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Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970


Task 1: Fill in each blank with a suitable meaning of each word below
Word Meaning in English Meaning in Synonyms Antonyms Sample sentences
adjacent (adj) next to; adjoining neighboring, distant, The two houses are adjacent to each other.
adjoining separate
bond (v, n) to form a close connect, unite separate, The siblings share a strong bond.
connection; a binding detach
coherent (adj) logically consistent; logical, unclear, Her explanation was not coherent; it lacked clarity.
clear consistent confused
compatible (adj) able to exist together harmonious, incompatible, Their personalities are not compatible; they often argue.
suitable clashing
compromise (v, n) to settle differences by settle, negotiate insist, stand They agreed to compromise on the terms of the contract.
mutual concessions; a firm
settlement of differences
confront (v) to face boldly challenge, avoid, evade She had to confront her fear of public speaking during the
encounter presentation.
consistent (adj) always behaving or steady, reliable, inconsistent, She is very consistent in her work habits, always meeting
happening in a similar, constant variable deadlines and producing high-quality results.
especially positive, way
contrasting (adj) showing marked different, similar, alike The artist used contrasting colors to create a striking effect
differences or divergent, in her painting.
oppositions distinct
correspond (v) to have a close correlate, differ, deviate Your account of the events doesn't correspond with what
similarity; to match or match, parallel the other witnesses have said.
dispute (v, n) to argue or disagree argue, debate, agree, settle They disputed over the ownership of the land for years
strongly; an argument or conflict before reaching a compromise.
distinguish (v) to recognize or perceive differentiate, confuse, blur The twins look so alike; it's hard to distinguish between
clearly; to make out the discern, them sometimes.
difference identify
diverse (adj) showing a great deal of varied, uniform, The city's population is incredibly diverse, with people
variety; different from assorted, homogeneous from all walks of life living here.
each other heterogeneous
equivalent (n, adj) equal in value, measure, equal, unequal, In this recipe, one cup of butter is equivalent to two sticks.
force, effect, comparable, dissimilar
significance, etc. tantamount

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

integral (adj) necessary for essential, optional, "Good communication is integral to a healthy
completeness fundamental extraneous relationship."
integrate (v) to combine or bring incorporate, segregate, "The goal is to integrate new technology into existing
together into a whole merge separate systems."
interfere (v) to get involved in a meddle, intrude support, assist "Please don't interfere; let them solve the problem on their
situation where you are own."
not wanted or needed
intervene (v) to come between in intercede, ignore, neglect "The teacher had to intervene to stop the argument."
order to prevent or alter mediate
a result or course of
intimate (adj) closely acquainted; close, personal distant, "They shared an intimate moment under the stars."
familiar, close unfamiliar
liken (v) to compare or equate compare, differentiate She likened his singing to that of a famous artist.
merge (v) to combine or blend combine, unite separate, The two companies decided to merge their operations.
mutual (adj) shared or reciprocal reciprocal, joint one-sided, They have a mutual respect for each other's opinions.
resemblance (n) similarity in appearance similarity, difference There's a strong resemblance between the twins.
guardian (n) a person who protects or protector, ward The guardian was appointed to look after the orphaned
takes care of another custodian children.
person, such as a child
sibling (n) a brother or sister brother/sister unrelated She has two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister.
adopt (v) to legally take another's take in, foster abandon They decided to adopt a child from the orphanage.
child and bring it up as
one's own
descendant (n) a person, plant, or offspring, heir ancestor The royal family can trace its descendants back many
animal that is descended generations.
from a particular
empathise (v) to understand and share sympathize, disregard She empathized with her friend's grief over the loss.
the feelings of another relate
successor (n) a person or thing that heir, follower predecessor The new CEO was chosen as the successor to the retiring
succeeds another chairman.
companion (n) a person or animal with friend, partner stranger The loyal dog was his constant companion on hikes.
whom one spends a lot
of time or with whom
one travels

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

foster (v) to encourage the nurture, neglect The organization works to foster creativity in young
development of promote artists.
something, especially
something desirable
predecessor (n) a person who held a job forerunner, successor Her predecessor in the role set a high standard of
or office before the ancestor performance.
current holder
sympathise (v) to feel or express empathize, disregard They sympathized with the victims of the natural disa
sympathy or compassion commiserate

Task 2: Provide the root word for each word family below and look up for the meaning of each word in each word family below
Root word Word family Root word Word family
appreciate appreciation: parent parenting:
appreciable: parentage:
appreciably: parenthood:
(un)appreciative(ly): parental(ly:
associate dissociate: perceive perception:
association: perceptiveness:
associate: (im)perceptible:
associated: (im)perceptibly:
human humanise: personal personalise:
humanity: impersonate:
humanism: personality,
humanist: personnel:
humanities: interpersonal:
humanitarian: personalized:
humane: (im)personal(ly):
individual individualise: sympathy sympathise:
individualisation: sympathiser:
individuality, (un)sympathetic,
individualist: (un)sympathetically:
inherit inheritance: young youngster:
heritage: youth:
heredity: youthful:
observe observation: character characterise:
observance: characterisation:
Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

observer: (un)characteristic:
observatory: characterless:
individual individualise:

Task 3: Look up the meaning of each phrase/idiom below

Phrase/idiom English meaning Vietnamese meaning Sample sentences
answer back (v) reply rudely to someone of higher authority She got into trouble for answering back to her boss
during the meeting.
ask out (v) invite someone on a date He finally asked her out after months of flirting.
bring out (v) highlight a quality; launch a new product Her speech really brought out the best in her team.
The company plans to bring out their latest phone
model next month.
bring together (v) gather people to participate in an activity The festival brings together people from different
bump into (v) meet unexpectedly; collide with Guess who I bumped into at the supermarket
cancel out (v) nullify the effect of something His enthusiasm canceled out her doubts about the
come between (v) cause a disagreement between people Don't let misunderstandings come between you
and your friends.
crowd around (v) move to a particular place with many others The fans crowded around the stage to get a better
view of the concert.
go together (v) exist or function well in combination with each Peanut butter and jelly go together perfectly in a
other; often occur simultaneously sandwich.
meet up (v) come together with someone, either unexpectedly Let's meet up at the café at 7 PM tonight.
or as planned
open up (v) talk more openly about personal feelings and She finally opened up about her fears and
experiences; unlock a door or container insecurities.
pick on (v) continually treat someone unfairly, especially by He always picks on his younger brother for being
criticizing or teasing them clumsy.
sound out (v) try to discover opinions, ideas, feelings, etc. by I need to sound out my colleagues before making a
talking to someone decision.
take after (v) resemble or behave like an older relative She really takes after her grandmother, especially
in her artistic talents.

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

take to (v) start liking someone or something; develop a habit He quickly took to playing the piano after his first
crowd around (v) move to a particular place with many others The fans crowded around the stage to get a better
view of the concert.
go together (v) exist or function well in combination with each Peanut butter and jelly go together perfectly in a
other; often occur simultaneously sandwich.
meet up (v) come together with someone, either unexpectedly Let's meet up at the café at 7 PM tonight.
or as planned
open up (v) talk more openly about personal feelings and She finally opened up about her fears and
experiences; unlock a door or container insecurities.
pick on (v) continually treat someone unfairly, especially by He always picks on his younger brother for being
criticizing or teasing them clumsy.
sound out (v) try to discover opinions, ideas, feelings, etc. by I need to sound out my colleagues before making a
talking to someone decision.
take after (v) resemble or behave like an older relative She really takes after her grandmother, especially
in her artistic talents.
take to (v) start liking someone or something; develop a habit He quickly took to playing the piano after his first
be born with a silver spoon in To be born into a wealthy or privileged family. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and
your mouth has never known financial hardship.
be on the same wavelength To share similar thoughts or opinions; to They've been friends for years and are always on
understand each other well. the same wavelength.
get on like a house on fire To have a very good and friendly relationship; to As soon as they met, they got on like a house on
get along extremely well. fire.
in sb’s bad/good books To be in someone's disfavor/favor; to be liked or After missing the deadline, he's definitely in the
disliked by someone. boss's bad books.
like two peas in a pod Very similar; nearly identical. Those twins are like two peas in a pod—they even
finish each other's sentences.
on good terms (with) Having a friendly relationship with someone. Despite the disagreement, they parted on good
put sth in perspective (phrase) To view something in a balanced or realistic way. The documentary really puts the issue in
sb is only human (phrase) Used to justify human shortcomings or mistakes. Yes, he made a mistake, but remember—he's only
see eye to eye (with sb) To agree with someone; to have the same opinion. They don't always see eye to eye on politics, but
they respect each other's views.
your flesh and blood A close relative, especially a family member. Take care of your own flesh and blood first.

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

Task 4: Write a word from the box in each gap

attach • comprise • confront • contradict • correspond • dispute •
distinguish exclude • identify • integrate • involve • liken • merge • negotiate
1. It’s not easy to___________________between Nick and Rick because they’re identical twins.
2. Why do you always ___________________me and say that what I’m saying isn’t true?
3. I love mountaineering, and I suppose I would___________________it to the excitement of winning the lottery.
4. One of the reasons we grow to love characters in films is that we___________________with them.
5. You need to ___________________the handle to the drawer using these screws.
6. I wouldn’t___________________the possibility that you could be completely wrong on this.
7. Your answer to the maths problem should be the same as mine, but they don’t___________________.
8. I'm going to___________________Roy about his behaviour because I think it’s unacceptable.
9. Don't you think that people who come to live in this country should___________________into our culture?
10. In some countries, children under 16___________________the majority of the population.
11. They say the price for the house is two hundred thousand, but I’m sure they’ll___________________.
12. I’m not___________________the facts -1 just don’t agree with your interpretation of them.
13. Our office is going to___________________with the one in the next town so some people will lose their jobs.
14. Having a successful marriage___________________learning how to keep quiet at the right time.

Task 5: Choose the best word to fill in each blank

1. I couldn’t believe it when Marcy accused me of__________in her relationship with Joe.
A. intervening B. interacting C. interfering D. intercepting
2. Do you think there might be a__________between Angie’s behaviour and the accident she had?
A. link B. tie C. bond D. junction
3. Suddenly, I overheard Melissa and Alex talking about me in the__________room.
A. attached B. beside C. near D. adjacent
4. It’s difficult to translate because there’s no__________for that word in English.
A. twin B. clone C. copy D. equivalent
5. Andred and Theresa are so different! You couldn't have two more__________sisters.
A. dislike B. contrasting C. conflicting D. distinguished
6. Keeping a relationship going is hard. enough, without any__________pressure from parents.
A. external B. incoming C. outward D. outdoor
7. Having your heart broken is an__________part of growing up.
A. inward B. inset C. integral D. internal
8. Getting divorced was a__________decision, so I don’t blame my ex-wife.
A. relative B. related C. cooperative D. joint
9. But what you’re saying now isn’t__________with what you saiD. last week.
A. coherent B. consistent C. confirmed D. continuous
10. You have to go through a number of__________stages before you become an expert.
A. medium B. average C. moderate D. intermediate
11. There’s no __________between Gary and Mark, even though they are brothers.
A. resemblance B. appearance C. correspondence D. reflection
12. There’s no reason why people of different races can’t__________quite peacefully together.
A. endure B. be C. inhabit D. coexist

Task 6: Choose the best option to complete each sentence below

1. I do empathise / sympathise with Kim, but I can’t say I really understand what she’s going through.
2. I understand you’re trying to be kind, but I don’t think you can really empathise / sympathise with me when
you haven’t experienced anything similar.

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

3. My parents often adopted / fostered children for a few months when I was young and they must have looked
after about 50 youngsters altogether.
4. I was adopted / fostered by Frank and Mavis when I was just six weeks old, so they’re the only parents I’ve
ever known.
5. To some people, it's very important not to be different from their partners / peers and to fit in with the group.
6. I thought it strange that the invitation didn’t say that partners / peers were invited.
7. It was a real blow when Jim lost his job because he’s got a large number of dependants / siblings, including
three children and a mother-in-law.
8. I never really got on with any of my dependants / siblings as I was growing up.
9. My ancestor / predecessor in the job left things in a real mess.
10. The family home was built by a/an ancestor / predecessor of mine and six generations of Barretts have lived
in it since then.
11. I have decided to leave the company, but I’m sure my descendant / successor will carry on the good work.
12. You won’t believe me, but I’m a descendant / successor of Isaac Newton, although I don’t share the same

Task 7: Complete each sentence below with a suitable word

1. I haven’t seen much of Cameron since he and Nicola broke__________________.
2. She really loves him and is determined not to let anything come__________________them.
3. Why don’t we meet__________________here again on the 12th, when I get back from Germany?
4. I didn’t take__________________my stepbrother at first, but after a while we grew closer.
5. We should bring everyone__________________and discuss what we’re going to do for Grandpa’s
80th birthday.
6. Being given some responsibility really brought__________________a side of Lindsay’s character I hadn’t
seen before.
7. I’d like to ask Melanie__________________on a date, but I’m afraid of being rejected.
8. I had a row with Elizabeth and it just cancelled__________________all the effort I’d put into getting her to
like me.

Task 7: Write one word in each gap. Don’t forget to write the meaning of each phrase next to each sentence.
ahead off off under away over up on

1. Are you really snowed ___________with work at the moment?

2. Could you lend me five euros to tide me___________until I get my pocket money?
3. Something’s cropped___________so I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the meeting.
4. We’d better not take ___________any more staff until sales increase.
5. I can easily while the whole afternoon___________reading a good book.
6. What time does Jenny usually knock___________from work?
7. The Prime Minister is determined to press___________with the changes despite concerns from his
own MPs.
8. Over 3:000 workers were laid___________when the company moved its factory abroad.

Task 8: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence below

answer • bump • crowd • go • open • pick • sound • take

after • around • back • into • on • out • together • up

1. Guess who I____________in town. Our old physics teacher, Mr Watson.

Tiếng Anh Cô Ngà P: 0942370970

2. After I got to know Ben a bit better, he started to____________about his feelings.
3. The jeans and the top are both fine on their own, but they don’t really____________.
4. Don’t____________the other children in your class just because you’re bigger than them.
5. I wish you would just do as you're told and not____________every time I ask you to do something.
6. You should your parents____________and see what they think of your plan.
7. When the woman fainted in the street, everyone____________her but no one seemed to know
what to do.
8. Michael really____________his grandfather, doesn’t he? They’ve both got the same red hair.

Task 9: Write one word in each gap

1. Vivian and I usually agree, but we’re not always on the__________________wavelength.
2. I don’t know Pauline that well, but I’m on good__________________with her sister.
3. I know I made a mistake, but I’m only__________________ , after all.
4. My brother and Jack got on like a__________________on fire when they first met.
5. It’s a shame to fall out so badly with your own__________________ and blood.
6. Life’s very easy for you. You were born with a__________________ spoon in your mouth.
7. Jill and Emily are so alike. They’re like two__________________in a pod.
8. I don’t think we’re ever going to__________________eye to eye on this issue.
9. When something like that happens, it certainly__________________ your own problems in perspective.
10. I’m avoiding Mr Hunter because I think I’m in his bad__________________.

Task 10: Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals.
1. Theo and his brother are always together. They’re completely__________________. SEPARATE
2. It’s very__________________of you to notice that Sean’s not his usual self. PERCEIVE
3. There was a long legal battle over the__________________, but in the end I did get quite a bit of money.
4. I think saying that all black people are lazy is a very __________________remark, to be honest. RACE
5. Despite his__________________lack of concern, I think Gabriel really does care what other people think of
6. Don’t feel that you’re being __________________to Sharon if you tell me what’s bothering you about her.
7. James got into trouble for__________________a police officer. PERSON
______Thank you for your hard work_____

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