodynamic shapes to minimize form drag.

b. Surface Treatments: Smoothing and polishing the

surfaces to reduce skin friction drag.

c. Wingtip Devices: Using devices like winglets on

aircraft wings to reduce induced drag.

d. Control Surfaces: Adjusting the orientation of control

surfaces to minimize drag in specific flight conditions.

e. Reduced Speed: Slowing down an object to reduce the

impact of drag.

the turbulent and disturbed airflow that occurs behind an
object as it moves through a fluid, like air. This region of
chaotic air can create drag, reduce downforce, and affect the
performance and safety of vehicles and objects, especially in
fields like aviation and motorsports. Managing and avoiding
wakes is essential for optimizing efficiency and safety in
these applications.

C. Lift
Definition: Lift is a fundamental aerodynamic force
that acts perpendicular to the relative motion of an object
(such as an aircraft or wing) as it moves through a fluid,
typically air. This force is responsible for counteracting the
force of gravity, enabling objects to overcome gravity and
achieve flight. Lift is a crucial concept in aviation and
Increasing the AOA generally increases lift until a critical
angle is reached, leading to a stall, where lift decreases

Air Density: Lift is also influenced by the density of the fluid

(air). Higher air densities result in greater lift forces.

3. Control of Lift:
In aviation, pilots have control over lift through the
use of control surfaces, such as ailerons, elevators, and
flaps. These surfaces allow pilots to adjust the angle of
attack, camber, and airflow over the wings, enabling
precise control of lift. By manipulating these surfaces,
pilots can control the aircraft's attitude, altitude, and
overall flight performance.

Applications of Lift:
Lift plays a critical role in various applications,
a) Aeronautics: Enabling aircraft to achieve and
1. Generation of Lift: maintain flight, as well as control their movement in the air.
Lift is generated primarily on the wings of aircraft, but b) Wind Energy: Lift is harnessed in wind turbines to
it can also be produced on other surfaces or objects produce mechanical power, which is then converted into
with an aerodynamic shape. The fundamental principle electricity.
behind lift generation is Bernoulli's principle and c) Sports: In sports like tennis and golf, lift is
Newton's third law of motion. employed to control the trajectory and flight of balls and
other projectiles.
Bernoulli's Principle: As air flows over the curved upper
surface of an airfoil (such as an aircraft wing), it D. Theories of lift
accelerates and its pressure decreases, creating a region of a) Definiton: Theories of lift are scientific
low pressure above the wing. Meanwhile, air flowing below explanations that seek to describe the physical principles
the wing moves more slowly and exerts higher pressure. and mechanisms behind the generation of lift, which is the
This pressure difference results in an upward force known aerodynamic force that enables aircraft to overcome gravity
as lift. and achieve flight. Several theories have been developed
over the years to explain how lift is generated. Here are
Newton's Third Law: Lift can also be explained by some of the key theories of lift:
Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there Bernoulli's Principle Theory:
is an equal and opposite reaction. The airfoil deflects air b) Principle: Bernoulli's principle states that as the
downward (action), and in response, the air imparts an speed of a fluid (such as air) increases, its pressure
equal and opposite force upward on the airfoil (reaction), decreases. This principle is often used to explain lift
resulting in lift. generation.
c) Explanation: According to this theory, lift is
2. Factors Affecting Lift: generated by the difference in airspeed and pressure
a) Airfoil Shape: The shape of the airfoil's cross- between the upper and lower surfaces of an airfoil (such as
section, particularly its curvature (camber) and angle an aircraft wing). The curved shape of the wing's upper
of attack (the angle between the airfoil's chord line and surface causes the airflow to accelerate, creating lower
the oncoming airflow), significantly affect lift. pressure above the wing compared to below it. This
Cambered airfoils are designed to generate lift pressure difference results in an upward force, which is lift.

b) Airfoil Size: The size of the airfoil's wing area

affects the total lift force. Larger wings generally
produce more lift. Where:
v = Fluid flow speed at a point on a streamline g =
Airfoil Speed: Lift is proportional to the square of the Acceleration due to the gravity z = Elevation of the point
airfoil's velocity. Doubling the airspeed results in four times above a reference plane p = Pressure at the chosen point ρ =
the lift force (assuming other factors remain constant). Density of the fluid at all points of the fluid

Angle of Attack (AOA): Changing the angle at which the

airfoil meets the oncoming airflow (AOA) can vary lift.
Assumptions and Conditions for Bernoulli’s Equation: surface of the wing due to the Coandă effect. As the air
1. Steady Flow: The fluid's properties don't change follows the contour of the wing, it creates a pressure
with time. difference that results in lift.
2. Incompressible Flow: Applicable to liquids and g) Limitations: The Coandă effect theory provides
low-speed gases with negligible density changes. insights into the behavior of airflow over curved surfaces
3. No Viscosity: Assumes no internal friction within but may not fully explain all aspects of lift generation.
the fluid.
4. Along a Streamline: Applies along an imaginary REFERENCES
path that follows the fluid's flow pattern. [1]
5. No External Forces: Excludes forces like aerodynamic-lift-explained-in-terms-of-fluid-flow
magnetism or electricity, except for gravity. [2]
6. Constant Gravitational Field: Assumes gravity [3]
doesn't vary significantly.
7. Conservation of Energy: Describes the
conservation of mechanical energy in a fluid.
8. Ideal Fluid: Offers a simplified description of real
fluids for many engineering applications.

d) Limitations: While Bernoulli's principle provides a

useful explanation for lift, it is an oversimplification and
does not account for all aspects of lift generation,
particularly at high angles of attack and during stall

Newton's Third Law Theory:

a) Principle: Newton's third law of motion states that
for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

b) Explanation: In the context of lift, this theory

suggests that the wing (or airfoil) deflects the incoming air
downward as it passes over the curved upper surface. As a
result, the air imparts an equal and opposite reaction force
on the wing, pushing it upward. This reaction force is lift.

c) Limitations: This theory provides a fundamental

explanation for lift generation but does not provide insights
into the specific aerodynamic factors that influence lift, such
as the shape of the airfoil.

Vortex Theory:
a) Principle: The vortex theory of lift focuses on the
creation of vortices or swirling air patterns above and
behind an airfoil.
b) Explanation: According to this theory, lift is
generated as a result of the circulation of air around the
airfoil. The curved upper surface of the airfoil causes the
airflow to separate into two vortices: one above the wing
and one below. These vortices create low-pressure regions
above the wing, resulting in lift.
c) Limitations: While the vortex theory provides
insights into lift generation, it is a more complex
explanation that involves the behavior of airflow and
d) Coandă Effect Theory:
e) Principle: The Coandă effect describes the tendency
of a fluid jet (in this case, airflow) to adhere to a nearby
curved surface rather than follow a straight path.
f) Explanation: According to this theory, lift is
generated when the airflow follows the curved upper

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