Chapter 1

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I. Background of the Study

Listening is the key to all effective communication, because we understand people’s

purpose after we listen them. When we cannot listen correctly, we may have a poor

understanding, Rost (1991; 1) says that listening is an active process requiring

participation on the part of the listener. It seems that the communication involves the

speaker and the listener. The listener’s understanding depends on how well the listeners

can hear what the speaker says, in the other words, the communication will run well since

there is an understanding lecturer the speaker and listener.

Listening is the process of understanding the meaning by hearing the sound.

According to Rost (2002;279) who says that listening is the mental process of


meaning from spoken input. Helgesen (2003;24) also said listening is an active process,

the purpose which is to make sense of what we hear. However, its process is to construct

the meaning of ulterences to understand the aim of what people say. When we have

conversations, we listen to each other, express ideas, and give feedback. Both listener and

speaker try to interact each other to get the meaning.

Listening is important skill and it is needed by the students’ to improve their

English skills. According to Permendiknas (22/2006) state that the objective of

teaching listening for junior high school is students’ comprehend the meaning in oral

functional text and simple monologue in descriptive and procedure to interact each other.

Because of the stated problem above the researcher would live to determine the

listening skills of Grade 11 Humss A and its effect on their academic Performance in


National High School, Municipality of Sibuco Zamboanga Del Norte, School Year 2022


II. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the listening skills of Grade 11 Humss A Students of

Sibuco National High School.

Specially, it also seeks to answer the following Question;

1.Is there a significant relationship between listening skills and the academic

performances of Grade 11 Humss A students?

2.Does listening skills ha significant effect on the Oral Communication of Grade

11 Humss A students

III. Objective of the Study

This study aims to determine the listening skills of Grade 11 Humss A students of Sibuco
National High School.

On the other hand, us also want to know if how many percent of the students in grade 11

humms a is skills poor on listening, if this research will be approve we can also help


teacher and researcher.

IV. Scope and Delamination

The study is focus on the listening skills of the students and its effect on their

academic performance. The respondents are students from the grade 11 humss A with the

total of 39 students. Thus study the researcher utilize the data collected through playing

audio story to prove their listening skills on their oral communication and also where


a questionnaire to determine the listening skills of the students.

V. Significant of the Study

This study aims to determine the listening skills of Grade 11 Humss A Students of

Sibuco National High School.

Student, this paper help the students aspire to be effective read a story in order

for them to improve their listening skills.

Teachers, the result of this study will offer teachers particularly English with

empirical information in the effect to read a story to the listening skills of the students.

Oral Communication, indicates a person’s ability to receive and interpret

information in the communication process.

Future Researcher, the findings of the student in listening and will pare the way

for more expounded studies on similar field.

VI. Conceptual framework

Cause of listening skills in Oral Effect of the Academic Performance


Independent Variable DependentVariable

Figure 1; Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study, this map talks about the


between the independent variable and dependent variable, the listening skills applied by

the students is the independent variable (as shown in the left) dependent variable (as

in the right side)

VII. Definition of Terms

The following terms are operational definition which the study employed. Listening


it build a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. Academic Performance-


a form of mentorship that usually takes place between a person who lived through a


experience and a person who is new so that experience. Communication-that act action of

groupings with the intellectual understanding.

VIII. Hypothesis of the Study

The following from based from 0.05 level of significant hypothesis of the study:

Ho: there is a significant relationship between listening skills in oral communication and

academic performance.
Ha: there is no significant relationship between listening skills in oral communication and

academic performance





3. Hhtps://

Review Related Literature (RRL)

No one can deny the importance of listening skills in foreign language learning because

the key to acquire a language is to receive language input. Krashen,Texrel, Ehrman and

Herzog (1984) claim that acquisition takes place only when students absorb enough

comprehensible input. The same claim was supported by Rost (1994), who confirmed

that listening is viotal in language classrooms because it provide input for learners. As an

input skill, listening plays a crucial role in student’s language development. Krashen

(1985) argues that people acquire language by understanding the linguistic information

they hear. Thus, language acquisition is achieved mainly through receiving

understandable language input. Without understanding inquires at the right level, any

kind of learning simply cannot occur. Thus, listening is a fundamental language skill, and

as such its merits a critical priority among the four skill areas for language students. As

Hasan (2000) pointed out, “listening comprehension provides the right conditions for

language acquisition and development of other language skills” (p.138). Listening

therefore is essential not only as a receptive skill but also to development of spoken

Listening plays an important role in communication as it is said that, of the total time

spent on communication, listening takes up 40-50%, speaking 25-30% reading 11-

16%,an writing about 9% (Gilakjani & Ahmadi,2011). According to devine (1982)

“listening is the primarily means by which incoming ideas and informational are taken in’

Gilbert (1988),on the other hand, has noted that students from kindergarten through high

school were expected to listen 65-90 percent of the time. Wolvin and Coakley (1991)

concluded that, both in and out of the classroom , listening consumes more of daily

communication time than other forms of verbal communication .listening is a central to

the lives of students throughout all levels of educational development.

In spite of the importance of listening in foreign language learning, the teaching

of listening is neglected and poorly taught aspect of English in many EFL program

(Mendelsohn, 1995,p,9). EFL learners have serious problems in english listening

comprehension because schools’ curriculum pays more attention to English grammar

reading and vocabulary listening skill is not important part of many course books or

curriculum and teachers do not seem to pay attention to these skills while designing their

lessons. Most teachers take it for granted and believe that it will develop naturally within

the process of language learning. Persulessly (1988) states that one of the reasons for the

opinion that listening is a skill that tends to be neglected is the feeling among language

teachers that the learners automatically acquire thus skill as she learns to speak the
language 9p.50).

Osada(2004) reported that listening has not drawn much attention of both

teachers and learners, they are generally less aware of its importance. In classrooms,

teachers seem to test, not to teach listening. Meanwhile, students seem to learn listening,

not listening comprehension. As a result, it remains the most neglected and the least

mental process that involves perception, attention, cognition, and memory.

comprehending speech in a foreign language, many language learners face difficulties. In

order to help students improve their listening ability. Language teachers have to

understand students’ listening difficulties in comprehending spoken text and instruct with

effective teaching materials and strategies to help students’ solve their listening


Extensive listening is more general and freer sort of listening that usually takes

place outside classroom for pleasure or for many other reason. Listening extensively can

be done through using set of audio/video materials like; CDs, podcast, etc, as a way to

enhance what students have studied in class. Concerning this later, o’ Brydh and

Hagelheimer (2007) assert that one of the benefits of using this technological tools is that

it allows students to spend additional time working on the concepts taught in class and

outside of the classroom.Weinberg, Knoerr and Vandergrift (2011) reported an increase in

the use of lecture comprehension strategies that were presented in the podcast.
In contrast to extensive listening, listening intensively is said to occur inside

classes(or language laboratories) under the instructor’s guidance to overcome any

difficulties students encounter during a listening activity ( Hsrmer, 2007). This means that

it is especially done to develop the listening skill and to discover how English is spoken

Listening intensively involves a set of techniques that focus on language components;

including the bottom-up process, which is essential at all proficiency levels (Brown,

1994), intensive listening thus, implies paying specific attention to the lexical

grammatical and pragmatical units of a language; focusing on stress, intonation, elision

and assimilation that occur in natural speed. Rost (1991) indicates that it is essential for

teachers to expose students to a range of authentic types of spoken language, which can

be best done through selective listening tasks. Since through the frequent access to the

various kinds of listening situations, learners listening ability can be developed. A

selective listening activity is believed to make students focus on key parts of a discourse.

Discussing the impact of audio materials to effective learning, Kochhar (1995)

noted that radio, films and television are excellent modes of education because of their

vast potentialities. They are being used in a big way in education in the developed as well

as developing countries. Tape recorder, according to him is providing a great educational

benefits in the schools that can afford it. It improves the speech by helping students to

hear the records of their voice and makes them much more critical of their speech. There
is nothing like hearing how one sounds to others to realize the possibility of

improvements in articulation, diction, enthusiasm and organization of matter. Records are

equally valuable in enabling one to judge the evidence of his progress.

According to Reissman (2013), teachers have began to understand how using

audio cassettes or CDs in the classroom can increase the circle of engaging learners with

auditory and spatial intelligence learning styles. With audiocassette or CDs in literature or

English classroom, students can use their own learning style as catalyst for in depth study

of master works.


This chapter discussed the research design, research instrument, research locates,

data gathering procedure, population sampling procedure, data analysis.


The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine teachers’ perceptions of

barriers and suggestions for improving secondary school student’ listening skills. The

current study was conducted in the form of a case study. As Yin (2009) and (2014)

indicate, case studies are particularly useful for describing social phenomena in their its

various dimensions within a particular context. In other words, a case study requires a

search for everyday concepts in real life. Prior to beginning thus study, it was recognized

that there were some problems with listening skills as a result of field studies and pre-

interviews with Turkish teachers. A case study was conducted in order to determine the

problems, trace the sources of the problem, and to determine which alternatives might be

used to address the problems that people experienced. Therefore, a case concerning the
listening skills of secondary school students was discovered and analyzed in detail

through teachers’ perceptions and observed will not have to travel to another school and

conduct of the study.


This research on listening skills: its effect to the academic performance in grade 11 humss

a, will use questionnaire in obtaining the result in data needed in this study, which was

submitted and validated by the research.


This study on the listening skills: its effect to the academic performance of the

students will conduct in sibuco national high school. This locale is chosen to this study,

because the researcher one near to the respondents also the researcher lives on the

barangay where the school was studies by the researcher. And the conduct of the study

cost efficient because the researcher


We followed the step wise methodological procedure of data gathering.

At first we make our approval letter to our beloved school head principal and to the class

adviser of the grade 11 humss a, which is her student is our respondents to our study, and

also our researcher adviser sign our letter first, and lastly is the school head principal.

Then after getting the permission, we informed the student about the purpose of our

study. After that, we administered questioner to find out students. Existing level of

proficiency in listening skill before teaching/facilitating them with recorded audio

materials. The test was administered during the regular class of oral communication we

provide time per the length of recorded materials. And also we just play the audio story in

twice times.


In conduct of this study uses a purposive random sampling in the gathering of the data

and the respondents, this study will scope for all the broken family students in sibuco

national high school. This study is a voluntary act to every participant who willing to.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter present the analysis and interprets the result of the study. The data

gathered were presented in the tables and figures showing frequencies and the total of all

the respondents were employed as the statistical tools for analyzing data. the data for the

research work was obtained through the questionnaires based on the Audio Story.

A. To know the demographic profile of the respondents

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

B. The effect of listening skills in oral communication in the items of the following:

-Grammatical Errors
-Spelling Errors


Table 1. Demographic Profile of the respondents Grade 11 Humss A

Specify Frequency Total

Specify Female 25 38

Male 13

Age 16-18 31 38

19-22 7

As what the table shown above, out of 38 respondents, 25 were female while the


13, were male regarding the age of the respondents there 31 students in the age of 16-18
years old, while In the age of 19-25 years old are 7, listening skills in the oral

communication is effect the academic performance of Grade 11 Humss A

Table 2

Female Male

Grammatical 15% 5%

Spelling 15% 5%

Comprehension 20% 5%

Is what the table 2 shown above is the respondents result of test of their listening skills as

we can see the researcher observe that some of them has grammatical which is out of 25

female is 15% of them is has a problem of grammatical error and also male out of 10
15% them, and they also have a problem of their spelling were is out of 25 female there is

15 of them and also for male out of 13 they are 5% has spelling problem. While in

comprehension out of 25 female almost 20% of them and also for male out of 13 they are

5% of them has problem about comprehension.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The main purpose of this study is to know how the effect of listening skills in oral

communication and also the listening skills of student understanding of the purpose to the

meaning comfaired. And also to know the effective to listening skills in the student to

improve their listening comprehension.

A. Listening skills in Oral Communication

it will help student to enhance their listening comprehension and it will help

student to be better communication.

B. Academic Performancez
refers to the student of how they are act in items of their school activities.


The following are the recommendation of the research study:

1. Face the speaker and have eye contact

2. Listen to non-verbal cues too

3.Dont interrupt

4.Listen without judging or jumping to conclusions

5. Don’t start planning what to say next

6. Show that you’re listening

7. Don’t impose your opinions or solutions

8. Stay focuse
9. Ask questions

10. Paraphrase and summaries

Listening Skills in Oral Communication: Its Effect the Academiz

Performance of Grade 11 Humss A

in Sibuco National School







Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
School Division of Zamboanga del Norte
Sibuco District

June 1,2023




We, the Senior High students of Sibuco National High School will be conducting a
We would appreciate if this request will be granted to us to proceed with our study. Please
allow us to express our grateful thanks for your cooperation.
God bless you and more power!

Noted by: Yours truly,

Shanai C. Tajala Hasmine Caril
Research Advicer Meriel Tabilin
Radzma Amilasan
Alsaidi Nadua
Hanida Allani

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