FCIM North Region

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1. The pillars forming the FCIM network.

The FCIM system consists of regulations, mechanisms (including technology) and
operational structure summarized into three main pillars as illustrated in the following diagram
(Figure 1):

Figure 1. FCIM system model

Pillar 1: Organization. CSOs are committed, capable and willing to form an Independent
Monitoring Network (FCIM network), operating in accordance with operating regulations
proposed by CSOs themselves and approved by the government as part of the Emissions
Reduction Program. FCIM network will be established and operated from grassroots level to
provincial level and 6 provinces in the North Central region. The FCIM Network activity
provides information after field verification based on Terra-i's forest change warning
technology and reports to relevant local authorities to take action on the findings properly and
timely and there are meetings periodically to exchange information with agreed levels. FCIM
network members are users of Terra-i technology.
Pillar 2: Technology. Satellite technology (Terra-i) provides meaningful near real-time forest
change information within 16 days, objectively and independently so that CSOs and CBOs,
communities are not dependent on the government forest management information system.
This means that the FCIM network proactively collects warning information about forest
changes from that satellite technology and quickly assigns members to conduct field
validation and report it to the authorities for handle the correct findings in the fields .
Pillar 3: Dialogue. FCIM system, with a regular dialogue mechanism between the monitoring
network and local authorities to discuss deforestation, possible measures, and action plans to
prevent unexpected forest damage. Information on forest change and results of handle
violations of the authorities will be publicly announced (after dialogue and agreed information
will be published).
The pillars are connected to each other through the information exchange mechanism.
The information exchange mechanism includes:
a) Deforestation warning information from Terra-i system. This information will be
updated and publicly announced on the Terra-i Vietnam website (open source), large area
deforestation warning or a series of deforestation warning points for the same area and
information from the organization /monitoring group after detecting illegal deforestation.
b) Periodic information exchange channel: Confirmation report of monitoring groups
and general situation report.
2. Steps to form the project FCIM network.
The steps to form the FCIM network are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Steps to form the FCIM network in the North Central region

Step 1. Identify CSOs participating in the project and implement FCIM

In order to build the FCIM network in the North Central region, the project needs to conduct a
survey on the current forest monitoring capacity of CSOs in Nghe An, 5 other North Central
provinces and Hanoi. The result of the survey is a report that clearly shows the current
commitment and capacity of CSOs in forest monitoring, a list of CSOs willing to participate
in the FCIM network, and a list of CSO staffs with their knowledge of remote sensing, QGIS
( an open source software, used to process geographic information data), etc. to participate in
the ToT training course on operating the Terra-i system.
Step 2. Organize Trainer (ToT) training courses on Terra-i for 10 CSOs from 6 North
Central provinces and Hanoi
After the survey, 10 CSOs of the North Central region with knowledge of remote sensing and
QGIS will participate in a ToT training course on Terra-i, including how Terra-i works, how
to extract satellite imagery and how to use the analyzed images to develop maps of forest
change. This group of ToTs will provide training on how to use Terra-i maps to track
deforestation for local CSOs and CBOs.
Step 3. Support ToT for Terra-i
Expert Terra-i from the Center for International Agricultural Research in Vietnam (CIAT)
will provide hands-on support to the ToTs team in training CSOs and the community. The
expert will also explain and clarify any questions from the team when operating and updating
the Terra-i forest change map remotely. Support will be provided for the first 12 months of
the project. Since Terra-i is a new piece of software for the team, hands-on support is needed
for them to fully understand the program, but it is expected that after the first 12 months of
support, the team will be able to manage the software. Organizing the events ToT course and
technical support for CSOs in the North Central region not only to replicate the network in the
long run, but also to strengthen the position of CSOs in society as a technical provider.
Step 4. Organize training courses for CSOs and CBOs of the districts
To promote the role and participation in forest protection monitoring of grassroots CSOs and
CBOs, training courses on the use of Terra-i will be organized for the core of local CSOs and
CBOs. This is the main force that will join the FCIM network from the grassroots level
(village, commune, and district). In Nghe An, CEBR will coordinate these training courses
with local authorities and local CSOs/CBOs and CIAT experts.
Step 5. Establish and develop a coordination mechanism between grassroots FCIM
The grassroots FCIM network operates on the basis of a coordination mechanism between the
district FCIM board, the commune FCIM board and the village FCIM groups. In which, it is
necessary to clearly define the network participants, roles, functions and tasks of FCIM at all
levels, and at the same time, it is necessary to build an information exchange system between
different groups, boards and levels in grassroots FCIM network.
Step 6. Formulate the operation regulations of the village FCIM
Village FCIM groups (also known as CBOs) play a very important role in the FCIM network.
They are communities living near the forest, able to access and directly participate in local
forest protection in the fastest and most effective way. In the FCIM network, trained CBOs
will be able to use GPS, collect and update information on the Terra-i system to monitor
deforestation in the village's management area. However, groups of CBOs need to develop
Operational Regulations to carry out forest monitoring, patrolling and protection activities
effectively. At the same time, inform and coordinate with FCIM boards at district and
commune levels to promptly prevent deforestation in the area.
Step 7. Organize independent monitoring activities for forest change in the field of the
grassroots FCIM system
Update information on forest changes in near real time provided by Terra-i system from
satellite map periodically. The village CBOs organize forest patrols, compare the
deforestation warnings provided by the Terra-i system with the reality in the field, write
reports after patrolling and send it to the Terra-i project management system and stakeholders.
Village CBOs provide information through field forest monitoring to CSOs at the
commune/district level, and broadcast propaganda bulletins on the commune's loudspeaker
system to the entire village community.
Step 8. Organize periodic meetings/dialogues
Organize FCIM network meetings to share information on forest changes such as
deforestation through independent monitoring of CSOs, CBOs with authorities at all levels,
stakeholders to find solutions and plans to reduce effectively minimize and prevent violations
of the law on forestry and communication. At the same time, through dialogue activities, it
will contribute to affirming the role of CSOs and CBOs in enhancing efficiency, accuracy and
transparency in forest management and protection.
3. Structure and composition of the FCIM network in the North Central region
The structure and composition of the FCIM network in the North Central region of the project
are presented in Figure 3. The network composition includes the following levels: The core
social organizations of the North Central provinces, the provincial FCIM and FCIM at
grassroots level (village, commune, and district)

Figure 3. Structure of FCIM network in the North Central region

3.1 Core CSOs in the North Central provinces

Provincial CSOs in the North Central region and Hanoi are allowed to establish regional
FCIM networks based on consultation surveys and voluntary consent of these organizations.
Through consultation with CSOs of each province, the Project considered and agreed with
CSOs of each province to select a core CSO representing the CSOs of their province. Core
CSOs have a role in providing technical support on the Terra-i system and building the FCIM
network in each province.
3.2 FCIM at Provincial level
The provinces in the North Central region and Hanoi established FCIM at the provincial level
on a voluntary basis and the actual capacity of each province. Provincial FCIM has the role of
directing, supporting, and inspecting the independent monitoring of forest change by district
FCIMs; Receive reports and summarize the situation and operation information of the district
FCIM system and organize periodic meetings and dialogues on independent monitoring of
forest change for the provincial FCIM. At the same time, coordinate and support the regional
FCIM network when implementing related project activities in the province. Proposing policy
recommendations on forest governance and sustainable forest management to provincial
authorities and the General Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
3.3 FCIM at grassroots level (districts, communes and villages)
The grassroots levels (districts, communes, and villages) establish their own FCIM on a
voluntary basis and the actual capacity and requirements of forest governance of each locality.
The superior directs, supports, inspects and summarizes the situation of independent
monitoring of forest change by direct subordinates. Each level performs independent
monitoring of forest change at its level in the field, coordinates with superiors in performing
related tasks in their respective localities, organizes periodical dialogues and proposes
propose effective solutions for forest governance and sustainable forest management with the
authorities at the same level.
4. Mechanism of operation coordination and information exchange of FCIM network
4.1. The mechanism for coordinating the activities of the FCIM . network

(a) Coordination between levels in the FCIM system:

Unification of the province with the district, commune, and village levels of the FCIM
network in establishing the organization, defining the functions, tasks and management
mechanism, operation, and operation plan of the subordinate FCIM.
(b) Coordination between organizations:
- The CSOs of the same level are connected to coordinate and share the performance of
the tasks of their level FCIM through the management and administration of the FCIM Network
Leader at the same level.
- CSOs at a high level direct, support and help lower CSOs of their organizations to
integrate the performance of FCIM's tasks into the system of specific functions and tasks of
(c) Coordination between FCIMs and the Authorities :
Coordinating and sharing through holding dialogues and meetings in accordance with
the regulations of the FCIM system on independent monitoring of forest changes, proposing
recommendations to prevent and handle violations of the forestry law in a timely and effective
manner, Improve the effectiveness of forest governance by the government, forestry agencies
and relevant forest owners.
(d) Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism:
- Implemented independent monitoring of near-real-time forest change using Terra-i
technology through field checking of CBOs - Forest Patrol Monitoring Teams - Village
- Upper-level FCIM with its CSOs supervise lower-level FCIM, with its CSOs
through receiving reports; support coordination, direction and field inspection; through the
activities of the CSO project - LA/2019/411-843.
- The reporting is done according to the format and time specified by FCIM, and the
4.2. Mechanism of information exchange.
Set up a periodic information exchange mechanism that can be quarterly, monthly, ½ month,
etc. and irregularly (if large forest changes are detected) between:
(a) Information channels:
- Information exchange in the FCIM system is conducted in two directions: Top down
- Bottom up from village FCIM - Commune FCIM - District FCIM - Provincial FCIM - North
Central Region FCIM.
- Information exchange and dialogue between the commune FCIM and the Commune
People's Committee, the district FCIM and the District People's Committee; Provincial FCIM
with Provincial People's Committee, Departments, branches, forestry agencies.
- Information between FCIMs/ CSOs/ CBOs horizontally in the area by administrative
scope: village to village; commune to commune; district to district.
- Information from FCIM at commune and village level to the community.
b) Information content:
Forest change situation through independent forest monitoring, recommendations,
proposals, plans and solutions to improve forest governance efficiency.
c) The media:
Report in writing documents, electronic documents, information via the Terra-i system
network; by phone, text message; working directly according to the specified and agreed time
of the FCIM system.

5. FCIM in Nghe An
The initial project, Nghe An’s FCIM network established 180 villagers, in these, it
included CFOs and CBOs of 18 villages, 6 communes of Tuong Duong an Ky Son districts.
FCIM groups at Tuong Duong an Ky Son districts were trained on using Terra-i tools to
monitor the forest status and receive some certain results. However, the activities can be
practiced and operated better in the forest management and protection at local.
The FCIM network of Tuong Duong district includes 104 members including 2
members of the district-level FCIM board, 12 members of the commune-level FCIM board
and 90 village-level FCIM members. In there:
- District FCIM Committee is Tuong Duong District Farmers' Association;
- Tam Quang commune FCIM team includes 05 members; The village FCIM group
has 03 groups, each group has 10 members including villages: Bai Xa, Tan Huong and Tung
- FCIM group in Tam Dinh commune has 01 group consisting of 04 members (1
person is in general charge, the remaining 3 members are assigned to each person in charge of
1 village); The village FCIM group has 03 groups, each group has 10 members including
villages: Quang Phuc, Quang Yen, Quang Thinh.
- FCIM team in Tam Thai commune has 03 members; 3 village FCIM groups, each
group has 10 members including villages: Cay Me, Tan Hop and Canh Trap.
Every month, FCIM Committees of communes direct village groups to check the
forest loss warning system from Terra-i to identify deforestation points, organize meetings,
develop plans, assign tasks to group members, and proceed. Go to the field to check at the
warning point. After checking, if forest loss is detected, the groups proactively report to the
Terra-i system, reporting to the project on the results of the field inspection; In addition to the
task of checking the system and going to the field, the Commune FCIM Committee also
developed and recorded newsletters to send to the villages to further enhance the
dissemination of information and activities of the Project to the people. Through the network's
information exchange, the District-level FCIM board will capture information, synthesize and
exchange at quarterly meetings at the District level and annual meetings at the Provincial

Ky Son district FCIM network includes 105 members including 3 district FCIM
committee members, 12 commune level FCIM committee members and 90 village FCIM
members. In there:
- District level FCIM Committee, the core of which is Ky Son District Farmers'
Association; Ky Son District Women's Union, Ky Son District Youth Union.
- FCIM Committee of Huu Kiem commune includes 04 members; FCIM groups in Na
Luong 1 village, Na Chao village, Khe Ty village, each group has 10 members with the core
being the Farmers' Association, Youth Union and Village Women's Association.
- Tay Son Commune FCIM Committee includes 04 members; FCIM groups of Huoi
Giang 1 village, Huoi Giang 2 village, Huoi Giang 3 village, each group has 10 members with
the core being the Farmers' Association, Youth Union, Women's Association, Fatherland
Front, and Veterans.
- FCIM Board of Na Ngoi commune includes 04 members; FCIM groups in Phu Quac
1 village, Phu Quac 2 village, Phu Quac 3 village, each group has 10 members with the core
being the Farmers' Association, Youth Union, Women's Association, Veterans Association,
Elderly Association , Village Front Working Committee.
Every month, FCIM Committees of communes coordinate with village FCIMs to
access and check deforestation warning points on the Terra-i system; Direct village FCIM
groups to organize meetings, field plans, conduct field work to confirm warning points,
determine causes, and report to the Terra-i system, field staff, and the Management Board.
project managers and stakeholders. Monthly field results are conveyed to the village
community through creating, recording and broadcasting newsletters on village loudspeakers
so that people can better understand the project's activities and raise awareness of
conservation. forest guard. The district-level FCIM network also captures information,
synthesizes and exchanges with relevant parties through district-level quarterly meetings (3
meetings/3 years) and provincial-level annual meetings.
Figure 4. The information-sharing mechanism between FCIM and local governments
and stakeholders

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