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Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

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Application of geographically weighted regression to the direct forecasting of

transit ridership at station-level
Osvaldo Daniel Cardozo a, *, Juan Carlos García-Palomares b, Javier Gutiérrez b
Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Av. Las Heras 727, H3500COI Resistencia, Argentina
Departamento de Geografía Humana, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, C/Profesor Aranguren, s/n. 28040 Madrid, Spain

a b s t r a c t
Keywords: In recent years, station-level ridership forecasting models have been developed based on Geographic
Transit ridership Information Systems (GIS) and multiple regression analysis. These models estimate the number of
Direct forecasting models
passengers boarding at each station as a function of the station characteristics and the areas that they
Geographically weighted regression (GWR)
Geographic information systems (GIS)
serve. These models have considerable advantages over the traditional four-step model, including
Metro simplicity of use, easy interpretation of results, immediate response and low cost. Nevertheless, the
Madrid models usually use traditional ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple regression, which assume para-
metric stability. This study proposes a direct model that uses geographically weighted regression (GWR)
to forecast boarding at the Madrid Metro stations. Here, the results obtained using the OLS and GWR
models are compared. The GWR model results in a better fit than the traditional one. In addition, the
information supplied by the GWR model regarding the spatial variation of elasticities and their statistical
significance provides more realistic and useful results.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction adequately consider the characteristics of the station environment

because it is applied over relatively large transport zones (Cervero,
In transport planning, ridership modeling and forecasting is 2006; Marshall & Grady, 2006). Recently, direct station-level fore-
crucial for the analysis of project viability and sustainability over casting models have appeared. These models try to overcome this
time. These factors are of great importance where public invest- deficiency by formulating ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple
ment is involved. Within the general framework of austerity regression models, which are fed with variables on the character-
affecting public administrations, ridership studies take on even istics of stations and their catchment areas calculated using GIS
greater significance (Blainey, 2010). The demand for public trans- (Cervero, 2006; Kuby, Barranda, & Upchurch, 2004; Walters &
port stations is a geographical issue. Station ridership can be Cervero, 2003). Direct station-level forecasting models could
considerably increased by promoting population density, job increase their explanatory power by using geographically weighted
concentration and land use mix near public transport facilities regression (GWR). One of the primary advantages of spatial
(stops or stations). In this regard, Kobayashi and Lane (2007) point modeling is its capacity to measure spatial instability (and, conse-
out the need for more detailed spatial analysis of station environ- quently, spatial heterogeneity) from the magnitude of the coeffi-
ment characteristics to better understand the connection between cients across the area (Clark, 2007).1 This is not possible with
investment and station use. traditional regression (OLS) because the parametric stability
Transport planning experts have dedicated a great deal of time hypothesis is assumed, which is equivalent to considering that
and effort to ridership studies. Generally, these studies have been calculated coefficients do not have significant differences in space.
undertaken using the so-called four-step model (McNally, 2007; According to Páez (2006), the better improved fit of this new
Ortúzar & Willumsen, 2008). Despite its proven effectiveness, the approach, compared to the traditional approach used for examining
four-step model is highly complex and expensive, and it does not

Spatial heterogeneity can be defined as structural instability in the form of
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ54 0362 4446958. systematically varying model parameters or different response functions. Another
E-mail addresses:, aspect of spatial heterogeneity is heteroskedasticity, which follows from missing
(O.D. Cardozo), (J.C. García-Palomares), javiergutierrez@ variables or other forms of misspecification that lead to error terms with non- (J. Gutiérrez). constant variance (Anselin, 1988).

0143-6228/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558 549

the spatial aspects of public transport opens up new perspectives when the observed value of a variable at a particular place depends
that fully justify the pursuit of this research. on the observed values of the same variable at adjacent places.
The goal of this article is to show the advantages of GWR for Spatial data frequently exhibit complex patterns that are diffi-
estimating station-level transit ridership using the Madrid Metro cult to capture, represent and explain using global statistics and
network as a case study. This article has five sections: Section 1 is models (Páez et al., 2010). Traditional statistical models may show
the introduction; Section 2 is a review of the direct forecasting specification problems when the presence of spatial autocorrela-
models based on traditional regression analysis (OLS) and on local tion in the data is not considered. A major consequence of this is the
spatial methods (GWR); Section 3 outlines the characteristics of the risk of inefficient coefficients estimates to represent the magnitude
study area and the data with a brief description of the methodology of the relation between the variables, making statistical significance
used; Section 4 compares the results obtained using the OLS and tests on them questionable. Thus, specific tests on the residuals are
GWR models; and Section 5 contains concluding remarks. required (for example, Moran’s I and Geary’s C) before any regres-
sion analysis results are interpreted to statistically demonstrate
Background: direct station-level ridership forecasting models their spatial randomness. When spatial autocorrelation is present,
and geographically weighted regression the use of a technique specifically designed for dealing with this
type of problem (such as GWR) is recommended.
The history of transport modeling has been dominated by the Brunsdon, Fotheringham, and Charlton (1996) and
four-step model (McNally, 2007). The four-step model is a family of Fotheringham, Charlton, and Brunsdon (1997, 1998) introduced the
interrelated models (generation, distribution, assignment and term GWR to refer to a family of “spatially adjusted” regressions
mode choice) that are costly to implement and maintain (Marshall that operate by assigning a weight to each observation (i), which
& Grady, 2006). The initial purpose of the four-step model in the depends on its distance from a specific geographical location or
1950s was traffic forecasting, mainly on a regional scale. Thus, it is focal point (o). This analysis involves fitting as many regressions
not surprising that the four-step model is less effective for fore- as there are observations, and it is based on the concept of
casting the journeys using public transport on more detailed scales distance decay (where more weight is given to the closer obser-
(station-level). Direct models based on multiple regression analysis vations than the farther ones). These weights are generated from
are a complementary approach to estimating ridership as a func- a kernel function, which uses a bandwidth found by optimizing
tion of station environment and transit service features (Cervero, a goodness-of-fit criterion. As a result, estimations can be fit to
2006). Such models are a relatively rapid and less expensive each observation or location by applying the appropriate
alternative to the four-step model. In addition, they better capture equation.
the influences of the station environment on travel demand. The The GWR model considers the spatial component of the data
elasticities reveal the repercussions of urban planning on ridership, explicitly and incorporates the value of the geographical coordi-
such as new urban development and densification, which are nates of observations in its equation. Unlike the OLS model, in the
particularly relevant in Transit-Oriented Developments (TOD) GWR model, the bj coefficients (j ¼ 0, 1, ., p) of the j predictors xj
(Cervero, 2006). The combination of low cost and simplicity also (j ¼ 1, ., p) vary for each location. In other words, for each location
makes them an appropriate tool for small towns, or those with defined by its coordinates (ui, vi), the value of the dependent vari-
limited financial resources, which require a quick and accurate able yi is estimated according to Equation (1).
assessment of the ridership forecast to plan investments in trans-
port infrastructure. In this respect, it should be pointed out that the yi ¼ b0 ðui ; vi Þ þ b1 ðui ; vi Þ x1 þ b2 ðui ; vi Þ x2 þ .
four-step model is fed by costly mobility surveys, whereas the þ bp ðui ; vi Þ xp þ 3 i ð1Þ
direct forecasting model is fed by simple station ridership data.
Direct station-level ridership forecasting models are normally The GWR model provides all elements and diagnostics of
based on GIS and multiple regression analysis (Chu, 2004; a regression model on a local basis, such as parameter estimates,
Gutiérrez, Cardozo, & García-Palomares, 2011; Kuby et al., 2004; goodness-of-fit measures (R2) and t-values. Local statistics can be
Parsons Brinckerhoff, 1996; Walters & Cervero, 2003). One draw- considered spatial disaggregates of global statistics. A model cali-
back of this approach is that any geographical variation in the brated with equally weighted data from across a study region (OLS)
relations between variables is masked (Lloyd & Shuttleworth, 2005) is a global model that yields global parameter estimates. In
by assuming that the relations between variables are stationary and contrast, a model calibrated with spatially limited sets of data
ignoring the existence of local variations due to the heterogeneity (GWR) is a local model that yields local parameter estimates. By
of the space (Páez, 2006). Moreover, it is well known that their nature, local statistics emphasize differences across space,
geographical data are not static (Haining, 2010). When it is assumed whereas global statistics emphasize similarities across space.
that the explanatory power in regression models (measured by the Global statistics lead one to think that all parts of a study region can
coefficient of determination) is the same for the whole set of be accurately represented by a single value, whereas local statistics
observations, the problem of parametric instability is ignored can show the falsity of this assumption by depicting what is actu-
(Arbia & Baltagi, 2009; Haining, 2010; Páez, Le Gallo, Buliung, & ally happening in different parts of the region (Fotheringham,
Dall’erba, 2010). Accepting this assumption implies discounting Brunsdon, & Charlton, 2002).
any possible knowledge of local interactions taking place within the In summary, some of the most important advantages justifying
study area. the use of GWR are listed below.
In the OLS model, each observation is considered independently.
However, the spatial data do not comply with the independence - Greater detail and accuracy are obtained because GWR allows
hypothesis because they are normally autocorrelated. Thus, the researchers to move from a global perspective to a local anal-
strength of the relationship between the model variables will not ysis of the problem (Lloyd, 2010).
be the same throughout the study area (Clark, 2007). In this respect, - The coefficients of each of the predictors (elasticities) vary
Lloyd and Shuttleworth (2005) stress the need to include appro- across space (spatial instability). It is possible to analyze how
priate specifications in models that take into consideration the relationships vary over space and to investigate the spatial
nature of spatial data, which are normally autocorrelated. Spatial pattern of the local estimates to establish an understanding of
autocorrelation, also referred to as spatial dependence, is produced possible causes (Fotheringham et al., 2002).
550 O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

Fig. 1. The Madrid Metro network.

- Disaggregation of the global coefficient of determination (R2) Although the GWR model is a relatively new technique for
into local coefficients and analysis of their geographical spatial data analysis, it has been applied to many diverse topics, for
distribution make it possible to recognize where the inde- example, forestry (Clement, Orange, Williams, Mulley, & Epprecht,
pendent variables have greater or lesser explanatory power 2009; Pineda, Bosque-Sendra, Gómez-Delgado, & Franco, 2010;
(Fotheringham et al., 2002; Lloyd, 2010). Zhang & Shi, 2004), land use/land cover (Ogneva-Himmelberger,
- In the majority of cases, estimation errors generated by GWR Pearsall, & Rakshit, 2009; Tu & Guo, 2008; Tu, 2011), health
are smaller than those generated by OLS, and the problem of (Bagheri, Holt, & Benwell, 2009; Chen & Truong, 2012; Zhang,
spatial autocorrelation is eliminated or reduced (Hadayeghi, Wong, So, & Lin, 2012), crime (Cahill & Gordon, 2007; Malczewski
Shalaby, & Persaud, 2010). & Poetz, 2005) and urban space (Gao & Li, 2011; Hanham &
- The implementation of this technique in Geographic Informa- Spiker, 2005; Luo & Wei, 2009). In the field of transport, the GWR
tion Systems (GIS) facilitates the production of a wide variety of model has been used to explore the spatial variation of variables,
maps using the generated results: dependent and independent such as traffic accidents (Hadayeghi et al., 2010), accessibility
variables, local R2, local coefficients (elasticities), t-values and (Mountain, Tsui, & Raper, 2007), car ownership (Clark, 2007),
standard residuals (Mennis, 2006). average annual road traffic (Zhao & Park, 2004), average distances
- It is possible to generate interpolated surfaces to identify the traveled by commuters (Lloyd & Shuttleworth, 2005), public
continuous spatial distribution of the parameters and apply transport use (Blainey & Preston, 2010; Chow, Chi, & Zhao, 2010;
“spatial forecasting” principles to find the values of missing Chow, Zhao, Min-Tang, Liu, & Ubaka, 2006; Kobayashi & Lane,
observations (Anselin, 1988; Páez, 2006). 2007) and the influence of transport infrastructure on land use
- GWR facilitates exploration of the spatial structure of the (Páez, 2006). Nevertheless, GWR has rarely been incorporated into
model; that is, it measures the degree of spatial dependence direct station-level ridership forecasting models. In a notable
present in the model and detects data clusters. exception, Blainey (2010) examined the relationship between
- Specific results provided for each location can be used as passenger numbers and the characteristics of local railway stations
evidence to support local policies and decision-making; which environment, using multiple regressions adjusted by OLS and GWR.
is why these techniques are frequently referred to as “place- However, the increase in adjusted R2 between the global model and
based” (de Smith, Goodchild, & Longley, 2009). the local model hardly constituted a significant improvement
O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558 551

Table 1 Table 2
Candidate predictors for the OLS and GWR models.a Moran’s I tests for spatial autocorrelation on the dependent variable and the
candidate predictors.a
Variable Description
Population Total population within the 800 m Variable Moran’s I Expected I Pattern z-score p-value
catchment area Boardings 0.094408 0.005291 Clustered 8.004469 0.000000
Employment Total number of jobs within the 800 m Population 0.090704 0.005291 Clustered 7.579427 0.000000
catchment area Employment 0.338827 0.005291 Clustered 27.302607 0.000000
Workers Total number of workers living within the Workers 0.113952 0.005291 Clustered 9.407289 0.000000
800 m catchment area Non-car households 0.033996 0.005291 Clustered 3.156661 0.001596
Non-car households Non-car owning households within the 800 m Land use mix 0.001870 0.005291 Random 0.270394 0.786857
catchment area Street density 0.394580 0.005291 Clustered 31.632347 0.000000
Landeuse mix Reciprocal of the variation coefficient of the Number of lines 0.111750 0.005291 Clustered 9.311180 0.000000
area covered by different land uses within the Urban bus lines 0.111769 0.005291 Clustered 9.255422 0.000000
800 m catchment area (higher values indicate Suburban bus lines 0.192756 0.005291 Clustered 15.742222 0.000000
higher diversity of use) a
Those finally included in the model are shown in bold print.
Street density Street density within the 800 m catchment area
(ratio between street length and catchment area)
Number of lines Number of Metro lines passing through each station
Urban bus lines Number of urban bus lines with stops within 2011). A distance threshold of 800 m (0.5 mi) was considered,
the 200 m station catchment area which is the standard walking distance used to delimit rail station
Suburban bus lines Number of suburban bus lines with stops within service areas in most transit research (for example: Kuby et al.,
the 200 m station catchment area
2004; Murray, 2001; O’Neill, Ramsey, & Chou, 1992). Moreover,
Source: Transport Authority of Madrid. the best direct ridership forecasting model for the Madrid Metro
Those finally included in the model are shown in bold print.
(Gutiérrez et al., 2011) was for an 800 m distance threshold. The
population and employment covered by the service areas were
(0.750 and 0.780, respectively). Moreover, his work focused on local
calculated using the areal interpolation method (Chakraborty &
railway stations in England and Wales (national scale), in contrast
Armstrong, 1997; O’Neill et al., 1992).
to our study of Metro stations (urban scale).
Nine variables were initially considered as possible predictors of
monthly boarding numbers (Table 1).2 These variables were iden-
Materials and methods
tified from previous papers that discussed the factors affecting
ridership.3 All nine variables were hypothesized to correlate posi-
Area of study and data
tively with ridership (Blainey & Preston, 2010; Chu, 2004; Chow
et al., 2010; Gutiérrez et al., 2011; Kuby et al., 2004; Parsons
Our study focuses on the Madrid Metro network, which consists
Brinckerhoff, 1996; Walters & Cervero, 2003). Initially, their
of 12 lines and 190 stations (Fig. 1). This Metro network mainly
spatial distribution patterns were analyzed using the global Mor-
serves the municipal area of Madrid, but in recent years, it has been
an’s I index (in the OpenGeoDa software) to determine whether any
extended to several other municipalities in the region, including
autocorrelation occurred. In addition, a bivariate correlation matrix
Alcorcón, Móstoles, Leganés, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Rivas-
was produced among the candidate predictors to prevent multi-
Vaciamadrid and Arganda.
collinearity in the models (highly correlated independent variables
The layers used to feed the regression models in shape format
may cause multicollinearity problems in multiple regression
(ArcGIS) are listed below (all data refer to November 2004).
models). Ridership modeling was carried out using OLS and GWR
models. Both were obtained using the ArcGIS Modeling Spatial
- Stations in the Madrid Metro network: This layer contains
Relationships toolset.
information on station characteristics (for example, the
Multiple modeling attempts using the nine candidate predictors
number of lines that pass through the station) and on the
were made. Eventually, an OLS model with a high explanatory
number of passengers boarding at each station for November
power was selected that incorporated four policy-relevant inde-
2004 (dependent variable in the regression models).
pendent variables for forecasting ridership. The number of obser-
- Street network: This layer was used to delineate the catchment
vations and variables were held constant, and ArcGIS (version 9.3)
areas of the stations using network distances (instead of
was used to estimate a GWR. This technique gives more weight to
straight line ones).
the nearest observations when fitting the equation. Assigning
- Transport zones: These layers contain data on population, jobs,
weight to observations according to distance varies depending on
workers, etc., from a mobility survey conducted by the Trans-
different types of functions. We used an adaptive kernel function,
port Authority of Madrid in November 2004. They were used to
which is the most frequently used function because it best fit an
characterize the catchment area of the stations.
irregular distribution of observations as in the case of Metro stations.
- Urban and regional bus stops networks: These layers, provided
To establish the considered threshold of observations, the Akaike
by the Transport Authority of Madrid, were used to calculate
Information Criterion (AIC) was used (Fotheringham et al., 2002).
the number of feeder routes near the Metro stations.
Once the two models (OLS and GWR) were obtained, they were
compared for their global fit and for the distributions of their

Unlike Walters and Cervero (2003) and Blainey (2010), frequencies were not
Previously, many studies have delineated catchment areas using considered as independent variables because they may produce endogeneity
Euclidian distances to calculate the catchment area variables, such problems in our models. Frequencies influence station ridership, but the dominant
as population, employment and land use mix (for example, Chu, causality is that lines crossing central and highly populated areas are provided with
better frequencies. We avoid this variable (frequencies) and replace it with a proxy
2004; Parsons Brinckerhoff, 1996; Walters & Cervero, 2003). In
that does not have endogeneity problems: the number of rail lines crossing the
the present study, network distances calculated using the ArcGIS station.
Network Analysis module were used in direct forecasting models 3
A review and discussion about these variables and their relationship with
because they provide systematically better results (Gutiérrez et al., transit ridership can be found in Gutiérrez et al. (2011).
552 O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of the variables of the final model.

residuals. The decision to resort to spatial regression is warranted Weighted (IDW) method to obtain continuous surfaces. This made
when it produces an improvement in the global fit and when it it possible to analyze the local goodness-of-fit measure (R2) and
allows the presence of spatial aggregations (clusters) in the distri- perform a spatial analysis of the elasticity and significance of the
bution of residuals to be corrected. A residual map for both models explanatory variables.
was drawn up for this purpose, and spatial autocorrelation tests
were applied using the global Moran’s I index. Results
Finally, the distributions of the model’s spatial fits (local R2
values) and the local b coefficients (and their significances) were Before the models were built, analysis was performed to
mapped. These values were interpolated using the Inverse Distance determine if the candidate variables were spatially autocorrelated.
O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558 553

Table 3
Bivariate correlations (r of Pearson) between independent variables.

Number Population Employment Workers Suburban Urban Street Land Non-car

of lines bus lines bus lines density use mix households
Number of lines Coef. Correlat. 1
Population Coef. Correlat. .034 1
Significance .639
Employment Coef. Correlat. .455b .018 1
Significance .000 .806
Workers Coef. Correlat. .228b .379b .547b 1
Significance .002 .000 .000
Suburban bus lines Coef. Correlat. .082 .171a .133 .028 1
Significance .260 .019 .067 .703
Urban bus lines Coef. Correlat. .268b .066 .481b .455b .071 1
Significance .000 .368 .000 .000 .333
Street density Coef. Correlat. .199b .326b .328b .365b .231b .345b 1
Significance .006 .000 .000 .000 .001 .000
Land use mix Coef. Correlat. .049 .583b .079 .392b .000 .239b .340b 1
Significance .505 .000 .276 .000 .995 .001 .000
Non-car households Coef. Correlat. .073 .448b .034 .173a .051 .110 .268b .312b 1
Significance .319 .000 .642 .017 .481 .132 .000 .000
The correlation is significant at the 0.05 level.
The correlation is significant at the 0.01 level.

Table 4
Summary and diagnosis of OLS model coefficients.

Summary OLS

Variable Coefficient Std-error t-statistic Probability VIF

Intercept 233283.245 38117.3564 6.120132 0.000000a e
Number of lines 306115.745 26118.7554 11.720151 0.000000a 1.172695
Workers 14.65796 5.288407 2.771715 0.006145a 1.598478
Suburban bus lines 1295.41846 497.645297 2.603096 0.009982a 1.036861
Employment 7.073422 3.109245 2.274964 0.024044a 1.83634
Number of observations 190
Number of variables 5
Adjusted R2 0.557
R2 0.567
AIC 5157,6892
Degrees of freedom: 185
F-statistic 60.637 Prob(>F), (4.185) degrees of freedom: 0.000000a
Wald statistic 132.434 Prob(>chi-squared), (4) degrees of freedom: 0.000000a
Koenker (BP) statistic 16.534 Prob(>chi-squared), (4) degrees of freedom: 0.002380a
JarqueeBera statistic 1403.820 Prob(>chi-squared), (2) degrees of freedom: 0.000000a
Statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

All of the variables gave estimated Moran’s I values higher Model selection was based on the conventional statistical
than the expected E(I); thus, a positive spatial autocorrelation package methods and on the concept of direct forecasting models.
existed (Table 2). The greatest spatial dependency was found for The aim was to conciliate a high explanatory power with a low
the following variables: boardings, number of lines passing number of easily obtained policy-relevant variables to forecast
through the station, network density and number of suburban bus ridership. The final model incorporated four independent variables,
lines. The only exception was the coefficient of variation for land of which three were related to the station’s catchment area
use, which likely has a random spatial pattern. Fig. 2 shows the (number of workers, number of jobs, number of suburban bus
spatial patterns of the predictors included in the final model. services) and one was related to the station characteristics (number
To test for multicollinearity between independent variables, of lines passing through it).
bivariate correlations among the candidate predictors were calcu- The global model fit (OLS) gave R2 and adjusted R2 values of 0.57
lated (Table 3).4 The highest correlation coefficients were observed and 0.56, respectively. Thus, over half the variability in the number
between the variables number of workers and jobs (0.547) and of passengers entering Metro network stations could be explained
population and land use mix (0.583). Thus, all correlations between using only four variables (Table 4). All of the independent variables
independent variables were below the danger level of 0.7 (Clark & were significant at the 0.05 level, and their coefficients had the
Hosking, 1986). expected signs. The variance inflation factor (VIF) e a measure of
redundancy among explanatory variables e of all predictors were
less than 2, suggesting that there were no multicollinearity prob-
lems among the explanatory variables (VIFs of 10 or higher may be
Some of the candidate predictors were logarithmically transformed (by their
natural logarithm). However, we used the original variables because we obtained
reason for concern [Mason, Gunst, & Hess, 1989; Neter, Wasserman,
better coefficients of determination in the multiple regression models with the & Kutner, 1989]). The F-statistic values and its associated p-value
original variables. showed the high statistical significance of the model.
554 O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

Nevertheless, the significance of the Koenker statistic (p- calculated value of the Moran’s I was closer to the expected value in
value ¼ 0.0023) indicated biased standard errors due to hetero- the GWR model. The GWR model also showed less variance and had
scedasticity. The significant p-value (0.000000) in the JarqueeBera a greater likelihood of random distribution (p-value and Z-score).
statistic showed that the residuals deviated from a normal The residuals of the OLS model in the cluster and significance maps
theoretical distribution. Likewise, the test results (global Moran’s (Fig. 4) gave significantly high value clusters (both positive and
I and cluster analysis) indicated the presence of spatial negative), whereas in the spatial model grouping was ruled out.
autocorrelation in the residuals (Figs. 3 and 4). Sufficient evidence In addition, it was possible to determine the spatial variation of
therefore existed for resorting to GWR. the model’s explanatory power from the spatial distribution of local
The R2 and adjusted R2 obtained using GWR (0.73 and 0.70, fits produced with GWR. Fig. 5a shows that the model had a higher
respectively) implied a considerable improvement with respect to predictive capacity in the center and the north than in the south.
the OLS model (0.57 and 0.56, respectively). The AICc and param- This trend was particularly apparent in areas of low station density,
eter values (Sigma) related to model error were also lower (Table 5). where the fittings for each station were heavily influenced by
The residuals from both models were mapped in Fig. 3. The resid- a small number of neighboring stations. A high number of stations
uals from the GWR model were smaller than those from the OLS had a local R2 higher than 0.71. On the other hand, condition
model, particularly in the peripheral lines. numbers that evaluated local collinearity were lower than 15.3 for
Likewise, analysis of the residuals showed better results in the all stations (Fig. 5b). Multicollinearity is of great concern when
GWR model than in the OLS model. This improvement could be condition numbers are greater than 30, and results become
evaluated statistically from the data in Table 6, in which the unstable in the presence of strong local collinearity.

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of residuals.

O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558 555

Fig. 4. Spatial clusters of residuals in the OLS and GWR models.

With the GWR method, it was possible to analyze the spatial variable was 7.49. However, more trips per job were expected in the
variability of the local coefficients of independent variables (elas- center and center-west, where jobs in commerce, administration
ticities) (Fig. 6a). For example, the mean of the elasticities from the and education are concentrated. Elasticity values were higher in
workers variable was 12.2. Thus, for each new worker within the areas where these types of jobs are concentrated, because they
station catchment area, the number of trips increases by 12.2 each attract a higher ratio of trips than other job-types, such as those in
month. However, these elasticities were higher (more trips per industry. Thus, the spatial instability observed in relationships
worker) in the south than in the north. The southern region is of could be explained by the fact that some relationships were
low and medium-low social strata and depends heavily on public intrinsically different across space. However, the spatial variation of
transport, whereas the northern region is of high and medium-high the coefficients should be interpreted carefully. Some of the t-value
social strata and depends more on private transportation. On the maps showed that the coefficients were not significant in some
other side, the mean of the coefficients from the employment areas at a 0.05 level (t-values lower than 1.96) (Fig. 6b).

Table 5
Estimated parameters and diagnostic statistics in both models.

OLS model GWR model

Variables Min. Max. Mean Std Desv.

Intercept 233283.245 252229.59 81629.73 181531.73 49688.93
Number of lines 306115.745 188054.54 317444.42 268099.52 30369.49
Workers 14.657960 3.60 30.02 12.20 6.77
Employment 7.073422 2.74 13.33 7.49 2.08
Suburban bus lines 1295.418463 833.07 11598.57 6097.50 3959.04

R2 0.57 0.73
Adjusted R2 0.56 0.70
AIC/AICc 5157.68 5095.90
Number of parameters 5 24.49
Sigma (s) 180566.96 152398.96
Residual sum of squares 6031819380281.16 3925583198502.75
556 O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

Table 6 perspective of the four-step model, they allow for in-depth analysis
Global Moran’s I residuals test. of station environment. In addition, they evaluate the influence that
OLS GWR any changes in station environment (such as new residential or
Moran’s index 0.022755 0.020655 commercial development) will have on future transit ridership.
Expected index 0.005291 0.005291 This is due to the use of GIS as a tool for calculating these variables
Variance 0.000153 0.000149 and using spatial disaggregation methods that allow the station
z-score 2.264975 1.257582
environment to be studied in detail (what Cervero (2006) calls “a
p-value 0.023514 0.208543
fine grained approach”).
The incorporation of spatial statistical techniques (spatial
autocorrelation measures and GWR) into direct forecasting models
Final remarks is advantageous over the use of traditional statistical methods
(OLS). In the presence of spatial autocorrelation (which is usual in
Direct station-level transit ridership forecasting models have geographical data), the GWR model behaves more efficiently
advantages over the traditional four-step model, including because it considers spatial variations in the relationships between
rapid response, simplicity of use, ease of results interpretation, variables and obtains local parameters that more accurately reflect
low information requirements and low cost. Although it is true their influence on public transport use. Not only does the GWR
that direct station-level forecasting models lack the regional model usually have greater explanatory power than OLS, but it also

Fig. 5. Spatial distribution of local R2 and condition numbers.

O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558 557

Fig. 6. Spatial distribution of local coefficients (elasticities) and t-values (significance).

enables in-depth local analysis to be conducted because it uses useful not only for determining the effects of land use policies on
a locally adjusted regression equation for each observation. station ridership, but also for providing an acceptable alternative to
Therefore, it is possible to know where the model has a better fit the four-step model for forecasting ridership in new stations.
(R2), how relations between the variables vary across space (esti- However, GWR is considered an exploratory method; therefore, all
mated coefficients) and with what statistical significance. Using the of the inferences and statements derived from analysis should be
variation of each coefficient across space (elasticities) provides interpreted carefully.
more realistic conclusions based on local analysis. New urban Nevertheless, there are very few direct station-level ridership
development in the station environment may increase or decrease forecasting models that incorporate the GWR method rather than
the number of trips depending on where it is located. This knowl- the OLS method. This study provides advantageous evidence for
edge is of great assistance to political decision-makers because it considering local analysis in this type of model. The resulting model
puts more realistic forecasts at their disposal. These models are is simple to use, has a rapid response and gives significant results.
558 O.D. Cardozo et al. / Applied Geography 34 (2012) 548e558

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