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A Journey Of Self-Discovery

Learning Astrology
Personal Growth
Birth Chart helps you gain a deeper insight into who you really are, what you do,
and why you do it. It can be used as the key to your personal development, and it
can help you grow in ways you never anticipated. The position of planets and
stars at the very moment of your first breath will tell you your psyche's natural
predispositions and tendencies. It permits you to see the dominant patterns of
your psychological profile, but the choice to follow, accept, refuse, and break
them remains yours.
Reveals which method of self-care works best for you.
Reveals your weaknesses, encouraging self-improvement.
Reveals your strengths, promoting a sense of self-confidence.
Reveals your personality traits and quirks that make you unique.
Philosophy of Astrology
It’s common belief that Astrology was born in ancient Greece (500 B.C. However, it already
existed in ancient Persia, in Babylon (2300 B.C.), and in ancient Egypt (2700 B.C.), and then
its true origins arrived even in Mesopotamia with the Sumerians (3500 B.C.).
Sumerian Astrologers divided the heavens into 12 sections, the Zodiac meaning “Circle of
Animals. From the view of Earth, the planets, the sun, and the moon appear to orbit
around us along an apparent path. Because this apparent path along the elliptical is
basically flat, we can draw a flat, 2-dimensional drawing to represent it. Naturally, we
draw a circle. This circle is sliced into the 12 Zodiac signs. The Planets, as designated by
their actual positions in space, each fall into one of the 12 Zodiac signs. Each planet also
falls into one of the 12 Houses.
The observations of the stars, the study of the sky and its analogical connections with
Earth’s plane, and then, with Man’s plane, through the thousands of years, two things have
been noted:
1. Each planet represents an energetic part of our being or a component of life, such as
Emotions, communication style, or love style.
2. The position of each planet in the heavens indicates the style in which the planet’s
component is manifested.
Birth Chart
A birth chart is a snapshot of the heavens at the exact moment of one's birth, but more
crucially, from your exact point on Earth. A birth chart freezes time, putting you in the
center and then arranging all the celestial bodies in the sky to move around you from
your position and perspective on Earth. This is why you will never see Earth
represented as a planet on a birth chart.
One`s date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth are required to create a birth chart.
If you don’t know the exact time, a chart can still be made using a sunrise or sunset
chart. You would need to look up the sunrise or sunset time for your birth location on
your birth date. Whether you want to use the sunrise or sunset is up to you. Ideally, if
you knew a general time, such as a morning or early afternoon, then you would use the
sunrise chart. Or either evening or nighttime and then you would want to use the
sunset chart.
It`s important to understand that a sunrise or sunset chart will be less accurate
than the exact birth time. However, it will still give you a good understanding of
yourself and who you are.
Anatomy Of A Birth Chart
When reading your birth chart, the Zodiac Signs are
positioned based on your Ascending Sign (AC), found on
the left of your chart along the horizontal line marked
(AC) and (DSC) Descending to the right of the chart. The
Midheaven (MC) and the Imum Coeli (IC) are angular
points of a chart. The chart is divided into 12 sections,
creating the Astrological Houses. The boundaries
between the houses and between the signs are known as
Cusps. The geometric shapes drawn in the houses are
called the Aspects, measured in degrees show the angular
relationships between The Planets and are used to
calculate the specific position in which each planet is
placed in your chart to reflect the exact place they were
in the skies when you were born.
The Big Three
Knowing these is fundamental because they represent the main parts of your psyche:
Your Consciousness, Your Unconscious, and Your Individuality:
The Sun.
The Moon.
The Ascendant/ Rising Sign.
The Sun & Moon have special importance in the astrological system because they
represent the 2 sides of yourself, the 2 fundamental principles of a human being's
psyche: The Conscious and the Unconscious. They are not common planets; they are
defined as the two Luminaries. Embodying the 2 great prime archetypes that every
human being has within:
The Sun: The Masculine Principle, The Man, The Father.
The Moon: The Feminine Principle, The Woman, The Mother.
The First House is particularly important in the astrological system because it is the
house of Individuality, vitality, and inner strength. The Ascendant is Our Expression; it
is your way to be an individual, your character, the way you project yourself toward the
external world. It’s your attitude, how you face life. it is also connected to your
imagination and exterior appearance.
Astrological Planets
The Personal Planets The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
They tend to play a more tangible role in your everyday affairs. They relate to issues that
are largely subjective and within your personal sphere of experience, such as your vitality,
how you feel, how you communicate, and how you relate.
The Social Planets Jupiter and Saturn.
These two planets can be considered a dyad, with planetary cycles that relate to major
milestones of development within both the personal and collective spheres.
The Transpersonal Planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
With the exception of Uranus, the time it takes for each of these planets to complete one
revolution around the zodiac is so long that no person will ever see it in their lifetime. We
all experience major turning points or “awakenings” at the quarter points and/or the half-
points of these cycles. Astrologically, the “mid-life” crisis occurs for everyone between the
ages of 36 and 42 when Pluto and Neptune reach their quarter-cycles, and Uranus reaches
its half-cycle. Though the lessons and influence of each of the transpersonal planets are
deeply personal, their energies play a huge part in shaping whole generations.
Personal Planets
☉ The Sun Rules Leo Luminary of Vitality.
Represents your ego, basic personality, and life, self-expression, leadership, confidence,
creativity. Its Mission: Bring life to existence with energizing, powerful force.
☽ The Moon Rules Cancer Luminary of Emotions.
Represents your inner world and soul. Habits, instincts, the unconscious, memories,
femininity, domesticity, and intuition. Its Mission: Give life meaning through dynamic inward
☿ Mercury Rules Gemini and Virgo Planet of the Mind.
Represents your mind and how you communicate. Intelligence, technology, information,
ideas, business, and education. Its Mission: To share knowledge and communicate well.
Venus Rules Taurus and Libra Planet of Beauty.
Represents your aesthetics and love language. Attraction, harmony, relationships, art, and
pleasure. Its Mission: To Create love, turning dullness of life into beautiful works of art.
Mars Rules Aries Planet of Action.
Represents your energy, aggressiveness, and even your sex drive. Passion, courage, desire,
aggression, competition, and conflict. Its Mission: To take action, making bold decisions and
displaying courageous leadership.
Social Planets
♃ Jupiter Rules Sagittarius Planet of Expansion.
Represents your ability to cultivate luck, hope, wisdom, and ability to grow. Optimism,
hope, vision, growth, wisdom, influence, and prosperity. Its Mission: To give back,
create goodwill and success through personal responsibility.
♄ Saturn Rules Capricorn Planet of Structure.
Represents where you must take responsibility and learn life lessons. Karma, strength,
discipline, restriction, law, authority, and tradition. Its Mission: To be successful,
working hard to find, build and maintain stability.
Transpersonal Planets
♅ Uranus Rules Aquarius Planet of Revolution.
Represents how you express eccentricity. Change, freedom, rebellion,
individuality, progressive ideas, and humanitarianism. Its Mission: To
get insight, Look for new perspectives, new ideas, and new concepts.
♆ Neptune Rules Pisces Planet of Magic.
Represents your imagination and mystical. Spirituality, fantasy, art,
mysticism, illusion, deception, and escapism. Its Mission: To find
freedom, using creativity and intuition to build a perfect world.
♇ Pluto Rules Scorpio Planet of Rebirth.
Represents how you transform and are reborn. Destruction, death,
evolution, and the subconscious. Its Mission: To inspire growth and
transformation by directly facing fear.
The Zodiac in their Elements
The are placed, will tell you their particular meaning, particular tendency, and way of
expressing themselves. So, now that you know what the Planets are, you need to know how
they express themselves in your personality, and you will understand this, thanks to the
combination of a planet and the zodiac sign, where they Zodiac.
Contrary to popular belief, the sun sign is not who you are but who you are becoming
during this existence. Some people identify firmly with their sign, and others do not. The
variations are usually related to whether the moon or any of the planets were in the same
section of the zodiac as the sun at birth. If the sun's sign has the support of one or more
planets, an individual is more likely to recognize himself in the trait description.

The elements and star signs have an intricate

relationship. In astrology, the elements—Air, Water,
Earth, and Fire signs—serve as foundational
principles that influence the characteristics and
behaviors associated with the twelve zodiac signs. In
fact, you’ll often find zodiac signs and their elements
go hand-in-hand.
Air Signs 🜁🜁
Move constantly, like the wind. Even if the body appears to be still, the
mind of an Air Sign is racing from one thing to another. The Airs are
gregarious and work to develop their social skills early in life. It is,
however, difficult for them to make commitments because they know
there are so many possibilities they haven't yet explored. Though Airs
have lightning-quick mental abilities, they struggle in the world of
emotions. Ask an Air sign how he feels about an issue, and he will
speedily rattle off what he thinks.

Gemini “I Think” May 21 – June 20, approximately Ruled by Mercury.

+ Witty, Clever, Intellectual, Fun, Adaptable, Curious, Loves To Learn, and Free Spirited.
- Immature, Lack Of Empathy, Judgmental, Two-Faced, Moody, Sarcastic, and Unreliable.
Libra “I Balance” Sept. 23 – Oct.22, approximately Ruled by Venus.
+ Seeks Balance And Harmony, Loves Beauty, Cooperative, and Even-Tempered.
⁻ Self-Sacrificing, Can`t Make Decisions, Dependent, and Avoids Conflict At All Costs.
Aquarius “I Know” Jan. 20 – Feb. 19, approximately Ruled by Uranus.
+ Intellectual, Logical, Friendly, Truthful, Rational, Objective, Curious, and Inventive.
⁻ Lack Of Empathy, Stubborn, Distant, Detached, Stubborn, Rebellious, and Argumentative.
Water Signs 🜄🜄
Are fluidly feeling, and the range of their dispositions moves readily
from ice storm  placid river  hot steam. Waters love the comforts of
home and family and generally are strongly nurturing of anything that
lives. They have compassionate instincts and are drawn to care for
whomever or whatever seems weakened, defective, or on the losing side.
Waters are adept in the world of feeling and rarely are unduly
frightened by any emotion they encounter.

Cancer “I Feel” June 21 – July 22, approximately Ruled by Moon.

+ Sensitive, Nurturing, Loyal, Intuitive, Expressive, Sentimental, and Seeks Security.
- Clingy, Holds A Grudge, Cannot Let Go, Overbearing, Moody, and a Worrier.
Scorpio “I Desire” Oct. 23 – Nov. 21, approximately Ruled by Pluto.
+ Intense, Deep, Mysterious, Psychic, Attractive, Strong, Emotional, and Seeks Purpose.
- Vindictive, Scheming, Controlling, Moody, Resentful, Obsessive, and Power-Hungry.
Pisces “I Believe” Feb.19 – March 20, approximately Ruled by Neptune.
+ Emotional, Dreamy, Creative, Intuitive, Compassionate, Aware, Unselfish, and A Visionary.
- Escapist, Impractical, Addictive Tendencies, Overly Emotional, Lazy, Unrealistic, Stubborn,
Unpredictable, and their Own Worst Enemy.
Fire Signs 🜂🜂
Are warm, enthusiastic, and outgoing. They need a lot of fuel and,
therefore, are constantly on the search for something new to "feed" them.
Other signs must often create boundaries in order to prevent the fire
signs from absorbing all the resources and space in the vicinity. One
cannot really find fault with this, as the fire signs are usually quite
unaware of the effects of their massive energy. When they reach a clearly
defined edge drawn by another sign, they rarely take offense and readily
move in another direction. The fire signs are very intuitive and rely
heavily on an element of luck, which always seems to be with them.
Aries “I am” March 20 – April 22, approximately Ruled by Mars.
+ Fiery, Intense, Passionate, Sexy, Leader, Bold, Courageous, and Original.
- Selfish, Impulsive, Impatient, Temperamental, Hot-Headed, Bossy, Reckless.
Leo “I Will” July 21 – August 22, approximately Ruled by Sun.
+ Dramatic, Bold, Leader, Exciting, Regal, Generous, Big-Hearted, Affectionate, Loyal.
- Self-Centered, Egoistic, Prone To Flattery, Demanding, Unreasonable, and Overbearing.
Sagittarius “I See” Nov. 22 – Dec. 21, approximately Ruled by Jupiter.
+ Optimistic, Lucky, Enthusiastic, Wanderlust, Seeks Freedom, and Humorous.
- Flighty, Commitment-Phobic, Reckless, Irresponsible, Shallow, and Rebellious.
Earth Signs 🜃🜃
Are usually solid and dependable. They are gifted at manifestation
in the concrete world and take pleasure in finding useful purposes
for everything. Earth signs are natural recyclers; they deplore
wasted resources of any kind. The disadvantage of Earth signs is
that their attention is focused on material production. They can
become caught in repetitive ruts, forgetting to use their imagination.

Taurus “I Have” April 20 – May 20, approximately Ruled by Venus.

+ Dependable, Gentle, Patient, Perseverance, Determined, Artistic, and Loves Beauty.
- Obstinate, Materialistic, Unreasonable, Lazy, Slow, Greedy, and Resistant To Change.
Virgo “I Analyze” August 23 – Sept. 22, approximately Ruled by Mercury.
+ Detail-Oriented, Perfectionist, Logical, Analytical, Orderly, and Hard Working.
- Nit-Picky, Boring, Worrier, Critical, Cold, and Never Satisfied.
Capricorn “I Use” Dec. 22 – Jan. 19, approximately Ruled by Saturn.
+ Disciplined, Reliable, Determined, Patient, Cautious, Seeks Security, and Loyal.
- A User, Obsessed With Status, Materialist, Competitive, and Controlling.
Astrological Qualities
Also known as “Modes or Modalities,” indicate how people respond to stimuli,
especially how they act under tension. They indicate how the signs express their
element, meaning the mode of behavior they use to express the element's needs.

⟑ Cardinal These signs are the most assertive and the most interested in initiating change.
Their mode of activity is to start new things. They easily begin things and respond well to
new ideas, they are self-starters. Crisis motivates them, they achieve control by remaining
one step ahead of everyone else. For Cardinal signs, things are always happening, this is
usually because they are doing the starting.
🈩🈩 Fixed These signs are the most stable and self-contained. Their mode of activity is sort
of passive, yet determined, unwavering, and even stubborn. Their strength is their
consistency and loyalty. They follow things through to the end, managing and sustaining
what has been started by the Cardinal signs. They may go to denial in times of change. They
are very resistant to change, needing to take time to prepare themselves. They tend to be late:
but once there, they stay forever.
🜳🜳 Mutable These signs are the most unstable and most open to be influenced by the
environment. Their mode of activity is to make the transition from the old to the new. They
have many things going on in their head than in tangible form With this territory comes
mental worry, always anticipating negative outcomes; fear, paranoia, and panic attacks. But
they are infinitely flexible and tolerant and find it easy to let go. They loosen structures and
adapt well to changes.
Astrological Qualities
Cardinal ⟑ are in the first month of each season.
Aries seeks leadership and control in general.
Cancer controls emotions, home, and family.
Libra tries to control partnerships.
Capricorn controls uses and exploits the material environment.
Fixed 🈩🈩 are in the middle month of each season.
Taurus is just slow.
Scorpio uses tardiness as a subtle power struggle.
Leo enjoys making an entrance.
Aquarius wants things on their own terms.

Mutable 🜳🜳 are in the final month of each season.

Gemini is changeable in its ideas.
Virgo is dominated by its environment.
Sagittarius has a continually changing view of life's possibilities.
Pisces adapts itself superficially to its environment and reflects it like a mirror.
(like a chameleon)
Refer to the strength or weakness of a planet’s position by sign. In layman’s terms: some planets
are happy in certain signs and not so happy in others.
• It’s kind of like wearing jeans – your favorite pair fits you well and makes you look like a million bucks – plus
you can move about freely. Other pairs…not so much. If you’ve ever had to lay down on the bed just to squeeze
yourself into a too-tight pair that accentuates all the wrong places, you know what I mean.
Rulership When the planet is in the signs it rules, which means it’s at home and functions well.
• This would be your favorite brand of jeans – the reliable brand you know always works for your body.
Detriment When the planet is in the opposite sign, it rules, its energy is weak and negative.
• This is like an old pair of jeans that no longer fit and makes you grumpy every time you see them.
Exaltation Means it’s the best expression of the planet. its energy is strong and positive.
• This would be like that ultra-expensive pair of jeans that fits like a dream and flatters every curve.
Fall When the planet is opposite the exaltation, total weakness, and the most negative expression.
• This would be the cheapo brand of jeans that is completely wrong for your body.
Peregrine When the planet doesn’t fall into any of the above categories.
• This would be like a pair of black jeans- they look good on most people but can still be prone to spills and tears
with the wrong use.
Dignitas Chart
Planet Ruler Detriment Exalted Fall
Sun Leo Aquarius Aries Libra
Moon Cancer Capricorn Taurus Scorpio
Mercury Gemini & Virgo Sagittarius Virgo Pisces
Venus Taurus & Libra Scorpio Pisces Virgo
Mars Aries Taurus & Libra Capricorn Cancer
Jupiter Sagittarius Gemini & Virgo Cancer Capricorn
Saturn Capricorn Cancer Libra Aries
Uranus Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus
Neptune Pisces Virgo Cancer Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio Taurus Leo Aquarius
Astrological Houses
The 12 houses are symbolic of all the departments that
make up human life. The planets and zodiac signs will
manifest themselves most strongly in the sphere of life
represented by the house in which they fall on your chart.
Remember, The 12 houses are not “energies” like the
elements or planets, nor do they color the expression of
energies like the zodiac signs do. The houses
are where these energies are most likely to manifest. The
houses are the fields of experience, not the experience
Pay attention and know more about The First House, The
Seventh House, The Fourth House, and The Tenth House.
As these represent the most fundamental issues in life.
Planets in these houses have extra strength and power in
the chart.
𝐈𝐈 The First House Ruled by Aries & Mars House of Self.
The Ascendant: Any planets in this house will greatly influence your personality, your
physical appearance, and how others perceive you. Yourself, Your Physical Appearance
𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈 The Second House Ruled by Taurus & Venus House of Possessions.
Your Sense Of Self-Worth, your values, and finances. Any planets in this house will greatly
influence how you earn and spend money, what you value and your attitude towards material
𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈 The Third House Ruled by Gemini & Mercury House of Communication.
Siblings, neighbors, short journeys, and all forms of transportation are associated here. Any
planets in this house will greatly influence how you communicate with others in your
immediate environment.
𝐈𝐈𝐕𝐕 The Fourth House Ruled by Cancer & The Moon House of Home.
Home, security, childhood, ancestry, family roots. Any planets in this house will greatly
influence how you nurture yourself and others.
𝐕𝐕 The Fifth House Ruled by Leo & The Sun House of Fun.
Hobbies, adventures, children, creativity, and exploration. Any planets here will help you be
authentic and enjoy being yourself.
𝐕𝐕𝐈𝐈 The Sixth House Ruled by Virgo & Mercury House of Daily Grind.
Mundane daily tasks, health, service duty, pets, errands, and chores. Any planets in this house
will greatly influence the quality of the work you do.
𝐕𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈 The Seventh House Ruled by Libra & Venus House of Partnership.
All one-to-one relationships: marriage, and business. The planets in this house can show
you the way you relate to those closest to you and give clues to issues that arise in your
𝐕𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈 The Eighth House Ruled by Scorpio & Pluto House of Regeneration.
Intimacy, sexual energy, joint finances, shared resources, as well as death and endings. Any
planets in this house influence how you handle these things.
𝐈𝐈𝐗𝐗 The Ninth House Ruled by Sagittarius & Jupiter House of Openings.
Higer learning, philosophy, religion, spirituality, long distance journey`s. Any planets in this
house influence how we expand our horizons.
𝐗𝐗 The Tenth House Ruled by Capricorn & Saturn House of Career.
Career but most of all how you are seen, your title, status, authorities, respect, and
recognition. This house encompasses the most public areas of one's life, and the career that
you grow into.
𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈 The Eleventh House Ruled by Aquarius & Uranus House of Friends.
Community, large groups, friends, memberships, and humanitarian interests. Any planets in
this house influence the things we want to leave behind for mankind to use.
𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈𝐈 The Twelfth House Ruled by Pisces & Neptune House of Secrets.
Refers to the subconscious, the hidden habits, and patterns from the past. Limitations,
frustration, and escapism, ultimately our self-undoing. This house includes things that take
us away from everyday life: such as hospitals, prisons, government offices.
Empty Houses
Everyone has all the planets represented somewhere in their chart, but since there are
only ten scattered across 12 astrological houses, every has at least two empty houses
without a planet. The 12 astrological signs are also not necessarily evenly distributed
between the houses either.
People often fear that an empty house in your chart highlights those areas of life you
won’t experience or participate in, but that is not the case. It’s actually a signal those
houses will not be a major focus for you in this lifetime.
• Example: If your seventh house, house of partnership, is empty. This does not mean you never will get
married or be in a committed relationship, but instead can show that marriage isn’t one of the central
experiences your soul needs in order to grow during this incarnation.
Looking at the Zodiac sign that occupies the empty house to gain more insight into how
the themes of this area of your chart will impact your life.
Empty houses are just as impactful as any other house with celestial bodies in them. They
can highlight those areas of life you find ease in as you have already grown significantly
in the area across the course of your past incarnations
Asteroids & major Points
☊ North Node Our Life Purpose.
Represents the things we are moving towards, the things we should learn in this lifetime.
What brings us the most satisfaction.
☋ South Node Our Past Life Karma.
Represents our comfort zone, what is familiar, and known. What is safe, and secure within us
and what we should move away from.
⚷ Chiron Reveals a “Core Wound.”
Where we have faced painful or traumatic experiences and how we transform these
situations into positive ones for the benefit of others and ourselves. While illuminating our
greatest insecurities, he can also aid us in working through them on deep levels.
⚸ Dark Moon Lilith Reveals Your Inner Bitch.
Ultimate feminine power, things we repressed when young but that we need to reclaim. The
part of you that rises up in anger when your boundaries are crossed.
Asteroids & major Points
⚳ Ceres Tide to Maternal and Earthly Energy.
How we nurture your loved ones, family, animals, others, and yourself. As well as what we
require from others to feel taken care of.
⚵ Juno Illuminates Your Commitment To Others.
Your approach to marriage, Commitment and Partnership and what motivates you being in
a relationship. As well as traumas we may feel around personal attachment.
⚶ Vesta Illuminates Your devotion.
Our approach and dedication to a cause, belief, person, or project that is deeply personal
and how we give ourselves over to that greater power to survive against all odds and
pursue our true sense of authenticity.
⚴ Pallas Reveals Your Voice of Reason.
“Where you can find calm in the storm” Show your cool-headed intellect, how you
approach problem-solving and holds ties to creative thinking.
Eros Illuminates How You Like to be Romanced.
Unlock the vault on your chamber of deliciously naughty secrets as she reveals whom we
find ourselves passionately attracted to, as well as what brings us some of our deepest
pleasures and who we have intense relationships with.
Aspects in the Chart
Aspects are angles or degrees of orientation that describe the relationships between planets
and the ascendant sign and various points on the horizon and heavens. Aspects can involve
two or more planets or points of interest. For example, if you are trying to focus on a specific
house in your astrology chart, you would do an evaluation of the angle of planets outside the
house as well as in relation to those that happen to be passing through it.
How Are Aspects Determined?
After the sun, moon, planets, constellations, asteroids, and ascendants are plotted on a
horoscope chart, the astrologer will begin looking at the angular differences between each
plotted point. If the angular degree is 90, it is said that one planet squares the other. Since
angles will not always be exact, it is said that numbers closer to any given aspect type create a
stronger influence in the chart.
Major Aspects
☌ Conjunction 0° Two planets in the same sign within 0° to 10° apart. It has
a powerful influence, being the strongest aspect in astrology. A fusion of
energy, Unties the two planets to act as one. They do not stand alone and have
a hard time acknowledging each other as separate. This can be a blind spot,
When the Sun is in close conjunction to Neptune, for example, others may
note the distinction, but it can be hard for the native to distinguish between
their sense of individuality and their spiritual, evasive, or roundabout nature.
The native may just assume, naturally, that others are much the same way.
☍ Opposition 180° Two planets apart from each other within 9° either way
of 180°. This aspect usually is disharmonious or dynamic often bringing strain,
discordance, and separation. There will be challenges on the journey to
growth and achievement. When we use our oppositions correctly, we are
more willing to consider the other side and we can be adept negotiators.
Major Aspects
☐ Square 90° Two planets apart from each other within 9° either way of 90°. Creates
tension between the two planets involved causing challenges and stressful situations.
This is where we may overdo and run into countless obstacles. The square teaches us
lessons, indicating where development is needed.
△ Trine 120° Two planets apart from each other within 9° either way of 120°. The
most beneficial aspect, the planets involved support each other. Bringing luck and
harmony naturally reflects talent, ability and highly synchronized.
⚹ Sextile 60° Two planets apart from each other within 9° either way of 60°.
Harmonious and Favorable, points to the talents we notice, work on, and appreciate in
ourselves. Brings opportunities, reveals the potential for intelligent use of energies.
Minor Aspects
⦟ Semisquare or Octile 45° Two planets apart from each other within 2° either way of 45°
Mildly adverse, brings tension, precipitates events, antisocial tendencies less powerful than
⚼ Sesquisquare or Trioctile 135° Two planets apart from each other within 2° either way
of 135° mildly adverse, similar to semi-square. Compulsive behavior, power trip.
⚺ Semisextile 30° Two planets apart from each other within 2° either way of 30° Mildly
favorable, brings opportunities, less powerful than sextile, material, and spiritual drive.
⚻ Quincunx or Inconjunct 150° Two planets apart from each other within 2° either way of
150° The planets and points involved don’t understand each other. The signs are in different
elements, as well as different modalities. For example, take Leo-Pisces. Leo is Fixed Fire, while
Pisces is Mutable Water. It`s difficult to see common ground between the signs. Redirecting,
Challenging, Diverting, Requiring Adjustments.
Understanding Transits
In order to follow the transits, you will need to know which planets will be transiting which
houses/signs in your chart and when. You can purchase an Ephemeris to find this information,
or you can use a website such as which provides a helpful list of all the
planetary transits for the year. Once you have the dates of the transits, write them down on a
calendar so that you will know when a planet will be transiting an area of your life. This helps
you to know what you may be experiencing at that time and in that area of your life. Make note
of which planets in your chart the transiting planets will be passing by, as this will tell you how
you may feel, act, and interact during that time.
Transit Tip Pay attention to aspects a transiting planet is making to other planets, as this
will give you a deeper understanding of energy.
• Let's say that you have Aries in your tenth house in your birth chart and from May - July Mars will be in
Aries. This means that Mars will be in your tenth house from May - July which means that your career and
mission in life will be affected by this planetary transit. This means that this time period will be good for
pursuing your career goals in a very ambitious, take-charge way and that you may be very busy in this area
of your life during this time frame.
Interpreting Transits Knowing what kind of experience, a planet can bring you will help
you to understand what you may be experiencing in that area of life during that time frame. To
understand a transit first take note of the planet in question which will tell you the subject
matter, the sign it's transiting will tell you the vibe of how things may play out, and the house
will tell you where in your life this will be occurring. Refer to your planet meanings to see what
each planets transit will bring to your life and look to the sign meaning to see how the energy
will play out and the house meanings for the areas of life.
• Let's say that you have your Moon in Pisces in your fifth house and from April - May Venus is going to be in
Pisces. This means that this time frame may be great for engaging in things like spiritual development,
creativity, being artistic, working on healing your emotions and healing emotional connections with others.
This transit can make you feel very loving & compassionate.
Paying Attention What you experience during a transit will help you to gain even more
understanding about your own personal birth chart and your life path as a whole. The number
of placements, as well as which placements you have in a particular house/sign will tell you
the general vibe of how a particular transit may be for you.
• Let's say that Venus will be transiting Gemini which occupies your second house of finances in your birth
chart. Pay attention to how you feel, who you interact with and what opportunities come to you during this
transit. Then write down your thoughts, experiences & reflections about this transit. This will help you to
gain a deeper understanding of how certain planets will affect you and your life path.
Life Transits
Retrograde Transits If a planet is Retrograde this means that what this planet represents
will be undergoing a period of delay, reevaluation & restructuring.
• Let's say that you have Taurus in your seventh house & from May - June Mercury will be Retrograde in
Taurus. This could create delays in the growth of your relationships, as well as the communication and
stability within them which may make things in this area of your life feel unstable during this transit.
Saturn Return The most notorious of the returns, when Saturn returns to the position it was
at when you were born. This occurs between 28 and 32 the first time, and it is one of the aspects
pushing you into adulthood. Saturn is the planet of lessons, so this is the time when we usually
have a hard lesson to learn associated with our natal Saturn. This can be a rough period when
we try to avoid it, which we usually do. But if you come out of it learning, you move forward
more confidently, and your second (and potential) third Saturn Return is a lot easier.
Chiron Return Is the planet of wounds and healing, and returns in
your late 40's to early 50's. This usually comes after you've experienced
the hard Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto transits, and if you handle them
well, your Chiron Return can be a lovely time when you feel more at ease,
more comfortable with yourself, and less controlled by your baggage.
A planet in retrograde means the planet has slowed down its orbit. To the human eye, it might
appear to be going backward. It’s not. Just chilling a bit. It is at its closest approach to earth.
The Sun and Moon are NEVER retrograde. All of the other planet go retrograde. Mercury does
about three times a year. You can figure out which planets are retrograde by looking for that
little R or “prescription” symbol. On average, most birth charts have two or three retrograde
planets. Keep in mind: the sign that the planet is in and the house it sits in will also make a
difference in how this retrograde energy manifests.
If there’s a retrograde planet in your birth chart, you experience that planet in a more
subjective, internal way. You express that planet’s energies in a unique way, different from the
rest of your family. It comes from within, not from without.
If you have zero to one retrograde planet in your birth chart, you’ll develop your life skills early
on. You might even feel that you don’t have to “go inward.”
If you have four or more, you might feel like an alien – different from everyone else. You might
be more inwardly focused and reflective. Instead of conforming to the norm, you march to the
beat of your own drum with your own value system. You may not develop your life skills early
like the zero to one example above, but by going inward, you develop wisdom.
Different types of Astrology Charts
Every Astrologer uses their own way of reading the Astrology Chart they are making. Some
use Western Astrology, some use Vedic Astrology, and some use Kabbalistic Astrology tools
and interpretations. The way a specific Astrologer chooses to interpret the Astrology Chart
doesn’t change the chart itself: same planets, houses and signs are used in all Astrology
Natal Chart It shows a picture of the stars and signs in the sky at the exact time you were
born, as seen from the exact place you were born. This chart is the basis for all other charts
and without its Astrology reading can’t be accurate. It tells the person’s personal planets
positions, shown their dominant houses and tells one’s rising sign, which usually leads to
finding the Chart’s ruler.
Transits Chart Tells what is going on in one’s life in current days, while current can mean
day-by-day, if checking the moon transits – or it can show a period of few years, if checking
Pluto or Neptune transit on the Natal Chart.
Solar Return Is used to predict what is going to happen within the next year from your
birthday. Astrology fans draw this chart in the few days before or after their birthday, every
year, to see how the year ahead is going to look like. This kind of Chart usually tells, in
combination with Transits Chart, if one is going to have new love this year, start a new job, get
pregnant, and so on.
Lunar Return Chart Is used when there is a dominant Moon in one’s Natal Chart.
Synastry Chart Is actually a chart combined from 2 personal Natal Charts. Putting these 2
charts in an overlapping way shows the aspects in which the two people meet: what is it in
each of them that makes the other tick, what attracts them to each other, how they affect each
other, how they help each other grow or the other way around, how they hold each other
back. A synastry couple chart can function as the relationship road map and it reveals the
dynamics, the psychology, the attraction, and the friction of the relationship between two
people. This Chart is usually drawn for couples to show their romantic relationship, but other
relationships and partnerships can benefit from such reading: parents and children
relationship, sisters and brothers’ relationships, boss, and employee partnerships, etc.
Composition Chart Is the Astrology chart that reveals more about the essence of a
relationship or partnership. It shows something like what this thing is all about and what we
are here for. It is considered a more spiritual astrological drawing of the relationship, while
synastry would be the kind of chart showing more of the psychological aspects of the
relationship. In some ways, it shows the third entity being created when two people meet and
interact: the relationship itself.
In addition to these charts, Astrology uses drawings and transitions to the natal chart in other
cases and occasions:
Relocation Chart – When one is moving away from their birthplace.
Event Chart – When there is a special event.
Horary Chart – When an important question that needs to be answered.
Interoperating your chart
Now it's time to take all the info you have and formulate a basic interpretation of your chart.
Step 1: For every house/sign in your chart that does not have a placement, look at the
planetary ruler of that sign and use the placement to interpret the empty house/sign.
Step 2: Start with the planets and jot down the meanings associated with them, then do
the same thing for the signs & houses they're placed in. After the aspects of each planet.
Step 3: Now start with your first planet, the Sun, & formulate different interpretations
from the information you have. Write them down using keywords, & this will give you a
basic interpretation.
The most important thing to remember while interpreting any birth chart is synthesis. The
entire chart must be taken as a whole. A natal chart is loaded with bits and pieces of
information about an individual. Each separate bit must be synthesized into one whole
picture of the person. This means that you cannot take one piece of the chart and decide that
it defines the entire person. You will have an error in judgement, or the wrong idea of a
person. Yes, at first you look at the separate interpretations of each planet in its sign and
house. But then you must weave it all together, and lace it with the Rising Sign, to get an
accurate picture.
Use keywords when starting out as a way to build a foundation with your interpretation &
understanding of each placement. It’s helpful to remember that:
The Sign – How? The Way You Do It.
The Planet – What? What You Like To Do.
The House – Where? Areas of Your Life.
Astrological Symbols
Zodiac Sign Planets Major Points Aspects Elements Qualities
 Aries Asc Rising ☊ North Node ☌ Conjunction 0° 🜁🜁 Air  Mutable

 Taurus ⨀ Sun ☋ South Node ⚺ Sim-Sextile 30° 🜄🜄 Water 🈩🈩 Fixed

 Gemini ☽ Moon ⚷ Chiron ⚹ Sextile 60° 🜃🜃 Earth ⟑ Cardinal

 Cancer ☿ Mercury ⚶ Vesta □ Square 90° 🜂🜂 Fire

 Leo ♀ Venus ⚵ Juno △ Trine 120°

 Virgo ♂ Mars ⚳ Ceres ⚼ Sesquiquadrate 135°

 Libra ♃ Jupiter ⚴ Pallas ⚻ Quincunx 150°

 Scorpio ♄ Saturn ⚸ Lilith ☍ Opposition 180°

 Sagittarius ♅ Uranus ⊗ Part of Fortune

 Capricorn ♆ Neptune

 Aquarius ♇ Pluto
 Pisces

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