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Hever Hernandez


ENGL 1301.171

22 February 2024

The Facebook Neighborhood

Social media is a common place for many people to keep in touch with one another and

to be connected with friends and family members who may be from a distance. The social

network platform Facebook is a great way for people to stay connected with those you know and

care about, But what about being connected to those who live near you or perhaps a community

of those who live beside you? Facebook has a feature for many people to join a community with

other strangers from around the world, And with this feature A local neighborhood had decided

to make a Facebook group to be connected with one another as neighbors and to help each other

and or offer services to one another. Facebook has made it easier for others to communicate with

one another via communities such as local neighborhood groups like the Wright Ranch

Neighborhood group.

To begin with the Wright Ranch Facebook group community is a private group on

facebook which can only be accessed by those who live in the Wright ranch neighborhood or if

given an invitation by anyone who lives there. This group has over 900 users and is an active

group with posts and questions being posted everyday by those who live in the neighborhood.

Many of the people in this community are often courteous to each other and often try not to fight

with one another in this group. In this group we have people offering their services to cut the
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grass, sell shirts and sell baked goods with many people in the comments eager to support one

another as a neighbor wanting to help a fellow neighbor. Helping each other is another way to

stay connected with each other and Wright ranch group does try to help each other out, when a

local pet goes missing a local neighbor can report their pet missing and others on the community

will keep an eye out for the missing animal with many taking photos of any wandering animal

that is on the street in hopes that the owner or anyone who happens to know the owner will claim

the animal and with the hope that the owner will be reunited with its pet. In addition to helping

lost pets, The Wright Ranch facebook group is more than willing to help anyone who has any

missing mail or packages by posting any missing packages on facebook or asking if the owner

will claim the missing item, but mail isn't the only items that goes missing and The Wright

Ranch facebook group is willing to help others with missing items for example I can recall a

time when I lost my social security number and I had no idea where it was however I was alerted

on the facebook group page that it had been found so I asked the person if I may pick it up and

they said of course another way this neighborhood is looking out for one another.

The whole point of this facebook group is for everyone in the neighborhood to be

connected with one another and help each other as a good neighbor and with this day and age of

the internet this facebook group helps the neighborhood stay connected and get to know each

other. This neighborhood group also likes to keep everyone alert by giving everyone invited to

neighborhood gatherings and holiday events for example during the Halloween holiday parents

in the group would like to show the treats they're giving out in halloween and even asking when

the best time for their kids to trick or treat, always making it a safe environment for everyone

living there. Letting everyone know to stay alert is a big way for neighbors to know what goes on

in the dark like letting people know if there's any suspicious activity going around and even
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showing evidence from footage in their cameras and wanting everyone to stay alert. With this

day and age of the internet, Facebook has made keeping in touch with our neighbors easier and

safer with this neighborhood group and assuring those who already live there or anyone planning

to live there assured that there is nothing to fear because the neighborhood is always on the


All and all, Facebook has helped a local neighborhood stay connected with one another

and The Wright Ranch neighborhood has stayed more connected with other fellow neighbors

through this facebook group. Given that this local neighborhood group has supported each other

through this Facebook community shows how far the internet has taken us in regards to

supporting our neighbors whether it be selling items and or supporting others businesses.

Furthermore, the idea that we can all help one another out is something that can be done by other

groups to help them stay connected as well as the Wright Ranch Neighborhood has, so if you

want to stay connected with others try using Facebook today.

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